Season 1 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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"The Ninja are snapped out of their post-victory complacency when Lord Garmadon's young and rather childish son Lloyd shows up and tries to pick up where his father left off. To this end, he releases the Hypnobrai, one tribe of an ancient race of snake people called the Serpentine, who immediately go on the attack. The Ninja beat them back and steal their staff, which holds an anti-venom to the Serpentine's power of hypnosis. Added to this, the Ninja discover a prophecy that one Ninja would rise above the others and become the Green Ninja, the fighter who would defeat the Dark Lord Garmadon..."
"Back in training mode with the looming threat of Lloyd and the Hypnobrai, Zane wanders after a Falcon and lands himself in a heap of trouble."
"Lloyd unlocks a second tribe - The Fangpyre - to help him regain control and have his revenge on the Hypnobrai. The Ninja are busy cleaning and setting up their new HQ aboard the Destiny's Bounty with modern features, but are called into duty when the Fangpyre attack the junkyard where Jay's parents, Ed and Enda, live. The Ninja, especially Jay, must rush to save the pair from the transforming venom of the Fangpyre..."
"After the Fangpyres join forces with the Hypnobrai, Lloyd releases Pythor - the last remaining snake of the Anacondrai tribe. Pythor, pretending to be his friend, steals a map from him that shows where the two remaining snakes tribes dwell. Sensei Wu then takes Lloyd under his wing. Note: First appearance of Pythor."
"Lloyd moves in and tries to make nice by helping out with chores, but he just gets in the way. Pythor has awoken the Vipoids and the Constrictaurs and an all out snake war has taken over Ninjago."
"Pythor declares himself to be the destined leader who will reawaken The Great Devourer - an ancient beast who can't be killed and will consume all of Ninjago."
"When the four ninja follow the mysterious falcon into the woods, they stumble on a hidden work shop where Zane learns the secret about his past and in the process, he is the first ninja to unlock his true potential."
"Jay and Nya have to cut their first date in Mega-Monster Amusement Park short as the Serpentine are on their way to retrieve the first of four fang blades to be used to awaken the Great Devourer."
"The four Ninja go undercover as a dance troupe and enter a talent contest in their quest to win \u201cThe Blade Cup\u201d, in which one of the fang blades is hidden, taken from its tomb by Clutch Powers. During this, Cole meets his father, the leader of one particularly famous dance troop, who, if anything, is bossier than Sensei Wu. At once point, Cole contemplates stealing the cup, but is berated by his father and decides to make him proud by performing and winning the cup. Cole, saving his father when Pythor collapses the stage while stealing the cup, finds his true potential."
"The Ninja are suspicious when Lord Garmadon, brought by Sensei Wu from the realm of darkness he fled to, moves in to help searching for his missing son - but realize they have to work together in their attempt to rescue Lloyd from the Serpentine while they dig for the third Fang Blade in the heart of the Fire Temple. Kai, after being held back by his ambition to become the Green Ninja, reaches his true potential and rescues Lloyd. It is also revealed, though Kai's own realization, that Lloyd is the destined Green Ninja. This causes grief to both Wu and Garmadon, since their family has now been further divided."
"When the ninja are captured trying to find the Serpentine's inner sanctum,and Lloyd's rescue mission fails; It's up to Garmadon to save them."
"Upon arriving at Torchfire Mountain, where the Fangblades can be destroyed, Pythor reveals himself and steals the blades back, leaving the Ninja to die. The four, with Wu, Nya (Samurai X) and Lloyd, haste to the lost city of Ouroboros to try to stop Pythor from awaking The Great Devourer, but it is a race against time. After a battle on a Serpentine Truck-fortress, in which Sensei Wu deliberately cuts himself off from the Ninja, all arrive at the city. At last, Pythor succeeds, but Sensei Wu follows him and forces him to see the power he has unleashed. They are then both consumed by the awakened Great Devourer."
"Season Finale:Disaster threatens as the Ninja must fight to defeat the all consuming Great Devourer in a desperate attempt to save Ninjago. In the end, only Lord Garmadon, using the Four Golden Weapons, can destroy the Devourer. The snake is destroyed and Wu is shown to have survived, but Lord Garmadon vanishes with the Weapons and Lloyd must accept the fact that he must face him one day... Note: Pythor's final appearance."
