
Follows the adventure of Satoshi with his Pokemon, Pikachu and his friends to become the Pokemon master.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 24 min


Rating: 7.5

Season 1 - Pokémon
"Meet Ash Ketchum, a 10-year-old boy full of imagination, confidence, and dreams that are almost too big for his village of Pallet Town\u2014plus the desire to become a Pok\u00e9mon Master!\n\nAsh is finally old enough to receive his first Pok\u00e9mon from Professor Oak, the town's Pok\u00e9mon expert-but on the morning Ash is supposed to claim it, he oversleeps! By the time he arrives at Professor Oak's, the three Pok\u00e9mon he wanted have already been chosen by the other Trainers-in-training, including his rival, Gary! The only Pok\u00e9mon remaining is a strong-willed Pikachu.\n\nTrainer and Pok\u00e9mon don't get along right away. Not only does Pikachu refuse to enter its Pok\u00e9 Ball, it would rather climb a tree than battle a Pidgey that Ash encounters! Disagreements aside, they start to bond when they find themselves chased by an angry flock of Spearow. The Spearow wound Pikachu, but Ash risks his own safety to protect his Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nTo further their escape, Ash \"borrows\" a bike owned by a young girl named Misty. He soon wrecks the bike, however, and he and Pikachu are surrounded by the Spearow. When Ash fearlessly confronts the Spearow, Pikachu is inspired to summon its remaining energy to repel the Pok\u00e9mon with a powerful electric shock.\n\nFinally out of harm's way, the wild experience makes Ash and Pikachu realize that they've begun what promises to be a blooming friendship."
"Ash rushes into Viridian City with his gravely wounded Pikachu. The city's on high alert for Pok\u00e9mon thieves-thieves like Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket, a group of bad guys dedicated to stealing valuable Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nWhile Ash waits at the Pok\u00e9mon Center for news on Pikachu's condition, Misty arrives, angry about the bike Ash wrecked-but she softens when she sees Pikachu wheeled out on a stretcher.\n\nTeam Rocket crashes through the roof of the Pok\u00e9mon Center. While Nurse Joy transports Pok\u00e9 Balls to Pewter City for safety, Ash tries to fight off Team Rocket's Pok\u00e9mon, Koffing and Ekans. Ash is having no luck battling, so his Pikachu, still recovering, teams up with a bunch of other Pikachu at the Pok\u00e9mon Center to blast Team Rocket out of the building!\n\nHaving discovered that Ash's Pikachu is not your ordinary Pikachu, Jessie, James, and Meowth make it their mission to capture it.\n\nWith the bad guys expelled, Misty joins Ash and Pikachu on their journey to Pewter City. While strolling through Viridian Forest, a Caterpie makes an appearance. Ash sees an opportunity for his first Pok\u00e9mon capture. Will he be successful?"
"Ash discovers and catches a Caterpie\u2014his first Pok\u00e9mon capture! Though Ash is excited, Misty is grossed out by Bug-type Pok\u00e9mon, so she is repulsed by its attempts to be friends with her. At night, as Ash and Misty sleep, Caterpie shares with Pikachu its dream of evolving into a Butterfree.\n\nThe next day, Ash is able to capture a Pidgeotto after battling it with Pikachu. Before Ash can celebrate too wildly, Misty reminds him that his success is due more to luck than skill.\n\nTeam Rocket shows up to steal Pikachu\u2014they realize that there's really something special about this Pok\u00e9mon\u2014and Ash vows to defend himself. Pikachu and Pidgeotto are weakened by Koffing and Ekans, so he reluctantly sends out Caterpie. To the surprise of Jessie and James\u2014not to mention Ash\u2014Caterpie's String Shot is able to defeat the Team Rocket Pok\u00e9mon, including Meowth!\n\nWhen Misty tries to make nice with Caterpie, it evolves into a Metapod. Could a Butterfree Evolution be far behind?"
"Misty and Ash continue to wander the Viridian Forest when they spot a Weedle. As Ash battles it, he's distracted by a boy dressed as a samurai and calling himself (naturally) Samurai. Samurai challenges Ash to a battle, and Ash gets the advantage when his Metapod defends itself against Samurai's Pinsir. Samurai sends out his own Metapod\u2014and a standoff begins.\n\nA swarm of Beedrill interrupts the battle. Ash flees, but leaves his Metapod behind. The Beedrill grab Metapod and take it back to their hive. As Ash sneaks toward the hive to save Metapod, Jessie, James, and Meowth shows up to cause trouble. Ash is able to duck the angry Beedrill, and they instead focus their wrath on Team Rocket.\n\nMetapod is mad at Ash for being abandoned. Has Ash learned his lesson about leaving his friends behind? Will Metapod evolve again? And will Samurai and Ash ever resume their battle?"
"Jessie, James, and Meowth dig a trap for our heroes, but they end up falling into it themselves!\n\nAsh and Misty arrive at Pewter City and meet a curious fellow named Flint, who notices that Pikachu is tired and shows them the way to the Pok\u00e9mon Center.\n\nAt the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash reads a poster promoting the Pok\u00e9mon League Regional Championships\u2014to compete, you have to beat gym leaders from various towns and win their badges. Ash challenges the Pewter City Gym Leader, Brock, but even a healed Pikachu has no chance against Brock's Rock-type Pok\u00e9mon. Later, Flint shows Ash a surprising side of Brock\u2014when he's not battling and raising Pok\u00e9mon, he has to take care of his ten brothers and sisters.\n\nWill this news affect Ash's desire to battle Brock again for the Rock Badge? Who is this Flint guy, and why does he insist on helping Ash train Pikachu for the rematch? And will Team Rocket ever climb out of that hole?"
"At Mount Moon, our friends rescue a scientist named Seymour from a batch of Zubat. (Along the way, Brock is able to catch one of the Zubat.) Seymour leads Ash and his friends into a cave to find the legendary Moon Stone, which is said to increase the power of Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nDeep in the cave, Ash spots a Clefairy carrying a Moon Stone. He considers capturing it, but Seymour tells him Clefairy prefer to live at Mount Moon. Ash decides to leave the Clefairy in peace, but Team Rocket shows up with plans of their own!\n\nWill Team Rocket steal the Moon Stone? Are there other Clefairy lurking about, and do they carry Moon Stones, too? And is the legend of the Moon Stone true?"
"Ash seeks the Cascade badge in Cerulean City\u2014but for some reason, Misty doesn't want to join them. When Ash and Brock show up, the city is buzzing about a break-in that just took place\u2014and are initially accused of the crime! (We see Team Rocket commit the robbery, but no one else knows about their involvement yet.)\n\nAsh and Pikachu arrive at the Cerulean City gym, which resembles an aquarium with an Olympic-sized swimming pool. They see a water show performed by the Sensational Cerulean City Synchronized Swimming Sisters. Later on, Ash learns that the sisters are actually the Gym Leaders. He challenges them, but they don't feel like battling and instead offer him the Cascade Badge without a fight.\n\nIt looks like Ash will have his Cascade Badge without breaking a sweat...but then a fourth Gym Leader step up! Who is this mysterious Gym Leader? What does Team Rocket plan to do with the stuff they stole? And where's Misty?"
"On the way to Vermillion City, Ash meets AJ, a Gym Leader at an unsanctioned Gym who has 98 wins and zero losses. They battle, and Ash is surprised that AJ's Ground-type Sandshrew can easily beat his Flying-type Pok\u00e9mon. (Flying-type Pok\u00e9mon are usually strong against Ground-type Pok\u00e9mon.)\n\nAsh and his friends later see that AJ puts his Pok\u00e9mon through very tough training\u2014he makes his Sandshrew, normally weak to Water-type attacks, train in a swimming pool! Although Ash doesn't approve of the intensive training session, Brock is impressed. Ash begs for a rematch, but AJ refuses. The two argue a bit and when they fall into the pool, AJ's Sandshrew goes missing.\n\nAre AJ's training methods too tough? Will Ash get his rematch? And what happened to AJ's Sandshrew?"
"While searching for firewood in the foggy woods, Ash and Pikachu discover a bunch of prep-school kids bullying a classmate named Joe. They're all students at Pok\u00e9mon Technical Institute, which offers classes that allow trainers to enter the Pok\u00e9mon League without getting badges.\n\nBut Joe says the rough treatment is necessary so he'll be strong enough to graduate. Still, Ash doesn't like the idea, and demands to meet the person responsible for this \"tutoring\" program.\n\nWe soon meet this leader, a conceited girl named Giselle. Brock and Ash are smitten by her looks, but Misty wants to battle. To Misty's surprise, Giselle's Rock-type Graveler defeats her Water-type Starmie, proving that matching up types is only one of several factors that determine victory. As Giselle gloats, Ash challengers her, and Pikachu faces her Cubone.\n\nBut Cubone is unaffected by Electric-type attacks\u2014how can Pikachu win? What's the real deal with this school? And why does the school seem so familiar to Jessie and James?"
"Ash and Misty, while arguing, discover an Oddish. As Misty's Starmie weakens the Oddish, a Bulbasaur appears and fights Starmie while the Oddish runs off into the woods. Ash jumps in with his Butterfree, but the Bulbasaur is able to escape in the direction of the Oddish.\n\nOur heroes cross a river over a rope bridge that snaps, sending Brock into the river below. As Misty, Ash, and Pikachu hunt for Brock, they set off a couple of traps, finally landing in a net that hangs from a tree!\n\nFortunately, Brock shows up to cut them down, then brings them to meet a woman named Melanie, who takes care of wounded Pok\u00e9mon like the Oddish\u2014and sets traps to defend the Pok\u00e9mon from poachers. The Bulbasaur, we learn, acts as a kind of bodyguard.\n\nMisty apologizes to the Oddish for attacking it earlier, but the Bulbasaur is still hostile because it dislikes Trainers. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has discovered the area and plans to snatch the weak Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nWill Team Rocket have an advantage against Pok\u00e9mon that are wounded and unable to defend themselves? And will that Bulbasaur ever warm up to Ash and his friends?"
"Our friends, lost, discover an injured Charmander. Pikachu talks to it and learns that it's been waiting a long time for its trainer to return.\n\nLater, at a Pok\u00e9mon Center, we overhear a Trainer bragging about abandoning his Charmander. Brock and Ash confront the trainer, named Damien, who challenges them to a battle. Nurse Joy breaks things up and reminds everyone that Pok\u00e9mon are not to be used for settle personal disputes.\n\nAsh, Misty, and Brock rush to retrieve the Charmander. It's not only threatened by a driving rain that could extinguish its flame, it's also under attack by a flock of Pidgeotto! Fortunately, Pikachu is able to make the Pidgeotto scatter so the Charmander could be saved.\n\nThey return to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, where Nurse Joy says the Charmander requires an overnight stay.\n\nWhen our friends wake up the next morning, however, the Charmander is gone!\n\nIs the Charmander still loyal to the neglectful Damien? Will Damien ever learn that a Trainer must be responsible for his Pok\u00e9mon? And will Team Rocket's latest trap finally succeed?"
"Ash and his friends walk along a path and fall into a hole dug by a batch of mischievous Squirtle. Ash climbs out and tries to battle them, but they scatter when Officer Jenny arrives.\n\nTeam Rocket tries to enjoy a picnic, but the Squirtle Squad (as Officer Jenny calls them) shows up, traps them (then ties them to a tree), and eats their food. Meowth makes a deal with the Squirtle to secure its release.\n\nWith Meowth in charge, the Squirtle are able to capture Ash, Misty, Brock, and a wounded Pikachu. They tie up the humans in a cave while Pikachu, its health fading, lies in a cage. Ash convinces the Squirtle to let him go to town to get a Super Potion for Pikachu, while Meowth awaits Jessie and James to arrive so they can complete their plan.\n\nWill Ash retrieve Pikachu's medicine in time? What is this sinister Team Rocket plot? And what's the real story behind the Squirtle Squad?"
"The party emerges from the forest onto a beach, where in the distance they see a lighthouse, shining at the top of a cliff. The lighthouse belongs to Bill, a Pok\u00e9mon researcher who is awaiting the coming of a one-of-a-kind Pok\u00e9mon, never before seen by humans. Before long, a tremendously large shadow begins to take form in the sea mists, but this possible discovery could be hindered due to the infamous Team Rocket lurking in the background cooking up another one of their schemes. Could such a legendary Pok\u00e9mon truly exist?"
"Our heroes finally reach Vermillion City, and they discover that the Pok\u00e9mon Center is filled with Pok\u00e9mon hurt during battles with Lt. Surge, the Vermillion City Gym Leader.\n\nAsh and Pikachu head to the Vermillion City Gym, where Lt. Surge is proud of his Raichu. (Lt. Surge's attitude is to evolve Pok\u00e9mon as soon as possible.) The two Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon battle, and Raichu, being the evolved form of Pikachu, delivers stronger attacks that send Pikachu to the hospital. Even Team Rocket, spying the scene from outside, is disappointed.\n\nNurse Joy offers Ash a Thunderstone, which is required for a Pikachu to evolve. As a Raichu, Pikachu would have a better chance of defeating Lt. Surge's Raichu, but if it evolves, it can never go back to being a Pikachu.\n\nWhat will Pikachu decide? Are there disadvantages to evolving Pok\u00e9mon as soon as possible? And why is Team Rocket rooting for Pikachu?Ash finally arrives in Vermilion City and is ready to prove that he can defeat its Gym Leader Lt. Surge. However, Lt. Surge and his powerful Raichu easily defeat Ash, and he discovers that many trainers fail to defeat Lt. Surge. After contemplating evolving Pikachu into Raichu as well, Ash decides to use Pikachu's speed to his advantage in his next battle, defeating Lt. Surge and winning the Thunder Badge."
"Ash and his friends board a fancy cruise ship called the St. Anne, thanks to tickets provided by two friendly but familiar-looking people. We soon learn that they're actually Jessie and James in disguise, and their latest plan is to lure Pok\u00e9mon Trainers onto the ship and steal their Pok\u00e9mon!\n\nWhile onboard, Ash observes a Raticate defeating a Starmie. Ash challenges the Raticate with his Butterfree. Though the Raticate's owner removes his Pok\u00e9mon before the battle ends, he's impressed with Ash's Butterfree and offers a trade. Ash trades his Butterfree for the Raticate, but soon regrets his decision. Meanwhile, James is tricked into buying a Magikarp.\n\nWhile all the Trainers are gathered in a room, the ship's employees reveal themselves to be members of Team Rocket! As they suck up Pok\u00e9 Balls with vacuum-like devices, the Trainers fight back; their Pok\u00e9mon team up to multiply their attacks and drive back the bad guys.\n\nDuring all the commotion, a tumultuous storm brews outside. Eventually, the ship rocks violently, and the consensus is to abandon ship. Only Jessie, James, Meowth, and Ash and his friends are unable to flee, as they are knocked unconscious by the jerking movements of the ship\u2014then the ship flips over and sinks!\n\nWhat will become of our heroes? Will they have to join forces with Team Rocket to escape? And how successful could such a partnership be?"
"Our heroes are revealed in the middle of a trap concocted by Team Rocket. Luckily the Pok\u00e9mon Trainers are able to pool their Pok\u00e9mon resources and successfully battle Team Rocket and their evil crew. In the midst of the confusion on board, however, a tumultuous storm wreaks havoc on the cruise forcing everyone except Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu as well as Team Rocket to evacuate the sinking ship. Luckily, Ash was able to exchange Butterfree for Raticate before the ship went down, but now our heroes are forced to team up with their long-standing enemies in order to survive their life or death predicament."
"As our heroes and Team Rocket beat the odds by surviving the sinking ship, they are dragged into another potentially deadly situation when they are attacked by the ferocious Pok\u00e9mon, Gyarados. One Gyarados becomes many and Ash, friends and foe are swept up in a tornado landing them in various locations on an island. Ash loses Pikachu and the Pok\u00e9 Balls containing Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Jessie and James from Team Rocket, who land in another remote part of the island, also lose their Pok\u00e9mon. Thus both Pok\u00e9mon and their masters are left searching for each other on this strange island, inhabited by gigantic Pok\u00e9mon. Where could this island be?"
"Ash and his friends have finally arrived in Porta Vista, a beach-side tourist town. After destroying an old man's ship, they must help in the old man's business. To attempt to pay the man back faster, Misty enters a beauty contest, only to discover she is competing against Jessie and James."
"Stuck in Porta Vista because they missed the boat, Ash and friends sit around waiting for the next boat and witness a great explosion. They later discover that it is a group of Tentacool that is attacking the city since construction is destroying their reef. Ash and his friends manage to appease the giant Tentacruel and continue on their journey, with Misty catching a Horsea that was being harassed by the Tentacool."
"The boat that Ash and his friends arrive in the port city of Maiden's Peak to attend the Summer's End Festival. Brock and James both fall for a beautiful girl standing by the sea who disappears. Ash, Misty, and Team Rocket learn that she is the ghost of a maiden who waited for her lover to return from a war and eventually turned into stone. While trying to protect Brock and James with some stickers bought from an old woman, the maiden reveals herself as the old woman, who in turn reveals herself to be Gastly, a ghost Pok\u00e9mon. Ash tries to fight Gastly to release James and Brock from its spell but fails, until the sun rises and Gastly is forced to disappear. It is revealed that the ghost of the maiden actually exists and is a friend of Gastly, and is still waiting for the one she loves to return."
"As the group continues on their way, they notice a flock of Butterfree out over the ocean. Brock informs Ash that it is the mating season for all of the Butterfree. Ash decides to release his Butterfree so that it can mate. However, Team Rocket has plans to steal them all. Ash's Butterfree bravely frees all the Butterfree and in the end Ash releases it."
"Ash and his friends finally arrive in Saffron City, but before Ash can enter the Saffron Gym he is warned by a strange man not to go in. Ash enters anyway to discover a strange training facility for people with psychic powers. Ash challenges Sabrina, the heartless gym leader and her Abra who evolves into Kadabra, and loses. They are transported into a toy box set and forced to play with a dangerous little girl, the group is rescued by the strange man who gives Ash a tip: He may be able to beat Sabrina with a Ghost Pok\u00e9mon from Lavender Town."
"Team Rocket encounters the Ghost Pok\u00e9mon in a haunted tower while setting a trap for Ash and his friends, and end up getting frightened away. Ash and Pikachu enter alone since his friends are afraid to go in. Inside, he and Pikachu are the victims of pranks by a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar looking for playmates. After being crushed under a falling chandelier, Haunter turns Ash and Pikachu into ghosts where they have some fun, though Ash asks them to send him back after seeing Misty and Brock cry over his lifeless body. Ash and Pikachu are brought back to life and Haunter decides to follow Ash as his new Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash and his friends go back to Saffron City ready to try again for the Marsh Badge in the Gym. Ash asks Haunter for help to defeat Sabrina but Haunter disappears during the match. Brock and Misty get turned into dolls, and Ash is rescued just in time by the mysterious man. The man reveals that Sabrina has two personalities \u2013 one of the cold and unfeeling trainer, the other of the repressed little girl, who also turned her mother into a doll. The only way to defeat Sabrina is to make her smile again. During the next match, Haunter suddenly appears in front of Sabrina while Kadabra and Pikachu are battling. Sabrina and her Kadabra become unable to battle after being sent into peals of laughter by Haunter, giving Ash the victory."
"As Ash is on his way towards Celadon City, he encounters a Mankey. The Mankey starts chasing him and steals Ash's hat. Ash tries to get it back and fails. Team Rocket arrives to get Pikachu and when Mankey walks by, James kicks it away and in its anger, evolves into Primeape. After remembering the poem Professor Oak said, Ash captures it."
"When Ash reaches the Celadon Gym, he is kicked out because he is a boy. He soon discovers that it is only for girls, so with the help of Team Rocket, Ash sneaks into the gym disguised as a girl. In the gym, his disguise is ruined by Misty, Brock, and Pikachu, but the Gym Leader, Erika grants him a battle. During the battle, Team Rocket interrupts and sets the gym on fire. After rescuing Erika's Gloom, Ash is presented with the Rainbow Badge."
"Ash and his friends arrive at a town where many of the town's children are disappearing. They discover that a Hypno, a hypnotic Pok\u00e9mon is responsible. Adults in the town have come to help their insomnia by being put to sleep by Hypno. However there is a side effect, making the children think they are different Pok\u00e9mon and run away and put real Pok\u00e9mon to sleep. Ash stops Team Rocket from stealing Hypno and uses the Pok\u00e9mon, Drowzee to bring all the children and Pok\u00e9mon back to normal. A useless Psyduck follows Misty around, and after she drops a Pok\u00e9Ball, Psyduck activates it and captures itself, much to Misty's dismay."
"Team Rocket plans a scheme to steal many Pok\u00e9mon by opening a grooming shop. Ash and his friends meet Susie, a famous Pok\u00e9mon breeder. In the end, Brock gains a Vulpix when Susie tells him to look after it as she goes off to learn more about Pok\u00e9mon breeding."
"After meeting a girl whose father is more concerned about training his fighting Pok\u00e9mon Hitmonchan at the gym instead of his daughter, Ash enters a Fighting Pok\u00e9mon-only tournament with his Primeape. Team Rocket also enters and resorts to cheating, stealing another man's Hitmonlee, in order to win. After learning how much his daughter means to him and winning, the man promises to train Primeape to make him stronger, so Ash gives it away and promises to return."
"The group arrives in Gringy City where everything is dark and gloomy. A Magnemite follows Pikachu everywhere ever since it caught a peculiar illness, but it is the Grimers and Muk that are causing trouble in a local Power Plant. Ash captures Muk and Pikachu is cured of his cold."
"Ash finds himself among a group of Pok\u00e9mon Trainers hired to protect a construction site from the interfering ground Pok\u00e9mon, Diglett. The construction is shut down after it is revealed that the Digletts and Dugtrio are trying to protect their home. Jessie's Ekans and James' Koffing evolve into Arbok and Weezing respectively."
"The group finds a strange-looking ninja-style mansion. They explore it and encounter various traps. Soon, they discover that this is the Fuchsia Gym and Ash battles Koga, the Gym Leader, for the Soul Badge. When Team Rocket disrupts their battle, Misty discovers how powerful her Psyduck really is."
"The group arrive at the Laramie Ranch where a family of ranchers, with their daughter, Lara and her Ponyta, prepares for an annual Pok\u00e9mon race. Ash takes over as Ponyta's rider when Lara gets hurt due to Team Rocket's interference. Then, Team Rocket helps a rival competitor to win the race by setting up traps for other participants. As the race continues, however, Ponyta evolves into Rapidash and wins the race."
"Ash and his friends arrive at the Safari Zone, unaware that the part they have entered is a protected preserve when an Officer Jenny disguised as Chansey nearly arrests them for poaching. They come across a wild boy named Tommy that leads a herd of Kangaskhan and eventually find Tommy's parents, who were searching for him since he was only three. Unfortunately, Tommy thinks that the Kangaskhan are his family. After battling Team Rocket, Tommy's parents also become part of the Kangaskhan family."
"Ash and his friends get challenged by Team Rocket in seeing who can capture the most Pok\u00e9mon within the Safari Zone, with Ash catching a whole herd of Tauros. As soon as Ash and his friends head out Pok\u00e9mon hunting, Team Rocket manages to get the drop on the game warden (Mr. Kaiza) and forces him into giving up the location on where Dratini is (the Dragon Valley). In the end, Ash, his friends, Team Rocket, and Kaiza end up seeing the legendary Dratini and Dragonair, with the heroes saving the day."
"Continuing their journey, the group came across a bridge which could be used as a shortcut to the next town. They soon discover that the bridge is too long to walk and they would need bicycles to cross. They go to the Pok\u00e9mon Center where Nurse Joy asks them to take some medicine to a sick Pok\u00e9mon across the bridge. On their way, a bicycle gang appears to cause trouble and Team Rocket is helping them. When Ash and his friends decide to cross the bridge during a storm, the bicyclists realize that they are acting selflessly, and help them."
"During a storm, Ash and his friends arrive at a mysterious Mansion. While there, Ash meets Duplica, a girl who is an expert at impersonation, and she happens to own Ditto, a Pok\u00e9mon that can transform into any Pok\u00e9mon. However, Ditto cannot seem to figure out how to change its face, a fact that stopped Duplica's variety show. As they all try to help Ditto perfect its transformation, Team Rocket tries to steal the Ditto so it can transform into a Dratini which they can give to the boss."
"Ash and his friends arrive at Pok\u00e9mon Center where the Pok\u00e9Ball transfer machine has been causing problems, as the transferred Pok\u00e9mon never end up at the other side. Ash and his friends decide to accompany Porygon, a computerized Pok\u00e9mon, used by Professor Akihabara to investigate the problem, only to discover Team Rocket and another Porygon are to blame."
"The group come into a forest where it is quiet and peaceful. They notice a large group of Pikachu that Ash's Pikachu tries to make friends with. After saving a young Pikachu from drowning and rescuing the herd from Team Rocket, Ash's Pikachu is welcomed among the other Pikachu as one of their own. Saddened by this sudden distance, Ash tries to leave Pikachu behind (to Misty and Brock's shock and dismay), thinking that in the long run, it is going to be better off with its own kind. As they attempt to leave the forest with Ash still standing his ground on leaving Pikachu, the three friends are surprised when Pikachu returns to them, flanked by the other wild Pikachu including the younger Pikachu it risked its life to save earlier. The episode ends with Ash and Pikachu having an emotional reunion and hugging one another while the rest of the wild Pikachu cheer for the two of them as Brock and Misty look on."
"While traveling through the woods, the group encounters an Eevee that was apparently abandoned near a tree. They take it to its address in Stone Town and find it belongs to a little boy named Mikey. His three brothers are pressuring him into evolving his Eevee into one of three forms \u2014 Jolteon, Vaporeon, or Flareon \u2014 at an Evolution Party, where everyone uses Evolution Stones to evolve their Pok\u00e9mon. However, the Evolution Party is disrupted by Team Rocket, and Mikey manages to use Eevee on its own to show his brothers that he does not need to evolve his beloved Eevee."
"Ash and his friends arrive at a town which is having problems with their water source. It seems that a Snorlax is blocking the water path. Team Rocket plans to capture the Snorlax, but Ash and his friends find help from an unexpected source."
"Upon entering Dark City, Ash and his friends discover that Pok\u00e9mon Trainers aren't liked due to two rival Gyms who involve Ash and the gang as well as Team Rocket in their feuds to become the city's legitimate Pok\u00e9mon Gym."
"When at a carnival, Ash and his friends meet a magician who is really losing his touch and fails in his own magic show. In his effort to get better, he decides to hypnotize Ash and uses his Pok\u00e9mon Exeggcute to capture loads of Exeggutor. But the Exeggutor end up hypnotizing themselves and Team Rocket and almost destroy the entire carnival. Luckily, they are saved by Charmander, who evolves into a disobedient Charmeleon."
"Having run out of medicine, Ash and his friends go to a local shop to get some Potions. However, they don't have much due to the owner's Paras being weak. Ash and his friends decide to help out the owner by training her Paras, hoping that it can evolve into Parasect."
"Entering Neon Town, a bustling Metropolis where everyone is tired and rude, Ash and his friends find a Jigglypuff who is too shy to sing its hypnotic song. Realizing they can kill two birds with one stone, Misty tries to teach the Jigglypuff to sing while Team Rocket attempts to record the song so they can use it against Ash. Everyone falls asleep, including Ash and his friends and Team Rocket, and a miffed Jigglypuff uses the marker hidden in her microphone to draw on everyone's sleeping faces. From this point on, Jigglypuff follows Ash around trying to sing her song to a crowd that will not fall asleep in almost every episode."
"Arriving at a canyon to find an old fashioned fossil hunt, Ash, Gary and the gang decide to join in. But Team Rocket arrives and intends to blow the canyon up. Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket fall into a pit which is full of awakened ancient Pok\u00e9mon. Their only hope may rest in Ash's disobedient Charmeleon, which evolves into a powerful, yet still disobedient Charizard to defeat a raging Aerodactyl. In the end, the ancient Pok\u00e9mon are sealed away once more (along with a terrified Team Rocket) and Officer Jenny dismisses the entire event as a side effect caused by Jigglypuff's singing. Ash, however, finds a rare Pok\u00e9mon egg in the chaos and keeps it."
"After Pikachu gets an apple stuck in its throat, Ash and his friends rush it to a Pok\u00e9mon Center. After being treated, they hear of a traffic accident (caused by Team Rocket) that has left many Pok\u00e9mon injured so Ash and the gang are recruited to help treat the Pok\u00e9mon."
"After finding a missing person sign featuring James, Ash and his friends decide to find James and inform him of his parents' death. However James' parents turn out to be alive, and their death was only a decoy to get him to return home to the rich Jessebell, a girl James was arranged to marry from when he was a little chid. James has left because Jessebell is terrifying, so everyone tries to save James from this fate, including James' old pet Growlithe, Growlie."
"When Misty's Pok\u00e9Balls are stolen by Farfetch'd, Ash and the gang investigate to try to find the thief and get all the stolen things back."
"When the egg Ash found hatches into a brand new Pok\u00e9mon, Togepi, everyone wants to own it. They decide to have a small Pok\u00e9mon Tournament. Ash, who found it, claims he should be the one to keep it. In the end, Ash wins the tournament, but since Misty was the first person Togepi saw when he hatched, he thinks she is his mother and stays with her."
"When Bulbasaur gets injured in a battle, it starts to feel and act different. Ash takes Bulbasaur to a Pok\u00e9mon Center and is informed that Bulbasaur is just ready to evolve. After hearing this Ash gets totally excited that he didn't even think if Bulbasaur even wanted to evolve. Not knowing that it is time for the Bulbasaur festival when all Bulbasaur in the region evolve. Bulbasaur gets kidnapped by a group of Bulbasaur led by a nasty Venusaur and taken to the festival against its will."
"It is the Queen of the Princess Festival and Misty and Jessie are going all out for it. After hours of shopping, they both decide to enter the Queen of the Princess Festival Battle Tournament to win the dolls they both coveted when they were children."
"Ash and his friends arrive at a small school on Kids' Day and let the children play with their Pok\u00e9mon. One of the children only wants to meet Meowth after being saved by a wild one from a Beedrill. Team Rocket's Meowth pretends to be his hero, but is soon caught by Misty. Later, Timmy is saved again by the wild Meowth."
"When Ash and his friends see a group of Growlithe training against a Policeman posing as a robber, Ash decides for him and Pikachu to do the same training to become the best they can be. However, when Team Rocket comes to steal them, Officer Jenny, Ash, and the gang's voice gets changed, causing the Growlithe to think that Team Rocket are the Officers as they use their ears to follow command."
"While eating Brock's riceballs, Ash hears a shutter which he thinks is a gun. It's really a camera belonging to a photographer named Todd. Todd was hired by Team Rocket to capture Pikachu, but he thinks they want him to capture a picture of him. After the confusion, Todd joins the group."
"While traveling, Ash notes it has been a long time since his last Badge, so Todd suggests he takes the Pok\u00e9mon League exam. Passing the exam would get him an immediate entry into the competition. But Ash being over confident of himself of passing the exam he totally fails in the first and second tests. In the third test, Team Rocket interferes the match and uses their given Pok\u00e9mon to take revenge on the examinator for giving them a hard time on the first and second tests. In the end the examinator commands their given Pok\u00e9mon to attack Team Rocket instead of himself, which sends them blasting off again."
"After putting Psyduck in a breeding center, Misty learns that she needs it to get some food from a generous chef. But when she goes to get it, Ash and the gang discover a diabolical plot by two other Team Rocket members, Cassidy and Butch, who are trying to steal Pok\u00e9mon, and in doing so, Ash and the gang get framed, captured, and arrested by Officer Jenny."
"After reaching Cinnabar Island, Ash, Brock, and Misty are dismayed to find that the Gym has closed due to crowds of tourists coming to the island and lack of serious trainers. Desperate for his seventh badge, Ash goes around and meets a riddle master who gives him clues about the real Gym's secret location. After finding the Gym in the island's volcano, the riddle master appears and reveals that he is actually Blaine, the Gym Leader Ash has been searching for. Ash begins his battle against Blaine with his first Pok\u00e9mon, Squirtle who loses to Blaine's Ninetales and Charizard simply refusing to battle Blaine's Rhydon. Eventually, Pikachu wins against Rhydon but Blaine has a secret weapon up his sleeve in the form of the Fire Pok\u00e9mon, Magmar. With Pikachu's electric attacks rendered useless, Magmar pushes Pikachu closer and closer to the edge of the battlefield. The episode ends in a cliffhanger as it shows Pikachu standing, determined as Magmar's Fire Blast, the most powerful attack that Fire Pok\u00e9mon have edges ever closer to the Electric Mouse."
"Pikachu successfully dodges Magmar's Fire Blast but is left hanging over the edge and is left injured. Upon realizing that no Gym Badge is worth losing Pikachu and that he would be disqualified if he continues, Ash forfeits the match but vows not to leave Cinnabar Island until he has beaten both Blaine and Magmar in a rematch and gotten the Volcano Badge. But when the Gym and island come under threat after Team Rocket's interference, Ash's Charizard, Pikachu, Squirtle, Blaine's Magmar, Misty's Staryu, Brock's Geodude, and Onix work together and eventually triumph in preventing the volcano from blowing which would destroy the island. As thanks, Blaine agrees to have a rematch with Ash. With the battlefield damaged beyond repair, the trainers settle for the top of the volcano. Blaine determines that the match will be one on one where only one Pok\u00e9mon can be used and puts forward his Magmar. Ash's Pikachu volunteers itself but in a surprise twist, Ash's Charizard selects itself to battle much to the surprise of Ash and the group. After an intense battle where Ash looks set to lose, Charizard manages to turn things around by using its Seismic Toss which results in Magmar being knocked out and finally granting Ash his Volcano Badge."
"On their way back to the mainland, Ash accidentally knocks into a Blastoise, a ruler of a small island that will not awake from its slumber. Squirtle dons his old persona as head of the Squirtle Squad to solve the case. It turns out Jigglypuff is stuck in one of Blastoise's blasters."
"Upon returning to Cerulean City, Misty is asked by her sisters to help out with a new underwater show. She decides to help for this underwater play with her Pok\u00e9mon, but Team Rocket arrives and try to ruin things. At the end of the episode, Misty leaves her Starmie and Horsea with her sisters to assist in further shows."
"In Viridian City, Ash and his friends are victims to several thefts by some Clefairy. While investigating with Mr. Oswald, they discover the Clefairy are building a spaceship."
"Ash goes to the Gym in Viridian City, but Gary gets in there before him and challenges the Gym Leader for his own satisfaction, as he has already won ten Gym Badges. The Gym Leader, Team Rocket's commander Giovanni, agrees to the fight, eventually using a never before seen Pok\u00e9mon (Mewtwo), which the Pok\u00e9dex cannot identify, to easily defeat Gary. Team Rocket kidnaps and tries to give Togepi to Giovanni, but Giovanni thinks it is useless. Giovanni leaves the Gym and puts Jessie, James, and Meowth in charge. Ash challenges them and after losing three of Giovanni's Pok\u00e9mon, Jessie and James use their own. Togepi sends them blasting off with a Metronome attack, without Ash and his friends even realizing it, and Ash wins the Earth Badge, his eighth and final badge."
