
The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 26m

Release: 2017

Rating: 6.7

Season 1 - Missions
"The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong."
"To save their stricken craft a sub-team seeks salvage, but the trio\u2019s discovery of a body means a surprisingly harsh reception on their return."
"Vladimir is not all he appears to be as natural disaster threatens the entire mission."
"The crew has a sobering encounter with potential rescuers, and Jeanne tries to hypnotize the enigmatic Komarov."
"Jeanne is shaken after the failed attempt to hypnotize Komarov enduring memory flashbacks from long ago. Gemma Williams from the Zillion 2 mission arrives and tries to reassure the Ulysse's crew about Goldstein's intentions. Meanwhile, Gramat and Yann find out that Meyer knows a lot more about the mysterious discoveries on Mars than he admits."
"Is Komarov the 'unicorn' Earth-bound billionaire Goldstein hunts? As Jeanne leaves the spaceship to reach Thaumasia, Gramat tries a desperate gambit to regain the initiative on Mars, following her with Gemma as a hostage. Zillion's soldiers arrive to seize Komarov but Alessandra does not let them in. Yann is now alone against all."
"Caught in a predicament, Jeanne is overwhelmed by the memories of her father. In Moscow in the 1960s, Vladimir Komarov is told that the Soyouz mission is doomed to failure. Meanwhile, the crew of Odysseus are encountering more and more problems with the Americans."
"Jeanne, Simon and Gemma enter the excavated mountain discovering underground monuments and traces of a past life. Inside the ship, the crew members are under the threat of Doisneau and Wayne. Suddenly Irene wakes up."
"Jeanne and Simon discover Komarov on the mysterious glacier who reveals what his mission is while Jeanne learns more about what is required of her, becoming the Z2 crew\u2019s prime target. On the ship, Wayne is now alone against the crew of Ulysses while Alessandra tries to convince him to spare their lives - desperate measures take a terrible toll."
"The survivors race for Zillion 2, but neither Gemma nor Goldstein (her boss on Earth) have rescue in mind. Simon decides to try anything to join Zillion 2 before the storm falls on them but Gemma refuses to take them with her; Meyer tries to convince her with the unexpected help of Jeanne. The mission is far from over\u2026"