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Season 2 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"The ninja's new mission is to train Lloyd and they find a place to begin the training. Meanwhile Lord Garmadon enslaves the serpentine into turning the wreckage of the Destiny Bounty into his new ship."
"Lord Garmadon brings the pirates of Destiny Bounty back to life, but they take over the new Black Bounty and attack Ninjago City. While the ninja defend the city, Lloyd unlocks his spinjitzu power."
"When our heroes are invited back to Darkly's Boarding School, they discover it's a trap set up by Lord Garmadon and his evil replica ninjas created by Garmadon's new Mega-Weapon."
"When the ninja learn that Darreth's Mojo Dojo is to be destroyed and Darreth doesn't have the money to save it, our heroes enter the annual NinjaBall Run to win its cash prize in order to save the dojo."
"When the Ninja interrupt Garmadon from using his Mega-Weapon to 'turn back the clock' and bring to life the fossils of a monster, the Ninja are hit and turned into kids and are now forced to enlist Lloyd's help to battle the awakened monster."
"When Garmadon travels back in time in order to undo the past and rid the Ninja from the future, the Ninja follow him and try to stop him by using the Golden Weapons from the past to clash against Garmadon's Mega-Weapon."
"The ninja face off with an exhibit of a Stone Samurai Warrior that the toxic venom from the Great Devourer has brought to life while Garmadon manages to find a fabled Dark Island that is said to hold dark powers."
"The ninja try to flee from the rest of the Stone Army that has been brought to life by the Devourer's toxic venom - and things get a lot worse when Garmadon arrives with a 'Helmet of Darkness' and seizes control of the Stone Army."
"The Ninjas, Lloyd, Sensei Wu and Misako journey to the Dark Island to find a 'Temple of Light' that can restore the Ninjas' elemental powers but are attacked by Starteeth (barnacle-like star fish) that start eating through their ship."
"After battling off Garmadon's Stone Army, the Ninjas finally arrive at the Temple of Light where they harness their pure elemental powers, concentrating them onto Lloyd who becomes more powerful than he ever imagined."
"When the Ninjas' attempt to return Garmadon's 'Helmet of Darkness' to its perch at the Celestial Clock in order to prevent the final battle between Lloyd and his father from beginning fails, a Super Weapon is created that can destroy all of Ninjago."
"Garmadon's ultimate weapon, the Garmatron (Which in effect is a giant Cannon), is completed. The Overlord, the Stone Army, and Garmadon drive the vehicle to the coast of the Dark Island, but not before testing it out on Nya. The Ninja pursue Garmadon to the coast, and discover that Nya has turned evil, gaining all of Garmadon's dark abilities in the process. Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole stay behind to deal with Nya, while Lloyd, Misako, and Sensei Wu rush to stop the Garmatron. They fail, and Garmadon turns Jamonkai Village, and the town around Four Weapons evil. The shift in the balance of good and evil allows the Overlord to poccess Garmadon's body and begin to transform into his original form. Lloyd challenges him, but is injured in the resulting battle. The Overlord attempts to turn Lloyd, Wu, and Misako evil with the Garmatron, however the Tinkerer appears in Destiny's Bounty, and crashes it into the missle before it hits them."
"Time is running out for the ninjas as the Overlord have reached Ninjago city. However, the ninjas, Sensei Wu, Misako and the Tinkerer are still unable to return to Ninjago."
Season 3 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"A new day dawns in a new Ninjago City as the Ninja, teachers in Sensei Wu's Academy, long for the days of fighting evil, but things in their homeland have become so technologically advanced that they don't feel needed, but they may be very wrong."
"After they escape Borg Industries with new gear, they must save Sensei Wu and defend against General Cryptor and the nindroids."
"The power is out all over Ninjago. However a mysterious Stranger is sending alternatively powered Nindroids to attack the Ninja and capture Lloyd."
"The ninjas' search for the Stranger and the Digital Overlord brings them deep underground where an old enemy assists them."
"Pythor the Anacondrai and his Nindroids have captured Lloyd and are draining his golden powers to bring the Overlord back to Ninjago. And the Ninja must use their Techno Blades in a daring rescue - inside the Overlord\u2019s corrupted hard drive."