"Upon heading back to Pallet Town, Ash and his friends see Mr. Mime trying to escape from a trainer who runs a circus. Unable to get the circus' overweight Mr. Mime to act, Ash and the gang have to find another one to take its place. The gang choose to dress up Ash so he can look like a Mr. Mime. Meanwhile, the Mr. Mime from earlier comes to the Ketchum residence and is mistaken by Mrs. Ketchum for Ash."
"Ash, Misty, Brock, and their Pok\u00e9mon must return a lost Jynx to Santa before Christmas, with the help of a Lapras. Meanwhile, Jessie attempts to take revenge on Santa for stealing her favorite doll when she was young."
"Ash and his friends are trapped in a snowstorm. Brock suggests that the group uses his Onix to create a bivouac. They are about to start when a strong gust of wind blows Pikachu away, and Ash tries to save him. After saving Pikachu who is about to fall off a cliff, Ash finds himself separated from the rest of the group. He and his other Pok\u00e9mon must brave out the rest of the storm together in a cave."
"Back in Pallet Town, Ash finds Gary, already there, waiting to partake in the Pok\u00e9mon League. Always having a bitter rivalry with Gary, Professor Oak tells them both the meaning of Pok\u00e9mon. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is trying to get inside the lab to steal the Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash goes to Seafoam Island to help Professor Oak to discover the mystery of how Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro. There, Professor Westwood V is also trying to solve the mystery. Jessie captures Shellder, and tries to rush a Slowpoke's evolution, forcing Psyduck to stall the evolution."
"Ash and the gang take some time off to go surfing. While surfing, however, Ash passes out, but is thankfully rescued by a surfer named Victor and his blue-eyed Pikachu, Puka. Victor then reveals his plans to surf a tsunami called Humungadunga and become a surfing legend."
"Ash goes to a flower garden to get some fertilizer for his mother, but Bulbasaur sniffs the flowers and becomes paralyzed."
"When the gang discovers there is a movie with an all Pokemon cast being made nearby, Ash and his friends put their Pok\u00e9mon in for an audition. Misty's Psyduck gets the main role while the others get minor roles."
"Ash and his friends go to Hollywood (although only a small nearby town) to see the premiere of the movie their Pok\u00e9mon were cast in. Team Rocket follows them to find out that Meowth has history in this town; It is here where he was a member of a gang of street Meowths led by the Persian. He learned to speak and walk upright to win the heart of a female Meowth who was abandoned by her owner. Upon returning, he challenges Persian who was once his mentor for the female Meowth he thought he lost years before."
"After watching Elite Four member Bruno on TV, Ash and his friends decide to do training in the mountains to be as strong as Bruno. However, they meet Bruno and he manipulates them to do some menial tasks for him. Meanwhile, a giant Onix is on a rampage."
"While training, Ash and his friends accidentally uncover the ruins of Pok\u00e9mopolis, an ancient city. After a bit of research, they find a giant Gengar and a giant Alakazam starting to fight. Then, a giant Jigglypuff appears to put them to sleep."
"Ash and his friends offer to help a trainer that is heading for the Pok\u00e9mon League to retrieve his stolen gym badges from Team Rocket."
"Ash finally reaches the Indigo Plateau, home of the Pok\u00e9mon League conference. Before the tournament begins, they plan on lighting a ceremonial cauldron with the flame of the legendary Pok\u00e9mon, Moltres. Ash, as a participant, is free to carry the flame but when Team Rocket steals it, the tournament may be cancelled."
"Ash enters his first match of the tournament on the water field against Mandi the Astounding. During the battle against Mandi's Exeggutor, Ash's Krabby evolves into Kingler, who he then uses against Mandy's remaining Seadra and Golbat, winning the match and moving onto the next preliminary round."
"For the second round Ash battles in the rock arena. Ash's last Pok\u00e9mon, Squirtle, defeats his foe's last Pok\u00e9mon, Nidorino, and he, victorious, moves on to Round 3. In the third round Ash faces a trainer named Pete in the ice arena. Both trainers are left with 2 Pok\u00e9mon each. Pete uses Cloyster and Arcanine. In the end, Ash is victorious and he moves on to Round 4."
"In the 4th round, Ash faces a trainer named Jeanette, who uses a Beedrill, a Scyther, and a Bellsprout. The match ends with Ash victorious, and he moves on to the 5th round, becoming one of the final sixteen members of the tournament."
"Ash meets a new trainer named Richie, who is eerily similar to Ash, including owning a Pikachu. However, Team Rocket makes another attempt to steal Ash's and Richie's Pok\u00e9mon. Ash and Richie prevent Team Rocket from stealing their Pok\u00e9mon. Ash discovers his next battle is against Richie. Will Ash manage to reach the quarterfinals?"
"After making a promise with Richie that he will have the best battle of his life, Ash is kidnapped by Team Rocket, who scheme to prevent him from participating in his fifth round match against Richie, let alone steal Pikachu. Ash is not about to let Team Rocket make him break the promise he made with Richie, so he is able to eventually escape. However, he loses due to his Charizard refusing his orders in the final stretch of his battle against Richie. Richie moves on to the quarterfinals."
"After losing to Richie in the fifth round, Ash is moping around, annoyed that he lost. He is convinced by Misty that he should support Richie who is now in the quarterfinals. However, when Richie loses, they both have to look inside themselves to see if they are good trainers."
"No description"
Season 2 - Pokémon
"Ash celebrates making it to the Kanto League back at Pallet Town. However, Team Rocket steal Pikachu and try to ruin the party, but they're defeated by Charizard. Later on, Professor Oak asks Ash to go to Valencia Island to bring the mysterious Pok\u00e9ball (GS Ball) from Professor Ivy. Ash prepares for his journey to the Valencia Island, they are attacked by a group of Spearow and a very angry Fearow. Ash realizes that the Spearow Ash threw a rock at in \"Pok\u00e9mon, I Choose You!\" is that Fearow, and soon carries Ash and Pikachu away. Then later, Ash's Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot, and is released to protect wild Pidgey and Pidgeotto. Ash says it only should stay there until he comes back from the Valencia Island."
"Heading to the Valencia Island, Ash takes part in a Lottery and wins a quick way there, a Blimp ride... however when the Blimp turns out to be controlled by Team Rocket. To make things worse, the old Blimp may be haunted."
"Ash and his friends are on Valencia Island searching for Professor Ivy, so they can receive a mysterious Pok\u00e9ball called the GS Ball. They find Professor Ivy's Pok\u00e9mon Laboratory where the professor shows them the GS Ball. As the ball cannot not be opened or transported Ash and his friends are tasked with returning the GS ball to Professor Oak for examination. Brock decides to stay on the island with Professor Ivy so that he can learn about Pok\u00e9mon. Ash and Misty leave without Brock and board a dirigible (airship) but encounter Team Rocket. Team Rocket calls Ash ans Misty \"a pair of lovebirds\". In the end, Jigglypuff suddenly appears and sings. Team Rocket and Jigglypuff exit the blimp while the blimp crash lands on Tangelo Island."
"While exploring the island they crash-landed on, Ash and Misty discover a group of teenagers bullying a Lapras. Despite the bullies being driven away, the Lapras which is only a baby is refusing to let any humans near it and the pressure increases when Team Rocket arrive, intending to steal the Lapras, forcing Ash, Misty and their new friend, Tracey Sketchit to give chase and save the Lapras before it's too late."
"Having caught Lapras, Ash along with Misty and Tracey have embarked on a journey of exploring the Orange Islands as Ash plans to enter the Orange League. The group's first stop is Mikan Island where Ash finds the first Orange League Gym and discovers that the Orange League Gym structure is a lot different than the one he's used to seeing in his native Kanto."
"Butch and Cassidy meet up again with Jessie and James as the former attempt to control all Pok\u00e9mon with a large antenna sending out signals from Drowzee. Togepi eventually learns Metronome from Drowzee."
"Arriving on Sunburst Island, Ash and his friends are asked if they know anything about the Onix that is made out of Crystal. Curious, they help the girl and her brother to find the Crystal Onix and to capture it."
"After getting caught in some whirlpools, Ash and his friends get washed up on Pinkan Island, a special Pok\u00e9mon Reserve which contains Pok\u00e9mon that are only of the color, pink. However, Team Rocket also get washed up on this island and start causing problems."
"After following some boats to an island, Ash and his friends discover an excavation, the whole island is made of fossilized Kabuto, however according to the legend, the Kabuto are said to awaken and unleash destruction on the island."
"After arriving on another island, Ash and his friends discover a Showboat which has many talking Pok\u00e9mon on it. Finding out they do performances, Ash and the gang decides to sit and watch it, but Team Rocket arrives to steal the rare talking Pok\u00e9mon."
"After stopping on another island to rest, Misty notices her Psyduck's tail is glowing, a nearby trainer says it may mean it is time for it to evolve. So Misty challenges her to battle and when she finds she has a Golduck, she easily beats the trainer. However, Team Rocket has other plans. Later, Golduck turns out to be a wild Pok\u00e9mon as Misty's Psyduck makes an appearance. "
"While riding Ash's Lapras to the next island, Ash and the gang come across a tanned Nurse Joy who insists on healing Wild Water Pok\u00e9mon on the island. Ash and Tracey decide to help out, but when Team Rocket arrives to stop them, a giant Magikarp arrives."
"The group arrive on Navel Island where Ash finds himself up against the Gym Leader, Danny as Ash competes for his second Orange League badge. Misty tries to tempt Ash by showing more caring attitude to Danny. Ash once again gets jealous and sad."
"Arriving on the Grapefruit Islands, Ash discovers that there is a Snorlax going from island to island eating all the grapefruits. Ash is employed to help stop the Snorlax, but the Snorlax proves to be slippery. Later on, Ash captures the Snorlax."
"Arriving on Moro Island, Ash and his friends hear about a long lost Orange League Trophy being found on a sunken ship, but when Team Rocket steals it, Ash and the gang follow them to a ghost ship inhabited by a Gastly and Haunter."
"Meowth finds himself on an island where the inhabitants believe him to be a \"Meowth God\"."
"Arriving on Murcott Island, Ash and his friends discover a wounded Scyther. After capturing it, Tracey must take it to a Pok\u00e9mon Center. While there, he discovers the Scyther got dethroned from being in charge of his group."
"Deciding to take a break on a nearby island, Ash, his friends, and all their Pok\u00e9mon just use the time to relax and get better acquainted. However, Team Rocket has other plans for the Pok\u00e9mon and intend to steal them."
"The group descend on Mandarin Island where Ash's arrogance emerges due to the fact that he's won every single battle he's had since arriving on the island but upon meeting Prima, a member of the Elite Four and challenging her to a battle, Ash starts to realize that he may have made a grave mistake."
"Still on Mandarin Island, Ash and his friends go through Victorian Town where they find two Nidoran who are in love with each other but any possible hint of a relationship is being derailed by the trainers who happen to be childhood rivals."
"Ash and his friends discover a man who has troops of Magnemite and has to take them to a town on the island in order to give it power. However, he gets injured, so it is up to Ash to herd up the Magnemite and get to the town."
"Heading to the other end of Mandarin Island, Ash and his friends discover there's a monster in the sewer that is causing lots of problems in the town. When the Mayor wants to blow it up, Joy protests and asks Ash and company to help."
"Ash arrives on Trovita Island prepared to battle for his third Orange League Gym Badge. However, much to Ash's dismay, the Gym Leader, Rudy has more than just battling on his mind, Rudy develops a crush on Misty, and Ash gets jealous once again. Rudy moves in to court Misty after she helps rescue his younger sister, Mahri. While Ash battles for the Spike Shell Badge, Misty considers the tempting offer to stay on the island with Rudy and Mahri forever."
"After getting his 3rd Orange League Badge, Ash and his friends arrive on an island, where Pikachu is soon captured by Team Rocket and is chained to Meowth. But soon after Pikachu and Meowth are taken away by a giant Pidgeot, the trapped rivals eventually learn how to get along."
"Ash, Tracey and Misty are sailing along on Lapras when they almost crash into another Pok\u00e9mon trainer wanting to battle Ash. This trainer heard about Ash from the Trovita Island gym leader and wants to put his Pok\u00e9mon up against Ash\u2019s. When the new trainer uses a super-powerful Poliwrath on Charizard, it\u2019s more than anyone expects. After Charizard gets frozen in a battle, Ash tries to defrost him. Charizard, still distrusting of Ash, doesn't want his help, but Ash keeps trying. Charizard finally decides to obey and respect Ash as not only his trainer but also his friend, and the two become closer than ever! Ash is able to give a stunning defeat to the Poliwrath that froze Charizard earlier."
"On the next island, Ash and his friends see a team of firefighters consisting of Squirtles, Wartortles, and Blastoises. Eager to test its skills, Ash's Squirtle get to train with them. But when an actual fire turns up, training has to become reality."
"While in a battle, Ash accidentally breaks Snorlax's Pok\u00e9ball. With the Pok\u00e9mon Center on the other side of the island, Ash and his friends have to get Snorlax there. And to make matters worse, Team Rocket arrive and are hoarding the island's food ransom until they get Pikachu."
"On Kumquat Island, Ash discovers Luana, the final Orange Island Gym Leader, who mistakes him for her son. After defending the island from Team Rocket, they head to the Gym to have a Double Battle where Pikachu and Charizard battle against Marowak and Alakazam but Pikachu's and Charizard's unwillingness to work together might end up costing Ash his chance of qualifying for the Orange League."
"On Rind Island, Tracey meets Dr. Quackenpoker, a noted Pok\u00e9mon Watcher who is doing a study on the Magikarp that climb up waterfalls and how they evolve into Gyarados. However, Team Rocket appears to steal the Magikarp and get them to evolve."
"On Tiny Island, Ash and Tracey get affected by Stun Spore leaving it up to Misty to get an antidote to heal them. Can Misty find it with the help of her new Poliwag?"
"Having arrived on Pumello Island, Ash finally gets the chance to battle the Orange League leader and Champion, Drake in a full six-on-six Pok\u00e9mon battle, only to discover that the battle may prove to be the toughest one he's ever had."
"Ash continues his fight against Drake in hopes of becoming the Orange League Champion and earning a place in the Orange League Hall of Fame but things hit a snag when Drake brings out his final Pok\u00e9mon\u2014the legendary Dragonite whose overwhelming strength and powerful attacks are a force to be reckoned\u2014causing Ash to realize that his dream of becoming Orange League Champion may not become a reality after all."
"Having been crowned the Orange League Champion after winning his battle against Drake, Ash and the team are heading back to Pallet Town in Kanto but their plans get derailed when Lapras finally discovers its family, only for everyone to realize that Lapras's pack want nothing to do with Ash's Lapras now that it has gotten involved with humans. Ash, Misty and Tracey soon learn that a group of pirates and their Tentacruel are attacking Lapras's group and when the bullying starts up again, with Tracey having gone to alert Officer Jenny, Ash and Misty decide to get into the fight, vowing to stop the pirates once for all."
"Having to travel by boat, Ash and his friends arrive on Hamlin Island, their final stop before returning to Kanto to discover that the town is being attacked by hundreds of Electrode. A man named Poncho is trying to stop them with his Diglett."
"They\u2019re back in Pallet Town. When they get home, they discover Brock is back and he won\u2019t explain why he left Valencia Island. However, as usual, Team Rocket try to steal all of the Pok\u00e9mon in Oak\u2019s lab by vacuuming all the Pok\u00e9balls, including the GS Ball that Oak was working on. Can they get it back?"
"After Gary saves the day against Team Rocket, Ash decides to challenge him where Pikachu is against Eevee. However, Gary wins the battle. Ash is depressed, but goes to follow Gary to Johto in order to beat him once and for all. Tracey decides to stay in Pallet Town, so he can be Professor Oak's assistant. In the end, Brock rejoins the group and they head off to Johto."
Season 3 - Pokémon
"Ash, Brock and Misty arrive in New Bark Town and Ash's plan to register for the Johto League hit a snag when he and the team get involved in a case of a Totodile that Team Rocket has kidnapped."
"Heading to Violet City for the first gym, Ash and company meet Casey, a new Trainer who just got her first Pok\u00e9mon, a Chikorita who eagerly challenges Ash to a battle. When Ash easily beats her with his Charizard, she gets upset and runs off wanting revenge. She makes an alliance with Team Rocket, who agree to help her beat Ash, that is, until she finds out that Team Rocket was just using her."
"Heading towards Violet City, Ash and company see some Heracross. Ash, eager to get one, disturbs them and gets told off by an expert. He tells about how Heracross and Pinsir are at war due to something disturbing their honey flow. Later, Heracross expresses his desire to come with Ash and thus Ash captures Heracross."
"Ash encounters a Donphan and wants to capture it, thinking it's wild, but finds out it is owned by a trainer who is looking for Amberite. Team Rocket however wants to get the Amberite and steal Donphan."
"Heading into a forest which is inhabited by ghost Pok\u00e9mon, Ash and company get tricked by illusions, but Gary tells them to see through them by getting a Hoothoot. Ash goes to get one and when he finds the rental place, he discovers the Hoothoot he can rent is a rowdy one."
"On their trip to Violet City, Ash and company come across a trainer with two Bellossom who are trying to participate in a contest but just can't get their rhythm right. Ash decides to try to help them out."
"In the next town, Ash and company see a Jenny who has a Spinarak to help her solve crimes. Knowing Ash and company as the trainers who helped her sister in New Bark Town, Jenny asks them for their help in solving some crimes that bear a resemblance to the crimes of the Black Arachnid, a figure who eight generations previously was known for being a legendary thief and for the Meowth that assisted him in his crimes."
"Still on their path to Violet City, Ash and company find a Snubbull clinging to a Growlithe's tail. They decide to find the owner of the Snubbull and return it, but when the Snubbull goes missing again, they have to get it."
"When a town keeps getting attacked by a herd of Stantlers, Brock thinks there is something awry. Standing up against them, he finds it is an illusion made by one baby Stantler which is injured."
"Heading to Violet City Gym, Ash comes across a wild Chikorita and battles it. But when it is hurt in battle he rushes it to the Pok\u00e9mon Center only to find Team Rocket are wanting that Chikorita for themselves. Chikorita becomes Ash's newest Pok\u00e9mon in the end."
"While polishing the GS Ball in Cherrygrove City, Ash soon finds that a Quagsire has stolen the GS Ball. Trying to get it back, he gets arrested for interfering in the Quagsire Festival where the Quagsire take round things and send them upstream, where the last object to be returned gives good luck to its owner."
"In a forest, Ash meets a girl and her group of Ledyba who tend the gardens and follow the girl's whistle. However in a battle with Team Rocket, all the Ledyba dispel and its up to Ash and company to find them."
"At a Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash and company discover a Blissey, the evolved form of Chansey. While relaxing, Ash keeps getting hurt by Blissey accidentally, but Team Rocket soon arrives, and since the Blissey is an old friend of Jessie, Jessie regrets accepting food from her."
"Finally in Violet City, Ash and company find a school and he gets asked to give a small talk about Pok\u00e9mon Training to the kids. However a kid is convinced that Ash's Pikachu is to be his, and when Pikachu runs off, he takes chase with one of Ash's empty Pok\u00e9balls.\n\n"
"Ash finally arrives at the Violet City Gym and begins his campaign of earning eight gym badges to qualify for the Johto League by taking on the Violet City Gym Leader, Falkner but Ash soon discovers that Falkner's a force to be reckoned with due to Falkner's Pok\u00e9mon overwhelming Ash's. Ash soon realizes that he needs to come up with some kind of strategy instead of his usual approach of brutal force if he's to stand any chance of winning his first gym badge."
"Cute and cuddly is one thing, but this fragile baby Marill is too much even for Misty. When all Misty's attempts to toughen up the little Pok\u00e9mon fall short, Team Rocket takes her by surprise."
"Team Rocket's new super vehicle, the Arbotank, is their ticket to world domination. That is, until Togepi and its new-found buddy, Sentret, climb inside and accidentally wreak havoc on everything in their path."
"When Ash hears of the Charicific Valley, he is sure a trip there will boost his Charizard's spirits, but when they reach the valley, they find its dragon denizens are anything but cordial."
"The annual Sunflora contest is only a day away, but our heroes' new friend, and Sunflora trainer, is unable to convince her star Pok\u00e9mon to compete."
"A severe case of sibling rivalry between Pikachu and Chikorita calls for therapy sessions with Nurse Joy. In such delicate matters, there's no such thing as an overnight cure, or is there?"
"Our heroes chance upon a Hoppip, a fluffy Pok\u00e9mon that is able to catch passing winds and drift for miles through the sky. The Hoppip's trainer uses it to help her forecast the weather. One of the Hoppip is actually a little Oddish."
"The legendary Gligarman is getting too old to fight crime. When Ash and friends wander into town, they bring with them a challenge that threatens to be Gligarman's last: Team Rocket."
"Team Rocket comes in sheep's clothing to relieve a kind Mareep-herder of her flock. Ash and friends are eager to help, but will first have to convince the Mareep trainer to have faith in herself."
"When a promising trainee at a Pok\u00e9mon battle dojo abandons battle altogether, it is up to Ash and friends to convince him that battling, and life for that matter, is more than just a matter of probability."
"With no fire Pok\u00e9mon to call his own, Ash is overjoyed to find a Cyndaquil in the wild. But before Ash captures the little Pok\u00e9mon, he'll have to face another trainer with similar desires."
"Ash carelessly makes enemies of the Slowpoke-worshipping residents of the latest town in his path, but sees a chance at redemption when Team Rocket arrives to capture these revered Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash delivers the mysterious GS Ball to a renowned Pok\u00e9mon expert, but Team Rocket threatens the entire operation when they attempt to harvest the Apricorn resources essential to Pok\u00e9ball production."
"When Ash reaches the Azalea City Gym, he has just the Pok\u00e9mon to challenge the gym leader's Bug Pok\u00e9mon. But what will happen when Cyndaquil, the Fire Pok\u00e9mon, can't get its burner's going?"
"After an inexperienced young trainer mistakenly scares off his own Farfetch'd, Ash and friends are happy to help, but can they find it before Team Rocket can get their hands on this savory Pok\u00e9mon?"
"At the Pok\u00e9mon Swap Meet in Pompona Town, our heroes befriend a young trainer who's having difficulties finding a trading partner willing to accept his Wobbuffet. In the end, Jessie accidentally trades her Lickitung for the Wobbuffet and learns about Wobbuffet's Counter attack."
"An unexpected Pok\u00e9mon fire-fighting competition reunites our heroes with old rivals. Ash's Squirtle is reunited with the Squirtle Squad. In the end, Ash returns Squirtle to the Squirtle Squad."
"Ash and friends enthusiastically volunteer to watch over a troubled trainer's school of Wooper, but as always Team Rocket interferes, this time hoping to use the Wooper to pacify Giovanni."
"When a Snubbull and a Jigglypuff get into a great disagreement, they threaten to draw everyone else into their conflict."
"Investigating a string of mysterious thefts, our heroes discover a pack of Houndour, struggling to survive in the wild. In order to help mend their ways, Ash will have to earn their trust first."
"Unable to settle their differences over who should get ownership of a Totodile, Ash and Misty engage in a fierce three-on-three Pok\u00e9mon battle."
"Ash faces a young female trainer who possess an unbeatable Skarmory, a Steel-type bird and to win, Ash and his Cyndaquil must undergo intense training if they're to have any hope of beating Skarmory."
"Ash's Totodile falls in love with a Azumarill but Totodile isn't successful in confessing its feelings to the Azumarill. But when Team Rocket kidnaps Azumarill, it falls to Totodile to save the day."
"Ash has his sights set on a rare and brightly colored Noctowl, but this Pok\u00e9mon's hypnosis leaves Ash's team unable to tell reality from illusion, much less stand up to another Pok\u00e9mon in battle."
"An Ursaring attack forces our heroes to team up with Team Rocket, members of each team being paired with members of the other; Misty ends up with James and Meowth, and Jessie ends up with Ash, Brock and Pikachu."
"Team Rocket attacks a town that is protected by Psychic Pok\u00e9mon with a machine that is impervious to Psychic attacks, and begins to steal all the Pok\u00e9mon in town."
"A Pok\u00e9mon Fortune Telling boom turns out to be a Team Rocket plot to steal Pok\u00e9mon from local trainers."
Season 4 - Pokémon
"No description"
"Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes realize Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader! Will Ash win his next Johto League badge?"
"Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pok\u00e9mon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pok\u00e9mon is good old-fashioned team-work."
"Before leaving Goldenrod City, the flamboyant producer of Pok\u00e9 Talk Radio insists Ash appear on Sunny Morningstar's show to talk about winning the Plane badge. After the interview, the gang saves the day by participating in a live radio drama with the Dugtrio Trio (Team Rocket in disguise!) Be sure to watch the twists and turns of the live performance as our heroes battle Team Rocket on the airwaves!"
"En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pok\u00e9mon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pok\u00e9mon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pok\u00e9mon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp! En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pok\u00e9mon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pok\u00e9mon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pok\u00e9mon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp!"
"Trying to reach Ecruteak City our heroes are stopped in their tracks, unable to cross a bridge-less river. As they walk the bank, they see an old fisherman and strike a bargain, a ferry-ride across the river in exchange for an elusive Sudowoodo! As they comb the nearby mountains in search of one of these unique Pok\u00e9mon they run into two research scientists arguing over Sudowoodo's type. Join Ash and the gang as they encounter this truly versatile Pok\u00e9mon and attempt to determine what type Sudowoodo really is!"
"Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pok\u00e9mon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live prehistoric Water-type Pok\u00e9mon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! Does their appearance have anything to do with the interrupted water flow from a nearby reservoir? Watch as our heroes find out what's fishy with the freshwater!"
"Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer. Not only do our heroes find this Pidgey's home, they discover it is a member of the Carrier-Pidgey Express! Join Ash, Misty and Brock as they learn about caring for carrier-Pidgey and witness the dedication of a young boy and his grandfather to these very special Pok\u00e9mon."
"Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, our heroes quickly seek shelter from the elements at an ominous looking castle on a nearby cliff. Although this seemingly vacant fortress is a little on the spooky side, Ash, Misty and Brock would rather be jumpy than soggy. That is, until they hear moaning coming from a nearby corridor! Follow our heroes through the pitfalls and mazes of this (haunted?) house on the hill!"
"On the way to Ecruteak, a renegade Tauros dashes past our heroes. Seeing an old man in Tauros's path, Ash and Bulbasaur battle the break-away beast. The old man is impressed with Ash's skill and asks him to come to his dojo. Ash quickly realizes the old man is looking for a new Shihan (master teacher) to take over, but the old man's granddaughter believes she will inherit the dojo, even though her method of training has more to do with fitness than fighting. Who will be selected as Shihan?"
"Arriving at a beautiful hot springs, Ash, Misty and Brock decide they and their Pok\u00e9mon need to take a much needed break from their journey. As Ash and the Pok\u00e9mon hit a beach ball around, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil play a little too rough. Totodile ends up blasting the ball deep into the nearby forest and when Ash sends these three Pok\u00e9mon to retreive it, they run into a gang of antagonizing Aipom! In order to survive the escapades of retrieving the beach ball and the pitfalls of trying to make it back to Ash, these three must learn to work together. Watch as Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil learn to appreciate the power of friendship."
"As our heroes take a break at a shady stream, Misty's Poliwhirl is attacked by a Poliwrath! Poliwrath's trainer pokes fun at Misty's Pok\u00e9mon and won't stick around to battle when she challenges him to a match. As our heroes move on, they find out the annual Seaking catching competition is about to begin. Overhearing the trainer she encountered earlier is a shoe-in for the win, Misty and her Poliwhirl enter the competition determined to triumph over the testy trainer."
"Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pok\u00e9mon Center and finds Suzy, the Pok\u00e9mon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pok\u00e9mon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pok\u00e9mon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix. When they meet in the contest city of Bonitaville, Suzy suggests they enter the contest together. However, before the contest can commence, Team Rocket seize all the Pok\u00e9mon! Will our heroes be able to track Team Rocket and return the bevy of Pok\u00e9mon beauties?"
"Binging on too many burgers during lunch has given Ash a case of indigestion that stops him in his tracks. Unable to help their friend, Misty and Brock contemplate what to do until a miniature, seemingly magical, man shows up. He gives Ash two tablets and almost instantaneously cures Ash's aches! Curious about the cure, the gang head back to the small man's lab for a lesson in Pok\u00e9mon medicine. Here they find out how this helpful fellow creates all kinds of useful potions with the aid of Shuckle and a speedy Pok\u00e9mon named Spoopy!"
"When a blackout hits a town on the road to Ecruteak City, our heroes realize it puts the Pok\u00e9mon in the local Pok\u00e9center in jeopardy. Wanting to help nurse Joy and the ailing Pok\u00e9mon, the gang takes on the task of finding out what went haywire at the power plant. Before they can help restore the power however, they have to overcome the latest Team Rocket invention: The Mecha-Robo-Wobbuffet! See how Ash and Pikachu team up with Gary and his Umbreon in order to overcome Team Rocket and restore power to the grateful town."
"Enjoying a beautiful day hiking through the mountains on the road to Ecruteak City, Ash and Pikachu chase after a Ledian that speeds by them. As they pursue it along the trail, they round a bend and get hit full-blast by a Gust from Pidgeotto! Meeting the Ledian and Pidgeotto's owners, the gang finds out they've run into the Mountain Patrol, in the midst of a training session. Find out what happens when mountain-patrolman, Benji and his courageous Ledian lead Ash, Misty and Brock on an important search-and-rescue mission!"
"Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it's cohorts, Team Rocket! Although there's no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up. The gang follows them to Wobbuffet Village and finds out the village is about to have their annual Wobbuffet fair. Due to festival rules, our heroes aren't able to help when a gang of punks and their Pok\u00e9mon try to ruin the fair. Team Rocket are the only one's in a position to help. Will they come to the town's aid because they have a Wobbuffet of their own?"
"Stopping off at a Pok\u00e9center, the gang looks around for Nurse Joy. Suddenly she appears with Chansey, but makes the confusing statement Nurse Joy is seeing a patient. Brock nears the Joy-look-alike and reveals it isn't Nurse Joy and Chansey at all, but Duplica and her Ditto! Our heroes find out the real Nurse Joy is checking on Duplica's newest Pok\u00e9mon, Mini-dit. Though there's nothing wrong with Mini-dit, it retains it's pint size, even when Transforming into large Pok\u00e9mon. Be sure to watch for a teeny Arbok, an undersized Ursaring and a wee Wobbuffet. Although it may be small, this puny Pok\u00e9mon can sure pack a wallop!"
"As our heroes take a brief rest near a river, Ash sees a Snubbull rush by on the opposite bank. This wasn't just any Snubbull either, this one was Madame Muchmoney's! Ash, Misty and Brock follow Pikachu as it picks up Snubbull's scent and leads them in the search for the wealthy woman's Pok\u00e9mon. Our heroes are racing against time when Team Rocket sets a trap for Snubbull, hoping to get a cash reward from Madam Muchmoney. Don't miss Snubbull's reaction when it encounters Team Rocket... it's so exciting and new, it's evolutionary!"
"Ash, Pikachu and Brock take a break by the lake while Misty heads deeper into the forest with Togepi. As Misty picks the local flora, Togepi wanders over to a very strange looking bush, it appears to have legs...spider legs! Summoned by Misty's shrieks, Ash and Brock discover an Ariados in the bush. Just then, a trainer from Fuschia City appears on the scene. She explains she's training with this Ariados to learn the special art of Pok\u00e9mon Jujitsu. Accepting an invitation from the trainer, the gang joins her for a day at the Pok\u00e9mon Jujitsu Academy. Find out what happens as Brock and Pineco blow the lid off a technical class, Ash is critiqued on battle techniques and Misty gets all wrapped up in Pok\u00e9mon health, beauty and nutrition!"
"It's a sunny day on the road to Johto when our heroes encounter a Yanma... a troublemaker of a Yanma! When Yanma steals Ash's hat, the gang chase after it as it returns to its trainer, a young boy named Zachary. Although Ash gets his hat back, even Zachary can't control Yanma's antics. After Yanma breaks every window in town with its Sonic Boom attack, Zachary's father forces Zach to return Yanma to the wild. A moment too late, Zachary realizes he can't abandon his friend. Will Zachary be able to find Yanma and learn what it takes to become a true Pok\u00e9mon trainer?"
"En route to Ecruteak, Ash and company are caught by the sight of a Skiploom racing by. Following after it, they encounter its trainer, Ephram. He and his Skiploom are training for the upcoming annual Grass-Type tournament, a contest for Grass Pok\u00e9mon only. Confident he can win any local tournament, Ash decides he and Bulbasaur will enter as well. Ephram and his Skiploom train hard as the tournament quickly approaches. However, Ash doesn't think it is necessary for someone of his Pok\u00e9mon prowess to prepare. Find out who triumphs as young Ephram and Ash face off in the final round of the tournament!"
"Catching a sweet scent on the breeze, Ash and Pikachu follow their noses to a nearby apple orchard. As Misty and Brock follow, they warn the trainer and his Pok\u00e9mon against eating apples that don't belong to them. No sooner is this said than Pikachu is caught red-handed with couple of cores! Once Ash proves Pikachu's innocence to the orchard owner, he and Pikachu track down the real thieves, a band of hungry Pichu forced into the orchard due to low amounts of wild growing fruit. Find out how Ash and Pikachu teach them teamwork and help create a symbiotic relationship between the Pichu and the proprietor!"
"When Team Rocket attacks our heroes as they travel through a mountain pass, Weezing's Smoke Screen attack separates Togepi and Misty. Togepi wanders away as Misty, Ash and Brock try to locate the pint-sized Pok\u00e9mon. Finding Togepi scared and alone, a passing Houndoom becomes its temporary care-taker and brings Togepi home to its trainer. Will Misty ever be reunited with Togepi?"
"Arriving in Ecruteak, Ash immediately heads to the Gym to challenge it's leader for his next Johto League badge. Our heroes soon realize this isn't a normal gym... it bursts into flames as soon as they enter! Trying to douse the flames with their water Pok\u00e9mon, they find out the blaze is bogus. It's actually the Gastly, Haunter and Gengar instigating the illusion. Find out how these Ghost-Types end up helping our heroes when Togepi and Pikachu get lost among the ruins. Plus, don't miss the Gastly lesson they teach Team Rocket!"
"Anxious to acquire the next Johto League badge, Ash challenges Ecruteak City's Gym Leader, Morty. However, Ash has seen Morty's Ghost-type Pok\u00e9mon in action and is a little worried about battle strategies. In a discussion with Nurse Joy, Ash realizes his secret weapon against Morty's Pok\u00e9mon is his Noctowl. Find out what special strategies Ash and his Noctowl employ in a head-to-head battle against the skilled Gym Leader and his fear-provoking Pok\u00e9mon!"
"Enjoying a quick snack at a local cafe, Misty notices a poster featuring a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. As she tells Ash and Brock she's always wanted to attend one, a young Trainer named Sakura walks in. Misty asks Sakura about the poster and Sakura explains her three sisters run the theme park. As Sakura leads Ash, Misty and Brock on a tour of the theme park, she decides she would like to accompany our friends on their Johto Journey. Her sisters say she can go if our heroes can beat them in a Pok\u00e9mon battle. Will Sakura get to fulfill her dream of becoming a Pok\u00e9mon Master?"
"On their way to Olivine City, Brock and Misty break for lunch while Ash polishes his Johto League badges. As he shines each one, he sets them on the tree stump in front of him. Three Murkrow emerge from a nearby bush and perform a synchronized song and dance for our heroes. Delighted by the impromptu entertainment, the gang is shocked when the Murkrow grab Ash's badges and fly away. Will Ash be able to track down the Murkrow and reclaim his badges or will the Murkrow prove too adroit for Ash?"
"On the dry and dusty road to Olivine City, our heroes notice beautiful lights shining in the sky ahead of them. Realizing they are coming from just above the dried up lake on Remoraid Mountain, they run to the Remoraidian Ruins. Although the surrounding area is utterly arid, our heroes take note of the plentiful plant-life. What could be causing this change in climate? Does it have something to do with the lights above the bone-dry basin?"
"As our heroes pass through a dense forest, Brock explains that there are some pretty scary Pok\u00e9mon hang out in this neck of the woods. Searching for a safer place to sleep than the forest floor, the gang find an abandoned shack and settle in for a good night's sleep. When Misty hears a noise outside, our heroes investigate and a Teddiursa slips into Misty's sleeping bag. Could this cute and cuddly Pok\u00e9mon possibly be the forest fright Brock mentioned earlier?"
"On their way to Olivine City, our heroes run into their old friend and shutterbug, Todd! As Todd and our friends catch up, a frozen Sunkern falls from the sky. The gang take it to a nearby lodge and, with the help of the old woman who runs it, thaw poor Sunkern out. The old woman explains she and her husband go to a valley with hundreds of Sunflora (the evolution of Sunkern) every year on their anniversary and have their picture taken. Tragically, this being their 50th wedding anniversary, they won't be able to continue the tradition because all of the Sunflora have disappeared. Where have all the Sunflora gone?"
"As Todd and our heroes take a lunch break on a rocky mountain top, a Swinub rushes at them from a nearby crevasse. Misty is startled and drops her lunch. As the Swinub quickly swipes it, two more appear followed by a pint-sized girl named Peggy. She explains her father uses the Swinub to sniff out hot springs for hotels wanting to build resorts. Unfortunately, the Swinub's sniffers haven't been up-to-snuff and they haven't honed in on a hot spring in months. When Team Rocket try to steal the Swinub, the ensuing battle is just what they need to warm up to the search for hot springs!"
"On their quest to capture Articuno on film, Todd and our heroes run into a frozen Jigglypuff! Ash uses his Cyndaquil to defrost the melodious Pok\u00e9mon. When Todd asks Jigglypuff if it has seen Articuno, Jigglypuff nods towards Snow Top Mountain. Undeterred by the incredible height and icy conditions, the gang heads up the mountain where they run into a Pok\u00e9center. Both Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy explain the legend of Articuno; Centuries ago, a group of travelers were lost on the mountain. Certain they would perish, they almost gave up hope but an Articuno appeared and guided the group to safety. As a tribute, they created a statue of Articuno that still stands today. Some say that anyone traversing Snow Top Mountain is protected by Articuno. After hearing the story, Todd is convinced there are Articuno on the mountain and continues his vertical journey. With Ash and Co. in tow, a blizzard kicks up and temporarily blinds the group. Brock and Misty want to stay put and let the blizzard pass, but Todd and Ash are determined to continue. Little do they know, directly ahead of them is a cliff edge and a deadly drop. Will Articuno come to their rescue? Is this Legendary Pok\u00e9mon really the guardian of the mountain, or is it merely a legend?"
"On their way to Olivine City, our heroes pass through a dangerous looking canyon full of unstable boulders. When the rocks begin to give way in an avalanche-like fury, a few fiery Pok\u00e9mon rush to the rescue. Once out of harm's way, Ash, Misty and Brock find they've been rescued by Ramona, her brother Kegan and their three Arcanine. Ramona explains she and her brother were passing through the canyon on their way to deliver a bag of Fire Stones to a town holding a Fire-type Pok\u00e9mon contest. Intrigued by the agile Pok\u00e9mon, Ash is interested in learning how to ride the Arcanine. Before he gets far, Team Rocket shows up and steals the bag of Fire Stones. Ramona, Kegan and the gang must split up with the Arcanine to find Team Rocket and reclaim the rocks. Ash and Kegan team up, but after falling into one of the nasty trio's traps, Kegan is unable to guide Arcanine. Ash must rapidly learn how to ride if they are to recover the Fire Stones and save the Pok\u00e9mon competition."
"On the outskirts of a small town, our heroes run into a young boy named Bucky. He tells our friends of his woes in trying to capture a Dunsparce. It seems the Dunsparce are indeed sparse in this area, at least they are now. When Bucky was out of town visiting his grandpa, a swarm of them came through and every kid in town caught one. Although Bucky still tries to participate in the Dunsparce games by using his Caterpie, Caterpie just can't compete. While Ash and Co. make good on their promise to help Bucky find one of these snake-like Pok\u00e9mon, Team Rocket pulls a scheme in town to rid the children of their Dunsparce. Will Team Rocket get away with the Pok\u00e9-napping this time or will our heroes, joined by their new friend, Bucky, be able to triumph over Team Rocket and spare the Dunsparce?"
"Knowing our heroes are still en-route to Olivine, Team Rocket lies in wait. Dressed as scientists, they explain they've just repaired the amazing Pok\u00e9 Pod. To test it out, Pikachu is placed in the pod and locked in tight. When Team Rocket reveals their true identity and runs, Ash and Co. are in hot pursuit. When our heroes catch up to Team Rocket, there isn't a Pok\u00e9 Pod or Pikachu in site! Realizing Wobbuffet was hiding for the handoff, Ash chases after it. In Wobbuffet's rash retreat, it trips dropping the Pikachu containing Pok\u00e9 Pod and falls into the rapids of a nearby river. Since the only way to release Pikachu from the Pok\u00e9 Pod is to possess the key around Wobbuffet's neck, it's an all-out race to reach Team Rocket's blue bad-boy first. This proves problematic as Wobbuffet plummets over waterfalls, wanders through forests, gets taken for a ride on the roof of a runaway truck, blows for miles in a hot-air balloon and falls helpless to the helm of a speedboat! Who will reach Wobbuffet and the key first?"
"The morning sun shines brightly upon our heroes and their Pok\u00e9mon after spending the night next to a sparkling stream. Ash and his Pok\u00e9mon wash up for breakfast and notice Brock kneeling over a pot of porridge on the campfire. After asking what's on this morning's menu and getting no response, Ash places a hand on Brock's shoulder. Brock's only response is to fall to the ground! Misty discovers that Brock has a fever and tries to convince him to spend the day resting in bed. Brock finally agrees and tells them there are directions on how to perform his chores in his notebook. As Ash and Misty begin the day's chores they easily become overwhelmed. They must cook, do the dishes, feed the Pok\u00e9mon, haul water, gather and split wood and even polish Brock's rock Pok\u00e9mon. Certain disaster seems eminent when Ash decides to speed up the polishing process with his Totodile's Water Gun! Will Ash and Misty be able to perform all of Brock's chores, take care of the Pok\u00e9mon and fend off Team Rocket's nighttime attack all on their own?"
"As Ash and company pass through an intriguing little village, they notice a Feraligatr in the midst of a battle. Drawing closer, they see the Feraligatr defeat one opponent after another, but it never seems to tire! When the gang meets the Feraligatr's trainer, they find out that Pok\u00e9mon battles in this town are of a different breed. Here they practice the art of Pok\u00e9mon Sumo. Oversized Pok\u00e9mon are taught to wrestle and are forbidden from using special attacks in Sumo matches. As luck would have it, the Sumo conference is being held the following day. True to his nature, Ash decides to enter the conference, certain he can win. He is surprised, however, to find out he must use a Pok\u00e9mon that weighs at least 80 kilograms. For Ash, that means only one Pok\u00e9mon... Snorlax! Although Snorlax makes the weigh-in, it doesn't seem to be interested in moving towards the ring, let alone battling. Watch the surprising turn of events as Ash cleverly uses Snorlax's guts to his advantage."
"On the long trek to Olivine City, our heroes notice Pikachu looks a bit worn out. Brock suggests it's the trudging along this trail that has taken a toll. Just then, an old man appears from beside the path and explains the soil in this region contains minerals that absorb electricity. He walks up to Pikachu, kneels down and starts speaking to Pikachu in Pok\u00e9mon tongue! Upon Pikachu's response, he rises and tells Ash that Pikachu is exhausted and cannot walk much further. Introducing himself as Simon, he suggests the crew follow him to his rest-stop. Upon their arrival, Ash hooks up Pikachu to a nearby bicycle with the electrodes attached to it. The more Ash pedals, the more electricity is pumped back into Pikachu's cheeks. Simon explains to Misty and Brock he won't charge for the recharge and he'll wave his translation fee. Surprised he charges at all for his rest-stop remedies, Misty and Brock are cut short of saying anything by the arrival of Officer Jenny. There to arrest Simon, she explains several local trainers have been swindled out of money recently by a person claiming to be a Pok\u00e9mon interpreter. Can Simon really talk to the Pok\u00e9mon, or is he the scam artist Officer Jenny has been looking for?"
"As our heroes and their Pok\u00e9mon enjoy another fine meal prepared by Brock, Golbat begins to act strangely and flies away. Brock, Ash and Misty chase after the Flying-type and end up at an archaeological dig. When they meet the intelligent and beautiful archeologist, Tierra she explains her ultra-sonic equipment had just been destroyed and perhaps its errant waves attracted Golbat. She also tells our heroes of an ancient golden mask and scepter, once belonging to a queen who had the power to control all Pok\u00e9mon. She is now looking for a buried temple said to contain these two priceless artifacts and asks Brock if his Golbat will use it's Sonic attack to help her locate the exact placement of the temple. Overhearing our heroes, Team Rocket employs their latest mechanical menace, the Dig-a-Tron to beat the gang to the temple. When Jessie dons the mask and scepter she has the power to control all Pok\u00e9mon, even Pikachu! What will become of the Pok\u00e9mon under Jesse's rule?"
"As our heroes enter the historic city of Whitestone, they notice it appears to be made of marble! Brock's guide book explains this phenomena. Generation after generation in Whitestone has painted all of the buildings white. After so many years, the layers have given the impression the city is made of marble. Just as the gang enters the city, they notice a band of Smeargle running amok, painting every bare wall in site with their tails. Dexter quickly explains these Pok\u00e9mon express themselves by painting and the color in their tail depends upon the Pok\u00e9mon's mood. Just then, the townsfolk appear in an angry mob, demanding the Smeargle stop this graffiti. Before the scene gets out of control, a famous artist appears to claim the Smeargle. All are astonished to find out this world famous abstract artist uses Smeargle to create his masterpieces. He begs the townspeople to allow the Smeargle to express themselves. Apparently, the Smeargle have been through a creative dry-spell and he hopes they will find a way to create beautiful artwork once again. Will the artist, Smeargle and townspeople find a way to live in harmony?"
"At the end of a long day, our heroes search for a Pok\u00e9mon Center in a small town near Olivine City. Unable to locate one they ask a local lady for directions. She explains the nearest Pok\u00e9mon Center is ten miles away! Too exhausted to extend today's journey, the gang decides to set up camp in a local park. As he gets water from a nearby fountain, Brock notices a Nidorina approaching to take a drink. Running after Nidorina is her trainer, who trips and almost falls into the fountain. She is narrowly saved by Brock and immediately falls head over heals in love with him. Introducing herself as Temaku, she insists Brock and his friends stay with her at her father's house. How will Brock handle a large does of his own medicine from the smitten Temaku?"
"Nearing Olivine City, our heroes notice a field full of windmills. Brock explains the windmills are used to generate electricity. Deciding the breezy windmill field is a nice place to take a break and get some fresh air, our heroes release their Pok\u00e9mon from their Pok\u00e9 Balls and begin to set up a picnic. When Ash and Chikorita go looking for firewood, they stumble upon a concrete building with the front door wide open. Curious, the duo enter and are promptly locked in when a strong gust of wind shuts the heavy electric door. Hearing Ash's cries for help, Pikachu races towards the building, followed by Brock and Misty. While Brock contacts the electric company for help, Ash decides to descend the floors of the compound and locates the building's power source. He and Chikorita must battle their way through the scores of security systems in place... Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon!"
"Taking a rest from their exhausting expedition, our heroes settle down in a small field near a stream to enjoy a mid-day meal. Ash releases his Pok\u00e9mon from their Pok\u00e9 Balls so they too can enjoy a well deserved break. Overly excited to see Ash, Bayleef runs towards him at full-tilt. Inadvertently, Bayleef uses Tackle Attack and knocks Ash for a loop. When Bayleef's uncontrollable affection becomes too much for Ash, he looses his temper and says something spiteful. Ash tells Bayleef to go away and stay away! When Ash can't find Bayleef after lunch, the gang goes on a search and rescue mission. With Pikachu following Bayleef's scent, the crew winds up at an old woman's house. She explains how she found Bayleef, hurt and weak near the river's bank. When Ash tries to re-claim his Pok\u00e9mon, Bayleef simply ignores him. It is clear Bayleef would rather stay with the kind old woman and her Pok\u00e9mon than continue the journey with Ash. Will Ash be able to win back Bayleef's trust and affection?"
"When our heroes stumble upon a one-day street performance, they get to see all types of Pok\u00e9mon with unique skills. Anxious to know the future, Misty volunteers to have her fortune read by Natu. A young boy named McKenzie and his Pok\u00e9mon, Natu begin the reading but make several mistakes. Embarrassed, McKenzie runs away with Natu before Misty's future is revealed. The gang follows McKenzie and suggests he wear a mask during his performances to help boost his confidence. Misty explains if he wears the mask no one will know who he is. McKenzie's father likes the idea too, believing the mask will lend an exciting element to the performance. When McKenzie returns to the stage, will he and Natu be able to remember the routine and use Natu's Future Sight to tell patron's fortunes?"
"When our heroes happen upon an unusual formation in the middle of a grassy field, Brock believes it is a crop circle... placed there by aliens! Just then, something comes hurtling out of the sky towards them. A far away voice calls down an apology for almost hitting Ash with the object. Skyler, a boy training for a hot air balloon race, introduces himself to the gang and explains he was practicing for the upcoming event. Getting a marker as close to the center of the large, circular target by throwing it from the hot air balloon is one aspect of the competition. Intrigued by the hot-air balloon racing circuit, Ash quickly makes up his mind to enter as well. When Brock reminds him they don't have a chance of winning without a hot air balloon, Skyler's father says he has something to help them out. Pulling a balloon out of his shop, he begins to fill it up and to our heroes surprise, it's a Pikachu shaped hot air balloon! When Team Rocket decides to enter the race as well, Jessie and James sabotage several of the balloons the night before the big event. With only Team Rocket, Ash and Skyler in the running, who will end up winning the grand prize?"
"Strolling through downtown, our heroes notice a mob of girls chasing someone down. Suddenly, a man in a black cape and hat runs up to Ash and gives him a package to hold. He tells Ash to stay put because he'll be back for the package shortly. As the mob approaches, the mysterious man runs away with the girls in hot pursuit. Our heroes stand stunned by this interesting turn of events. As they do, the package in Ash's arms wiggles open to reveal a Smoochum! When our friends decide to try and track down Smoochum's trainer, they pass by a theater showing the opening to a brand new Brad Van Darn movie! Realizing this is the same person who gave Ash the Pok\u00e9 package, the gang decides to return Smoochum to Brad during his in-person appearance at a nearby theater. Believing Brad's Smoochum doesn't fit the macho image of the movie star, Brad's manager tells Ash to keep the Pok\u00e9mon because Brad has no interest in Smoochum anymore. What will become of Smoochum now?"
"Our heroes are camped out by a lake where Ash wakes up one morning and sees a Rhydon emerging from the water. A swimming Rock-type Pok\u00e9mon seems impossible, but one of the local Rhydon has indeed learned to use Surf\u2014and a girl named Pietra is out to catch it! She's trying to complete a tunnel to a nearby town, but Rock-type Pok\u00e9mon flee the excavation site whenever water drips from the tunnel's ceiling. If she had that swimming Rhydon, though, it would keep digging the tunnel no matter what!\n\nAsh and his friends offer to help, of course. After chasing a wrong lead or two, they catch up with Rhydon in the middle of the lake. Pietra asks Rhydon to battle her, but Rhydon couldn't care less; it learned to swim so it could reach an island full of apple trees, and right now those seem much more interesting. Just as they catch up with Rhydon again, Team Rocket descends from the skies, grabs Rhydon, and flies away. They don't get far before Ash and his friends stop their escape, free Rhydon, and send them packing.\n\nRhydon just wants to leave, but Pietra clings to it and demands a battle. She refuses to let go even when Rhydon dives below the water, so it takes her to shore before walking away. Pietra pleads for Rhydon's help one last time and Rhydon finally agrees to battle, though it takes some hard work on Marill's part to weaken it so Pietra can make a capture. With Rhydon's help, the excavation is soon complete. Ash and his friends exit the newly-completed tunnel and continue on towards Olivine City!"
"Ash and his friends stop at an air station to get a closer look at the Leviathan 2, a luxury dirigible taking passengers on a flight around the world. The ship has landed to refuel and the crew needs medical assistance for some passengers' Pok\u00e9mon, so Brock volunteers to help. The passengers are two wealthy young ladies, Madison and Alexa, whose two Kecleon are suffering from a little airsickness. Brock's remedies make sure the Kecleon, called Greenie and Reddie, are back to normal in no time flat.\n\nGreenie and Reddie are taken back to their stateroom, which Team Rocket then tries to rob of valuables. Greenie snatches a jewelry box back from Team Rocket and the Kecleon flee the room. As reports come in that the Kecleon are running around the ship, our heroes pitch in to help find them\u2014Team Rocket is on the trail too, hoping to get their hands on that jewelry box. The chase leads everyone out of the dirigible, into the air station terminal, and then right back out again.\n\nAs Greenie and Reddie exit the terminal, they're surrounded by our heroes and the dirigible's crew. Team Rocket catches up to everyone and tries to grab them. Now it's clear that Greenie and Reddie weren't being mischievous, they were trying to keep the jewelry away from Team Rocket! Their owners join Ash in battling Team Rocket and soon Team Rocket goes blasting off, the jewelry box is recovered, and the dirigible can finish refueling and leave."
"The Nurse Joy at Lake Lucid's Pok\u00e9mon Center is famous among Water-type Pok\u00e9mon Trainers, so Misty is thrilled when our heroes' travels take them to the lake. Lake Lucid's Nurse Joy is the third generation of Nurse Joys who have turned Lake Lucid from a toxic pool to a crystal-clear lake where Water-type Pok\u00e9mon come to rest and recuperate, and she's one of Misty's long-time heroes.\n\nEverything goes swimmingly until Misty asks Nurse Joy to examine her Water-type Pok\u00e9mon. This Nurse Joy actually hates Water-type Pok\u00e9mon, and she's hated them ever since some Remoraid frightened her when she was a child! Even though Nurse Joy says she still understands Water-type Pok\u00e9mon and doesn't let personal feelings impair her ability to do her job, Misty refuses to believe a word of it. She's angry and distraught that her idol doesn't even want to touch Water-type Pok\u00e9mon without putting on a special protective suit.\n\nMisty's tour of the Pok\u00e9mon Center is interrupted by Team Rocket, who burst in with a beat-up Tentacruel submarine and try to steal the Center's Pok\u00e9mon. They're soon defeated, but Nurse Joy's protective suit is lost and a Gyarados becomes agitated when its tank is destroyed. As the only one with the training and experience to handle the situation, Nurse Joy steps up and calms Gyarados down, suit or no suit\u2014she may hate Water-type Pok\u00e9mon, but her duty takes precedence over fear. Even though Nurse Joy isn't magically cured of her hatred for Water Pok\u00e9mon, Misty realizes she may have judged too harshly and leaves with a newfound respect for Nurse Joy's dedication."
"The way to Olivine City and Ash's next Gym challenge lies across a desert of sand and rock. Just as Ash and his friends start to cross it, Team Rocket ambushes them and scoops up Pikachu. Cyndaquil is injured in the battle with Team Rocket, which ends when it uses Flamethrower on Weezing's Smokescreen and triggers an explosion that frees Pikachu but knocks Cyndaquil into the depths of the desert. However, local tales say that sick or injured Pok\u00e9mon that enter the desert will return to their Trainers in great shape, almost as if the desert contains a hidden oasis.\n\nCyndaquil tries to find its way back, but when it collapses with weariness, other Pok\u00e9mon come carry it away. After Team Rocket crash lands in the desert, Meowth is spirited away by other Pok\u00e9mon too! Both injured Pok\u00e9mon are whisked off to an oasis inside a hollowed-out mountain, where a Miltank heals them both. Team Rocket follows Meowth to the mountain, but they're turned away by a group of Exeggutor guards. Ash and his friends also find their way to the mountain, but use Brock's Onix to burrow past the guards.\n\nOnce they get inside, the Pok\u00e9mon in the oasis spring to its defense. As Meowth explains, this is no place for people\u2014these Pok\u00e9mon want to be left alone! Team Rocket drops in with their balloon and order Meowth to help steal the Pok\u00e9mon, but Meowth refuses to battle. Team Rocket's other Pok\u00e9mon refuse to attack, too! Undeterred, Team Rocket grabs Miltank and overpowers Meowth, but they're soundly beaten by Cyndaquil. Now that Miltank and the other oasis Pok\u00e9mon realize Ash means no harm, he can reunite with Cyndaquil and peacefully continue on his way."
"Our heroes reach Olivine City and make a beeline for the Gym, where Gym Leader Jasmine accepts Ash's challenge. Jasmine sends out a gleaming Onix that easily defeats Ash's Totodile, even though Onix should be vulnerable to Totodile's Water-type attacks. But then the real Jasmine enters the room\u2014the \"Jasmine\" that Ash battled is really Janina, Jasmine's apprentice! And as Janina later reveals to Jasmine, she coated her Onix in waterproof wax, a misguided cheat that earns Janina a time-out from the Gym.\n\nJasmine herself is too worried about \"Sparkle\" to deal with a Gym challenge. This leaves Ash to wander the city, wondering what to do next. He runs into Janina, who apologizes to him and says that Jasmine is at the Shining Lighthouse on the wharf; since Ash wants to ask Jasmine when she'll be ready for a battle, he heads there right away. Inside the lighthouse are Jasmine, her grandpa Myron, and Jasmine's Ampharos, Sparkle, who provides the light for the lighthouse. Sparkle isn't feeling well and Janina's still on a time-out, so it's up to Ash and the gang to pick up Sparkle's medicine from Cianwood City.\n\nBefore they can leave, Team Rocket attacks the lighthouse, catching Sparkle and Brock in a cage. Janina sees the commotion and comes to the rescue; without the wax coating, Onix can't pursue Team Rocket across the water, but it can certainly snag the cage and halt Team Rocket's getaway. Janina climbs up Onix to free Brock and Ampharos, then orders Onix to send Team Rocket for a loop. Janina is now back in Jasmine's good graces, and she gladly accompanies our heroes to Cianwood City!"
"Ash and his friends are in Cianwood City with Janina, an apprentice at the Olivine Gym. Janina picks up medicine for Olivine Gym Leader Jasmine's ailing Ampharos and returns to Olivine while Ash plans to challenge the Cianwood Gym. Before he does, though, he goes to investigate a man and a Machoke who are sparring on the beach. The man happily orders everyone to the Cianwood Gym\u2014he's none other than Chuck, the Cianwood Gym Leader!\n\nAsh's challenge is accepted and a 2-on-2 Gym battle begins. Chuck starts with a Poliwrath; Pikachu should have the advantage as an Electric-type, but it's defeated by Poliwrath's physical strength and Double-Slap attack. Ash counters with Bayleef, using its type advantage to beat Poliwrath, so Chuck sends in his Machoke. In the meantime, Team Rocket sneaks into the Gym and gobbles up an unattended meal. They're spotted by Chuck's wife, who mistakes them for students and assigns them to chores.\n\nBack at the battle, Bayleef doesn't appear to be making headway. It uses Vine Whip to grab Machoke's arms, starting a tug-of-war, and Ash wants Bayleef to tough it out for a face-to-face battle with Machoke. Machoke reels Bayleef in, but Bayleef turns it around and knocks out Machoke, winning Ash the Storm Badge! Since Jasmine still isn't ready to battle yet, Ash takes up Chuck's suggestion of a detour through the Whirl Islands. Chuck's wife gives them a free ferry pass and our heroes are on their way!"
Season 5 - Pokémon
"In a scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and friends are thrown from the ship bearing them to the Whirl Islands. As powerful whirlpools draw them toward impending doom, a mysterious form under the sea shifts the powerful undertow, drawing them to safety. Shortly thereafter, a Corsola comes skipping over the sea's surface and guides the children back to a ship wherein awaits their old friend, Professor Elm. They ride the ship to a bustling harbor in the first of the Whirl Islands. There they learn of an upcoming competition in which Water Pok\u00e9mon trainers will vie for the title of Whirl Island champion."
"Our heroes discover an island on which the Pidgey population\u2014long protected by environmental regulation and free from predators\u2014has grown to unusually stout proportions and virtually abandoned any desire for flight. There Ash and friends find one Pidgey, however, in which the desire to soar through the heavens burns more fiercely than even in Pidgey from beyond this island. Anxious to see this Pidgey achieve its dreams, the young trainers join with the Pidgey's trainer and follow the Pok\u00e9mon in a jet-assisted hot air balloon, tracking its flight as the Pidgey climbs higher into the stratosphere than any Pok\u00e9mon in history."
"On their way to the Whirl Cup competition, Ash and friends are fortunate enough to pass a small mountain village just as an annual Chinchou migration is about to occur. Long ago seismological forces had combined to lift the mountain out of the depths of the sea, bringing along with it the undersea nesting ground of these Chinchou. Guided by instinct, these sea Pok\u00e9mon continue to lay eggs there even though the land is now above water. Ash and friends join a father and son appointed this year by the village to protect the Chinchou on their journey\u2014and it's a good thing these Pok\u00e9mon Trainers were along because it turns out Team Rocket has designs on the migrating Chinchou as well."
"Just as Ash and friends arrive at a new island, their ears are met with cries for help. A family had built their house upon a Corsola nesting ground, and when a new, hyperactive Corsola arrived and frightened off the previous Corsola residents, the ground beneath the house weakened and the house was washed out to sea. The father and daughter who had been outside during the catastrophe now look on helplessly as another daughter\u2014trapped inside the house\u2014is washed out toward a large whirlpool. Ash and Misty call their Pok\u00e9mon to action and manage to save the young girl, but this proves to be only the first challenge of the day. As Ash and friends set about recollecting the Corsola that had reinforced the foundation of this family's home, Team Rocket soon arrives and attempts to steal not only the needed Corsola, but also collections of local artwork made from Corsola horns, which these Pok\u00e9mon shed regularly. While assisting this local family, Misty waits not so patiently for an opportunity to catch the Corsola that had first driven the others away, and make it her own."
"Our heroes narrowly miss the ferry to Redrock Isle, but are fortunate enough to bump into a Pok\u00e9mon researcher and a deep-sea diver who offers to carry them across the strait in her boat. En route they learn of a longstanding goal she is just now attempting to reach\u2014her great-grandfather had made a valuable discovery, but been discredited when the find was lost in a shipwreck, the location of which she has only recently discovered. Excited by her tale, the young Pok\u00e9mon Trainers decide to accompany her in a dive down to the ruined ship and witness as she recovers the article that will restore her great-grandfather's honor in the scientific community. Their attempts to approach the sunken ship, however, are routed by an aggressive Mantine and a number of Remoraid. In order to take up her great-grandfather's legacy, this researcher, with the help of Ash and friends, must first explain the strange defensive behavior of these Pok\u00e9mon."
"After reaching the town where the preliminary round of the Whirl Cup is held, Ash and Misty enter and earn the two victories required to continue on to the finals. A friend they had met earlier is not as fortunate. When Misty tries to console him with promises of the next Whirl Cup to be held in three years, he remains depressed, saying that it was not lack of ability but the low spirits of his Octillery that had brought about his defeat. The Pok\u00e9mon had been depressed ever since it evolved from a Remoraid and was subsequently spurned by its onetime Remoraid friends. If the boy cannot somehow mend these friendships between Pok\u00e9mon that have now grown different in appearance, he doesn't see any hopes of victory even in three years time. Ash and friends willingly lend their knowledge and enthusiasm to this problem of Pok\u00e9mon sociology."
"As the final round of the Whirl Cup begins, Ash and Misty must each face formidable opponents. Ash has his Kingler transferred from Oak's lab in preparation, but when he and his Totodile begin their first battle, they must face an opponent with a powerful Kingdra. Misty also faces a challenging duel with an experienced opponent and his Qwilfish. Meanwhile, Team Rocket sets about stealing an ancient jewel used in a reward ceremony to be performed for the tournament's victor."
"Ash and Misty each emerge victorious from arduous bouts only to be paired against one another in the next round. As these two square off, Team Rocket plots to steal the tournament's prize using reverse psychology: they leave an anonymous tip with the local police force that the prize is in danger. This tip, Jessie reasons, will lead to heightened security, which will in turn lead to overconfidence and carelessness, effectually making it easier for Jessie and James to sneak in and claim their prize. With Ash already in strong position, Misty accidentally deploys Psyduck to face his Kingler. In a surprise turn, however, Psyduck launches a Confuse attack that wins the match for Misty. Ash takes his place in the stands and cheers for Misty as she begins her next round. Meanwhile Team Rocket watches in shock as\u2014contrary to Jessie's plan\u2014not only is the police presence at the event fortified, but the police show no sign of growing overconfident."
"A village of kind, elderly people prepares a great meal for Ash and friends, and in return requests that the Pok\u00e9mon Trainers assist them in defending their village against a gang of marauders that invades the village every year and attempts to rustle their sizable herd of Diglett. In explaining this to the children, the village's elderly mayor loses his train of thought numerous times, leaving Ash and friends completely confused by his request, until an unlikely source offers some clarification. The leader of the gang in question appears, succinctly restates the mayor's explanation, promises to return the following day with his gang, and finally excuses himself politely. A bit puzzled by this genteel marauder, Ash and friends nonetheless accept the mayor's request and along with Team Rocket, whose insatiable appetites had brought them to the dinner as well, begin fortifying the town against attack. When our heroes venture into the enemy camp, however, they learn that there is more to the marauders' plot than meets the eye."
"Ash, Misty, and Brock run into a local shopkeeper who introduces them to one of her friends, a jewelry maker who tells them the legend of the fourth Whirl Island. When they first encounter the jewelry maker they find that he and his Sandslash are very ill. After Ash, Misty, and Brock help them to recover, they learn that the jewelry maker is in love with the shopkeper and wants to propose. As usual Team Rocket isn't far behind and up to no good with a plan to try and steal all of the jewelry in the town."
"While on their quest to locate a mysterious Pokemon, Ash, Misty, and Brock run into their old friends Richie, and his Pikachu, Sparky. They also meet a young boy and his Lanturn, who has made friends with a baby Lugia. Meanwhile, Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket are hatching a plan to capture the baby Lugia in hopes of eventually catching its parent. Jessie and James also try to catch the adult Lugia, but are unsuccessful."
"With the young Lugia in the possession of Butch and Cassidy, Ash and friends set about rescuing it while protecting its parent from itself. The parent Lugia fights desperately to free its child\u2014playing right into Team Rocket's hands. If Ash fails to win the Lugia's trust and convince it not to oppose Team Rocket alone, it seems this Pokemon is fated to end up in captivity along with its child."
"Ash and friends do their best to free the captured Lugia from Team Rocket, but are eventually overwhelmed by a new technology that emotionally manipulates Pokemon, amplifying their rage and enhancing the power of their attacks. This heightened power enables Butch and Cassidy to not only capture the parent Lugia, but to take captive Ash and friends as well. A Team Rocket researcher insists that true power lies in fury, but Ash hopes to prove that trust between man and Pokemon holds the key to a greater power still, and to free himself and his friends in the process."
"At Transit Town, Ash gives Janina a call to check on Sparkle the Ampharos, and to see if Jasmine is ready for their Gym battle. Janina gives them good news, and Ash and the others set off for the last boat out to Olivine City, but they wind up missing it! Ash asks an old man about the next ferry, and is told that there are no more until tomorrow. The old man directs him to a plane service called the Hoothoot Express that might be able to help them.\n\nWhen they arrive, they find that the old man is actually the owner of the plane, Wings Alexander. Wings used to be a great Pok\u00e9mon Trainer back in the day, winning many a battle with the help of his Hoothoot. He asks the kids to help him with his chores, and then he will fly them to Olivine City.\n\nThey get on the plane and find a Noctowl in the co-pilot seat\u2014it's Wings's Hoothoot, now evolved. They take off, only to be hit by an approaching storm. In their balloon, the members of Team Rocket are also caught in the storm, and they ask the pilot for help. Wings invites them on board.\n\nIt takes the combined power of both Ash and Wings's Noctowl to keep the plane aloft while Pikachu draws the lightning away! Wings notices the lighthouse in the distance, showing him which way to go to avoid the cliffs, while Team Rocket goes blasting off again.\n\nFinally, the plane lands in Olivine City, and Ash begins to prepare for his long-awaited battle with Gym Leader Jasmine!"
"As Ash prepares for his Olivine Gym battle, he and the others come across a giant Wobbuffet. It turns out to be a Team Rocket \"Wobbu Warrior\" robot, used for\u2014what else?\u2014trying to capture Pikachu. Jasmine's Steelix comes to the rescue, cracking the robot's shell, freeing Pikachu, and sending Team Rocket blasting off again.\n\nAt the Gym, Janina sets out the rules of the match: a two-by-two battle. Ash begins the match by using Pikachu against Jasmine's Magnemite. Pikachu takes an attack so it can hit the dodging Magnemite, then follows with Quick Attack to knock Magnemite out! Jasmine then sends out Steelix, which takes an early hit. It then manages to knock Pikachu out with its Iron Tail. Ash sends out Cyndaquil as his last Pok\u00e9mon, trying to beat the Steel type with fire. Steelix digs itself underground and attacks, but Cyndaquil avoids it by using its Flamethrower against the wall for a quick direction change! Cyndaquil then takes a hit from Steelix's Iron Tail, but refuses to give up. Its Flamethrower turns Steelix's Sandstorm into a flaming whirlwind\u2014knocking it out, and giving Ash the victory and the Mineral Badge!\n\nAfter the battle, Ash and the gang decide where they will go next: Mahogany Town. To get there, they will cut through Ecruteak City. After saying goodbye to Janina and Jasmine, they're on their way!"