"Lloyd is free but Pythor and the Overlord are nowhere to be found. However, the Ninja have a cryptic clue to their next plan - something called Codename: Arcturus. But what is it? Finding out won\u2019t be easy but it will ultimately take the Ninja to a place they never ever thought they would go."
"The Ninja will have to quickly adapt to space as they race the Nindroids to retrieve the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu. But one thing is getting to space. Another is to get safely back home again."
"Back in Ninjago it is time for the final battle with the reborn, god-like Overlord called \"The Golden Master\". The stakes have never been greater and one ninja must make the ultimate sacrifice to try to stop his reign of destruction."
Season 4 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"The Ninja are invited to partake in the Tournament of Elements; there is a clue that Zane may be alive."
"On the island, Lloyd learns that his father used to train under the deceitful Master Chen and when the Ninja meet the playfully deceitful ruler, they realize they are in a tournament where \"only one can remain.\""
"In order to find Zane, the ninja stay in the tournament to get past the first round but Chen complicates things by changing the bracket and pitting Jay against Cole."
"Chen pits everyone against each other in a ludicrous roller skating event called Thunderblade. When all contestants team up against the ninja, the ninja share inside information on Chen to get help from a new alliance in order for Lloyd to move on in the tournament."
"The ninja have a secret alliance of elemental fighters, Cole has found Zane, and Nya is a spy within Chen's Kabuki to figure out what nefarious plot Chen is up to. But Chen upends the alliance by promising the all-powerful Staff of Elements to the victor, and reveals that he too has a spy in the tournament."
"Nya has proof of Chen's plan, but he convinces the contestants to hunt her down with promises to advance the winner, forcing the ninja into a race to get to her first. Lloyd discovers Chen's plan to steal everyone's power so that he can complete a spell and turn his worshipers into Anacondrrai and bring the return of the Serpentine War."
"After stealing the remaining contestant's powers, Chen only needs Lloyd's power to complete the spell. Knowing his daughter has feelings for Kai, Chen tries to enlist the Fire Ninja by promising to share secrets about his parents. All the while, Lloyd tries to rescue the ninja, pitting him in a showdown with Chen."
"Chen has failed to bring the return of the Serpentine War but Clouse revels that there is another way - his daughter has the ability to absorb the power of every fighter she comes across, so she can complete the ceremony. Skylor finally sees her father for who he truly is and manages to send an SOS to the ninja."
"The ninja reunite with Wu and turn to the aid of a shrunken Pythor in order to figure out how to defeat the unstoppable Anacondrai - but before they can get answers, Pythor is abducted by the Anacondrai and Chen uses his essence to make his worshippers' transformation into Anacondrai permanent."
"The ninja and fighters discover there's a strategic location called the Corridor of Elders where they can make their last stand against Chen's Anacondrai army... but even with new Destiny Bounty, their forces still aren't strong enough. Fortunately, Pythor escapes Chen's clutches and discovers there is one spell in the Book of Magic that could stop the war, but at a a serious cost."
Season 5 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"Kai promises to watch over Lloyd when Lloyd fears the loss of his father will make the path ahead uncertain - but when Wu sends them out on an errand for his new Tea Farm, Lloyd goes on a solo mission...only to discover it's a trap from a GHOST who's escaped the Cursed Realm."
"When Moro gives chase to the Bounty and steals Wu's staff, Wu shares the story of Moro: the boy who wanted to be the Green Ninja - and the Ninja discover Wu's staff contained 3 symbols that lead to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master which holds a mysterious relic that could alter the course of Ninjago."
"When Moro gives chase to the Bounty and steals Wu's staff, Wu shares the story of Moro: the boy who wanted to be the Green Ninja - and the Ninja discover Wu's staff contained 3 symbols that lead to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master which holds a mysterious relic that could alter the course of Ninjago."
"The Ninja hear of another way to learn Airjitzu - from the ghost of Sensei Yang at his haunted temple - but there's a warning; if you are trapped in it by sunrise, you will become a ghost, too. Meanwhile, doubting she's a Water Ninja, Nya quits her training to take Ronan to her Samurai X cave...but has a run in with Moro."
"In Cloud Kingdom, a realm where destinies are written, the Ninja must get the Sword of Sanctuary, a powerful relic that can see past the traps surrounding the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master - but tensions are high as Moro's escape from the Cursed Realm has put the future in chaos, and they won't give the Sword to the Ninja unless the Master Writer meets them personally."