"Ash gets a surprise request from Professor Oak: it seems to Pok\u00e9mon in the Professor's laboratory have taken to fighting amongst themselves, all of the Professor's attempts to stop them ending in failure. Knowing that Ash's Bulbasaur has much experience peacemaking between Pok\u00e9mon, Professor Oak enlists this Pok\u00e9mon's services. Sure enough it isn't long after Bulbasaur's arrival that peace returns to the laboratory, but will the same endure even after Bulbasaur leaves? If not, can Ash bear being separated at length from one of his oldest and best Pok\u00e9mon friends?"
"Our heroes meet up with an old friend, Sakura, and her Pokemon\u2014an Espeon that evolved from her Eevee. They lend a hand as Sakura and her sisters prepare for an upcoming dance competition, but meanwhile Team Rocket is hatching a plan to capture a Pokemon from Sakura and each of her sisters, collecting all of the evolved forms of Eevee to present to their boss. When Sakura alone is left to face Team Rocket, she hopes she can prove her mettle once and for all, and gain her sisters' permission to embark upon a journey of her own."
"When Ash, Misty, and Brock run to investigate a mysterious chorus of bells that spontaneously ring out, they chance to meet their old friend Morty and a Pok\u00e9mon researcher of his acquaintance. Morty and the researcher discover that the sacred Crystal bells, which are said to ring when a legendary Ho-oh returns, are missing. Since the bells were also used to heal the Bug Pok\u00e9mon living in that area, these Pok\u00e9mon lash out against their human neighbors, covering the town with their webs. Ash and friends decide to get to the heart of things and, in the forest, find Team Rocket restrained by webs and hanging from a tree. Ash, Misty, Brock, Morty, and the researcher begin to battle with the Bug Pok\u00e9mon. Just when it seems as if there is no hope an unsuspected ally appears."
"On their way to Mahogany City, Ash, Misty, and Brock run into Gary and his Arcanine practicing for a meet. Ash decides he wants to enter the meet but needs a sleigh, which he receives from a local Pokemon breeder. Team Rocket no sooner gets wind of the meet than do they begin sabotaging it, stealing Gary's Arcanine midway through the race and making off with some Pokemon eggs stored at the local breeding center. After a short battle with Team Rocket, Arcanine is returned to Gary and Ash goes on to win the race, a trophy, and an unexpected gift from the Pokemon breeder."
"The egg\u2014yet to hatch\u2014that Ash had received from a grateful Pokemon breeder turns up missing. Ash and friends are fortunate, however, in that an Officer Jenny famous for her brilliant forensic work appears on the scene. As the investigation proceeds, however, the young Pokemon trainers begin to lose faith in this famous figure\u2014it seems she is only able to correctly interpret clues after someone else (most often Ash, Misty, or Brock, in this case) have sorted things out for her. It seems that if the young trainers are to find the egg before it hatches, they will have to take over the investigation themselves."
"At long last Ash's egg hatches, a Phanpy emerging to finally put everyone's curiosity to rest. Ash and friends' excitement is matched only by that of Jessie and James of Team Rocket, who see in the newly hatched Pokemon a chance to redeem themselves with Giovanni. Full of youthful vigor, the Phanpy quickly escapes Ash and goes off on its own, now pursued by both Team Rocket and Ash's party. Ash and Pikachu finally set out together after this stray Pok\u00e9mon and continue to be frustrated in attempt after attempt at its capture."
"As Jessie, James, and Meowth track Ash and friends, they commiserate over past failures and discuss how they are paired unfairly against these younger trainers with such a superior array of Pok\u00e9mon. They no sooner decide anew to catch as many Pok\u00e9mon as possible and strengthen their own forces than a Delibird shows up. After finally capturing it, they are disappointed to learn that the Pok\u00e9mon already has a trainer\u2014a Team Rocket scout, no less, who is using the Delibird to test the abilities of promising new talent. Sensing their natural aptitudes toward crime, the scout offers Jessie and James positions within Team Rocket. These two assert that they are already members, to which the scout replies by accessing their Team Rocket personnel files and proving that they have been expelled from the organization. Shocked, Jessie and James set desperately to garnering some success that will earn them reentry into their beloved Team Rocket."
"Our heroes are traveling over a mountain pass when inclement weather occasions a stay in a lodge located conveniently nearby. Brock is very taken with the hospitable caretaker of the lodge and her Ninetales, but his friends grow increasingly suspicious of her as they notice, and unsuccessfully try to point out to Brock, vague warning signs\u2014her being distant and distracted, her preoccupation with the past, her not reflecting in mirrors\u2014that she is not in fact his dream girl. Brock will have none of it, though, and eagerly accepts her proposal of marriage, even as the lodge itself grows increasingly sinister."
"Ash and friends chance into a Tyrogue, nearly falling victim to a ploy it lays out in an attempt to make off with all of their Pok\u00e9mon food. Just as they tie things up with the Tyrogue, they learn that it is in fact not wild, but owned by a devoted student of Chuck, the Cianwood Gym leader. This student, who prides himself for his martial arts ability, explains that he is now taking his Tyrogue to an exhaustive tournament in which Fighting type Pok\u00e9mon vie for the title. Meanwhile, though, he is having a terrible time disciplining his mischievous Pok\u00e9mon. As if to accent this complaint, an angry local arrives, exclaiming that Tyrogue has wrought havoc in town for the last time."
"Ash and friends meet a Xatu, a Pok\u00e9mon said to have the ability to see into the future, and the young girl whose job it is to watch over an entire flock of the same and interpret their strange predictions. They meet her at a difficult time in her career, as the locals are just beginning to doubt the accuracy of these Pok\u00e9mon's predictions, which have guided their community for centuries. The girl herself even finds her own faith waning, but when the Xatu forecast a cataclysm that would endanger all in the village, she must decide whether to trust in her Pok\u00e9mon or to let age-old traditions fall by the wayside."
"Ash and friends discover a red Gyarados, unknowingly uncovering a plot by Team Rocket to control the secrets of Pok\u00e9mon evolution. To ensure their silence, Team Rocket attempts to capture the children, but is foiled by a member of an elite Pok\u00e9mon defense organization, who releases the children with instructions to continue on their way and leave the dangerous job of ending this Team Rocket experiment to adults like himself. Ash and friends assent at first, but before long, unable to ignore the compassion he feels for the red Gyarados that seemed to be in such pain, Ash decides to return and lend a hand."
"Before they can oppose Team Rocket's evil plan to gain control of the Pok\u00e9mon of the world, Ash and friends must escape from a Team Rocket holding pen. With their Pok\u00e9mon rendered unable to fight by a sinister Team Rocket technology, this would be an impossible task\u2014impossible that is if Jessie and James had not been fortuitously chosen to watch over them. When, sure enough, Jessie and James slip up, Ash and friends jump on the opportunity to escape. Together with Lance and his Dragonite, they must not only stop Team Rocket from perfecting their Pok\u00e9mon Evolution Inducement machine, but also somehow quell the rage of the red Gyarados, as it threatens to destroy a nearby town."
"Finally setting foot in Mahogany Town, Ash is anxious to set about winning his next badge. When he finally locates the town gym leader, Pryce, he is surprised to recognize the man, having previously exchanged differing opinions on the proper nature of relationships between Pok\u00e9mon and trainer. The embittered gym leader maintains his position that Pok\u00e9mon must be controlled rather than trusted, must remain servants and never friends. When a natural catastrophe sends Ash and Pryce hurtling deep into the depths of the earth\u2014and equally deep into the recesses of this gym leader's mysterious past\u2014the two confront the Piloswine that loyally served Pryce long ago. In this lost Pok\u00e9mon Ash recognizes the seed that might bring about a change of heart in Pryce."
"Having earned Pryce's respect and permission to face the trainer in a gym battle, Ash makes the unlikely choice of sending out Cyndaquil, a Fire Pok\u00e9mon, to face his opponent on an Ice battlefield. Fortunately, Ash's strategy pans out as he leads the gym leader to lower his defenses, allowing Ash to take the first victory in a two-on-two match. Next the gym leader sends out his trusty Piloswine, which immediately unleashes a Blizzard attack that completely alters the battlefield, allowing it to make quick work of Ash's defending Pok\u00e9mon. With one victory each, the round enters sudden death with each trainer playing his oldest, most reliable Pok\u00e9mon. A seasoned duo, Ash and Pikachu may match the teamwork of the gym leader and his Piloswine, but will this be enough in a slippery ice arena that is second nature to Piloswine, but whereon Pikachu struggles even to stand?"
"Hardly taking a second to relish his latest gym victory, Ash quickly sets course for the next gym in Blackthorn City. It isn't long, though, before a more immediate challenge confronts his small party. As Ash and friends enter a clearing, they find large numbers of Vileplume and Bellossom preparing to battle. With the help of his Bayleef, Ash is able to settle the disturbance, but afterwards learns from a researcher working in the area that this is a common occurrence. The winds in this area, it seems, carry particulates from the Leaf and Sun Stones that cause Gloom to evolve into either Vileplume or Bellossom. Depending on the wind's direction, different amounts of either stone are scattered over the local Gloom, creating temporary surges in the populations of either of their possible evolutions. Since there is no foreseeable end to this natural state of flux, Ash and friends must end this constant fight for supremacy by convincing these Pok\u00e9mon to live in harmony despite this trick of the wind that puts one and then the other group in the advantaged position."
"Ash, Misty, and Brock face many roadblocks on the path to success, some metaphoric and others in the form of gigantic Magcargo that refuse to step aside and let a traveler pass. When Misty's Water tactics fail to move the stubborn Fire Pok\u00e9mon, a passing trainer taunts her, declaring that Fire Pok\u00e9mon, his specialty, are far superior to Water. Their rivalry escalates into a full-on Pok\u00e9mon battle, from which Misty emerges victorious. The Fire Pok\u00e9mon trainer doesn't hold a grudge for too long, though, and in the end an unlikely collaboration between Fire and Water reopens the path to the Johto League."
"Brock rarely meets a girl whom he doesn't find bewitching, but on encountering a particular young woman, even Ash and Misty can't deny that there is something magical about her. This is all explained when the young trainer explains that she is a practitioner of Pok\u00e9mon magic. Excited to see the completion of a spell that promises to allow humans to understand the feelings and thoughts of Pok\u00e9mon, Ash and friends embark on a quest to gather the hodgepodge of Pok\u00e9mon-related ingredients required for the spell. Can anyone spare any Gloom nectar? What about iron shavings sorted by a Magnemite?"
"When a tangle with Team Rocket leaves Pikachu desperately exhausted, a young passerby offers to restore Pikachu's energy, but only if the humans present promise never to reveal to another soul what they are about to see. This trainer then proceeds to guide Ash and friends to a legendary lake that somehow seems to restore energy to the Electric Pok\u00e9mon that live along its banks. Unfortunately, however, Team Rocket manages to tail the young trainers as they enter. Jessie and James are quick to make plans to lay waste to the serene lake, trading its pristine essence for personal gain."
"In the midst of their travels, Ash and friends meet up with a young girl who, along with her two Igglybuff assistants, stars in her own musical variety television program. Our heroes are content to sit back and enjoy the show, but unfortunately Team Rocket has other plans in mind. Unable to steal the show, Jessie and James content themselves by stealing the young girl's Pok\u00e9mon instead. As Ash and friends run to her assistance, Jigglypuff shows up, disgruntled at having been left out of the show.\n\n"
"As Ash and friends approach the site where Ash will earn his eighth badge, they fall victim to an unexpected Team Rocket trap. As they prepare to fight, they are interrupted by a mystic and her Slowpoke. This woman explains to them that the Slowpoke's distant expression evidences that it is pondering the meaning of its existence. Ash and friends eagerly volunteer to strengthen their minds through training in this Slowpoke's shrine, and are surprised when Team Rocket does the same. Jessie, James, and Meowth show their true colors soon enough however, reviewing to all that their actual motive is not enlightenment, but rather the valuable gold statues that decorate the shrine."
"Hearing of the posh reception prepared for the host and guest of a radio show to be recorded before a live audience, Jessie and James of Team Rocket quickly announce that they are in fact the long-awaited celebrities. Their mastery of disguise is soon put to the test, as it turns out that the guest in question is to be none other than Professor Oak. James quickly rises to the occasion, creatively answering arcane Pok\u00e9mon questions from excited fans. When the real Oak arrives, the children find his answers inconsistent with those received from James the day before, and ironically finger the real Oak as a fraud. When the two Oaks finally face off, the real Oak slips up in a Pok\u00e9mon trivia challenge, leaving onlookers to conclude that James is the real deal. In the final test, it is decided that each of the two professors must compose a poem in the style for which Oak is renowned. Professor Oak is confident that poetry\u2014his second love after Pok\u00e9mon\u2014will secure him victory, but little does he know that James has a hidden knack for verse as well."
"Ash, Misty, and Brock are traveling along when they notice a strange shape falling from the sky. They run in to investigate, but soon realized that they were not the only witnesses of this event. Two representatives of an organization devoted to uncovering secrets of the Pok\u00e9mon world arrive just as our heroes discover that the mysterious falling object was a Cleffa. Though these two Pok\u00e9mon buffs seem a bit eccentric, Ash and friends share their interest in discovering from whence this Pok\u00e9mon had come, and so they join forces in investigating a mystery that may shed light even on the very origins of Pok\u00e9mon life on their planet."
"On meeting up with a proud Pok\u00e9mon trainer who dares all comers to face his Poliwrath, Misty and Ash quickly rise to the challenge. Misty, in particular, encourages her Poliwhirl to watch closely as it may someday evolve into a Poliwrath. As is often the case, the battle isn't long over before this challenger and Ash and Misty have become fast friends. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, having furtively observed this battle and been convinced that the Poliwrath is a match even for Pikachu, decide to first capture it and then use it to capture Pikachu. Unfortunately, this logic does not hold as they find capturing a Pok\u00e9mon stronger than Pikachu even more difficult than simply capturing Pikachu. A surprise is in store for Misty, as her Poliwhirl evolves not into a Poliwrath, but into another Pok\u00e9mon altogether."
"Seeing that Ash just can't get enough battling, a trainer who loses to him suggests as she leaves that he give a local Pok\u00e9mon battle park a try. She explains that this facility is set up like an amusement park, but with all the attractions built around Pok\u00e9mon battling. Ash and friends set off enthusiastically toward the park, but get there after Jessie, James, and Meowth, who find the park to be closed for repairs. Always prepared to make the worst of a bad situation, Team Rocket entrench themselves in the park and wait for Ash, plotting to use the park's Pok\u00e9mon to battle and capture Ash's Pikachu. Ash will have to battle hard: his opponents include Blastoise, Venusaur, and Charizard."
"When Ash, Misty, and Brock pause for a quaint picnic by a lake, Politoed wanders off and is mistaken by another trainer for her own Politoed, the rhythm leader in her Pok\u00e9mon cheerleading squad that had gone AWOL. When Ash and friends clear up the misunderstanding, the trainer still begs for them to loan her their Politoed for use in an upcoming cheerleading competition. Meanwhile, her own Politoed returns and, none too pleased to find another Pok\u00e9mon in its place, immediately runs away again. Not wanting to break up a happy Pok\u00e9mon cheer team, Misty allows the trainer to borrow her Pok\u00e9mon for the competition, but promises in the meantime to track down the missing Politoed and convince it to return to active duty."
"On their way through Ice Path, Takeshi gets a cold and cannot proceed."
"Finally reaching the outskirts of Blackthorn City, Ash pushes to quickly seek out the gym where he hopes to earn his final Johto badge. Before he has the opportunity, he chances into a Dratini and learns that its eager trainer, Clair, is in fact the Blackthorn Gym leader. Ash's attempt to challenge her to a duel\u2014and Brock's attempts at getting her phone number\u2014are both cut short when Team Rocket arrives, intent on stealing the Gym Leader's Dratini right out from under her. After dispatching with these hapless villains, Ash secures Clair's promise to face him in her gym. Cheerfully Ash and friends march the last few miles into the city."
"No sooner has Ash begun what he hopes will be his final gym battle in the Johto League than Team Rocket once again throws a wrench into his plans, making off with the Dragon Fang, an invaluable heirloom long held by the Blackthorn Gym. Ash and friends, along with the gym leader, give chase, but in their flight, Team Rocket leads them deep into a secretive area rarely visited by anyone but the Dragon Pok\u00e9mon that dwell there. Perhaps angered by these uninvited guests, a large beast flies directly at Ash and friends as soon as they enter this area. Uncertain whether this shape be friend or foe, our heroes raise their guard and wait as it grows closer... and looms larger still."
"Immediately after entering an area considered sacrosanct by the Dragon Pok\u00e9mon that dwell there, Team Rocket sets off a chain of events that enrages the area's Dragonite guardian. Unchecked, this Dragon's rage threatens to destroy the area entirely and all those who dwell within it\u2014including not only Team Rocket, but also Clair, the gym leader, and Ash and party. Facing a Dragon of an opponent, the odds are stacked against Ash, but when an unexpected ally\u2014Ash's own Charizard\u2014makes an appearance, Ash sees a glimmer of hope."
"Having finally seen stability restored to the Blackthorn Gym, Ash and Clair face off in a gym battle. Ash opens with a surprise entry, his Snorlax, and defeats Clair's Kingdra to take victory in the first round. Clair quickly comes back, wearing Snorlax down with her Gyarados. Ash sends in Pikachu, hoping its advantage as an Electric Pok\u00e9mon will be enough to defeat Clair's Water Pok\u00e9mon. It isn't until he puts Pikachu's speed to use, however, that he emerges victorious. At two to one, Ash is only one win away from earning his final badge, but this last round\u2014against Clair's Dragonair\u2014promises to be the hardest one yet."
"Having defeated Clair and earned his eighth gym badge, Ash must now set out for the Johto League championship, which he learns is to be held on Mt Silver in three months time. As Ash heads toward New Bark Town, where he will register for entry in this competition, he is stopped by two reporters who ask for a shot of the trainer making his triumphant return. The reporters turn out to be none other than Jessie and James of Team Rocket. They trick Ash out of all eight of his badges, but the plan backfires when a passing Wynaut steals the badges from Wobbuffet. Remembering each of the eight victories that earned him these badges, Ash sets out after Team Rocket, determined to get back what is rightfully his."
"On the road back to New Bark Town, Ash and friends stop for a rest near the ocean. There they spot a sign advertising a synchronized Pok\u00e9mon swimming event. They run toward the area where the event is being held, arriving just as it begins. Close behind is Team Rocket, who quickly hatch a plan to steal all of the Pok\u00e9mon from the swimming show. After the first show, Misty, Ash, and Brock chance to meet the trainer in charge of this event. A rivalry quickly develops between Misty and this Water Pok\u00e9mon trainer. Before these two trainers have a chance to battle however, Ash steps in and challenges her to a battle in one of her underwater arenas. Due in part perhaps to this trainer's home-court advantage Ash quickly loses. Misty then steps in and challenges the trainer to a three on three Pok\u00e9mon battle. Misty is hard-pressed to defeat such an experienced trainer on her own field, but will her intimate knowledge of water Pok\u00e9mon guide her to victory?"
"Ash and friends return to New Bark Town, but before Ash is able to register for the Johto League Championship, Professor Elm sends him on an errand to retrieve a Pok\u00e9mon egg from a nearby marine Pok\u00e9mon laboratory. At the laboratory, Ash and friends meet up with a young researcher who uses the supersonic waves from a Lanturn to detect the singing voices of traveling Lapras. She hands an egg over to Ash, asking that he deliver it to Professor Elm. When a school of Lapras arrive, one of them begins calling out to Ash. It turns out that this is in fact the very same Lapras that Ash parted ways with in the Orange Islands. Their reunion is cut short when Team Rocket arrives and kidnaps this Lapras along with all of its friends. Unsurprisingly, Team Rocket fails miserably, but when their Magikarp submarine is caught up in a whirlpool, it drags Ash's Lapras's mother and the leader of the Lapras along with it. The researcher's equipment cannot detect the missing Lapras over the roar of the whirlpool, but magically Ash's Lapras and its mother are able to communicate through Lapras-song, allowing Ash's Lapras to find its missing peers."
"Questions as to what Pok\u00e9mon waits inside the egg Ash and friends have been carrying for Professor Elm are finally answered when it hatches into a Larvitar. Our heroes hardly have time to celebrate, however, as they realize that this Larvitar is unwell, its body temperature much lower than normal for any non-Ice Pok\u00e9mon. Even at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Nurse Joy is unable to do anything to stop this Larvitar's body temperature from dropping even further. Just as she warns Ash that Larvitar's life may be in danger, problems are compounded by a sudden and unexplained blackout. Desperately, Ash and friends set out to restore power to the Pok\u00e9mon Center in time to somehow treat their ailing Larvitar."
"As Ash and friends continue their travels with Larvitar, it remains wary of all other Pok\u00e9mon and people, particularly of Misty. They stop briefly at a Hot Springs, and there meet a young trainer who reports that he is there searching for an Entei. Jessie and James disguise themselves as snow cone salespeople and trap Ash and friends, but using their Pok\u00e9mon these trainers are quick to escape. Ash than challenges the Entei-seeking trainer to a battle in hopes of learning more about the secret attack that this trainer claims his Misdreavus will use to defeat Entei. This secret weapon turns out to be Mean Look, an attack that prevents one's opponent from leaving a battle. Moments after this battle, the enthusiastic young trainer runs off toward a sensor that is detecting the presence of Entei. Ash and friends follow, soon after witnessing a battle between this trainer and Entei. The battle doesn't go exactly as this trainer had planned, but leaves him nonetheless with a renewed respect for Entei."
"Brock leads Ash and Misty toward a beautiful lake he has read about in his guidebook, but when they arrive at its supposed location, they find nothing but a dried-up stream, surrounded by a number of thirsty Slowpoke. Ash and friends spot a Sumo Crown, but are stopped from approaching it by a young girl and her Slowpoke. The girl explains that she and her Slowpoke are researching legends surrounding the Slowpoke and a supposed Slowking. Long ago, in a time of drought, a chosen Slowpoke had used the Sumo Crown to evolve into a Slowking and then led the other Slowpoke off to paradise. It is her hope that began in this time of drought, a chosen Slowpoke will arise and lead its fellow Slowpoke to safety before it is too late. Numerous Slowpoke attempt to approach the crown, but all are bitten by Shellder and transform into Slowbro before they are able to reach it. The chosen Slowpoke must get by all the Shellder and reach the Sumo Crown before being bitten in order to evolve into a Slowking. Just when it seems all hope is lost, this girl's own Slowpoke darts off toward the Sumo Crown."
"A troublesome Elekid begins harassing Larvitar only moments before Team Rocket swoops in and captures both rare Pok\u00e9mon in a high-tensile steel net. As Ash and friends give chase, they bump into their old friend, Casey, who is looking for her Elekid, a Pok\u00e9mon she had recently acquired to help her in cheering for her favorite baseball team, the Electabuzz. Ash and Casey manage to rescue their kidnapped Pok\u00e9mon from Team Rocket's clutches, but in the process lose track of Elekid and Larvitar once again. As Jessie and James move on, they bump into the same Magikarp salesman that has troubled James on many previous occasions. That notwithstanding, James is talked into trading his Victreebel for one of this salesman's Weepinbell. All parties converge as Ash and Casey find their Pok\u00e9mon at the same time as Team Rocket. In the heat of battle, James's Weepinbell evolves into a Victreebel. This isn't enough to turn the tide of battle, however, and Team Rocket is defeated. Upset by its hapless defeat, James abandons his second Victreebel of the day."
"Ash and friends report back to Professor Elm as they reach the base of Mount Silver, where they hope to return their Larvitar to its birthplace. On their way up the mountain, Ash faces a young trainer in Pok\u00e9mon battle, pitting his Cyndaquil against the trainer's Magby. This Magby\u2014the pre-evolved form of Magmar\u2014is much stronger that Ash unexpected, and Ash suffers a defeat. Ash makes it up in a subsequent battle, when his Cyndaquil defeats a Quilava\u2014the evolved form of Cyndaquil. Following a few steps behind, Jessie and James note all of the trainers and their rare and valuable Pok\u00e9mon preparing to battle in the Johto Championship to be held on this mountain. Setting aside their usual plans for capturing Pikachu\u2014and their usual hot-air mode of transport\u2014they capture Larvitar and as many other Pok\u00e9mon as they can muster and drive off with them in a specially made truck. Only Ash and friends stand a chance of rescuing the Pok\u00e9mon they hold dear."
"A strange energy is emitted from the sky and an Unown pops out, landing right on Misty's head. The Unown appears to be sick and missing its friends. Misty confirms this, as for a moment when their heads knock together, Misty reads its mind! She sees a wonderland filled with Unown, and is amazed by what it looks like. Brock heard a legend that Unown can telepathically connect with human minds, leading Ash to try to reunite the Unown with its friends.\n\nThat task proves difficult, as scientists believe Unown live in an entirely different dimension! When Unown awakens, Ash reassures the Unown he will get it back home, no matter what.\n\nThe next day, Unown seems better, due to the help Larvitar gave it; Larvitar understands what it's like to be without family and friends, so it bonds easily with the lonely Unown. Suddenly, Team Rocket step in to try and take Unown! Larvitar's tries to use its Hidden Power to stop them, only to have Wobbuffet Counter the attack.\n\nTo keep everyone safe, Unown teleports Ash and crew to the Unown Dimension! Togepi and Pikachu appear much larger than normal, or Ash, Misty and Brock are smaller, depending on your point of view. Suddenly, the Electabuzz theme song begins, followed by a trip to Magby and Slowpoke, leading Misty to believe the Unown are creating a dimension off Ash, Misty, and Brock's most recent adventures. When they get to a shot of Ash in color and Brock and Misty in black and white, they discover that this world is taken specifically from Larvitar's memory! The Counter attack accidentally led the Unown to merge with Larvitar's mind.\n\nAsh gets sucked into a different part of the mind along with the others, who have all returned to their normal size now. Here, a voice in the background keeps repeating how scared it is, and images of the poachers who originally stole Larvitar's egg show up. They are blown away by Larvitar's mother Tyranitar, who was badly hurt in the process. This explains fully why Larvitar is so afraid of humans. Larvitar then appears amongst a tower of thorns, which represent the pain it went through as an egg.\n\nAsh, Brock, and Misty try to get Larvitar out of there along with Pikachu, but the thorns turn into ice encasing it. Ash is able to break the ice, freeing Larvitar from its troubles once and for all.\n\nThey return to the real world, where Larvitar has finally learned to trust Brock and Misty. Unown is thanked by Ash for the help, just in time for the other Unown to return it to their world!"
"Now that they have finally gaining Larvitar's trust, the group head towards the Pok\u00e9mon Reserve on Mt. Silver, as led by Larvitar. While crossing the bridge onto the reserve, the group does not realize they are being watched by three poachers, Braggo, Blurt, and Chico, who are inside a submerged submarine!\n\nAsh, Misty and Brock come across a roar in the distance, which belongs to a Tyranitar. Brock notices its scar, which matches the scar from Larvitar's dream, proving that this is indeed its mother. When Ash nudges Larvitar over to meet its mother, Tyranitar misinterprets the gesture and fires a Hyper Beam right at them! It believes Ash, Brock, and Misty are the original poachers, and chases after them in a fit of rage; the problem is enhanced by Larvitar, as it refuses to leave Ash behind! Larvitar's Screech snaps Tyranitar out of it, as it realizes that Larvitar is its baby, and that Ash, Brock, and Misty pose no threat. The threat arrives soon after, as the poachers return, trying to capture Tyranitar by trapping it in a Pok\u00e9bag! Ash recognizes the poachers from Larvitar's dream, and immediately tries to get Tyranitar back.\n\nWhen the poachers hear Ranger Mason approaching, they trap Ash in one of their bags and head off. Brock calls out Crobat to follow them, while charming up Ranger Mason. Mason informs them that they took the wrong road, as had they have not crossed the bridge, they would have made it right to the Preservation Center. As they work on finding the poachers, Team Rocket beat them to it and ask Braggo if they can join them. Braggo accepts, giving Jessie and James the packing machine in order to draw attention elsewhere, leaving an opportunity to escape with Tyranitar.\n\nCrobat reports back to Brock, giving Ash and crew an idea of where the poachers are hiding, but come across Team Rocket instead. Pikachu and Croconaw work together to redirect their attack, blasting Team Rocket off, while the poachers activate their poaching machine by remote to grab Croconaw and Pikachu! Larvitar uses its Screech to awaken Tyranitar, who uses its Hyper Beam to break their remote control. The bags break, freeing Tyranitar and the others, while a combined attack from Tyranitar and Larvitar destroy the machine, and free Pikachu and Croconaw.\n\nRanger Mason thanks Ash and friends for the help catching the poachers, but Ash puts the thanks all on Larvitar's head. Finally reunited with its mother, Larvitar remains at the Reserve, while Ash, Misty, and Brock head towards Silver Town!"
"With Larvitar returned to its rightful home, Ash and company make their way to Silver Town for the Silver Conference Tournament. On the way, they find a group of people lined up by the Ho-Oh Shrine, where the Silver Conference Torch is ready to be carried!\n\nThe torch runner appears to be late, and when an attendant goes to tell them the news, Togepi and Pikachu run inside. Ash and the others catch them, but not before they see two trainers leaving in a huff, afraid for their Pok\u00e9mon's safety. The attendant is saddened that two more trainers have fled the Shrine, and turns to Silver Conference entry Ash Ketchum for help! Before Ash can answer, Harrison, a trainer from Hoenn, appears to help them out.\n\nThe attendant tells the tale of the shrine and why it is here; a Ho-Oh put a stop to a battle by spreading its flame throughout the area. All weapons burned, and the land was left uninhabitable, until one day, plant and animal life returned. One flame remains, which has been preserved as The Sacred Flame at the Ho-Oh Shrine. At the top of the steps is a Sneasel, which is intent on stopping anyone from approaching the Shrine. Without being able to get close, they will be unable to use the Ho-Oh's flame to light the torch!\n\nAsh and crew approach the Secret Flame, just as Team Rocket get approached by the Sneasel, and its Machop and Machoke friends, for invading their space. Sneasel's Faint Attack sweeps Team Rocket into a frenzy and blast off before long. Ash makes his way to the shrine while Misty and Harrison deal with Machop and Machoke, but Sneasel shows up toss top Ash before he can take the flame. Totodile tries to stop the Sneasel, but gets taken out of the match before long by Sneasel's Shadow Ball. Ash and Totodile crash into a tree, but Ash refuses to give up.\n\nIn the forest, Team Rocket talk about replacing Meowth with Sneasel, believing that Meowth is keeping them down, while Sneasel could help them start winning some battles. Meowth overhears the conversation, and puts a plan into motion to stop them from getting the Sneasel. Ash and Harrison are still trying to stop Machoke and Machoke, and use Phanpy and Houndoom to get the job done. Before Harrison can catch Sneasel, team Rocket come around in a Sneasel shaped balloon!\n\nMeowth, dressed in a Sneasel outfit, approaches the wild Sneasel with a smoke bomb, but clues Sneasel in on the trick before it can go off. The bomb goes off anyway, but Team Rocket grab Meowth by accident, who goes and pops the balloon, blasting them off for a while longer. Harrison calls out his Blaziken, a Pok\u00e9mon Ash's Pok\u00e9dex has no data on, as it is native to the Hoenn region. Blaziken's Fire Punch manages to knock down Sneasel, long enough for Harrison to catch it!\n\nMachop and Machoke are hired to guard the shrine for good, as the torch is lit and carried off to Silver Town. Harrison announces that he too is entered in the Tournament, and cannot wait to meet Ash in the stadium!"
"After arriving at Silver Town, Ash runs into his favorite person: Gary! Gary is set on entering the Silver Conference, and is determined that this time he will be able to make it all the way, and beat Ash!\n\nWhile Gary huffs his way into the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Brock leads the way to the Athlete's Village. On the way, they bump into Mr. Goodshow, who is giving out balloons to greet the and, as part of his duties as Pok\u00e9mon League Torch Committee President. Ash promises Mr. Goodshow that he will give it his all in the Silver Conference, which cheers Mr. Goodshow up even further than his normal level of cheer.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket are working at a restaurant in order to try and get some money, but wind up eating their way out of a job. Ash, Misty, and Brock make it to the Athlete's Village, where they are treated to a luxury room, with a networked computer. They immediately head to the Trainer Screening, where trainers use their one best Pok\u00e9mon to try and qualify for the Silver Conference.\n\nAsh is called to the floor to take on Salvador from Cherrygrove City, and the computer determines that Ash must draw his Pok\u00e9mon first. He chooses Pikachu against Salvador's Furret. Furret's Dig seems to get the best of Pikachu, and goes in for a Headbutt to finish things off. Pikachu manages to jump on top of it before Headbutt can land, and performs a powerful Thunderbolt that leaves Furret vulnerable to a Quick Attack. That is enough to win the battle, as Ash gets his first victory. Phanpy and Cyndaquil take out Ash's next two opponents, allowing Ash to move on to the Semi-Finals!\n\nHarrison made it through the Screening as well, along with Gary. Mr. Goodshow reminds Ash that only 16 trainers will be able to move from the Semi-Finals on to the Victory Tournament, but Ash is determined to win it all, no matter what! Later that night, Ash is unable to sleep, and takes Pikachu for a walk along the shoreline.\n\nThey stumble upon Gary, who is also out to clear his head. Gary reminisces about the day he left Pallet Town, which also happened to be the day Ash got his Pikachu. Gary compliments Ash on how he was able to tame Pikachu's wild streak, to the point where they are now best friends. Who knows where they might have ended up is things turned out differently? Gary sees the possibilities awaiting both him and Ash, but that won't let him be stopped from trying to win it all in the Tournament! While continuing their friendship, the rivalry is still strong between the two trainers.\n\nWaiting for the Silver Conference torch to arrive in Silver Town, Ash is approached by two people looking to get him to apply for the Footprint Pok\u00e9mon Panel. When he goes to sign what he believes to be paperwork, the people are revealed to be Team Rocket, who tie Ash up and take Pikachu! Gary finds Ash tied up and goes to stop Team Rocket, who manage to bump into the Torch Runner along the way. Pikachu Thunderbolts Team Rocket, blasting them off, but the Torch Runner is hurt.\n\nWhile Gary cares for the injury, Ash runs the torch for him, lighting the flame in the stadium, signaling the beginning of The Johto League Silver Conference!"
"Ash begins the Silver Conference Tournament in Division H, against two opponents. The Semi-Finals round-robin style, where a victory gives you three points, a loss gives you no points, and a draw gives each challenger one point. Whoever gets the most points wins!\n\nAfter his usual boast of confidence towards the match, Ash runs into one of his opponents: Macey. She is looking to know all about Ash so that she can crush him in the tournament. Just as they begin an impromptu battle, Team Rocket comes along and grabs Pikachu and Macey's Vulpix! Macey hurts herself running after them, leading Ash to use Bayleef to get rid of them fast. Its Vine Whip throws Team Rocket aside, and frees Pikachu and Vulpix before any harm is done. Macey is more than happy with Ash for \"saving her life,\" and seems to be a bit smitten with him much the chagrin of Misty. She even threatens Ash with a date if she wins their match!\n\nProfessor Oak sends Ash all his Pok\u00e9mon for the match, and Ash goes through Macey's data in order to choose the perfect combination. She loves fire types, so Ash goes with Kingler. That is, until Kingler saves a group of Voltorb from falling, and winds up shocked! Kingler will be unable to battle, leaving Ash with a tough decision to make. The decision is made for him, as Officer Jenny and Squirtle arrive to help Ash out!\n\nThe match begins with Macey's Slugma against Ash's Totodile. Totodile's Water Gun manages to see through Slugma's Double Team, leading Macey to switch it out very quickly. For her next Pok\u00e9mon she chooses an Electabuzz, to which Ash counters with Phanpy. When Electabuzz's Thunderbolt proves ineffective, she switches back to Slugma, but Phanpy's Takedown finished it off! As her third Pok\u00e9mon she goes with Quilava, who surprises Phanpy with its Flame Wheel! Phanpy is no match for it, and takes Phanpy out of the picture. Macy switches out for her Electabuzz against Totodile, who gets taken out with one ThunderPunch. Only Squirtle remains, who comes close to defeat at the hands of Electabuzz's Iron Tail. While in mid-air, Squirtle fires a Water Gun and uses Skull Bash to defeat Electabuzz. Quilava is Macey's last hope, and it manages to get Squirtle on its back. Just as it charges in, Squirtle launches a Hydro Pump to take Quilava out for good, giving Ash his first victory!\n\nWith three points to his name, Ash prepares for his next match, while Macey \"cancels\" her date to train her newly evolves Magcargo, who evolved during their match!"
"As the Johto League Silver Conference gets underway, Ash will take on Jackson from New Bark Town. Ash is looking forward to the match, but perhaps not as much as his Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur is very anxious to take on Jackson's Meganium and the feeling is mutual. Bulbasaur and Meganium are so eager to test their skills that they get into a fight before the battle and get caught by Officer Jenny. Luckily for Ash and Jackson, Gary and Harrison convince Officer Jenny that the Pok\u00e9mon had really just een practicing. After all, trainers whose Pok\u00e9mon fight get disqualified! With all of the drama, the battle is sure to be intense. Ash wins round one, but Jackson's Magneton is really strong, and Jackson wins round two. It comes down to Meganium and Bulbasaur in the final round of the match. They're battling for their honor as grass type Pok\u00e9mon, and neither is willing to lose. The match ends in a draw. Ash has more points altogether, and so he will proceed in the tournament. But is Ash ready for his next opponent\u2014Gary Oak?"
"Ash is about to take on his long time rival, Gary Oak, in the next battle of the Johto League Silver Conference, and he's determined to do everything he can to win. He stays up all night researching strategies and trying to learn more about Gary's Pok\u00e9mon. Gary has a lot of strong Pok\u00e9mon, and he trains many different types, so Ash has to pick his team carefully. Gary starts out with Nidoqueen, and Ash uses Tauros. Gary wins the first round, but Ash takes the second. It's going to be a very close match! In round three, it's Ash's Heracross versus Gary's Blastoise. Who will win? (To be continued!)"
"Our hero is in the middle of the first match of the championship tournament at the Johto League Silver Conference. His opponent is his long time rival\u2014Gary Oak. Each trainer is down one Pok\u00e9mon, with five to go. Gary's Blastoise is very strong and knocks out Ash's Heracross. Ash isn't surprised\u2014that Blastoise was the Squirtle that Gary got when he first started out as a trainer! Gary recalls Blastoise and the battle continues. Finally, each trainer is down to their last Pok\u00e9mon. Gary has saved Blastoise till the end\u2014and Ash calls out Charizard! Blastoise has the advantage because it's a Water Type, but Ash is very clever. He uses Charizard's Flame Thrower attack to scorch the battle field, trapping Blastoise. Blastoise uses Hydro Pump to cool off the field, but it backfires. The field becomes all steamy and no one can see. Charizard finishes off the battle with a Seismic Toss. Ash is thrilled to have finally defeated his rival\u2014but does he have what it takes to continue? His next opponent will be Harrison from Hoenn."
"Ash is battling Harrison from Hoenn at the Johto League Silver Conference. Pikachu is very excited to be battling, but Harrison's Kecleon knocks Pikachu out in Round 1. It's a close match the whole way through, but one by one Harrison knocks out Totodile, Snorlax, and Noctowl. Ash cleverly guides Bayleef through a rough battle with Harrison's Houndoom. Houndoom is a fire type Pok\u00e9mon so it has the advantage, but Ash had Bayleef use its Vine Whip attack to close Houndoom's mouth. In the end, Bayleef is able to knock out Houndoom! But Bayleef is no match for Harrison's last Pok\u00e9mon. Harrison's sixth Pok\u00e9mon is one that Ash has never seen before\u2014Blaziken. It's a fire type Pok\u00e9mon and it's at a really high level. Ash has saved Charizard for last. With two strong fire types in the arena, it's hard to predict the outcome! (To be continued!)"
"Our hero is at the end of a tough battle with Harrison at the Johto League Silver Conference. The winner of this battle will go on to the semi-finals. Each trainer has battled hard and is down to their last Pok\u00e9mon. Ash is using Charizard. Harrison is also using a high level fire type called Blaziken. Charizard flies up with Blaziken and is in position for a powerful Seismic Toss. After the impact, however, both Pok\u00e9mon are standing! As Charizard tossed Blaziken down, Blaziken had directed a Flame Thrower attack towards the ground to propel it back up, softening the blow of the impact! Both Pok\u00e9mon battle well, and it seems like neither will give in, but, in the end, Charizard faints. Harrison continues on into the semi-finals, but is defeated in the next round. After his battle, he tells Ash all about Hoenn and the amazing Pok\u00e9mon there. As the Silver Conference comes to a close and the gang prepares to leave for Vermillion City, Gary makes a surprising announcement\u2014he's giving up battling. He's decided to become a Pok\u00e9mon Researcher."
"With the Johto League Silver Conference behind them, Ash, Brock and Misty head back to Viridian City to relax. Their vacation is cut short when Misty receives an urgent call beckoning her back to Cerulean City to run the gym while her sisters cruise the world. Brock, too, realizes that has things he has to do. After a teary goodbye, Ash returns home to Pallet Town\u2014but soon grows restless for adventure. When his former rival Gary takes off on a new journey, leaving behind all of his Pok\u00e9mon except Blastoise, Ash starts thinking about his next journey. Maybe it's time to check out the Hoenn region after all."
"Ash has left all of his Pok\u00e9mon behind in Pallet Town\u2014except Pikachu\u2014and boarded a ship bound for Littleroot Town in Hoenn. Unfortunately, Team Rocket is on board as well, and they're cooking up a scheme to catch Pikachu once and for all. They nab Pikachu and hop off the boat just as it pulls into a port. Their plan quickly goes awry, and Meowth and Pikachu end up in a bad neighborhood. While Meowth and Pikachu team up to chase off a gang of territorial Haunter, Ash teams up with Officer Jenny to rescue Pikachu before the boat leaves."
Season 6 - Pokémon
"Team Rocket's failed attempt to catch Pikachu has left the little yellow Pok\u00e9mon dangerously ill. Littleroot Town has no Pok\u00e9mon Center so Ash turns to Professor Birch for help. Professor Birch thinks that Pikachu can be cured\u2014but first they'll have to catch it. Delirious with fever, Pikachu has run off into the forest. Meanwhile, a girl named May is also going to see Professor Birch in order to receive her first Pok\u00e9mon. She arrives just in time to save the professor from a pack of mad Poochyena. Before he can explain why he's running around in woods, Professor Birch runs off in search of the missing Pikachu. Time is running out and Pikachu is in danger of exploding. In a twisted turn of events, Team Rocket's latest Pikachu-catching contraption ends up saving the day."
"Now that Pikachu is feeling better, Ash is ready to head to Oldale Town to sign up for the Hoenn League. May has offered to show Ash the way in exchange for his company to Oldale Town\u2014which is only fair, seeing as Pikachu destroyed May's bike when it was sick! In Oldale Town, May visits her first Pok\u00e9mon Center and is amazed with all of its services, and by the ancient ruins next door. Things quickly turn sour when Team Magma, a mysterious band of criminals, shut down the electricity at the Pok\u00e9mon Center and kidnap Professor Alden in order to invade the ruins. With no electricity, all of the Pok\u00e9mon are in danger\u2014including May's Torchic. It's up to Ash and May to save the day\u2014and in doing so they uncover mysterious, ancient Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash and May have made it all the way to Petalburg City\u2014the first city with a gym. Ash is very excited to take on the gym leader. May seems a little uneasy\u2014perhaps it's because she hasn't yet told Ash that her father, Norman, is the gym leader in Petalburg! When Ash first gets to the gym, he meets May's little brother, Max, who is pretending to be the gym leader. Max knows a lot about Pok\u00e9mon and can't wait until he's old enough to become a trainer. Once Ash finally meets Norman, he learns that he will need three Pok\u00e9mon in order to battle at the gym. He only has Pikachu with him. When Norman agrees to an unofficial battle, Ash encounters his first Vigoroth. Ash realizes that he will have to train hard in order to win a badge in Petalburg City. After a quick scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and May are ready to hit the road again. Max has decided to tag along, too!"
"Ash, May and May's little brother Max are now en route to Rustboro City\u2014and they're hungry! No one remembered to pack lunch. As they fight over one remaining cookie, Ash remembers how nice it was to have Brock cooking for him and Misty. He's quickly brought back to reality when a Taillow takes off with the cookie. The gang follows Taillow to a grove filled with apple trees. Ash and May eagerly shake the trees, hoping to make the apples drop to the ground. Instead of apples, Ash and May shake loose an angry flock of territorial Taillow. There's too many for Ash, Max, and May to handle alone. Out of nowhere, Brock appears and saves the day with his Forretress\u2014and his incredible soup! They manage to defeat and feed all of the Taillow except the one who took the cookie. Taillow are naturally resilient, but this particular one is especially tough. Ash can't seem to defeat it, so instead he decides to catch it"
"Brock is ready to travel again and has joined up with Ash, May and Max as the journey on towards Rustboro City. In the forest they encounter a giant Zigzagoon, which they soon realize is actually a trainer in a Zigzagoon suit. Nicholai the Knickerbocker is a trainer that believes in becoming one with Pok\u00e9mon in order to understand them. While battling, he wears a costume of whichever Pok\u00e9mon he is using. When not dressed as a Pok\u00e9mon, he wears knickers in order to be closer to nature. Nicholai is very excited to learn that May is the daughter of the Petalburg Gym leader. He challenges her to a battle and quickly defeats her. Nicholai taunts her for losing, saying that he doesn't think her father will be difficult to beat since she is such an inexperienced trainer. Brock, Ash and May shrug off the defeat and continue on their way, but Max is furious. Without telling anyone, he goes off in search of Nicholai to defend his father's honor\u2014but what will happen when he gets in trouble with a pack of angry Zigzagoon?"
"Our heroes are headed for Rustboro City, where Ash hopes to have his first real gym battle in Hoenn. Team Rocket is making their way along the same path when they stumble upon a cage full of Ekans. Jessie is delighted that their work has been done for them and orders Arbok to attack. Arbok can't manage to attack the helpless Ekans, however, because it remembers when it used to be an Ekans. Jessie is sympathetic. James soon makes a similar concession when they find a cage of Koffing that Wheezing will not hurt. The cages belong to a poacher named Rico who uses his Fearrow and Pupitar to chase off Team Rocket. Team Rocket returns to the scene, now hoping to free the Ekans and Koffing. Things turn dangerous when Rico's Pupitar evolves into a Tyrannitar, and Team Rocket is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for the Pok\u00e9mon that they love."
"Deep in the woods, Ash spies a Treecko. He's wanted to catch a Treecko since he first saw one at Professor Birch's laboratory. He follows the Treecko to an enormous tree that seems to be dying. There, Ash's Treecko has an argument with all of the other Treecko. It seems that Ash's Treecko is very attached to the tree and wants to stay with it, while the rest of the clan wants to move on to a new tree. Ash watches as the lone Treecko struggles to save the tree. He and Pikachu feel badly for the Treecko and try to help. In the end, however, the tree dies and falls. Now that its home is gone, Treecko is ready to make a new home with Ash. He and Pikachu battle, and Ash catches his Treecko!"
"Ash's newly caught Treecko may be a bit standoff-ish, but the little green Pok\u00e9mon is quite a fighter. When Team Rocket sees Treecko knocked down and hurt by a Seviper, they decide that they must have that Seviper. Jessie is very impressed with its \"sneaky, snakey ways.\" Meanwhile, Treecko escapes from the Pok\u00e9mon Center where Ash brought it to recover. When the gang finds Treecko, it is practicing its attack moves. Again and again, Treecko jumps from the top of a waterfall and tries to break a rock at the bottom with its tail. Ash is very impressed with the rigor of its training. All of Treecko's hard work appears to have paid off\u2014when Team Rocket attacks and catches Pikachu with the help of their new Seviper, Treecko is able to save the day."
"Ashes, May, Brock and Max have arrived at a small city on their way to Rustboro City. Brock decides to stock up on supplies, while Max is eager to go hunting for city dwelling Pok\u00e9mon. Max soon stumbles upon a very frightened Shroomish who is hiding in an alleyway. Ash, Max, Pikachu and their new Shroomish friend head off to find a Pok\u00e9mon Center. On their way they pass by a deserted mansion that is being torn down. There, the gang learns that not long ago most of the city was forest and that many, many Shroomish lived in the area. They also learn that strange things are going on at the mansion, and many people believe that it's haunted. A little investigation reveals that the mansion is actually inhabited by all of the Shroomish who used to live in the forest. When the forest was destroyed, they had nowhere else to go. All of the strange noises and smells that the construction workers were hearing were actually the Shroomish! The grandson of the owner decides to tear down the mansion as planned, but to convert all of that land into a forest for the Shroomish."
"En route to Rustboro City, Ash and the gang pass by an unofficial gym boasting the world's most powerful Pok\u00e9mon. Even though he can't win a badge there, Ash is intrigued and decides to battle the trainer named Anthony and this mysterious Pok\u00e9mon. The world's most powerful Pok\u00e9mon turns out to be a Pelipper. Pelipper attacks Ash's Treecko with a Vine Whip. It then attacks Taillow with Flame Thrower. Finally, it attacks Pikachu with a Thunder Attack. Ash and crew are amazed\u2014Pelipper should only have Water and Flying type attacks, but somehow it knows Grass, Fire and Electric type attacks! That's not physically possible! Team Rocket decides that they must have this awesome Pok\u00e9mon, so they, too, challenge Anthony. This time, however, Anthony panics and the truth comes out. Pelipper has been hiding Pok\u00e9 Balls inside its large beak. Rather than being disappointed, Team Rocket decides that this is an excellent opportunity. They blackmail Anthony and use his Pelipper for a new challenge. This time, trainers will lose their Pok\u00e9mon if they lose to Pelipper. Team Rocket's latest hoax is very successful at first, and they con many trainers out of their Pok\u00e9mon, but they soon get carried away. They fill Pelipper's beak up with so many Pok\u00e9 Balls that when Pelipper does a Water Gun attack, all of the Pok\u00e9 Balls spill out!"
"As our heroes travel on towards Rustboro City, they stumble into a forest filled with many different kinds of Pok\u00e9mon. It turns out that the area is actually a Pok\u00e9mon preserve, and it's looked after by a girl named Katrina. Katrina takes care of all of the Pok\u00e9mon in the area and helps to nurse them back to health when they are sick. Max takes a particular liking to her Poochyena and he's determined to see it evolve before they leave the preserve. All of the Poochyena's companions who were born at the same time have already evolved, but this one Poochyena just doesn't seem ready. Max decides to coach the Pok\u00e9mon and leads it out into the forest. Team Rocket has followed Max and they decide to play a trick on him to take the Poochyena. They claim to be researchers working on an evolution machine. Max is too smart too be fooled, but that doesn't stop Team Rocket from taking Poochyena. Luckily, Katrina and Ash show up just in time. This time Poochyena gets in on the action, too. That last battle turns out to be just what this little Poochyena needs\u2014it evolves right before Max's eyes!"
"Ash, Pikachu, Brock, May and Max decide to cool off in a picturesque lake en route to Rustboro City. But they're not the only one's splashing around! The lake is actually home to a whole flock of Lotad. The Lotad seem to be having fun with their new friends, but a little girl named Natalie thinks that Ash and crew are out of line. She brings them back to the flower shop which her two older sisters run. There, Ash and the gang learn all about berries and the effects that different berries have on Pok\u00e9mon. Brock promptly falls in love with the two older sisters, making little Natalie very jealous. In fact, Natalie isn't the only one smitten with Brock\u2014a quirky little Lotad seems to have taken a liking to him as well. Natalie decides to win Brock's affection by finding a Sitrus Berry and she wanders off into the woods. She finds one, but a Beedrill wants it, too! Luckily, Brock arrives in time to save her from the Beedrill. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has decided to catch all the Lotad in the lake and it's up to Brock's quirky Lotad friend and Pikachu to save the day."
"Rustboro City is on the horizon, but they're not there yet. Ash, Brock, Max and May have just arrived at a Contest Hall. Janet and Chaz, two experienced Pok\u00e9mon Coordinators, teach the gang all about Contests. Pok\u00e9mon Contests are different from battles in that it's not the strength of the attack that matters, but the beauty of its execution. Winners get ribbons instead of badges. The gang decides that they want to try entering today's contest, but they're too late. All is not lost, however, because Chaz offers to teach Pikachu the Iron Tail attack. And Janet lets May assist her with during the contest. During the contest, Chaz and Janet both perform really well and make it to the final round. In the end, Janet's Beautifly steals the show! May is really impressed and she's determined to one day enter a contest herself."
"As the gang continues to make their way towards Rustboro City, May spots a Wurmple that she's dying to catch\u2014but she's not the only one with her eye on the cute little bug Pok\u00e9mon. Jessie wants it, too. May ventures off on her own to catch her Wurmple, but Team Rocket follows and gives her trouble. Luckily, she gets some help from a trainer named Franklin. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu are practicing Pikachu's Iron Tail attack. A trainer named Franklin sees them practicing and challenges them to a battle. Franklin teaches Ash about double battles, which are common in the Hoenn region. With help from her new friend Franklin, May catches the Wurmple she wanted. When she and Franklin go to meet up with the gang, everyone is really surprised. The Franklins are actually identical twins\u2014Forrest and Forrester Franklin! All is not lost for Team Rocket, however. Jessie manages to snag a Wurmple of her own before Team Rocket blasts off at the end of the episode."
"Rustboro City at last! Now that Ash and friends have arrived in Rustboro City, they're taking a moment to sightsee. They bump into a schoolteacher, Roxanne, and her class on a class trip. The kids are about Max's age and one of them, Kenny, is afraid of Pok\u00e9mon. Roxanne invites the gang back to see the Pok\u00e9mon Trainer's School. Ash is anxious to get to his gym battle, but Roxanne persuades him to wait. As it turns out, Ash would have had to wait anyway. Roxanne is the gym leader, too! The Pok\u00e9mon Trainer's School is pretty big and has all kinds of different classes. May is especially interested in a class on Pok\u00e9mon Contests. Max decides to attend the beginners' class that Kenny is in. He's in the middle of battling the class show-off, Tommy, when the principal comes running in to tell them that the school's Pok\u00e9 Balls have all been stolen. Team Rocket strikes again! Kenny steps in and saves the day by telling Max which attacks will work best, and Tommy cooperates, too. When they work together, the kids are able to defeat Team Rocket and save the Pok\u00e9 Balls. Just to be safe, Roxanne's Geodude sends Team Rocket blasting off again. Now that Ash has seen Roxanne and her Geodude in action, he's really ready for his gym battle!"
"Pikachu is getting pretty good at its Iron Tail attack and that's a good thing. Ash is finally about to take on Roxanne, the leader of the Rustboro City Gym. He's going to need all the help he can get to take down her Geodude. May, on the other hand, isn't really looking forward to the battle. In fact, she announces that she's not going to be a trainer anymore. She wants to become a Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator and compete in contests instead. When the battle begins, it doesn't look like Ash has much of a chance. Roxanne's Geodude knocks out Treecko pretty quickly. It's all up to Pikachu. Electric attacks aren't going to help much against a strong Rock Type\u2014but Ash is very clever and Pikachu not only brings down Geodude, but it wipes out Nosepass with its newly perfected Iron Tail Attack. Ash defeats Roxanne and receives his Stone Badge."
"Now that he's received a badge from the Rustboro City Gym, Ash is ready to leave Rustboro and head off to Dewford Island for his next gym battle. May has other ideas. She is thrilled to finally be in a big city and wants to do some shopping. Brock agrees, so they decide to stay. Meanwhile, Max is in a state of panic. He accidentally spilled his drink into May's Pok\u00e9Nav and it looks broken. He gets a tip from a strange old man to take the Pok\u00e9Nav to the Devon Corporation building. The man says that since they manufacture the device, they might be able to fix it. Desperate to avoid May's wrath, Max decides to go for it. Once inside, he learns that the strange old man is actually the president of Devon Corp! Max is really excited by all of the interesting projects the company is working on\u2014but it soon becomes clear that there's in an intruder in the building who is after some of those experiments. Ash and crew arrive just in time to help Officer Jenny catch the intruder, but it's actually Team Rocket who end up saving the day!"
"Ash enjoyed meeting the president of Devon Corp. and learning a little about Team Aqua, a dangerous group of evildoers, but now he really wants to get to Dewford Island. Unfortunately, May's map is about 10 years old and they end up in a deserted part of town that used to be the port. From there they can see the new port, but it looks very far away. May goes off to look for someone with a boat and runs into Briney, a retired sailor, and his Wingull, Peeko. Briney offers to take the gang over to Dewford Island, but when she returns with Ash and the gang, Briney seems very angry and says that he has no idea what she's talking about. It's like he doesn't even recognize her. Meanwhile, Officer Jenny swings by and she tells them that Team Aqua is planning to meet up somewhere in the area and to be careful. Brock and May realize quickly that Briney might actually be in trouble\u2014and they're right. A Team Aqua thug\u2014the same one who tried to steal from Devon Corp.\u2014has kidnapped his Peeko and taken his boat. Luckily Briney has another boat that he kept hidden from the thug. They chase after the Team Aqua agent and catch up to him just a few seconds too late. He is able to meet up with a Team Aqua submarine and get away. Luckily, they manage to rescue Peeko and tomorrow they'll head out for Dewford Island."
"Ash and company are sailing toward Dewford Town, thanks to their new friends Mr. Briney and his Wingull, Peeko. Mr. Briney stops at a small island so that Max and May can enjoy a swim while everyone else and their Pok\u00e9mon relaxes and soaks up the sun. All the while, Team Rocket is tailing the happy sea goers underwater in their Magikarp sub. Team Rocket is not the only thing following our heroes, though. A dark shadow is following the boat as it turns towards the island. When they get closer to the island, May and Max dive in the water and begin swimming and splashing around. Suddenly Ash and Brock hear May and Max scream. The boat is surrounded by a group of Sharpedo! Ash and Mr. Briney send Peeko and Taillow to help Max and May. Both Max and May were hurt by the rough skin of the Sharpedo. Pikachu uses its Thunderbolt attack to ward off the Sharpedo long enough for Mr. Briney to dock the boat on the island.\n\nWhile Ash and company set up camp for the night, Team Rocket surfaces, complaining of hunger. The Sharpedo begin attacking their sub and Jessie sends Seviper after them. After one successful strike, the Sharpedo retaliate and send Team Rocket blasting away. The following morning, Ash tries to lure the group of Sharpedo away from the island, but the leader is not tricked. Brock challenges the leader using his Lotad and wins after just two attacks. Brock realizes the Sharpedo is poisoned and begins nursing it back to health, only to discover that it was Jessie's Seviper that poisoned it. Team Rocket attempts to steal Pikachu again, but is warded off by the gang's new found group of Sharpedo friends. The episode ends with everyone swimming happily with the group of Sharpedo, which, they discover, only have rough skin when threatened or are around enemies. Now it's off to Dewford to compete for a second Hoenn badge!"
"Ash charges out in the early morning, ready to challenge the Dewford Gym. He's followed by Max, May, and Brock who are all still wiping the sleep out of their eyes. Upon arriving at the door to the Gym, Ash is bowled over by a group of energetic surfers charging out of the door. The surfers are followed by a man who apologizes for the commotion and turns out to be none other than Brawly, the Dewford Gym Leader. Ash instantly asks for a match, but Brawly has plans to go surfing. Ash is irritated that Brawly won't accept the challenge, but he, May, Max, and Brock end up following Brawly and his surfer friends to the beach\u2014much to his dismay. At the beach, Team Rocket is happily running a snack stand and they modify their motto to suit the service industry atmosphere. Of course, they see Ash and his friends arriving at the beach and begin devising a plot to steal Pikachu; although James is content to continue selling their frosty beverages. Brawly and his Makuhita begin surfing the waves.\n\nAsh charges out in the early morning, ready to challenge the Dewford Gym. He's followed by Max, May, and Brock who are all still wiping the sleep out of their eyes. Upon arriving at the door to the Gym, Ash is bowled over by a group of energetic surfers charging out of the door. The surfers are followed by a man who apologizes for the commotion and turns out to be none other than Brawly, the Dewford Gym Leader. Ash instantly asks for a match, but Brawly has plans to go surfing. Ash is irritated that Brawly won't accept the challenge, but he, May, Max, and Brock end up following Brawly and his surfer friends to the beach\u2014much to his dismay. At the beach, Team Rocket is happily running a snack stand and they modify their motto to suit the service industry atmosphere. Of course, they see Ash and his friends arriving at the beach and begin devising a plot to steal Pikachu; although James is content to continue selling their frosty beverages. Brawly and his Makuhita begin surfing the waves.\n\nOn shore, Pikachu is caught by Team Rocket. They try to get away in a motor boat, but they are tailed by Makuhita on its surfboard. Makuhita rams into the boat, sending Pikachu flying into the water. Ash has Pikachu do a Thunderbolt attack to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Brawly then agrees to a 2-on-2 match with Ash. Ash uses his Taillow against Brawly's Machop. Brawly's Machop knocks out Taillow with a Karate Chop. Next Ash sends out Treecko, which knocks out Machop. Brawly then releases Makuhita against the already tiring Treecko. Just when it seems like Treecko won't give up, Makuhita evolves into Hariyama and finishes off Treecko. Ash takes Treecko to the Pok\u00e9mon Center to rest up and regrets the fact that he put Treecko through such a tough fight. The episode ends with Ash deciding to stay on the island to train some more."
"Everyone is getting up and getting ready for breakfast, but Ash is nowhere in sight. He is found outside the Pok\u00e9mon Center, anxiously awaiting news on his Treecko. After breakfast, Ash and company head out to Granite Cave because they heard one of the elite Trainers is there. On their way, they pass an old man who says that this is the ultimate fishing spot where rare and unusual water Pok\u00e9mon can be caught. The man then offers them some fishing poles to find out for themselves. What our heroes aren't aware of is that the old man is actually James and the other two Team Rocket hooligans are hiding in the bushes. After some time, May catches an Octillery. She tries to battle it with her Wurmple, but fails and the Octillery jumps back into the water. Ash has the same luck with the Corphish he caught.\n\nThroughout all this, Team Rocket is hiding in the water in their Magikarp sub, waiting for someone to snag their sub so that they can pull everyone, Pok\u00e9 Balls and all, into the water. May is the unlucky candidate, but instead of Team Rocket pulling her down, Ash, Max, Brock, and May pull them up and out of the water. After reciting their motto, Team Rocket jumps onto the shore and tries to steal all the Pok\u00e9mon. When May defends her Wurmple, Jessie says she doesn't want May's Wurmple because Jessie's is better. A fight between the girls ensues over which one is better. Max concludes that the Wurmples are about the same. James tries to steal the Pok\u00e9mon again and in the resulting confusion, the Wurmples get mixed up. Later, May realizes what happened when her Wurmple won't go back into its ball. Ash's Taillow helps the gang find Team Rocket to make the trade. When May and Jessie move to trade back, Jessie takes both Wurmples and tries to escape in Team Rocket's balloon. Ash sends Taillow to pop the balloon and a Pok\u00e9mon battle results. The episode ends with May happily feeding her Wurmple."
"After all the Wurmple confusion, Ash and the gang finally arrive at Granite Cave. Team Rocket is already in the cave, perfecting their next attempt to capture Pikachu. Unknown to our heroes, Stephen and his Aron are busy digging in the cave. Ash, May, Max, and Brock begin exploring the dark cave, only to fall into a hole created by Team Rocket. Before Jessie and James can brag about their success, the floor caves in and everyone falls into the hole. To make matters worse, though, everyone falls into different tunnels and they all get separated from one another. Pikachu, Meowth, and Max end up together; Jessie falls on top of May; and Ash, James, and Brock get stuck together.\n\nAs the various groups start wandering through the cave, James, Ash and Brock disturb a rather large group of irritable Aron. Meanwhile, Max, Meowth, and Pikachu have discovered an underground waterfall and pool with dangling vines they hope may lead to an escape from the cave. Everyone ends up meeting in the underground pool with the angered Aron on their tails. Stephen, already investigating the commotion, comes to the rescue and subdues all the Aron with his own Aron. Team Rocket then makes their usual attempt at stealing Pikachu, only to be sent blasting off again by Stephen and his Aggron. Stephen's Aron then finds the Fire Stone he had been looking for and everyone leaves the cave happy and ready for their next adventure."
"The episode opens with Team Rocket lounging on the beach when suddenly a mysterious creature zooms along the beach and launches Team Rocket out of sight. Later on, Ash and his friends are relaxing and doing their laundry on the same beach. Ash is busy teaching his Pok\u00e9mon how to meditate. The unnamed creature from before begins to carry off the gang's tent. Wurmple uses String Shot to try to stop it, but is unsuccessful and the creature escapes.\n\nEveryone is speculating what kind of Pok\u00e9mon the creature could be and Ash decides he wants to catch it. Later on, Team Rocket sees the creature speeding down the beach again and try to go after it, but have a run-in with a Loudred. Ash and the gang set out Pok\u00e9mon food to attract the elusive Pok\u00e9mon and end up being chased by it instead. They get split up, but the attacker is thwarted by Pikachu's Thundershock. The next morning, Brock asks his Forretress to make a large hole so that they can catch the creature. The only thing they end up catching is Team Rocket. The mysterious Pok\u00e9mon then emerges and sends Team Rocket blasting off again. Pikachu takes the opportunity to use Quick Attack on it and they discover that the troublesome Pok\u00e9mon is a Corphish. Brock advises Ash to catch the Corphish to use against Brawly, but the Corphish is too strong for Pikachu. Treecko eventually saves the day and Ash gets to add Corphish to his team."
"Everyone is relaxing on the beach as the episode opens. Ash is taking care of his Pok\u00e9 Balls and May is worrying about why her Wurmple isn't eating. Corphish, Ash's new Pok\u00e9mon, is nibbling on some seaweed and starts to eat some rope before Ash can stop it. Team Rocket appears and snatches Pikachu. Wurmple uses String Shot to try and stop their balloon while Ash and company pull on the string to stop Team Rocket's escape. When Corphish tries to help, though, it snaps the string with its claws.\n\nAsh and the gang hunt down the balloon and a fight ensues between the two groups to regain Pikachu. After Pikachu is back in Ash's arms, May and Jessie begin to argue (again) about whose Wurmple is better. To everyone's surprise, both Wurmple evolve. May's evolves into a Silcoon and Jessie's evolves into a Cascoon. Jessie thinks that hers is also a Silcoon, though. After another failed attempt at trying to catch Pikachu, Team Rocket is sent blasting off again. Corphish faints at this point and Ash realizes he has to rush it to the nearest Pok\u00e9mon Center. Along the way, he must cross a large river guarded by a school of aggressive Carvanha. Seeing no other way to cross and with Corphish's condition worsening, Ash decides to wade across the river with his Pok\u00e9mon just barely keeping the Carvanha at bay.\n\nWhile all this is going on, Max, May, Brock, and the rest of their Pok\u00e9mon hear an Aron down the beach. They go to inspect the noise and end up trapped in a cage by Team Rocket. Team Rocket only has a moment to be upset about Pikachu not being in the cage before they fall into their own trap. Taillow, the only one not to get trapped, takes a tape-recorded message to Ash. Ash, with Nurse Joy's help, hurries back just in time to send Corphish to free his friends before the tide comes in and immerses the cages in water. Team Rocket fails again at catching Pikachu and everyone happily thanks Corphish for its help."
"As our heroes set out on their journey again, they encounter a waterfall. Brock ties a rope to a rock and, with Lotad's help, wraps it on a branch above the waterfall. After Brock helps everyone up the rope, they discover a lake filled with Mudkip. Brock notices a baby being washed away in the current and sends Lotad to help. Lotad gets caught as well and a larger Mudkip jumps in and saves them both. At this point an older man comes out, afraid that Ash and company are trying to steal the Mudkip. They explained what happened and are invited in for lunch.\n\nThe man explains that he takes care of and raises the Mudkip in the lake. He even shows them a baby Mudkip hatching out of an egg. He explains that while most Mudkip leave to explore the world, the larger one stayed to protect the babies. Throughout lunch, Team Rocket is debating whether or not to enter the lake area. They of course, do so, knocking over some cans that the caretaker had set up as sort of a security system. The man hears the noise and goes to inspect what is going on. Team Rocket destroys the dam so that the Mudkip are washed away and they can catch them easier. Brock uses his Pok\u00e9mon to save the Mudkip. The larger Mudkip jumps in the water to rescue a baby that was being washed away, only to get caught in the current itself. It clings to a rock on the side of the water fall and finally agrees to let Brock rescue it.\n\nTeam Rocket arrives again, this time in a robot with scoops for hands, which they use to capture the baby Mudkip. Brock tells Lotad and Mudkip to use Water Gun at the base of the robot, which creates a mud pit and sinks Team Rocket. Pikachu then sends Team Rocket on their way. The show ends with the large Mudkip deciding to leave the lake with Brock."
"Ash and the gang begin to head back through Granite Cave so Ash can have a re-match with Brawly. Along the way, Corphish startles the same Loudred that the group ran into before. While fleeing from the Loudred, Ash, Brock, Max, and May get separated from their Pok\u00e9mon. Pikachu, Silcoon, Corphish, Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic, and Lotad end up falling into a river and landing at the bottom of a waterfall. Treecko and Corphish almost get in a fight, but are stopped by Mudkip and Pikachu. The Pok\u00e9mon set off to find their owners.\n\nThroughout all this, Team Rocket ends up lost in the same cave and startles the same Loudred, which sends them blasting off again. While the Pok\u00e9mon are trying to find their way back, they encounter a mischievous Nuzleaf. Corphish slashes its leaf and Nuzleaf retaliates by making a very loud noise. The Pok\u00e9mon soon find out that the Nuzleaf was actually calling its friends who slowly capture and cage all the Pok\u00e9mon except for Pikachu and Mudkip. Pikachu and Mudkip try to reason with the Nuzleaf group, but to no avail. Team Rocket appears again and, after observing all this, decides to capture all the Pok\u00e9mon, including the Nuzleaf.\n\nMeanwhile Taillow is searching for the lost Pok\u00e9mon and reports back to Ash and the gang when it sees them. Team Rocket captures the Pok\u00e9mon using their balloon, but Ash and everyone arrive just in time to thwart their plans. Ash rescues the Nuzleaf group, who then hold a net for Ash to fall into from the balloon. Team Rocket is sent on their way by Corphish and Treecko teaming up. The episode ends with all the Pok\u00e9mon happily playing with one another and their new Nuzleaf friends."