"The Ninja now have all the items they need to get to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master but before they can figure out the last riddle that leads to the location of the tomb, Ronan steals the sword to give to Moro in exchange for his soul, and the Ninja and Nya are unable to stop him."
"The Ninja use Ronan's airship to travel to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master in an underwater cave under the ocean, only to find out Moro is already there - and the Ninja must traverse the temple traps without the aid of the Sword of Sanctuary in a desperate attempt to get to the tomb first."
"When Moro uses the Realm Crystal to open a portal to the Cursed Realm, ghosts take over the town - but the Ninja, in disguise, manage to get Lloyd to the center of the town and Lloyd steals the crystal...only to discover it's too late as the Preeminent arrives."
"As the ghosts converge around and mobilize the Preeminent into a hulking giant behemoth, the Ninja use Airjitzu to fight the mobile beast in an attempt to slow it down - while, at the same time, Lloyd faces off with Moro, battling over the Realm Crystal; a fight that takes them in and out of different realms."
Season 6 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"No description"
"Following the destruction of the Cursed Realm and the ultimate death of all its prisoners, the Ninja have found sudden fame for their roles and actions. Yet, in the midst of their newfound popularity, a new threat is posed when a survivor of the Cursed Realm's destruction, Clouse, loiters in Ninjago to wreak further havoc. The Ninja attempt to stop him, but they are ultimately subdued and unable to do so. Clouse heads to Stiix, where he finds the ancient Teapot of Tyrahn, which contains a deceptive Djinn named Nadakhan who imprisons Clouse in the teapot following his release. As the Ninja arrive in Stiix, they discover they have been framed for a series of crimes and are pursued by the city's inhabitants. In the meantime, Nadakhan finds out what has happened to his crew of Sky Pirates, and eventually captures Sensei Wu after accidentally being summoned by him."
"The Ninja are declared to be the Public Enemy Number One after being framed for crimes they did not commit. Ronin offers to capture the ninja in exchange for a 'clean slate', meaning all off the crimes he committed, will be undone. Meanwhile, Misako is captured by Nadakhan. The ninja devise a plan to separate into pairs so that they can't all be arrested. Ronin hacks into Zane's system and shuts him down, then captures Lloyd. After Kai and Nya find out what happened to Zane and Lloyd, Ronin comes after them and tricks them into being captured. Jay and Cole go to Mega Monster Amusement Park and chases around them around the park and finally captures them. The ninja are then brought into custody. Nadakhan steals the realm crystal from Cyrus Borg's labrynth. The ninja are shipped it off to Kryptarium Prison."
"The Ninja get 'special treatment' at the Kryptarium Prison, and the Mechanic wants to use Zane for spare parts. Nadakhan brings his crew back from other realms: Flintlocke, Clancee, Doubloon, Monkey Wretch and Dogshank. The Ninja start a food fight and befriend Soto, the captain who trapped Nadakhan into the Teapot of Tyrahn and told the Ninja how to stop Nadakhan: Tiger Widow venom, and bust themselves and Soto out of Kryptarium. Nadakhan visits the Djinjago realm and finds out that when the Ninja destroyed the Cursed Realm, this realm started to collapse. He promised to avenge the people of his Realm. The Ninja find out that the map is in a lantern aboard the Misfortune's Keep."
"The Ninja are undercover in the Police Station. Nadakhan visits Jay, making him use his wishes and he finds out that he was adopted. The Sky Pirates attack the city and the Ninja try to stop them. Kai gets captured by Nadakhan, while the rest of the Ninja get the Lantern. Land gets stolen by the Sky Pirates to rebuild Djinjago."
"The other Ninja travel by boat to a dangerous Island but during the journey there is a Lightning Storm and Zane goes below deck and finds Nadakhan, who tricks Zane into wishing himself away. When the Ninja arrive, they wondered how Jay got a mansion and a stylish boat, so when Cole tells that he saw Nadakhan, the Ninja make Jay retrieve the Tiger Widow Venom, but when Nadakhan finds out that the Ninja are getting the only thing that can stop him, he ambushes the Ninja, but when Jay successfully gets the venom, Nadakhan teleported to Jay and emptied the canister with the venom. With it being the last one, they don't have another chance to get another dose of the venom and Nadakhan captures Jay, but Nya reveals that Nadakhan emptied the wrong canister, giving the Ninja another chance at stopping Nadakhan."