"The episode opens up with Brock helping Ash and his team train on the beach. They soon discover that Professor Birch is in the area doing research on Wingull. Professor Birch offers for Ash and the gang to join him in his research. They agree and soon come across a hidden doorway. They discover it is unlocked and it turns out to be someone's Secret Base. The owner of the base arrives and kicks them all out. They rush away before the boy's Nincada can attack them. Team Rocket sees all this and after Ash and company leave, they force the boy out of his base and claim both the base and his Nincada as their own. They contact their boss to gloat about their accomplishment only to be told that they should be doing a lot more.\n\nOutside, our heroes run into the boy again. The gang introduces themselves, and find out the boy's name is Keanu. They listen to his story and convince him, with their help, to go back and reclaim his base. In the meantime, some Team Magma grunts were dropped off nearby via helicopter and some Team Aqua grunts are somewhere near in a submarine. The Team Magma grunts reach the base and claim it for themselves using their Mightyena. Team Rocket then rushes from the base and the Magma grunts begin to drill. Eventually, the drilling leads to a secret cavern with some sort of shrine in it. Team Rocket is spying on them at this point, hoping to steal whatever it is Team Magma finds.\n\nTeam Aqua suddenly arrives and a short battle and argument ensues between the rivals. Their bosses call them both back, claiming to have all the needed information. Team Rocket is marveling at how big their new base is when Ash and Keanu slide down a rope made by May's Silcoon to reclaim the base. Team Rocket is defeated again and the show ends with Keanu and Ash shaking hands as friends."
"Ash, May and Brock show off their Pok\u00e9mon to Professor Birch who compliments them all. The group begins walking toward a forest where they discover three Seedot that seem to be very unhappy. After Birch explains how to make friends with the Seedot, which involves rubbing them with leaves and rolling on the ground with them, the group tries to put the Seedot back into the trees. The trees seem to be too dry for the Seedot, so the gang decides to help them.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is devising a plan to capture the Seedot. Jessie is gushing over how wonderful it's going to be when her Silcoon (which is actually a Cascoon) evolves into a Beautifly. James and Meowth shudder at the impending doom. Team Rocket meets up with the group and attacks them, trying to capture the Seedot. May then uses her Silcoon to attack Jessie's Cascoon. May's Silcoon then begins to glow and evolves into a Beautifly! May is overjoyed with her new Pok\u00e9mon. Corphish sends Team Rocket blasting off again with its Crab Hammer attack.\n\nJessie vows to make her Cascoon evolve. After trying to pit it against their own Pok\u00e9mon, Team Rocket hunts down Ash and company to challenge them again. Jessie attacks May's Beautifly with her Cascoon and it begins to glow. Meowth and James try to hide the newly evolved Dustox, but Jessie pushes them out of the way. She shocks everyone by being ecstatic by her new Dustox because she thinks is looks so much more powerful than Beautifly. After more fighting, Corphish send Team Rocket on their way again and Ash and the gang part ways with Professor Birch."
"It's another relaxing day at the beach for Ash and his friends. Ash's overzealous Corphish cuts lunch a little short when it dices everything to inedible bits. Meanwhile, Team Rocket happens upon an abandoned mine shaft and investigates, hoping to find forgotten riches inside. Once inside, they discover a mining cart and jump inside to see where it goes. They soon are met with two glowing eyes. Jessie and James flee, leaving Meowth to deal with what turns out to be a Sableye.\n\nOutside the mine, Jessie and James see Ash and company approaching and decide to hide. Ash spies the mine and wants to go in to play a trick on Corphish. Sableye befriends Meowth and shows him the control room in the mine from which the entire mine can be viewed. They can see Max and May preparing to act like ghosts to play the trick on Corphish. Meowth convinces Sableye to help him steal Pikachu. Max and May's trick backfires when Corphish panics, attacks May and Max and sends them on a cart speeding down the tunnel. Sableye startles the two and May sends Torchic to try to capture it. After May's failed attempt, Meowth appears and drops a net over her and Max. Ash retrieves Brock and they go back in the tunnel to find the siblings.\n\nMeowth and Sableye terrorize Ash and company when they arrive in the cave, capturing Corphish and Pikachu. May and Max, freed by Torchic, try to stop Sableye. Jessie and James arrive and Sableye realizes it was tricked into helping them. Ash sends Taillow to stop Team Rocket and Jessie throws a smoke bomb, causing the shaft to cave in. Sableye motions to Ash and the gang to follow it and it leads them out. Sableye sides with Ash and helps free the captured Pok\u00e9mon and send Team Rocket blasting off again."
"The scene opens up with Ash training his Pok\u00e9mon at the beach. A young female surfer comes to shore and challenges Ash to a battle, explaining that she trains with Brawly and that she is one of his best students. They decide to eat lunch first, though. Unknown to them, they're being spied on by Team Rocket in their Magikarp sub. Team Rocket goes into their usual scheming to steal all the Pok\u00e9mon, including the new girl's. Brock notes that a storm must be coming because Pok\u00e9mon are searching for safety and the sea is in turmoil. Ash and the girl start their match. She sends out Meditite, and Ash sends out Pikachu. Before anything can really happen, Brawly appears and orders that the match be called off due to the storm coming.\n\nThe group begins heading back through the forest, collecting various fearful Pok\u00e9mon along the way. While walking, they find out that the girl doesn't actually train with Brawly; she just studies at the Gym. Team Rocket's attempt to get back to their sub was cut short by a huge wave coming and sending them into the sky, only to land in front of Ash and the gang. They join the group in their trek to safety. Everyone spends the night in a cave.\n\nThe following morning, things are back to normal with Team Rocket trying to steal Pikachu. Brawly sets Hariyama after them and sends them on their way. The girl and Ash have a battle and Pikachu wins. Ash challenges Brawly to another battle and Brawly accepts and begins to lead the group to his battling arena."
"Ash is on his way to his second battle with Brawly. Team Rocket landed in Brawly's training area by accident and set about investigating his refrigerator. Brawly and the gang arrive to discover Team Rocket chowing down. Before they can battle, Brawly informs Team Rocket that they are standing on a geyser, which erupts, sending them blasting off again.\n\nAsh and Brawly begin their battle. Ash sends out Treecko first, who expertly dodges Machop's Karate Chops. Ash recalls Treecko and sends out Corphish, who knocks out Machop. Brawly sends out Hariyama who knocks out Corphish. Ash sends out Treecko again. This time, Treecko stays closer to the ground and eventually defeats Hariyama. Brawly presents Ash with the Knuckle Badge on Dewford Island. Now Ash can work towards his third Hoenn badge!"
"Ash and the gang are headed for Slateport City in a motorboat so that May can try her hand at a Pok\u00e9mon Contest. Team Rocket is on board, disguised as sailors, and after a failed attempt at capturing Pikachu, they exit the scene in their normal fashion. Unfortunately, now the boat won't start up. Ash and company are drifting at sea when they discover a large, seemingly abandoned ship. They notice that a small boat is along side the ship, so at least one other person must be on board.\n\nThey soon meet up with Tommy, who explains that he lost his Marshtomp on the ship a long time ago. He offers to give them a lift back to shore after he's done searching. Later on, Torchic suddenly disappears, and Team Rocket, who also arrived on the ship, find they are missing Meowth. Shortly afterwards, Max, James, May, Jessie, and Wobbuffet are also captured. They end up all tied up and hanging upside down thanks to some handy work by a Spinarak and a Swampert.\n\nAsh, Brock, Pikachu, and the boy are still looking for everyone when Swampert emerges and Tommy recognizes it as his Marshtomp. The Swampert runs away and they follow it, find the others and free them. The boy apologizes for losing Swampert and boy and Pok\u00e9mon are happily reunited. Team Rocket makes another futile attempt at catching Pikachu and is sent blasting off again. The gang leaves in Tommy's boat, headed towards Slateport City."
"Ash and the gang have arrived at Slateport City and May is busy getting her Beautifly ready for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest. Beautifly is having some trouble using its Silver Wind attack. A boy starts heckling May saying that she has a long way to go to win contests. Team Rocket is nearby and Jessie is busy training her Dustox, which is equally unprepared for the contest.\n\nAfter May and Ash have a practice battle using Beautifly and Taillow, a man approaches Ash\u2014not May\u2014complimenting him on his battling style and introduces himself as a Pok\u00e9mon Contest expert and also a berry expert. He goes into an explanation of Pok\u00e9Blocks and their uses in contests. He even gives May a Pok\u00e9Block Case. He offers to show them how to make berry blocks. When they arrive at the building they discover that Torchic beat them there and ate all the Bluk berries, so they decide to go find some replacement Bluk berries.\n\nTeam Rocket, meanwhile is devising a plan to steal the berries and the Pok\u00e9mon. The gang ends up only finding one Bluk berry, which is also found by the boy who was heckling May earlier. May and the heckler, whose name she finds out is Drew, start a match only to have Team Rocket try to steal the berry. Drew's Roselia and Ash's Pikachu stop Team Rocket's getaway and they recover the berry. The episode ends with the entire group happily watching fireworks."
"May is eagerly preparing her Beautifly for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest while Max watches her Torchic. He is debating which Pok\u00e9mon he will begin with when he comes of age. May discovers a beached Wailord and contacts Nurse Joy at the Pok\u00e9mon Center. Joy and Brock rush to help while Ash and Max are left to take care of the Pok\u00e9mon Center.\n\nTeam Rocket decides to try to steal the Wailord. At the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash, Max and all the Pok\u00e9mon are having a difficult time capturing a particularly troublesome Torchic. The Torchic evolves into a Combusken, which is an even bigger headache, especially because a new Trainer is coming to choose between a Torchic, Mudkip, or Treecko. Team Rocket tries to steal Wailord, but the newly evolved Combusken foils their plans and sends them blasting off again. The new Trainer chooses Mudkip and Combusken is invited to stay and guard the Pok\u00e9mon Center."
"May enters Beautifly in the beauty contest, but Team Rocket is too late to enter their Dustox. At the competitions, the person in line right before May is none other than her rival Drew. Drew's Roselia gives an excellent performance, netting him an extremely high score. May is more determined than ever to beat Drew.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is busy holding a \"charity drive\" scam for Pok\u00e9Blocks. A little old man stops to talk to them about Pok\u00e9Blocks. The contest is heating up with a Milotic stealing the show. May is up again in the contest and she and her Beautifly toss a disc back and forth, like they practiced before.\n\nIn the next round, she has to battle Drew who defeats her. He then looses to the contestant with the Milotic. May and Drew part on good terms and the scene ends with the old man still intently talking to a slumbering Team Rocket about Pok\u00e9Blocks."
"Fresh out of the contest, our heroes are exploring the bustling city of Slateport. Ash and Max want to check out the Sea Museum but discover that it is not only closed, but sort of being guarded by a boy named Marius and his Spheal. After a failed attempt at attacking Ash's Pikachu, the boy recalls his Spheal. Captain Stern, the curator of the museum, appears and offers Ash, Max, and Marius a tour of the museum. Team Rocket is, of course, observing all this and devising a way to steal Pikachu.\n\nCaptain Stern then shows them his latest discovery, a volcanic rock from the bottom of the ocean. He tells them about how it was believed in some cultures that a giant Pok\u00e9mon caused volcanic eruptions. Team Rockets calls from outside, selling ice cream, and the boys decide to go out and get some.\n\nDuring this time, Team Magma members infiltrate the museum and steal the volcanic rock. At this point, Team Rocket captures Pikachu. When they see Team Magma running away, though, they divert their attention to attacking them. Team Magma sends them blasting off again. A battle breaks out between the Captain Stern, Ash, and Team Magma. Marius and Max escape by using the Marius' Spheal and they meet up with Brock and May. Ash tries to escape the battle with the rock, but it falls and the stone breaks in two. One of the Mightyena grabs half the stone and Team Magma retreats with their prize."
"Ash and company arrive at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, but Nurse Joy is nowhere to be found. Pikachu inspects the room where she was and suddenly falls asleep. Ash follows it and meets the same fate. Outside, Team Rocket is knocked out of their tree by the gust from a Shiftry who is carrying away Nurse Joy. They decide they should capture it for their boss.\n\nBack at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash, Brock, May, and Max are inspecting surveillance tapes to figure out why Nurse Joy is gone and why there is Sleep Powder in the room. They see the Shiftry taking Nurse Joy and decide to track it. They believe it is heading towards the largest tree in the forest. On their way, a number of Pok\u00e9mon try to prevent their passage. Joy wakes up inside the top of the tree and is led to an ailing Nuzleaf.\n\nAt this point Ash and the gang arrive at the tree and start to battle with Shiftry and the other Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon. Brock, Max, and May head for the tree and find Joy, who explains that she doesn't need rescuing. Team Rocket tries to steal the Shiftry, but it sends them blasting off again. By morning, Nurse Joy heals the sick Nuzleaf and Ash and his friends set off again on their journey."
"The foggy episode opens up with Team Rocket stealing a stone from a small boy near a lighthouse. Ash and his friends hear Team Rocket passing by in their balloon and Team Rocket, noticing them back, take the opportunity to try to capture Pikachu. They not only fail, but lose the stone when their balloon bursts.\n\nAfter Team Rocket blasts off again, the boy from the lighthouse, joined by his sister, meet up with Ash and company. The sister calls Ash a thief and tries to start a battle with him. She makes her brother help with his Plusle and Minun combination. Team Rocket reappears and the sister finally understands who the real thieves are. Team Rocket is quickly taken care of and then the sister explains that the stone is the source of light for the lighthouse and that it is charged by Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nAsh and the gang go back to the lighthouse to relax. When Ash puts on his vest, the siblings get very excited. They explain that Ash fits the description given in a prophecy and that he must be the one who is supposed to not only protect the stone from an attack, but also teach the stone's protector how to fight. The boy is completely convinced that Ash is the chosen one.\n\nAsh spends the rest of the day mentoring the boy until the fog starts rolling in and the lighthouse needs relighting. When they all reach the lighthouse to replace the stone, Team Rocket attempts to steal it and Pikachu using a Zapdos robot. They almost succeed before Ash and company catch up to them and send them blasting off again. The stone is recovered and replaced, and the boy truly believes that Ash is his mentor."
"After making it to Mauville City, Ash and the gang see a sign stating that whoever can make it through the trick house will win a lifetime supply of Pok\u00e9Blocks. Ash and the gang decide to try their luck.\n\nWhen they arrive, they have three doors to choose from. Ash, May, and their new friend Alanna choose one door while Max and Brock choose another. Team Rocket is, of course, also trying to win and each one of them chooses a different door. Everyone ends up trying to navigate through a maze. James and Meowth meet and then see Ash, May, Alanna, and Alanna's Whismur and decide that they want to steal the Whismur. They are successful until everyone exits the maze at the same time and Alanna rushes up to Team Rocket and takes her Whismur back, thanking them for finding it.\n\nTeam Rocket creates havoc for our heroes throughout the next few challenges and finally traps Pikachu and Whismur during the last challenge. A battle ensues and Team Rocket is sent blasting off. Ash and company may not have won the lifetime supply of Pok\u00e9Blocks, but they did make some new friends and are ready to set off for the Mauville Gym."
"Ash and company are finally at the Mauville Gym. They have an electrifying introduction to Wattson, the Gym's leader, who specializes in Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon. They discover that he seems to enjoy being a bit of a trickster. Upon entering the gym, they are sent through a type of electric slide\/roller coaster ending in a mechanical Raikou, which Pikachu tries to attack.\n\nElsewhere, Team Rocket is exploring the possibility of capturing a large array of Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon they just found.\n\nWattson decides on a three-on-three match. He uses his Magnemite, but Pikachu knocks it out in one hit. Next he sends in Voltorb, which Pikachu also KO's in one hit. Finally, Wattson sends in Magneton, which also falls to Pikachu. Everyone is shocked and amazed, but Wattson recovers and hands Ash the Dynamo Badge.\n\nAsh then rushes his Pikachu to the Pok\u00e9mon Center to recover. There he finds out that it is overloaded with electricity; probably from the Raikou incident. Wattson decides to go to the mountainside to mull over his loss for a bit when he encounters Team Rocket stealing the Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon. Ash and company arrive and they all help Wattson recover the Pok\u00e9mon from Team Rocket before sending them blasting off again.\n\nAsh tries to give the Dynamo Badge back to Wattson because Pikachu won due to its being overcharged. Wattson tells him to keep it, though, because Ash deserves it."
Season 7 - Pokémon
"Ash and friends are leaving Mauville City, but Ash wants to go to the Pok\u00e9mon Gym in Lavaridge Town while May wants to compete in a Pok\u00e9mon Contest at Fallarbor Town. Max discovers the two towns are close to each other, so they decide on Fallarbor Town first.\n\nTeam Rocket stumbles into a huge watermelon patch but an Electrode disguised as a giant watermelon sends them blasting away. Some watermelons float downriver to be eaten by Ash and the gang. A Grovyle and Slugma attack them, and a girl named Natasha accuses them of being thieves. Her Electrode reveals the truth, so she invites them on a tour of her watermelon patch. After Natasha claims she's never lost a double battle, Ash challenges her.\n\nAsh sends out his Treecko and Corphish to challenge Natasha's Pok\u00e9mon, but they are quickly overmatched. Corphish and Slugma KO each other, leaving Treecko and Grovyle to duke it out. The battle is interrupted by Team Rocket returning to steal more watermelons.\n\nGrovyle uses its Bullet Seed, but is gagged by an attack from Team Rocket's robot. Treecko uses Bullet Seed and manages to knock the melons down, and Pikachu zaps the robot, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.\n\nNatasha and Ash resume the match, but Treecko is defeated by the power of Grovyle's Bullet Seed attack. The kids settle down to enjoy some juicy watermelon, and Ash and Pikachu try to encourage Treecko by spitting seeds at it. Treecko retaliates by using the real Bullet Seed move on them."
"Ash and friends are still on their way to Fallarbor Town and stop by Lake May for a rest, where they spot an Illumise and some Volbeat practicing for the May Festival. The Volbeat Trainer, Romeo, is a big klutz, and he causes an accident that sends all of the Pok\u00e9mon crashing into the water. Ash and Brock send out their Water-type Pok\u00e9mon to save them.\n\nIt turns out that Romeo is in love with the Illumise Trainer, Juliet, and he gets nervous around her. May decides to help him practice confessing how he feels by having Ash dress up as Juliet.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket has Meowth pose as a Volbeat, luring Illumise into a trap. Juliet goes searching for her Pok\u00e9mon and instead comes across Romeo rehearsing with the kids. Romeo sends all of his Volbeat to track down Juliet's Illumise.\n\nTeam Rocket uses Sweet Scent to lure all of the Pok\u00e9mon into a powerful vacuum, capturing Ash and Pikachu in the process. Pikachu shocks the vacuum to shut it down, and the one free Volbeat uses Quick Attack to destroy it, freeing everyone. The combined Volbeat use Signal Beam to send Team Rocket blasting off again.\n\nRomeo confesses how he feels to Juliet, and they decide to marry. At the May Festival, the Volbeat and Illumise put on a spectacular performance."
"Ash and friends are headed to Fallarbor Town when they are nearly hit by a Bagon jumping off a cliff. Ash sends out Taillow to attack the Bagon, but a girl named Michelle leaps out to accuse them of launching a sneak attack. After learning Bagon was at fault, Michelle apologizes and explains that her Bagon is trying to learn how to fly.\n\nAsh challenges Michelle to a battle so Bagon can get more experience so it will evolve into Shelgon and then Salamence (which can fly). With Michelle using her special computerized glasses to guide Bagon, Pikachu takes a real beating from Bagon's Skull Bash attack.\n\nThe battle is interrupted by the arrival of Team Rocket in a helicopter. Meowth swoops down wearing a jetpack and grabs Bagon. Treecko hits the helicopter with Bullet Seed, causing Team Rocket to drop the remote control for the jetpack. Ash and the others run to find Bagon. Ash tells Michelle that she needs to encourage Bagon more so it can evolve.\n\nTeam Rocket meets up with Meowth and Bagon, discovering that Bagon is thrilled because it got to fly (using the jetpack). Ash and the others catch up, and Pikachu hits Team Rocket hard with Quick Attack. But Team Rocket captures Pikachu, flying off in their helicopter.\n\nBagon and Treecko use the jetpack to follow Team Rocket and attack the helicopter, freeing Pikachu. Pikachu zaps the helicopter, sending Team Rocket blasting off again. Bagon, Treecko, and Pikachu ride through the sky on the jetpack, and when they land, Bagon evolves into Shelgon!"
"Ash and friends welcome an old friend\u2014Misty! She's received an invitation to a Togepi Festival, and is soon greeted by Team Rocket disguised as the operating committee for the festival. They escort Misty and Togepi inside a large building, which turns out to be a concealed zeppelin. Ash and friends climb aboard before takeoff, and the aircraft makes its way to the Mirage Kingdom.\n\nMisty leaves the zeppelin and is met by Colonel Hansen, who demands that she turn over Togepi. Ash and Brock step forward to protect her, sending out Mudkip and Pikachu. Misty, May, and Max flee while Pikachu and Mudkip battle Colonel Hansen's two Ninjask.\n\nColonel Hansen's Shedinja catches up with Misty, who sends out her Corsola. During the battle, Togepi is blasted away and found unconscious in a stream by the princess of the Mirage Kingdom. A servant tells the king that the princess has finally found a Togepi, and they all gather in the princess' quarters to look at it.\n\nMisty arrives and demands the return of her Togepi. The princess and the servant explain that Togepi are worshipped in the Mirage Kingdom, and in order to become ruler, the princess must have one in her possession for the coronation ceremony. Colonel Hansen wants the throne for himself, which is why he tried to steal Misty's Togepi. The princess decides to send Misty and friends home with Togepi.\n\nAs the gang are about to board the zeppelin, a mirror image of the temple appears in the sky. Togepi begins to glow and float toward it. Colonel Hansen arrives with Team Rocket, and his Shedinja attacks the group using Solar Beam, which Pikachu attempts to block with Thundershock."
"Shedinja attacks Misty and friends, but they are protected by Togepi using Safeguard. Everyone is then transported into the Togepi Paradise, located inside the mirage floating above the temple. There they find a group of sick Togepi. It is explained that Togepi are only well based on the emotions of those around them, and the evil plotting of Colonel Hansen is making them sick.\n\nColonel Hansen tries to break into the Togepi Paradise, and Misty's Togepi travels back to try and stop him. Instead Togepi is knocked out by Hansen's Shedinja and Ninjask. Misty and everyone else are transported back to the Mirage Kingdom.\n\nBack at the palace Hansen claims the throne, and has the king imprisoned. He kicks Team Rocket out. A ceremony begins in which Hansen is declared king. Outside, Team Rocket disguise themselves as fortune tellers to tell Brock where the king is being held.\n\nAsh, May, Misty, and Princess Sara confront Hansen at the palace, but Torchic and Pikachu are no match for Ninjask and Shedinja. The other Togepi suddenly emerge from the Togepi Paradise and and channel their energy into Misty's Togepi, using Safeguard to protect everyone. Misty's Togepi evolves into a Togetic.\n\nMisty throws out her Gyarados and uses Flamethrower to roast all of Colonel Hansen's Pok\u00e9mon. The king arrives and has Hansen arrested. Togetic decides to stay and protect the Togepi Paradise. All of the Togepi leave, except for one who jumps into Sara's arms. With that Togepi, the princess can now claim the Mirage Kingdom throne.\n\nEveryone bids Misty goodbye as she heads back to Cerulean City aboard a zeppelin."
"Ash and his friends are walking through the desert when they pass out because of the heat. They are rescued by the Winstrate Family, who in return for the hospitality offered, want to have a Pok\u00e9mon battle between the four Winstrates and all four of the kids.\n\nTeam Rocket also faints in the desert, where they are discovered by Vito Winstrate. He left home a while ago to battle in the Pok\u00e9mon League, but he'd rather just raise Pok\u00e9mon. His family is very proud of him going off to the League, and he's afraid of them finding out the truth. James offers to help him talk to his family.\n\nThe battle begins back at the Winstrate residence. Brock uses his Mudkip against Victor Winstrate's Zigzagoon, but is knocked out by a surprise Thunderbolt attack. May takes out Victoria's Roselia with her Beautifly. Max doesn't have any Pok\u00e9mon yet, so he borrows Ash's Corphish and easily knocks down Vivi's Marill, breaking the little girl's heart.\n\nAsh takes on Grandma with Pikachu. The battle is close until her Camerupt uses Eruption and begins to chase Pikachu everywhere. Camerupt gets confused and charges the Winstrate's house instead.\n\nVito and Team Rocket are watching the whole thing, so Vito secretly has his Alakazam start a rainstorm to calm Camerupt down. Team Rocket tries to steal Pikachu but Vito uses his Pok\u00e9mon to stop them. Grandma Winstrate realizes that Vito is helping them and never went to the Pok\u00e9mon League. She announces that it's okay for Vito to choose his own path. Vito leaves the Winstrate farm, to become the best he can be at raising Pok\u00e9mon."
"May is practicing for her next Pok\u00e9mon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy.\n\nEliza the therapist shows the kids her fragrance collection and uses a special mixture to make Skitty better while it sleeps. Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies overhead in a balloon and decides to steal some fragrance for their Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nSkitty wakes up feeling much better, and May battles it using Torchic. Her attempt to catch Skitty is interrupted by Team Rocket bursting in. Jessie's Seviper uses Haze, causing a lot of confusion. Meowth completely falls for Skitty.\n\nTeam Rocket flees, but Ash's Taillow wrecks their balloon. They manage to get away with one bag, finding Skitty inside. Jessie claims it as her own, much to Meowth's dismay. He helps Skitty run away.\n\nMay and friends locate Team Rocket, and Jessie and May get into a fight over who gets to catch Skitty. May's Beautifly knocks out Jessie's Dustox. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting away.\n\nMay takes out her Pok\u00e9 Ball to catch Skitty, but Skitty knocks it out of her hand and jumps into it. As they're walking away, Skitty jumps out of the Pok\u00e9 Ball."
"Ash and friends are traveling when a Zangoose runs up in front of them. It is followed by its Trainer, their old friend Nicolai. Ash challenges Nicolai to a Pok\u00e9mon battle.\n\nThe battle is being watched by Team Rocket. Jessie sends out her Seviper (to steal Pikachu), but Zangoose senses it and the two Pok\u00e9mon start to fight. They fall into the river, and Ash sends Corphish to drive Seviper off so they can rescue Zangoose.\n\nWhile the injured Zangoose is recovering back at their camp, Ash shows Nicolai how to battle Seviper. Team Rocket returns and the battle between Zangoose and Seviper continues. James and Meowth steal Pikachu while Jessie is helping her Seviper.\n\nThe friends go to get Pikachu back, but James' Cacnea accidentally sends Pikachu flying. Wobbuffet grabs Pikachu and runs off, trailed by everyone.\n\nNicolai notices that they can't catch Wobbuffet because it's running in a zig-zag pattern, so he instructs his Zangoose to do the same to avoid Seviper's attacks. Zangoose then uses Crush Claw to win the battle, while Pikachu uses Thunder to send Team Rocket blasting off again.\n\nNicolai congratulates Zangoose, and Ash and Nicolai continue their battle."
"Ash and friends stop at a Pok\u00e9mon Center where May's Skitty pops out of its Pok\u00e9 Ball and causes trouble. A kid that looks a lot like comes up to yell at them\u2014and his name is also Max! The two Maxes get into a fight.\n\nMay and Max run into the other Max outside, saying hello to his Surskit. To avoid a fight, Brock suggests that everyone take out their Pok\u00e9mon. Team Rocket arrives on the scene, but Skitty grabs Jessie's hair. Surskit escapes while Jessie goes berserk in another one of Team Rocket's giant contraptions, sending everyone blasting off.\n\nWhile the kids are looking for Surskit, the other Max admits that he's jealous because he doesn't get to travel with his Pok\u00e9mon. They find Surskit in a spring, but are attacked by Team Rocket again. The Maxes team up, and Surskit uses Water Pulse to break a rock dam, washing Team Rocket away.\n\nJessie emerges from the water to grab Surskit, but is hit hard by Skitty. Then a double-attack from Surskit and Pikachu sends the crooks blasting off for good.\n\nThe other Max decides to go traveling with his Surskit, and both Maxes shake hands, now good friends."
"May and friends finally arrive in Fallarbor Town, ready for the next Pok\u00e9mon Contest. There are already a lot of coordinators there, including one named Grace with a Medicham. Grace already has 3 ribbons, and shows off her Medicham's special combo.\n\nMay tries practicing combos with her Beautifly, but gets confused. Drew shows up and taunts her.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is running a scam to sell fake Pok\u00e9Blocks.\n\nWhen Ash tells Drew he's not competing, Drew challenges him to a battle that Drew wins. Drew implies that it takes teamwork between a Trainer and Pok\u00e9mon to succeed, which May doesn't have. With her confidence shattered, May is easily duped by Team Rocket's scam.\n\nBefore May can purchase a fake Pok\u00e9Block, Grace steps in and exposes the ruse. Team Rocket leaves in their balloon, stealing all of the Pok\u00e9mon they can on the way out. Medicham frees all of the Pok\u00e9mon, and then May and Grace team up to fight off Team Rocket.\n\nMay gets her confidence back and enters the contest, standing on stage next to a confident Drew. Her second Pok\u00e9mon Contest is about to begin."
"May is competing in her second Pok\u00e9mon Contest and manages to make it to the next round along with Drew, Grace, and a disguised Jessie. Jessie has attached a device to her Dustox that produces beautiful rainbows when it performs an attack, making the attack even more beautiful.\n\nMay battles against Jessie, with Beautifly delivering enough of a beating to break the rainbow device and defeat Dustox. Caught cheating, Jessie is disqualified. Team Rocket tries to make trouble, but Pikachu sends them blasting off.\n\nIn the next battle, Grace takes on Drew and beats his Roselia in a decisive victory with her Medicham.\n\nGrace moves on to the finals to battle May. Medicham takes a commanding lead until May tries a combo involving Tackle and Silver Wind, pinning Medicham down. May takes the lead with one minute to go. The two Pok\u00e9mon meet in a head-on collision, and though both Pok\u00e9mon go down, May has more points and is declared the winner.\n\nDrew congratulates May, and then the kids are off to Lavaridge Town for Ash's next Gym Battle."
"Ash meets an old friend: Thatcher from Mt. Lighthouse! He's a member of a pep squad school that cheers at Pok\u00e9mon battles, led by a man named Sheridan.\n\nA disguised Team Rocket offers Sheridan money to cheer for their Pok\u00e9mon battles. To test the effectiveness of the cheering, Brock and Ash offer to battle against Team Rocket.\n\nBrock's Forretress knocks out James' Cacnea, who is secretly revived using Helping Hand. Sheridan wears a mask containing a small microphone that he uses to give directions to Pok\u00e9mon hidden inside the pep squad's giant drums.\n\nAfter Cacnea wins, it's Ash and Pikachu versus Jessie and Seviper. Jessie doesn't pay attention to the battle, and Seviper is quickly taken down. Sheridan issues commands to revive Seviper repeatedly.\n\nMax sneaks nearby and knocks the drums over, revealing the Pok\u00e9mon concealed inside. Sheridan runs off, and Ash manages to encourage Pikachu to victory.\n\nTeam Rocket then reveal themselves, but Pikachu is too weak to fight them off. Plusle and Minun revive Pikachu, whose Thunder attack starts a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning hits Team Rocket's balloon, sending them blasting off.\n\nThe members of the pep squad decide to go home, Thatcher continues his Pok\u00e9mon journey, while Ash and friends continue to Lavaridge Town."
"Ash and friends are fleeing a group of rampaging Slugma along the Fiery Path, when they escape down a hill and end up on a Numel ranch. They are greeted by the owner Julie and her Furret.\n\nBrock and Max offer to help with the chores on the ranch while Julie and May have a Pok\u00e9mon battle. May looks up attacks in her Pok\u00e9dex, and orders Skitty to use the move Assist against Julie's Furret. To May's surprise, Skitty uses Ember, then Silver Wind. Julie defeats May in the battle, and explains that the move Assist allows a Pok\u00e9mon to use any of the moves known by their Trainer's other Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nThat night, while everyone is sleeping, Team Rocket shows up in a robotic Numel to steal the sleeping Numel. The kids wake up, and try to stop them. May and Skitty are captured by the robot.\n\nInside the robot, Skitty wakes up the still-sleeping Numel and they try to escape. Team Rocket activates internal sprinklers to prevent the Numel from using their Ember attacks. Skitty uses Assist to recharge, and the Numel burn through the robot's shell to break free.\n\nAsh and friends are fleeing a group of rampaging Slugma along the Fiery Path, when they escape down a hill and end up on a Numel ranch. They are greeted by the owner Julie and her Furret.\n\nBrock and Max offer to help with the chores on the ranch while Julie and May have a Pok\u00e9mon battle. May looks up attacks in her Pok\u00e9dex, and orders Skitty to use the move Assist against Julie's Furret. To May's surprise, Skitty uses Ember, then Silver Wind. Julie defeats May in the battle, and explains that the move Assist allows a Pok\u00e9mon to use any of the moves known by their Trainer's other Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nThat night, while everyone is sleeping, Team Rocket shows up in a robotic Numel to steal the sleeping Numel. The kids wake up, and try to stop them. May and Skitty are captured by the robot.\n\nInside the robot, Skitty wakes up the still-sleeping Numel and they try to escape. Team Rocket activates internal sprinklers to prevent the Numel from using their Ember attacks. Skitty uses Assist to recharge, and the Numel burn through the robot's shell to break free.\n\nTeam Rocket tries to battle May and her friends, but they are quickly zapped by Pikachu. The next morning, Julie gives the kids directions to Lavaridge Town and they depart."
"The gang rushes to the cable car headed up Mt. Chimney, boarding it just in time along with a disguised Team Rocket. As the car travels upward, they spy both a red helicopter and a gray helicopter.\n\nProfessor Cosmo is on the mountain, searching for a recently-fallen meteorite. Team Magma and Team Aqua arrive, both after the meteorite. Team Aqua hijacks the cable car system and causes the cars to stop. Team Rocket reveals their identity, but the kids are too busy trying to escape the cable car to care. Ash manages to get out to the mountain.\n\nTeams Magma and Aqua fight, with Team Magma's Dark-type Pok\u00e9mon overpowering Team Aqua's Water-type roster. Back in the cable car, the kids enjoy lunch with Team Rocket.\n\nAsh meets Professor Cosmo, but Team Magma gets the meteorite. They place the meteorite inside a machine designed to activate the volcano. Professor Cosmo distracts Team Magma while Ash tries to steal the meteorite back. Pikachu ends up shocking both Team Magma and the machine, causing an overload. Professor Cosmo pushes the machine into the lava, destroying it (and the meteorite).\n\nTeam Magma departs with the knowledge that their machine worked. Team Aqua leaves, pleased that Team Magma did not succeed. Team Rocket falls down Mt. Chimney. Ash and his friends get directions from Professor Cosmo and head for Lavaridge Town."