"Held captive on Misfortune's Keep, Jay is tested as Nadakhan does everything in his power to break the ninja's will to say his final wish. Meanwhile, Lloyd, Nya and Cole are stuck on Tiger Widow Island, with no way to get off, so they decided to build a raft to get off. Back on Misfortune's Keep, Jay has dinner with Nadakhan, telling the Lightning Ninja that if a Djinn Prince marries on Djinn Land, the prince will get infinite wishes. Jay tries telling Flintlocke, but Nadakhan thinks he is telling fibs, and the first-mate believes him, so they decided to put Jay in a dangerous game: Scrap 'n' Tap. The winner gets to tap out. Nadakhan kept convincing Jay to 'wish it all away', but since he's clever, Jay stays in the game, although losing to two members of the crew. After the game, Jay is locked in a hole, having a bruised eye. Clancee, being the kind-hearted one, gives the ninja some food (to which he declines) and an eyepatch to make the pirate look. Jay then realises that part of his future was coming together. Then Flintlocke comes in and gives Jay the key, since his speech made him realise something. After escaping, Jay walks into Nadakhan's room, to find the Djinn Blade, only to find out it was fake. Also, the Sky Pirates were behind Jay, making this all a plan! The Police Commissioner, the two detectives and Ronin save Nya, Lloyd and Cole from Tiger Widow Island. The commissioner then says he was wrong to distrust the ninja; Ronin then tells the three that Jay sent a message, and set off to save him."
"The last remaining Ninja dare to infiltrate the Sky Pirates in an attempt to save Jay and defeat Nadakhan once and for all, using movie magic. Kevin and Dan suggest that the 3 ninja disguise themselves as Sky Pirates to sneak the poison on Misfortune's Keep, and pass undetected by speaking pirate dialect, apart from Lloyd, who seems to be horrible at talking pirate. They start building a Raid Zeppelin, the blueprint Jay wrote his message on. Once learning pirate talk and disguises as pirates, the ninja set off to the re-constructing Djinjago. Cole climbs onboard, nearly dropping the venom. He secretly walks across the deck, using his disappearing skills. When Cole got to the drinks section, Jay comes out with a vengestone ball and chain, wearing his eyepatch from the Scrap 'n' Tap. Jay asks why Cole's dressed like a pirate, but avoids it. Jay then apologises for not telling the truth earlier, and Cole apologises for not being a better friend. Nadakhan comes in to find out that the prisoner escaped, and attempts to find him. As he exits, Jay and Cole get this chance to get out, leaving the venom behind. When the two use Airjitzu to climb on their built Raid Zeppelin, they've been put as prisoners, along with Lloyd and Nya. After that, Nya was invited by Nadakhan to have sweet food, but Nya declines, saying she wasn't 'much of a sweet tooth'. The djinn says that if she marries him, he'll get infinite wishes. Nya then says that if he frees her friends, she'll think about it. However, things get a bit hectic when wishes were fired everywhere, like Lloyd being wise like Wu, Nya wasting two of her wishes, and Cole wishing that Nadakhan didn't have the sword. Soon enough, Lloyd sent Jay and Nya tumbling off the clouds, making them the only ninja left. Also, Cole and Lloyd were sucked inside the Djinn Blade."
"With only Nya and Jay remaining, they set off to the lighthouse, where they think that Nadakhan won't find the two there. But, when Nadakhan forced Clancee to wish where they were, he finds that he has sailed enough oceans for that to be the Red Kelp of the West Apasso Current. After meeting Echo Zane, the two decide to spruce the place up, having traps set up, weapons etc., and wait for night. However, Echo spotted the Sky Pirates approaching. During their previous discussion for Jay's last wish, Nya tells him he has to wish for Nadakhan not to be a djinn. A massive fight scene goes on, with most of the Traveller's Tea gone. When they found it in an isolated place, Jay and Nya try to talk it out about who goes to the portal, since it was only big enough for one. Nya tells Jay that she also saw her future: the first time she met Jay. She then continues, saying that Jay has the last wish, and she throws him in the portal. Nya fights alone against the pirates, but fails, and is eventually captured."
"When Jay is back in Ninjago City, he starts to gather allies: Captain Soto, Skylor, the Police Commissioner, Ronin, Echo Zane and Darreth. They make a plan called Operation Land Ho, but when Bucko and Squiffy have been hearing what they said, they report back to Nadakhan, warning him about Jay and the others. Nya convinces Nadakhan to drop his sword, allowing Jay to grab it and enter the Djinn Blade to rescue Sensei Wu, Misako and the other Ninja."
"When the Marriage takes place, Nadakhan has been given the power of infinite wishes. The crew realizes that Nadakhan is only wanting his power all for himself so Clancee tells Jay where the Tiger Widow Venom is. Nadakhan banishes most of the Sky Pirates, but Dogshank and Flintlocke escape and decide to unite with the Ninja against Nadakhan. Jay gives the venom dart to Flintlocke while the Ninja confront Nadakhan and Nya, who has become a reincarnation of Nadakhan's true lover, Dilara. The Ninja attempt to get Nadakhan out in the open so he'll be exposed to Flintlocke's dart, and eventually they succeed in doing so. The dart hits Nadakhan but hits Nya as well and being the most deadliest venom, It kills her so Jay uses his final wish to make sure that no one finds the teapot of tyran, which eliminates the entire events of Skybound."
Season 7 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
15 May 2017
"Master Wu mistakenly tries to single-handedly complete a battle he began decades ago against Acronix, one of the twin Hands of Time. But the arrival of the first Time Blade - a weapon with the power to speed up time - sends the Ninja to the Monastery just in time to rescue their master from certain doom."
16 May 2017
"The Ninja learn more about the Krux and Acronix - the two fallen Elemental Masters known as the Hands of Time - and are sure that this threat has finally been eliminated. But with Wu out of..."
17 May 2017
"Kai's investigation of a Vermillion Warrior Helmet leads him to discover that Krux is alive and well in Ninjago, living under an assumed identity. Meanwhile, as the Vermillion Warriors go ..."
18 May 2017
"In the midst of an epidemic of mysterious metal thefts by the Vermillion Warriors, Lloyd realizes that stepping up and taking over for the ailing Master Wu is not an easy task."
19 May 2017
"While the Ninja fight to save MegaMonster Amusement Park, Jay struggles to defend his family's home from the Vermillion Warriors. But the arrival of the Emerald Time Blade, with its ability..."
22 May 2017
"The Ninja celebrate their escape from the Vermillion Army and their retrieval of the Emerald Time Blade, but with Acronix and Krux determined to get their Blade back, the Airjitzu Temple becomes a battleground."
23 May 2017
"Secrets are revealed as Nya confronts the Samurai X imposter, Kai pursues the truth about his parents and the other Ninja desperately seek to locate and rescue Master Wu. But as usual, some answers only lead to more questions."
24 May 2017
"Kai confronts his dad for aiding the Hands of Time, only to discover that his parents are actually Acronix and Krux's captives. Meanwhile, as the Ninja work to free Wu, Cyrus Borg and the ..."
25 May 2017
"The Hands of Time blackmail Kai and Nya into using their combined Elemental powers to retrieve the fourth and final Time Blade from the Boiling Sea with the promise that the siblings can ..."
26 May 2017
"Kai and Nya stow away aboard Krux and Acronix's time travelling snake mech in a desperate attempt to save Master Wu. But when they arrive in the past, they must help the Elemental Masters ..."
Season 8 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
"This is the first episode of the season."
Season 10 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
19 Jan 2019
"After destroying the cursed realm and saving Ninjago, the ninja have discovered newfound fame. But they must be careful what they wish for because a new evil named Nadakhanthe Djnn is greed and a new age of piracy."
26 Jan 2019
"Lord Garmadon is onboard Destiny's Bounty with the ninja, much to the consternation of the heroes. Lloyd finds that his father no longer has any emotional connection to him or ability to ..."
02 Feb 2019
"Lord Garmadon and Lloyd fight a losing battle against the Omega Oni. Lloyd shatters the Realm Crystal, but he is too late - the Oni have already made it to the NINJAGO world. Meanwhile, the..."
09 Feb 2019
"At the Monastery of Spinjitzu, everyone is preparing for the final battle. Kai recreates the Four Golden Weapons which is their last hope in defeating the Oni. Flying in on the Earth ..."
Season 11 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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Season 12 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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Season 13 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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Season 14 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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Season 15 - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
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