"Ash and friends arrive in Lavaridge Town. Ash heads straight for the Gym, where the Gym Leader Flannery is running around on fire. Brock uses Mudkip to douse the flames, and everyone goes inside for the Gym battle. The battlefield is a mess, so they need to clean up first.\n\nThey find out Flannery just inherited the Gym Leader position from her grandfather, who left town to write Pok\u00e9mon poetry. None of the kids know that he's actually spying on them because he's worried about Flannery. He comes back in disguise and offers to help Flannery out.\n\nTeam Rocket also shows up in disguise to help clean the field, but instead they steal Flannery's Torkoal. They try to fly away in their balloon, but are stopped by the grandfather, who teams up with Flannery for a Pok\u00e9mon battle with Jessie and James. May and Max free Torkoal.\n\nDuring the battle, Flannery's Slugma evolves into Magcargo. Flannery realizes her grandfather is there, and together they defeat Team Rocket. Everyone gets ready for the Gym battle the next day."
"Ash uses Corphish in his Gym battle with Flannery. Flannery chooses Magcargo first, which is defeated by Corphish's Crabhammer.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is digging a tunnel to steal Magcargo and Pikachu during the battle, but they accidentally hit a pipe and are sent blasting off into a hot spring.\n\nAsh recalls Corphish and sends out Treecko, hitting Slugma hard but getting burned by Flamethrower. Ash sends out Corphish again, but Slugma uses Yawn to put Corphish to sleep. Pikachu goes out to battle next.\n\nPikachu knocks out Slugma with a powerful Thunder attack, but Flannery calls out Torkoal. Pikachu can't get through Torkoal's Iron Defense, and is KO'd by Overheat.\n\nTreecko is sent out again, but is quickly knocked out by Overheat. Ash sends out the sleeping Corphish, who takes some damage before finally waking up. To get through the Iron Defense, Corphish hits Torkoal with Crabhammer from the side, flipping the Fire-type over and then knocking it out with Bubblebeam.\n\nAfter the battle, Flannery receives some advice and praise from her grandfather, and presents Ash with his Heat Badge."
"Ash decides to head to Petalburg City for his next Gym battle. On the road, the gang runs into a group of Spinda. A pretty girl named Claire approaches, and Brock's reaction to her scares all the Spinda away. She is looking for her lucky Spinda, which has a heart-shaped mark on its face. Ash and friends offer to help her.\n\nTeam Rocket tries to steal the Spinda using a vacuum, but the lucky Spinda fights back using Hypnosis and all of the Spinda escape. They also try disguising a Teddiursa (and later Meowth) as a Spinda to lure the real Spinda in, but fail.\n\nThe kids track the lucky Spinda down to a flower garden, where they are met by the Spinda's owner\u2014Claire's fianc\u00e9e, Kain. Brock's heart is broken.\n\nTeam Rocket shows up in a giant Spinda robot capable of repelling all the attacks of the Spinda. Brock sends out all of his Pok\u00e9mon, and his Forretress destroys the robot using Explosion.\n\nAsh and friends wish Claire and Cain the best, and depart for Petalburg."
"Ash and friends are walking through the Valley of Steel on their way to Petalburg Gym when they encounter a Torkoal being attacked by a Skarmory and several Magnemite. May's Skitty and Torchic drive the Steel-type Pok\u00e9mon away.\n\nThe Pok\u00e9mon of the Valley of Steel turn out to be very territorial, and both Torkoal and the kids have put themselves in danger by trying to cross the valley. Regardless, they decide to press on.\n\nTeam Rocket is in pursuit, though at first the trio is attacked by Skarmory and later Steelix. They are sent blasting off and nearly hit Ash and his friends on the way down, falling into a chasm instead. May tumbles off the edge, and Ash and Torkoal work together to save her. They are attacked by a Magneton, which Torkoal sends flying using Flamethrower.\n\nMagneton is found by the Steelix, who then goes looking for Torkoal and the kids. When they meet, it turns out that Torkoal came to the valley looking for a fight with this powerful Pok\u00e9mon. The two begin to fight, with Ash directing Torkoal. Steelix has the advantage until Torkoal uses Overheat, knocking the giant Steel-type out.\n\nTorkoal joins Ash's roster of Pok\u00e9mon, and the gang leaves the Valley of Steel."
"Ash and friends return to Mauville City, where they encounter a carnival run by Team Rocket. They let all their Pok\u00e9mon out to enjoy the festivities, and Team Rocket tries to steal them. Wattson and Watt arrive to help fight off the thieves, and after the battle Wattson's Electrike evolves into a Manectric.\n\nEveryone heads to the Mauville Gym for two practice battles. First up, May's Skitty faces off against Watt's Ampharos. Skitty is victorious with Assist, using Quick Attack and Double Slap in quick succession.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket falls into Wattson's new improved Gym traps, eventually encountering a group of robotic Raikou that they mistake for the real thing.\n\nThe second battle is Ash's Torkoal versus Wattson's Manectric. Torkoal uses Overheat too many times, and Manectric takes out the Fire-type with a Charge\/Thunder Wave combo.\n\nWatt tells May about a Pok\u00e9mon Contest taking place in Verdanturf Town, so the kids make that their next destination."
"The kids are on their way to Verdanturf Town when they are waylaid by another Team Rocket scheme. May and friends successfully fight them off, but during the battle Skitty is blasted by Torkoal's smoke, losing its voice.\n\nMay brings Skitty to the nearby Pok\u00e9mon clinic in Foothill Town. They meet Dr. Abby, who uses massage to help Skitty get its voice back.\n\nAbby was once a Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator, even winning the Grand Festival. But she retired after her pride got her into a Pok\u00e9mon battle where her Skitty was seriously injured. A doctor from a Pok\u00e9mon clinic helped Abby and taught her how to treat Pok\u00e9mon. After receiving a Moon Stone to evolve her Skitty into Delcatty, she decided to become a full-time doctor.\n\nTeam Rocket arrives in disguise asking Dr. Abby to treat Meowth. While being massaged by Abby, Meowth talks out loud, revealing his identity. Team Rocket steals May's Skitty and Abby's Delcatty.\n\nTeam Rocket attempts to escape in their balloon, but Delcatty escapes and destroys the balloon. Delcatty shows off some impressive moves, teaching Skitty the move Blizzard in the process. The two cat-like Pok\u00e9mon team up to take out Team Rocket."
"Drew loses a Pok\u00e9mon battle to the mysterious \"Phantom,\" a masked Pok\u00e9mon Trainer using a Dusclops. Because of the injuries sustained by his Roselia, Drew has to drop out of the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in Verdanturf Town.\n\nMay is there to compete with her Skitty, and while practicing she is challenged to a battle with Phantom that Ash accepts instead. The battle is interrupted by the arrival of a woman in a limo who chases the Phantom into the woods.\n\nThe woman reveals she is looking for her son Timmy, who has been missing a lot lately, usually when the Phantom is around. The kids follow her to a mansion where they meet the entire family. Timmy's father reveals that Tommy is the Phantom, disguising himself only because his mother hates Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nBrock dresses up as the Phantom to fool the mother, but Team Rocket shows up to unmask the Phantom for a huge reward. Skitty's Blizzard attack frees Brock but also unmasks him by accident. Brock quickly runs off, and it appears that the mother did not see his face. Timmy decides to compete in the Pok\u00e9mon Contest."
"Timmy (aka \"Phantom\") arrives late to register for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest, because his mother gave him lots of homework to do. His father let him go, and confronts the mother when she comes to check on Timmy.\n\nJessie is competing under an alias in the Contest, and her Dustox takes the lead in the first round. May's Skitty fails to do a Blizzard attack, losing points and putting May behind. May still progresses to the second round.\n\nIn the second round May quickly dispatches her opponent, while Phantom beats Jessie in a tough battle. Jessie's disguise is blown off, and after losing she decides to try to steal Phantom's Dusclops instead. Pikachu sends them flying with Thunderbolt, also ripping off Timmy's mask.\n\nMeanwhile, Timmy's father talks to his wife and brings up the fact that she only hates Pok\u00e9mon because her parents took her beloved Poochyena away from her when she was a child. She relents and decides to cheer Timmy on at the Contest.\n\nMay and Timmy face off in the final round, and Skitty isn't doing so well until May instructs it to use Assist. Skitty quickly catches up and beats Dusclops. Timmy's mother encourages him to continue competing.\n\nJessie is competing under an alias in the Contest, and her Dustox takes the lead in the first round. May's Skitty fails to do a Blizzard attack, losing points and putting May behind. May still progresses to the second round.\n\nIn the second round May quickly dispatches her opponent, while Phantom beats Jessie in a tough battle. Jessie's disguise is blown off, and after losing she decides to try to steal Phantom's Dusclops instead. Pikachu sends them flying with Thunderbolt, also ripping off Timmy's mask.\n\nMeanwhile, Timmy's father talks to his wife and brings up the fact that she only hates Pok\u00e9mon because her parents took her beloved Poochyena away from her when she was a child. She relents and decides to cheer Timmy on at the Contest.\n\nMay and Timmy face off in the final round, and Skitty isn't doing so well until May instructs it to use Assist. Skitty quickly catches up and beats Dusclops. Timmy's mother encourages him to continue competing."
"Ash and friends are headed to Petalburg City so he can earn his fifth Gym badge. They fall into yet another Team Rocket scheme to steal Pikachu but are saved by a wild Solrock.\n\nThe kids arrive at a nearby village where the stream has completely dried up. They send out their Water-type Pok\u00e9mon to search for water, and Brock's Lotad falls into the empty well. When he pulls it back up, the Pok\u00e9mon evolves into Lombre. An old woman runs out and calls it their \"Water Lord.\"\n\nHer granddaughter Mary explains that they receive their water from a stream flowing out of a Lombre shrine, which dried up shortly after a meteorite fell to earth. Solrock has been spotted in the woods since then, so they blame it for the drought.\n\nThe villagers perform a rain dance with Lombre, and many wild Pok\u00e9mon join in. Ash and friends use Lombre's dance to draw Solrock out, but May's Skitty runs off toward a cave. When May and Mary explore the cave, they discover a machine built by Team Rocket siphoning water from the stream.\n\nA battle begins, and Solrock ends up using Ember to protect the villagers from Team Rocket's attacks. Pikachu sends the villains blasting off again, while Solrock continues to burn. Brock's Lombre and Mudkip cool down Solrock with their Water Gun attacks, and the steam creates a rainstorm.\n\nThe villagers decide to worship Solrock instead, while Ash and friends depart for Petalburg."
"A tree inhabited by Swablu and Altaria is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, and one of the Swablu fails to fly away before the tree crashes.\n\nThe next morning, May and friends are walking through the woods when they find the wounded Swablu. Swablu puts the kids to sleep with Sing, but Torchic wakes them up by pecking their noses. Their shouts alert a park ranger, who brings everyone to a rest station.\n\nMay wants to stay there until Swablu gets better, so Brock helps her with caring for the little Flying-type. Eventually its wing heals, but it still can't fly. The ranger explains that the accident with the tree was very traumatic, so the kids try to re-teach Swablu to fly. Eventually Max comes up with a successful idea to trick Swablu into flying using \"magic powder\" spread by Beautifly.\n\nThe ranger locates the Swablu's flock at a lake and drives the kids there, but they are stopped by Team Rocket. The trio steals Swablu and escape in their balloon. Swablu uses Sing, but James' Cacnea uses Pin Missile while asleep, damaging the balloon.\n\nThe balloon becomes engulfed in flames, but Swablu manages to overcome its fear of flying to escape. Brock's Mudkip and Lombre put out the fire, and Team Rocket is sent blasting off.\n\nThe gang finally arrives at the lake, but the flock appears to be gone. May offers Swablu a place with her, but the flock suddenly reappears, and instead she lets Swablu rejoin its fellow Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash and friends are in a town close to Petalburg City, when their picnic is gobbled up by a passing Gulpin. They overhear an emergency announcement instructing everyone to evacuate.\n\nThe kids and a local shopkeeper are accosted by a large group of Gulpin. Officer Jenny saves them, bringing the friends back to the Pok\u00e9mon Center. They meet Nurse Joy and Professor Jacuzzi, who are working to stop the Gulpin from eating all of the town's food supplies.\n\nThe professor's first plan involves a giant Pok\u00e9Block to lead the Gulpin away. Team Rocket tries to steal the Pok\u00e9Block, but their balloon is shot down by the Gulpin. The Gulpin follow the Pok\u00e9Block out of town.\n\nThe Gulpin try to return through the sewer, but Jenny and Joy block the way. The Gulpin emerge onto the street. Professor Jacuzzi arrives with a device that beams them up and shoots them away, but it breaks down with one Gulpin left to go. Ash sends Treecko out to battle and the machine restarts, grabbing both Pok\u00e9mon. It explodes, and the two of them become oversized.\n\nTo avoid destroying the town, Treecko leads Gulpin to a lake, but is too tired to battle (shrinking back to normal). May suggests capturing Gulpin in a Pok\u00e9 Ball. Nurse Joy gives the professor a Heavy Ball, and he captures the Gulpin, vowing to restore it to its normal size."
"Ash and friends are eating lunch in the woods when they notice that Treecko has wandered off. After failing to convince the Grass-type to come down from a tree, lunch is disrupted by a rampaging Loudred. Its Trainer, Guy finally catches up with his Pok\u00e9mon and makes it stop.\n\nAsh and Guy decide that both troublesome Pok\u00e9mon need exercise, so they battle. While battling, both Pok\u00e9mon evolve at the same time, into Exploud and Grovyle. The battle continues, but Exploud won't listen to Guy. It hits Grovyle hard and runs off.\n\nGrovyle catches up with Exploud at a waterfall, and the two begin to battle again. Exploud still won't listen to Guy. Team Rocket interrupts, trying to capture Exploud, but Guy protects his Pok\u00e9mon. Pikachu and Exploud send Team Rocket blasting off.\n\nGuy and Exploud reconcile, and Ash and Guy decide to finish the battle."
"Ash and friends are almost to Petalburg City. Ash can't wait to battle Gym Leader Norman, while May and Max look forward to seeing their parents again. They remind Ash that he needs to pick three Pok\u00e9mon to battle with, so Ash calls all of his out to decide.\n\nAfter trying to get oranges out of a tree, the Pok\u00e9mon are captured by Team Rocket in a net. Grovyle cuts the net and frees the Pok\u00e9mon, and everyone congratulates the Grass-type. The gang sits down for lunch, but are interrupted by a dancing Ludicolo and its Trainer Poncho. Poncho challenges Ash to a battle; if Poncho wins, he gets the kids' lunch.\n\nAsh is ready to use Grovyle but Corphish wants to battle. Ash and Corphish aren't really in synch, so Corphish is badly beaten. Poncho takes the sandwiches and leaves to eat, but is followed by the angry Corphish.\n\nTeam Rocket shows up again and grabs Poncho and Ludicolo in a net, but Corphish pops their balloon. Ash and friends arrive, and with Ash's teamwork, Corphish successfully takes out Team Rocket. Poncho apologizes for taking the sandwiches, and Brock makes stew for everyone.\n\nAsh proposes a rematch with Poncho and Ludicolo, this time using his Torkoal."
"The friends arrive in North Petalburg and stop by the Pok\u00e9mon Center, where May and Max are quickly recognized as the children of Norman. The siblings are swamped by an adoring crowd. Ash and Brock manage to escape and wander off.\n\nTeam Rocket arrives in town and they decide to disguise themselves as Norman's family (Norman, Caroline, May, and Max) to conduct an autograph-selling scam.\n\nWhen Ash mentions that he's planning to take on Norman in the Petalburg Gym, a whole crowd of Norman-devotees challenge Ash to battles. Ash easily beats them all, exhausting his Pok\u00e9mon (and himself). Word gets around about how good he is, so the crowd with the siblings pressures May to battle Ash in order to teach him a lesson. Her Torchic uses Ember on Ash, and he falls over.\n\nThe still-disguised Team Rocket disappears, causing another crowd of people to search them out. The two crowds meet, and begin to argue over which version of May and Max is the real thing. May uses Ember to burn away Team Rocket's costumes, and Pikachu sends their balloon blasting away with Thunderbolt.\n\nThe crowd is impressed with the defeat of Team Rocket\u2014by Pikachu. Though Ash is dejected, the kids set off for Petalburg City."
"Ash and friends finally arrive in Petalburg City. Ash heads to the Pok\u00e9mon Center (PC) to take care of his team while everyone else visits May and Max's house. At the PC, Ash sees Norman talking to Nurse Joy.\n\nAt the house, Norman's wife Caroline makes everyone lunch, and she seems very upset. The kids check out the greenhouse where Norman keeps his Pok\u00e9mon, and his assistant Kenny explains that Norman has been going to the PC everyday to see Nurse Joy. The kids rush to the PC to yell at their father, just as Ash arrives at the house. Caroline shows up at the PC with her luggage and tells Norman she's leaving.\n\nBack at the greenhouse, Ash checks out Norman's Pok\u00e9mon and gets into a battle with Team Rocket. Everyone returns to the house in the middle of the battle, and something in the greenhouse is damaged that makes Norman very upset. He has his Slaking use Focus Punch on Team Rocket to send them blasting off.\n\nIt turns out that Nurse Joy was actually helping Norman prepare a fireworks display for his wedding anniversary, but it was ruined during the battle. Nurse Joys repairs the display, and that night they all watch the fireworks together."
"Ash challenges Gym Leader Norman for a badge. While they battle, Team Rocket is busy digging a tunnel under the Gym.\n\nNorman's Slakoth begins with Hidden Power, and Pikachu can't hit it. Pikachu is then immobilized by Slakoth's Blizzard, so Ash switches the Electric-type out for Torkoal. Torkoal takes out Slakoth with Flamethrower.\n\nIn turn, Torkoal is taken down by a Scratch attack from Vigoroth. Ash sends Pikachu back out, and when the two Pok\u00e9mon make physical contact, Vigoroth is paralyzed by Pikachu's Static ability. Pikachu uses Iron Tail to knock out Vigoroth, but also faints.\n\nIn the end Ash's Grovyle faces off against Norman's Slaking. Slaking manages to counter all of Grovyle's attacks, and then uses Earthquake. The shaking disrupts Team Rocket's plans, and puts them up against some angry Dugtrio.\n\nLow on HP, Grovyle's Overgrow ability increases its Attack power, and the Grass-type knocks Slaking out with a combination of Pound and Leaf Blade. All his Pok\u00e9mon defeated, Norman awards the Balance Badge to Ash.\n\nHowever, Max is upset at his father's loss, so he runs off with the badge. Norman talks things over with Max, explaining that the experience of losing is just as important as winning. Max returns the badge to Ash, who celebrates winning his fifth Gym badge."
"Ash and friends decide to visit Professor Birch. On the road they are nearly run over by Birch in his jeep, on his way to the port to pick up Professor Oak. Ash and Brock join him, while May and Max head to his lab.\n\nMay and Max are admiring the Hoenn starter Pok\u00e9mon at the lab (Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic), when Professor Oak shows up. He shows them the Kanto starter Pok\u00e9mon he brought: Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander. May befriends the Bulbasaur.\n\nTeam Rocket arrives and kidnaps all six starter Pok\u00e9mon, and Professor Oak and the siblings go after them. They track the thieves to a Secret Base, but fall into a trap and are imprisoned. Team Rocket also takes May's Pok\u00e9 Balls.\n\nMeanwhile, Birch, Ash, and Brock are hot on the trail with the help of a Poochyena.\n\nOak and the siblings escape from imprisonment with the starter Pok\u00e9mon. Oak has a Zubat use Supersonic on Team Rocket while the Bulbasaur uses its vines to grab May's Pok\u00e9 Balls. After running, they eventually find their way to an outside door, but can't break out.\n\nProfessor Birch and company arrive outside the door, where they use Water-type attacks on the door and then have Pikachu blast it with electricity. A group of Pok\u00e9mon on Oak's side knocks down the now-weakened door with Tackle or Pound.\n\nTeam Rocket shows up again, but all of the Pok\u00e9mon team up with their different attacks to send the crooks blasting off. After saying goodbye, the kids depart for Fortree City."
"The kids are on their way to Fortree City, but May is delaying them. Ash starts to argue with her, and the two kids continue to bicker as they walk. They are interrupted by a couple named Andi and Oscar, who challenge May and Ash to a tag battle.\n\nAsh uses Corphish and May uses Skitty, facing off against the lovebirds' Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Skitty's Assist move continually interferes with Corphish's attacks, so the two Trainers and their Pok\u00e9mon begin to fight. Ash and May are defeated.\n\nAndi and Oscar encounter Team Rocket next. Jessie and James agree to battle only so they can steal the couple's Pok\u00e9mon, but are soundly beaten. Jessie and James blame each other for the loss.\n\nThe two groups overhear each other fighting, and Jessie decides to team up in a tag battle with May against James and Ash. The battle starts to go in favor of the boys, prompting Jessie to send out another Pok\u00e9mon. The fight between Skitty, Seviper, Cacnea, Corphish, and Dustox quickly goes out of control, until Meowth realizes that Team Rocket could steal Pikachu.\n\nThey grab Pikachu and run, but Ash and May team up to stop the thieves. After using their Pok\u00e9mon to soundly defeat Team Rocket, Ash and May reconcile."
"Ash and friends are lost in a forest when they are attacked by a Skarmory that kidnaps May. It drops May on the other side of a tall fence, and several hooded men prevent Ash, Brock, and Max from pursuing.\n\nThe Skarmory drops May on the ground, where she saves a Bulbasaur from falling off a cliff. A group of Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon angrily attack May, but she drives them back with Torchic's Ember attack.\n\nThe hooded men explain to the guys that the Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon will attack any human that trespasses, because people damaged the forest trying to catch Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon. The guys decide saving May is more important, and Ash manages to get over the fence.\n\nA group of Grass-types corner May, and Ash swoops in and has Pikachu clear a path. The two kids run for it, but get cornered again. A Venusaur arrives and orders the other Pok\u00e9mon to back off, accompanied by the Bulbasaur that May helped.\n\nMay begins to befriend the Bulbasaur, but Team Rocket arrives, trying to catch Grass-types with their robot. May gets caught inside the robot as well, and helps all the Pok\u00e9mon break free. The Venusaur uses Solarbeam to blast the robot away.\n\nReunited in the end, the kids get ready to depart the forest, with one new addition\u2014the Bulbasaur decides to join May on her journey."
"The kids arrive in a city where May lets her Bulbasaur to enjoy the scenery. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is at the Pok\u00e9mon Center (PC) making \"repairs\" to the transporter machine.\n\nUpon arrival at the PC, Ash calls Professor Oak. They decide that Ash's and May's Bulbasaur should meet, so Oak transports Ash's over. Unfortunately Team Rocket has rerouted the machine so they get all the full Pok\u00e9 Balls, and only empty Pok\u00e9 Balls arrive at the PC.\n\nThe kids confront Team Rocket outside the PC. James has attached a new engine to their balloon which malfunctions, so the thieves go blasting off. They drop one Pok\u00e9 Ball\u2014Ash's Bulbasaur.\n\nTeam Rocket gathers up everything from the crash site and runs, but a hole in James' bag leaves a trail of Pok\u00e9 Balls along the way. The two Bulbasaur quickly pick up the trail to a cabin where the thieves are hiding.\n\nTeam Rocket seals up the cabin and begins fending off Ash and friends, using the Pok\u00e9 Balls as projectiles. The two Bulbasaur try to sneak the rest of the Pok\u00e9 Balls out through a window with their vines.\n\nPikachu breaks down the wall with Iron Tail, and the Bulbasaur team up to battle Team Rocket. Pikachu sends the thieves blasting off.\n\nBack at the PC, Ash talks to Professor Oak again, who begs Ash to send Bulbasaur back. Everyone says goodbye, and the little Grass-type is sent home."
"The kids have stopped at a lakeside camp site on their way to Fortree City. Ash trips and drops his badge case into the lake, where it is eaten up by a giant Whiscash. Ash dives in after the Pok\u00e9mon but gets caught in some reeds instead.\n\nAsh is pulled out of the water by a fisherman named Sullivan, who calls himself \"Legend.\" He tells them that he has been trying to catch the giant Whiscash for years and its name is Nero. The kids decide to help \"Legend\" catch Nero.\n\n\"Legend\" shows them how to fish, but all of them are unsuccessful. On the other side of the lake Team Rocket is also fishing, but not having much luck.\n\nEventually Ash snags Nero and manages to pull the giant Whiscash out of the water. Before he can get his badges back, Team Rocket scoops Nero up in a net and flies away in their balloon. Ash's Grovyle uses Bullet Seed to send the balloon crashing down, and a battle begins. Whiscash uses Earthquake on Team Rocket, and then Pikachu sends them blasting off with Thunder.\n\n\"Legend\" tries to catch Nero using his own Pok\u00e9mon, but eventually he just pulls out a Master Ball and throws it\u2014which Nero gobbles up, and then swims away."
"The kids are crossing a mountain in the fog, and Ash trips and slides down a cliff with Pikachu. He encounters a mysterious woman singing a strange song.\n\nPikachu stops a Baltoy from spinning off a cliff. Its Trainer, a girl named Callista, arrives and explains that she is searching for ancient artifacts from the Baltoy civilization. Her parents forbid her to search, but a mysterious phone call sent her to the mountain that day.\n\nTeam Rocket is also on the mountain, and they attack the mysterious woman, who fights them off with her Xatu. Callista and Ash help fight the thieves off, and the woman leads them to a cave with the ruins that Callista has been searching for. A pile of rubble lies on top of the most important artifact, and the woman explains that her Baltoy is trapped under it. Callista's Baltoy clears the rock and frees the other Baltoy.\n\nTeam Rocket attacks again with a drilling machine, but they are driven back and sent blasting off as usual. The woman explains to the kids that the artifact is a time machine and reveals the truth to them\u2014that she is a future version of Callista! She explains that she spent her whole life searching for the Baltoy civilization and now has no time to study it\u2014but now the younger Callista can. The elder Callista disappears into the machine with her Baltoy.\n\nThe kids leave the ruins, and Ash reunites with his friends, in a hurry to get to his next Gym battle."
"May is headed for the Rubello Town Pok\u00e9mon Contest, where at least one ribbon is needed to enter. She runs into Drew, and both of them are mobbed by the Mothers for Pok\u00e9mon\u2014a group of women who adore Pok\u00e9mon Coordinators. One of them, Savannah, is a Coordinator herself, and will be competing in the upcoming contest, but she is really nervous.\n\nJessie from Team Rocket wants to enter the contest but can't since she has never won a ribbon.\n\nLater, May is practicing outside the Pok\u00e9mon Center when she spots Drew with his new Masquerain. She tries to show off her Bulbasaur, but it won't listen to her.\n\nThe next day, May is helping Savannah practice when they are accosted by Team Rocket, who takes both May's and Savannah's ribbons. The kids take down Team Rocket's balloon, and Jessie returns the stolen ribbons. Savannah's Lairon uses a Water-type move to send the thieves blasting off.\n\nSavannah's daughter Sandra reassures her mother, while May is feeling confident again about the contest."
"The Rubello Pok\u00e9mon Contest begins! Savannah is still nervous, but May is overconfident. Both of them do well in the first round performances, and while waiting in the locker room, May brags that once you have at least one ribbon, all the rest come easily. Drew tells her off.\n\nJessie tries to enter the contest by making her own ribbon, but instead a woman offers to buy the ribbon, giving Jessie the idea to start selling them. She puts James and Meowth to work.\n\nThe finalists in the contest are announced: May, Savannah, Drew, and Sunny. Ash tries to offer some advice, but May snaps at him.\n\nDrew's Masquerain takes down Sunny's Girafarig with a three-move combo. The next battle is May's Bulbasaur versus Savannah's Lairon. Bulbasaur gets nervous, and doesn't dodge Lairon's attacks. Bulbasaur takes a bad pounding but May refuses to accept defeat, and the judges yell at her.\n\nMay goes outside, and Ash talks with her. The two of them go back inside to watch Savannah face off against Drew. Drew beats Savannah by a lot of points, and wins his fourth ribbon.\n\nTeam Rocket is trying to sell the ribbons they made, but no one buys one, and even the woman who bought one before wants to return hers.\n\nBack at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Savannah doesn't feel bad about losing, and even May realizes that she can't take her wins for granted."
"Team Rocket talks to Giovanni on the video phone, and he yells at them for not making progress, threatening to replace the three of them.\n\nThe kids are eating breakfast when Skitty runs off and encounters a Spoink that has lost its pearl. The Spoink shows how it rolled away, so the kids help look around the forest. Spoink keeps mistaking various round objects for its pearl\u2014like an Igglybuff\u2014and putting them on its head.\n\nJust as they find the real pearl, all of them are caught in a Team Rocket trap, but Ash's Corphish helps them get out. Spoink drops its pearl and Meowth catches it. Team Rocket runs off to a nearby carnival.\n\nAt the carnival, James runs into the Magikarp salesman, who is now selling Feebas. Drawn by the promise of Feebas evolving into a Milotic, Jessie trades the pearl. But when their new Feebas is swimming, its paint washes off, revealing just a Magikarp.\n\nAsh and friends arrive, and both groups go looking for the salesman. Brock and Max reveal the scam, and then everyone confronts the Magikarp salesman. The kids start to battle Team Rocket, and the salesman slips away in the confusion. Spoink passes out, but Max grabs the pearl and puts it on Spoink's head. Spoink then uses Confuse Ray to send Team Rocket blasting off."
"Outside Crossgate Town, the kids meet a Trainer named Shane and his Swablu. He is practicing for the Pok\u00e9Ringer competition, a contest where flying Pok\u00e9mon battle in the sky to capture a ring and place it on the goal post.\n\nAsh and May both sign up with Taillow and Beautifly. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has also arrived in town. As a child, James received training from a champion Pok\u00e9Ringer, and decides to enter the competition as well.\n\nThe competitors are matched up into three separate groups of four. In the first group, Shane and his Swablu use the wind to their advantage and win the round. Ash faces the previous Pok\u00e9Ringer champion in the next group, but knocks out his Volbeat to win. In the last group, May and James face off against each other, but Dustox (borrowed from Jessie) scores the goal.\n\nIn the next round, Ash's Taillow faces off against a Skarmory and wins easily. Shane goes up against James, but his Swablu gets blinded by the sun, giving Dustox a chance to score.\n\nWhile the competition is going on, Jessie and Meowth have been tricking Trainers into leaving their Pok\u00e9mon behind for a special \"relaxing\" treatment. They trap the Pok\u00e9mon into a net and prepare to run. Meowth tries to order James to leave with them, but James refuses.\n\nAsh and James begin the final round, but they are interrupted by a freak tornado in the middle of the field that blocks their path to the ring. Ash sends Taillow into the swirling wind, and its determination causes it to evolve into Swellow. Swellow snags the ring and leaves the tornado, with Dustox on its tail. Swellow punts the ring onto the goal, and James is dragged away sobbing by Team Rocket.\n\nSwellow frees the stolen Pok\u00e9mon, and then Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off with Thunderbolt. Ash attends the award ceremony, where his picture is displayed alongside the previous Pok\u00e9Ringer champions."
"Team Rocket crash lands in front of a mansion, and start to argue. But a beam fired by a Shuppet hidden in the bushes calms them down. They enter the mansion in search of food, but the door locks behind them. They start to argue again, but are again calmed by Shuppet.\n\nAsh and friends are lost outside when it starts to rain. They eventually make their way to the mansion and get locked inside as well. May and Max start to argue, and Max runs off.\n\nMax runs into Shuppet, and the two of them explore the mansion and play. They overhear May still saying some nasty things about Max, so Shuppet plays a joke on the kids by using Psychic to move things around in mid-air.\n\nMay meets Emily, the owner of the mansion. Emily wants to turn the mansion into a hotel, but can't because it appears to be haunted. Everyone splits up to look for Max.\n\nMax and Shuppet are hiding when Team Rocket comes in, followed by May's Torchic. When they threaten the little Fire-type, Max jumps out to protect it. May comes in, and battles with Team Rocket. An armoire almost falls on May and Max, but Shuppet stops it.\n\nEmily recognizes the Shuppet from her childhood, but Team Rocket grabs it, flying off in a balloon. Ash's Swellow breaks Shuppet free, and Pikachu sends the team blasting off.\n\nMax and May apologize to each other, and Emily bids them all farewell."
"Ash and friends have stopped for lunch, and Brock has made food for all of their Pok\u00e9mon. Corphish eats up its share quickly, so it snatches up Torchic's food. Corphish and Torchic start to fight, firing furious blasts of Bubblebeam and Ember at each other.\n\nTeam Rocket is starving, and they end up stealing apples from a group of Shroomish. Some of the Shroomish become angry enough that they evolve into Breloom, then attack Team Rocket. The thieves run into the camp where the kids are, and eat their leftover food. But the Breloom show up and attack, sending everyone blasting off to various parts of the forest.\n\nTorchic and Corphish run into each other, and eventually find Max and Meowth. The quartet stumbles into the food stash of the Shroomish by accident, and have to fend off attacks from the Breloom. They are found by Pikachu and Swellow, but none of the Pok\u00e9mon can fight off the Breloom.\n\nTorchic evolves into Combusken, and begins a one-on-one battle with the leader of the Breloom. A titanic exchange of kicks and punches ends in a double knockout. The two Pok\u00e9mon become friends, and together they attack Team Rocket. In the end, everyone sits down for a shared meal."
"Ash and the gang are headed to Fortree City when it starts raining and then snowing. They run for shelter and meet a Castform who leads them onward. The gang is greeted by two scientists from the nearby Weather Institute, Bart and Millie. Brock feels absolutely nothing for the attractive Millie, which puzzles him.\n\nMillie is showing the kids around the Weather Institute when a Team Aqua helicopter suddenly appears, and they restrain all the other scientists (plus Team Rocket). Team Aqua is looking for information on the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon, Groudon and Kyogre. Bart gives his access card to Castform, who flees in search of Millie.\n\nInside the institute, Ash, Millie and friends reunite with Castform, fight off Team Aqua, and use the access card to get into the computer. Millie transfers all the data onto a disk and deletes the copy on the hard drive.\n\nOutside, Team Aqua uses the weather machine to create a bolt of lightning that sends Team Rocket blasting off. Millie gives Team Aqua the access card. A Team Aqua technician finds the files missing, and Millie reveals that she is in fact, a he\u2014Brodie, the Man of a Thousand Faces, a member of Team Magma! He escapes with the disk.\n\nTeam Aqua leaves. Bart is feeling betrayed, but then the real Millie shows up\u2014and Bart puts her to work transferring all their paper files on the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon back into the computer."
"Ash and friends climb the steps to the Fortree City Gym\u2014only to find out that the Gym Leader is busy in town with the Feather Carnival. Ash quickly heads to the carnival, where Winona is riding her Skarmory above the city.\n\nTeam Rocket is also at the carnival, and James laments the time he saw a Chimecho for sale at a carnival but did not buy it in time. Jessie and Meowth ditch him.\n\nThe kids meet Winona, and Ash challenges her to a Gym battle. She's busy with the carnival, so their battle will have to wait. Ash and friends decide to have fun, and release their Pok\u00e9mon so they can have fun too.\n\nJames sees a Chimecho for sale\u2014from the Magikarp salesman who's scammed him three times in the past! He buys it anyway, but once he shows it to Jessie and Meowth, it turns out to be just a Hoppip in disguise. A real Chimecho floats by, and happily joins James.\n\nAsh and Winona arrive at the Gym, but an explosion in town calls them back to the carnival. Team Rocket is using a giant robot to shock and capture Flying-type Pok\u00e9mon. When Ash fights back, they capture his Pikachu and Swellow too, and use Chimecho to heal their wounds.\n\nWinona's Skarmory defeats Team Rocket with a Drill Peck attack, sending them blasting off. The festival resumes that evening, with the skies full of Flying Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash begins his Gym battle with Winona by sending out Grovyle against her Altaria. Grovyle takes out Altaria with Leaf Blade. Next up is Pelipper, a Water-and-Flying-type so Ash counters with the Electric-type Pikachu. Pelipper uses Steel Wing on the ground, and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt with no effect. Team Rocket arrives to steal Pikachu, but the force of Pikachu's continued Thunderbolt sends them blasting off.\n\nIt turns out that Pelipper is being grounded by its Steel Wing, making the Electric-type attack ineffective. Pelipper uses Hydro Pump, which Pikachu uses as a conduit to shock the other Pok\u00e9mon. It results in a double KO.\n\nAsh sends out Grovyle again, which is then finished off by Winona's Swellow. Ash counters with his own Swellow. Winona's Pok\u00e9mon has the advantage since it has more experience battling in mid-air, especially with its Aerial Ace. After taking several hits, Ash has his Swellow use Wing Attack on the ground, which gives his Swellow a chance to counterattack, knocking out Swellow and winning him the Feather Badge."
"Ash is ready for his next badge\u2014which means heading to Mossdeep City. To get there, Ash and friends will need to take the ferry in Lilycove City. On their way there, the kids encounter a Trainer named Elijah and his Camerupt, stuck in a river. They help get Camerupt out, and Elijah explains that he travels around, showing movies to the small towns in the area.\n\nTraveling together, the group falls into a Team Rocket trap, and Camerupt is stolen. Corphish attacks the thieves and they get Camerupt back. While camping out in the woods, the kids reminisce about the last time each of them went to the movies, describing the movies each of them saw.\n\nThey arrive in a town, and Elijah sets up the equipment and begins to show the feature: \"Plusle & Minun and the Princess Rescue\". Team Rocket bust up the screening and run off with the equipment. Brock stays behind to entertain the crowd, while Elijah, Ash, May, and Max chase down the thieves. A trail of film leads the kids straight to Team Rocket, and Ash\u2019s Grovyle takes them out.\n\nElijah shows the rest of the movie, and everyone enjoys it\u2014even Team Rocket, watching from a hiding place in the bushes."
"Ken and Mary of the Pok\u00e9mon Mystery Club (PMC) are once again looking for a Pok\u00e9mon from outer space, checking the site of a meteor crash. A Lunatone emerges and zaps them, erasing their memories of the encounter.\n\nMeanwhile, Ash and friends reach Volley Town, finding it strangely deserted. They walk into the Pok\u00e9mon Center for assistance but Nurse Joy is zoned out and unhelpful. Brock doesn't believe it's the real Nurse Joy.\n\nTeam Rocket sneaks into the Pok\u00e9mon Center, but bump into Ash and friends. When Nurse Joy approaches, they all run, and hide in a storage room. There, they run into the frightened Lunatone. It tries to use Psychic on them, but passes out instead.\n\nNurse Joy returns to normal and treats Lunatone. It needs moonlight to survive, so they decide to take it up to nearby Camerupt Point where the full moon shines. They hide the Pok\u00e9mon from the PMC in a cart and pull it up the hill, but are cut off by Team Rocket. Team Rocket gets into a fight with the Pok\u00e9mon Mystery Club.\n\nThe PMC sends Team Rocket blasting off. Pikachu, Mudkip, and Beautifly team up to drive off the PMC, but they won't be defeated. The full moon rises and Lunatone charges up and send the pair off with Hidden Power. The kids then bid farewell to Lunatone."
"The kids have stopped by the Banana Slakoth Garden on their way to Lilycove City, but the gate is closed and the trees have no fruit on them. When they meet the director, a man named Marcel, they find out a Snorlax came down from the mountains looking for food, and has been eating all of the bananas.\n\nAsh decides the only way to take care of the Snorlax is to catch it, so he and Pikachu confront the giant Pok\u00e9mon just after it eats. Unfortunately, Pikachu's attacks have no effect and Snorlax puts them all to sleep with its Yawn attack.\n\nAfter consulting with Professor Oak, they get the recipe for a Pok\u00e9Block that will feed the ravenous Normal-type, and he advises them to use a Pok\u00e9mon that can't be put to sleep to catch it. Slakoth's evolved form, Vigoroth, is one such Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nMarcel talks to all of the Slakoth, trying to convince them to help save their home, and one comes forward. They have it battle and defeat all of Ash's Pok\u00e9mon, gaining enough experience to evolve into a Vigoroth. The next time the Snorlax wakes up, Marcel and Vigoroth challenge it to a battle.\n\nWhen Snorlax's Yawn attack proves ineffective, it uses Hyper Beam instead. Vigoroth attacks furiously, eventually knocking down the giant Pok\u00e9mon with Focus Punch.\n\nThe park reopens, the Slakoth are happy, and Marcel shows the kids what he did with the Snorlax\u2014placed it in the center of a relaxation chamber where people can take a refreshing nap."
"As Ash and friends walk to Lilycove City, a tree comes crashing down in front of them\u2014pushed over by Team Rocket in their newest giant robot! They have Pikachu in hand, when the robot begins to sink into the ground and crumple. It explodes, sending everyone flying.\n\nThe kids find themselves stuck in a tree\u2014without Pikachu. Team Rocket is lost, and Meowth is nowhere to be found. Pikachu and Meowth wake up next to each other, and to Meowth's delight, Pikachu has no memory. Meowth convinces Pikachu that it was a part of Team Rocket and that the two of them are best friends.\n\nWhile the pair makes it may back to Team Rocket's secret base, Meowth witnesses Pikachu saving a Zigzagoon, not being scared of a high ledge, and even sharing an apple with Meowth. Eventually they make it back to the base, and Meowth updates Jessie and James.\n\nAsh and friends track down Pikachu to the cabin, where Team Rocket has Pikachu attack Ash. They try to get away in a balloon, but Ash grabs on. James orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, and they end up crashing. Ash and Pikachu land in the river and wash ashore. When they awake, Pikachu has its memory back.\n\nTeam Rocket lands in the water nearby, and Pikachu sends them blasting off."
"The kids finally arrive in Lilycove City, and Ash is starving. They decide to head to a restaurant that serves omelets, but Pikachu runs off, leading them to the berry market. In the berry market, they meet a Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator named Kelly and her Grumpig. Kelly is buying berries to make Pok\u00e9Blocks with, and she plans to enter the Lilycove Pok\u00e9mon Contest. Kelly invites them to her home, which is attached to a Pok\u00e9Block store that her mother runs. Kelly's mom teaches May and Brock how to make Pok\u00e9Blocks in the Berry Blender.\n\nAsh wants to teach Swellow the move Aerial Ace before his next Gym battle, so he ventures outside with Max to practice. They meet an old man named Ralph, who was once known as \"Vladimir the Attacker,\" a famous Pok\u00e9mon Trainer. He offers to help.\n\nMay makes her first Pok\u00e9Blocks and tests them on her Pok\u00e9mon, but only Beautifly likes them. Team Rocket shows up and tries to steal Kelly's Grumpig, but May has Combusken use Sky Uppercut to send them blasting off. After Kelly compliments the Fire- and Fighting-type Pok\u00e9mon, May decides to use Combusken in the Lilycove Contest.\n\nWhen Team Rocket finally hits the ground, Jessie finds a flyer for the contest and decides to enter with James' Chimecho.\n\nThe contest begins, and May is called up first. She starts by having Combusken perform Fire Spin, but it goes out of control..."
"Combusken's Fire Spin is spiraling out of control in the Lilycove Contest Hall. Combusken protects May, who takes control by having the Fire- and Fighting-type unleash a fireball and perform Sky Uppercut. The performance earns May a decent, but lowered score for losing control in the first place.\n\nMeanwhile, Ash is keeping an eye on the contest from outside while he continues to teach his Swellow Aerial Ace.\n\nKelly puts on a great performance with Grumpig, using Psychic to catch thrown Pok\u00e9Blocks. A disguised Jessie is up next with Chimecho, who she hurts and forces to use Astonish\u2014an unusual move that actually earns her a perfect score!\n\nIn the next round, May faces off against Jessie, and the battle is pretty much even, until Chimecho misses with Double-Edge, letting Combusken hit it with Sky Uppercut. Team Rocket retaliates with yet another one of their attacks, but Swellow drives them off with its new Aerial Ace attack.\n\nMay and Kelly face off in the final round, May taking a beating until she comes up with an idea to use Fire Spin on the ceiling, which rains down on the whole room so Grumpig can't possibly escape. May claims victory, winning her third ribbon."
"The kids are running for the ferry to Lilycove and jump on the boat they see leaving only to discover it's actually a boat to Bomba Island. Once they arrive on the island, they meet a young Trainer named Jimmy and his Wartortle, Charmeleon, and Ivysaur. Jimmy is a student at the Pok\u00e9mon Battle Judge Training Institute, located on the island.\n\nProfessor Serena from the institute gets Ash and Brock to help out in her class by staging a Double Battle which Jimmy will judge. Ash uses Swellow and Corphish, while Brock uses Mudkip and Lombre. The battle is fierce, and after Mudkip and Lombre both use Water Gun on Corphish simultaneously, Jimmy mistakenly declares Corphish unable to battle.\n\nThat night, Ash and friends find Jimmy outside talking to his Pok\u00e9mon. Jimmy explains how he met all three of them by accident, and even got a Cascade Badge\u2014also by accident. Team Rocket interrupts and takes all three of the Pok\u00e9mon, causing Jimmy to run after them. Seeing his determination, Wartortle evolves into Blastoise, and uses Hydro Pump to free the others. Team Rocket is then defeated as usual.\n\nSerena tells Jimmy he has to leave the school now, but not because he's a bad student, but because he'd make a better Trainer. Jimmy heads back to Lilycove to start his Pok\u00e9mon journey over, while Ash and friends continue on to Mossdeep City."
Season 8 - Pokémon
"The kids are heading to Maisie Island on a ferry when they spot a Spoink floating on a log. They quickly realize it's the same Spoink they helped before. When they save it and bring it aboard, it trips, dropping its pearl overboard. Ash's Pok\u00e9mon go looking for the pearl with no luck.\n\nWhen they arrive on the island, they meet a scientist named Isaiah who is doing research on Clamperl and their pearls\u2014which end up as Spoink pearls. The jewel of his collection is a rare blue pearl.\n\nTeam Rocket sneaks in and tries to steal the blue pearl, only to be beaten out by Spoink stealing it first. Everyone goes looking for the little Psychic-type Pok\u00e9mon. Meanwhile, the blue pearl accidentally gets switched with the pink pearl from a wild Clamperl. When this fact is discovered, everyone goes looking for the Clamperl and Team Rocket steals it away.\n\nTeam Rocket is trying to get the Clamperl open when the kids catch up to them. Spoink protects the Clamperl, who uses Water Gun to send the thieves blasting off. The Clamperl returns the blue pearl to Isaiah, and in exchange for the Psychic-type Pok\u00e9mon's help, gives its pink pearl to Spoink."
"The kids are relaxing at the Grand Wazoo Resort on Wazoo Island when a man emerges from the water completely covered in seaweed. His name is Adam, and he is a treasure hunter who believes he has just uncovered the location of the King Neptune, a cargo ship that was wrecked long ago.\n\nAdam and the kids go searching for the wreck in a sub, secretly followed by Team Rocket in their Magikarp sub. Team Rocket fires a missile at them and zips ahead. Adam and the kids manage to find their way to the cavern where the ship is located, where lots of Relicanth have made their home. Adam finds a trunk. Team Rocket shows up again to take the trunk, also destroying the ship.\n\nTeam Rocket then destroys the exit to the cave as they leave, and heads to the surface. Adam's sub follows the Relicanth out and catches up with Team Rocket. Angry at the destruction of their home, the Relicanth use Hydro Pump on Team Rocket, while Pikachu finishes them off with Thunder.\n\nOpening the trunk, Adam discovers that the King Neptune was only carrying lots of Green Shards. Aside from that, he does have one real treasure to show for this adventure\u2014the friendship of the Relicanth."
"En route to the ABC Islands, Ash and the gang are passed on the way to Island A by a group of children racing on top Huntail or Gorebyss. It turns out that there is a fierce rivalry between the citizens of Islands B and C: Clamperl evolve into Gorebyss on Island B, while they evolve into Huntail on Island C. The children all attend school on Island A, and fight often during class.\n\nAt the Pok\u00e9mon Center they find Professor Birch in a pool. He is studying the different Clamperl Evolutions, and the kids travel with him to a cave on Island C where Clamperl are known to evolve. They are followed by a boy named Keith from Island B. They travel to a similar cave on Island B, followed by Nancy from Island C. When everyone returns to the Pok\u00e9mon Center on Island A, they find out that Keith actually wants a Huntail and Nancy wants a Gorebyss. After doing some research, Birch reveals that the Evolution is dependent on the items Deepseatooth and Deepseascale, but he doesn't know how.\n\nTeam Rocket attacks them at the PC, but Keith and Nancy's Clamperl use Water Gun while Pikachu drives them off with Thunderbolt. Professor Birch and the kids return to Island B, where they put a Deepseascale on Nancy's Clamperl. On Island C they put a Deepseatooth on Keith's Clamperl. Neither Pok\u00e9mon evolves, so Birch beams them to the Pok\u00e9mon Center for further research.\n\nBack at the PC, when the kids take out their Clamperl, both Pok\u00e9mon evolve: Nancy's into a Gorebyss and Keith's into a Huntail. Team Rocket attacks again, but the newly evolved Pok\u00e9mon drive them off with Confusion and Screech.\n\nThe rivalry between Islands B and C ends and the people start trading their Clamperl back and forth to get the evolved Pok\u00e9mon they want. Ash and friends leave on a ferry for their next destination."
"The kids land on Muscle Island, where another ferry will finally take them to Mossdeep City. Team Rocket also lands on the island, fleeing their sub because they think it will explode. It sinks instead.\n\nAsh and friends run into a group of people working out. The head of the camp, a guy named Rocky, offers food and the opportunity to train with them. Everyone except for May (who gets dragged in) decides to take up the workout offer.\n\nTeam Rocket also starts exercising when James decides that it will help them catch Pikachu better.\n\nElsewhere, Rocky challenges Ash to a battle, bringing out Walrein and Quagsire. Ash chooses Pikachu and Grovyle. Pikachu can't hit Walrein because Quagsire blocks every attack, immune to electricity because of its dual Ground-and-Water-type. Walrein retaliates with Ice Ball, which hits Ash's Pok\u00e9mon hard. Ash then realizes that Ice Ball gets slower the more it's used, taking advantage of that delay to let Grovyle use Leaf Blade and Pikachu use its Thunder attack to win.\n\nThe kids and Team Rocket manage to scam out of exercising more, and everyone departs on the ferry to Mossdeep City. On board, Team Rocket tries to grab Pikachu again, but in the tug-of-war that ensues, Pikachu shocks everyone and sends both its friends and Team Rocket flying overboard."
"The kids are floating on logs at sea when a red submarine appears beneath them, belonging to Team Magma. At the floating Magma base, the kids are taken into custody. Team Magma Leader Maxie explains to them about how he has the Blue Orb in his possession, allowing him to control Groudon. Unfortunately, the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon they currently have in their possession is Kyogre.\n\nA disguised Shelly of Team Aqua sneaks away and unlocks Kyogre, setting off an alarm. Kyogre awakens and busts out of the floating base, causing it to begin sinking. In the chaos, the kids try to grab the orb, and Pikachu accidentally absorbs it and goes berserk.\n\nAsh is separated from his friends and attacked by a Team Magma member. He meets what appears to be another member of Team Magma\u2014but it's really Lance of the Elite Four in disguise! Lance has also sent his red Gyarados to go help Ash's friends.\n\nBoth Teams Magma and Aqua end up on Monsu Island, along with Team Rocket, who wants to steal both Legendary Pok\u00e9mon. Of course, it's no good, as Kyogre is under the control of the Red Orb, which is currently in Team Aqua's possession..."
"Team Magma and Team Aqua continue to fight on Monsu Island. The Red Orb, which can control Kyogre, is currently held by the Team Aqua Leader Archie. Archie merges with the orb and now crazed as a result, orders Kyogre to sink the island.\n\nEveryone tries to flee into the ruins on the island, while Lance challenges Kyogre with his Dragonite. Dragonite's Hyper Beam is not strong enough to stop the ancient Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nTeam Rocket still wants to steal Groudon, restrained inside the Team Aqua base. Instead, they are attacked by a possessed Pikachu, who awakens Groudon. The giant Ground-type leaves the base and begins a massive battle with Kyogre, but the two are evenly matched.\n\nThe kids find a way to distract Kyogre, which gives Groudon the opportunity to defeat the Water-type. The orbs leave the bodies of Archie and Pikachu, floating up in the air until they merge and then disintegrate. Archie and Pikachu both come back to their senses, while the two Legendary Pok\u00e9mon retreat back into their ancient slumber."
"Ash and friends finally arrive in Mossdeep City and head straight to the Pok\u00e9mon Gym\u2014only to find it empty because everyone in town is at the Space Center for the shuttle launch, including the Gym Leader.\n\nAt the Space Center, the kids begin snooping around, and Ash stumbles upon a Pok\u00e9mon battle between two siblings named Tate and Liza, who are there because their father is piloting the shuttle. They are the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep, who promise to battle Ash after the shuttle launch. For now, they take Ash and friends on a tour of the center. Corphish wanders off when Ash isn't looking, sneaking on board the shuttle.\n\nTeam Rocket breaks into the shuttle and heads for the cockpit, only to encounter Tate and Max! They tie the two boys up, and the shuttle takes off. Before they get very far, the shuttle is grabbed by the Baltoy that live in the Space Center. Corphish frees Max and Tate, and Tate's Solrock takes out Team Rocket with Psychic.\n\nTate must now land the shuttle, and he and Max manage to get it safely to the ground. May and Liza attack Team Rocket when they emerge from the shuttle, and Pikachu sends them blasting off.\n\nThe shuttle is launched with Commander Jin at the controls, and then it's time for a Gym battle!"
"Ash's battle with the Mossdeep Gym Leaders is set to begin. He calls out Swellow and Pikachu versus Tate's Solrock and Liza's Lunatone, taking into account the strange planet-filled aerial battlefield they will be using. Pikachu and Swellow appear to be at a disadvantage, but it is quickly negated by the fact that Tate and Liza aren't working together. Their Pok\u00e9mon's attacks cancel each other out, and the two even collide head-on when attacking.\n\nTeam Rocket interrupts the battle, capturing Lunatone and Solrock with their robot and then escaping in their balloon. Swellow and Pikachu destroy the balloon, freeing the two Rock- and Psychic-types.\n\nThe Gym battle must resume, but the Gym has been destroyed\u2014so it is decided they will battle by the water. Unfortunately for Ash, Tate and Liza now have their teamwork back, and they deliver a real pummeling to Ash's Pok\u00e9mon. Each of his attacks is countered successfully, until he charges his team with Pikachu's Thunder and they break through Lunatone's Light Screen, finishing off the opposing team with Iron Tail and Aerial Ace and winning Ash his Mind Badge!"
"Ash is battling with another Trainer by the waterfront, not realizing he is being watched by a mysterious sailor. After he wins, Ash is confident and boastful. The kids decide to grab something to eat.\n\nTeam Rocket is currently working in a small restaurant, when the old sailor walks in and demands some hot milk. While he is there, Ash and friends sit down outside and talk about battling. The man approaches them, and Max recognizes him as Drake of the Elite Four!\n\nDrake invites all of them (including the disguised Team Rocket) to his boat, where he challenges Ash to a battle. Drake sends out his Shelgon, and though it is slower, it waits for Pikachu to get just close enough to take it down with Dragonbreath and Dragon Claw.\n\nAsh calls out Grovyle against Drake's Altaria, and though Grovyle has a better time leaping on the masts of the ship, it gets knocked out by some powerful moves from Altaria, including Aerial Ace and Solar Beam.\n\nTeam Rocket takes advantage of a weakened Pikachu to steal it, but Drake calls out his Salamence. It uses Dragon Claw and Flamethrower to send the thieves blasting off. With Team Rocket thwarted and a few lessons learned, Ash and friends have dinner with Drake and his crew on the boat."
"The kids travel to Wales Island, where both Ash and May have plans to train. May is thrilled when her Bulbasaur learns a new attack\u2014Petal Dance. She shows it off to the others by having Bulbasaur blast through an ocean wave.\n\nMax is gathering twigs in the forest when he is surprised by a Cradily. He tells the others but they don't believe him, because Cradily are extinct. Max goes searching by himself, and eventually finds a lab full of Lileep.\n\nAsh and the others eventually run into the Cradily, along with a scientist named Annie. She takes them back to the lab, where they are reunited with Max. There, Professor Proctor and Annie explain to the kids that all of the Pok\u00e9mon there were cloned from fossils. Someday Professor Proctor hopes to make the island a fossil Pok\u00e9mon amusement park.\n\nOne of the Anorith at the lab is about to evolve, so they bring it out and watch it become an Armaldo. Team Rocket shows up, and grabs the newly-evolved Armaldo in a net. It blasts them away on its own, but freaks out and starts trashing the lab, running off.\n\nThe kids try to corral it with their Pok\u00e9mon, but Armaldo won't be beaten. It heads to the tip of the island to find some fruit that it can eat. There, Team Rocket appears in a giant tank and grabs it again. It can't break out, and none of the other Pok\u00e9mon's attacks affect the tank. May has her Bulbasaur use Petal Dance on the cliff above the tank which landslides, causing the tank to roll over. Armaldo breaks out, and Bulbasaur and Pikachu destroy the tank, sending Team Rocket blasting away. Armaldo finally reaches the berries, while everyone enjoys the sunset."
"The kids are still headed for Izabe Island, where May will compete in her next Pok\u00e9mon Contest with Bulbasaur. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has just bought a cartload of berries to make Pok\u00e9Blocks out of. Unfortunately, they aren't a type that Pok\u00e9Blocks can be made out of.\n\nOn board the boat, May meets a Trainer named Harley and his Cacturne. He is quickly annoyed by her though, because she doesn't recognize what a Cacturne is, nor does she bestow highest compliments on his cookies!\n\nJust prior to the Purika City contest, Max is nowhere to be found, until he runs up alongside Harley. May goes out and impresses the crowd with her Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, while Harley's Cacturne stuns the crowd with its lightning-fast Bullet Seed. Both of them progress to the next round.\n\nIn the next round, Cacturne quickly takes out an Azurill. Harley tells May that her opponent, a Surskit, is slow in battle, so her Bulbasaur moves in close to the Surskit. She is surprised when Surskit's Quick Attack deals a beating to her Bulbasaur\u2014in fact, that Surskit is known for its impressive speed! May eventually recovers enough to claim victory.\n\nIn the next round, May faces off against Harley, and she's doing well with a strong combo of Vine Whip and Tackle. Just then, a recording plays over the loudspeakers\u2014it's Max, telling an embarrassing story about May to Harley. She is mortified and angry, allowing Cacturne to hit Bulbasaur hard. Ash calls out to May, giving her focus. She combines Petal Dance and Razor Leaf for a beautiful knock-out blow. May wins the ribbon, and the kids head off. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is dreaming of being highly-successful Pok\u00e9Block vendors..."
"Ash and friends continue their journey across Izabe Island, where they spot a giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball atop a cliff. They meet a sage named Sigourney, who tells them the story of the giant ball. Once upon a time, a great destructive power was released, but was sealed inside a giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball by a powerful sage and left in the lake.\n\nTeam Rocket overhears this and of course, wants to steal the giant Pok\u00e9 Ball. They show up at the lake and drop bombs on the stone ball, breaking it open. A huge Claydol emerges and headed toward the village, blasting energy that destroys everything in its path. Ash tries to catch it in a regular Pok\u00e9 Ball, but it doesn't work, and neither does attacking it.\n\nThey realize they need to lure the Claydol toward the other giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball. Team Rocket wants to help too, though they have their own wicked motives. Sigourney reads from an old book that Claydol likes eggplants, so Ash and James dress up as eggplants to lure the Claydol to the rock. It turns out Claydol actually hates eggplants, and they escape just in time. Next, they try to use beautiful maidens to lure the Pok\u00e9mon in (also from the book), with May, Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet dressing up. The Claydol ends up chasing Wobbuffet down a crevasse toward the Pok\u00e9 Ball. The kids push the Pok\u00e9 Ball down the hill, where it gets stuck. A combined attack from Mudkip, Lombre, and Pikachu frees it, and the stone ball finally rolls down to Claydol, capturing the giant Pok\u00e9mon inside.\n\nTeam Rocket then tries to get away in their balloon with the giant Pok\u00e9 Ball, but it's too heavy and they crash elsewhere. The ball rolls away, ending up in the middle of the lake."
"Ash and friends continue their journey across Izabe Island, where they spot a giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball atop a cliff. They meet a sage named Sigourney, who tells them the story of the giant ball. Once upon a time, a great destructive power was released, but was sealed inside a giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball by a powerful sage and left in the lake.\n\nTeam Rocket overhears this and of course, wants to steal the giant Pok\u00e9 Ball. They show up at the lake and drop bombs on the stone ball, breaking it open. A huge Claydol emerges and headed toward the village, blasting energy that destroys everything in its path. Ash tries to catch it in a regular Pok\u00e9 Ball, but it doesn't work, and neither does attacking it.\n\nThey realize they need to lure the Claydol toward the other giant stone Pok\u00e9 Ball. Team Rocket wants to help too, though they have their own wicked motives. Sigourney reads from an old book that Claydol likes eggplants, so Ash and James dress up as eggplants to lure the Claydol to the rock. It turns out Claydol actually hates eggplants, and they escape just in time. Next, they try to use beautiful maidens to lure the Pok\u00e9mon in (also from the book), with May, Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet dressing up. The Claydol ends up chasing Wobbuffet down a crevasse toward the Pok\u00e9 Ball. The kids push the Pok\u00e9 Ball down the hill, where it gets stuck. A combined attack from Mudkip, Lombre, and Pikachu frees it, and the stone ball finally rolls down to Claydol, capturing the giant Pok\u00e9mon inside.\n\nTeam Rocket then tries to get away in their balloon with the giant Pok\u00e9 Ball, but it's too heavy and they crash elsewhere. The ball rolls away, ending up in the middle of the lake."
"Lost in a desert, Ash and his friends see lots of identical pits in the ground\u2014Trapinch burrows! A young woman named Elisa warns them they're trespassing on hazardous territory: these burrows connect to the many caves of the Trapinch Underground Labyrinth.\n\nEnter Hal, a Pok\u00e9mon researcher and Elisa's old friend. He's being chased by a Donphan, but Elisa's Meganium clams Donphan down. It turns out that Hal once fell into a Trapinch burrow and discovered a lake in the Labyrinth\u2014a lake where Trapinch gather and evolve into Vibrava! Now he's attached a transmitter to a Trapinch so he can find the lake again.\n\nTeam Rocket appears and seizes Pikachu with their Diglett Supreme machine. But after Brock's Ludicolo breaks it and more Trapinch chew the machine to bits, Team Rocket and Pikachu don't have a leg (or machine) to stand on, and they fall into a burrow! Ash, Elisa, and Trapinch jump in after them, followed by Hal. As Max, Brock, and May wonder what to do, they fall into the burrow themselves and meet Elisa, Ash, and Trapinch.\n\nTrapinch wanders away just before the tunnel floods with water, sweeping Ash and his friends into the underground lake where Pikachu is already waiting. Trapinch strolls in, followed by Hal, and a happy reunion follows. Everyone watches a nearby group of Trapinch evolve into Vibrava\u2014until Team Rocket swoops in and nets all the newly-evolved Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nBrock and Elisa use Ludicolo and Meganium to free the trapped Vibrava, who then use Supersonic to deflect Team Rocket's attacks. Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off, the Vibrava fly everyone back to the surface, and all's well again as Ash and his friends head for the next town!"
"Ash is approaching the next town on Izabe Island when a sudden surge in the river destroys the bridge he was about to cross. An Absol is spotted in the wreckage, and the locals arrive to capture it. The town's bridges were mysteriously destroyed after the usually reclusive Absol began to appear in town about a month ago, so people now blame Absol for the disasters.\n\nAbsol escapes, but the town has hired Absol hunters: Team Rocket in disguise! One boy, Nicky, still believes Absol is harmless\u2014his brother, Gordon, set out to prove Absol's innocence weeks ago but never returned. Ash joins Nicky to find the truth, and they spot Absol just before a geyser erupts from a cliff, stranding Nicky, Max, and Pikachu. To everyone's surprise, Absol helps save the day, as does a Heracross that turns out to belong to Gordon.\n\nGordon has finally returned after learning more about Absol. With his help, our heroes figure out that Absol was trying to warn the townspeople about the spring that feeds the river. There's much more water in the spring than usual, which means it could burst and flood the town. Sure enough, the water bursts out of the rocks, and it takes everyone's Pok\u00e9mon working together with Absol to divert the flood with a giant boulder.\n\nA soggy Team Rocket makes a half-hearted attempt to nab Pikachu, but Absol puts a quick stop to that. With their homes now safe, the locals realize that Absol was harmless after all, and everyone is now a little wiser for the experience."
"In a snowy region of Izabe Island, Ash and his friends take a rest at a Pok\u00e9mon Center. As they're greeted by Nurse Joy, a Snorunt steals Ash's badges right out of his backpack! Nurse Joy explains that this mischievous Snorunt is just having fun, but Ash certainly isn't. He sends Corphish and Pikachu to get his badges back, and the chase is on!\n\nThe chase leads to the kitchen, where Team Rocket is busy helping themselves to all the food. Snorunt sends the thieves packing before leaping out the window, hotly pursued by Ash. As Snorunt taunts Ash, it slips and falls down an icy slope. Ash manages to save it, but he's knocked out in the process and his friends are unable to find him before a blizzard forces them back indoors.\n\nAsh awakens in a snug snow shelter built by Snorunt. It swipes his hat and takes it to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, alerting Ash's friends. They follow Snorunt back to the shelter on snowmobiles but just as they reach Ash, Team Rocket grabs Snorunt and Pikachu! Snorunt breaks free, then helps Ash stop Team Rocket and save his friend.\n\nIt seems Snorunt stole Ash's badges because it wanted to play with him. Ash invites Snorunt to join him, but first he must prove he's capable of capturing this wily Pok\u00e9mon. With Pikachu's help, he does capture Snorunt\u2014although it looks like this Pok\u00e9mon may still be a real handful!"
"As Ash and his friends are taking a break, Max hears a cry for help and finds a sick Ralts. It's too weak to walk but needs to be treated at a Pok\u00e9mon Center, so Max decides to carry it there. However, Team Rocket wants Ralts for themselves, dressing up as Gardevoir and Kirlia to steal it. When the Pok\u00e9dex sees through Meowth's disguise, Team Rocket decides to fight, and Max must take Ralts and run while his friends fend off Team Rocket.\n\nRalts becomes too ill to travel at all, but Max doesn't know what to do until Snorunt makes him an ice pack for Ralts fever. Now they can set off again, but Team Rocket makes another grab for Ralts. To everyone's surprise, they're sent packing by a real Gardevoir and Kirlia. They want Ralts returned, and its a tense stand-off until Gardevoir decides Max can be trusted and lets him continue.\n\nBy the time Max reaches the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ralts is terribly sick. When Ash and the others arrive, Max bursts into tears and runs to May. Its a tense wait until Nurse Joy predicts a full recovery for Ralts.\n\nOnce Ralts is well again, Max takes it outside and calls for Gardevoir and Kirlia. This summons Team Rocket's fakes again, but Ralts is healthy enough to take care of them itself. The real Pok\u00e9mon appear and though Ralts doesn't want to leave, Max knows it must. But first he promises that when he's old enough to be a Trainer, he'll come back and find Ralts again so they can travel the world together."
"Our heroes have arrived in Sootopolis at last, and Ash is ready to earn his eighth badge\u2014but first it's time to watch the Sootopolis Gym Leader, Juan, put on an impressive water show! Team Rocket tries to snatch Juan's Water Pok\u00e9mon with an electrified net, but his Pok\u00e9mon work together to free themselves from Team Rocket's net and foil the plan.\n\nAsh challenges Juan to a battle, and of course Juan accepts. As a former champion Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator, he intends to fight an elegant match. First Ash will face him in a 2-on-2 battle, followed by a second round of 1-on-1 battles. It's Snorunt and Pikachu against Sealeo and Seaking in the first round, and Ash is surprised by the speed with which Juan's Pok\u00e9mon battle. Even Sealeo's Ice Ball attack is much faster than expected. Snorunt is knocked out and replaced by Corphish, and together Corphish and Pikachu manage to triumph over Sealeo and Seaking for a first round victory.\n\nIn the second round, Ash sends out Grovyle to face Juan's Luvdisc. Luvdisc is an agile opponent, but more than that, it surprises Ash and Grovyle with Sweet Kiss. Grovyle is confused, and it might not be the only one\u2014elsewhere in Sootopolis, Team Rocket has disguised James as Juan in preparation for another money-making scheme. What's Team Rocket up to, and how can Ash counter Juan's Luvdisc? These questions will be answered in the next episode!"
"We rejoin the action in the middle of Ash's match against Juan, the Sootopolis Gym Leader. Ash's Grovyle has been confused by Luvdisc's Sweet Kiss and before it can snap out of it, Luvdisc knocks it out with Water Gun! Corphish must step up to take Grovyle's place.\n\nTeam Rocket has dressed James up as Juan to attract an audience for their Water Illusion show, but back at the Gym, it's a tense back and forth as Corphish confronts Luvdisc. Luvdisc is fast, and when Corphish's attack creates a rain-like shower of water, its Swift Swim makes it even faster! But once that effect dissipates, Corphish wins the round, only to be defeated by Juan's next Pok\u00e9mon, Whiscash.\n\nWith no Water Pok\u00e9mon and no talent, Team Rocket's Water Illusion is a very poor Water Pok\u00e9mon talent show, but they've got a Plan B: sell merchandise and autographs! Naturally Team Rocket tries to swindle all their customers, but it turns out that Juan's fans include some tough Water Pok\u00e9mon Trainers\u2014never mess with a lady and her Blastoise! Team Rocket's plan is now officially all wet.\n\nAfter Swellow defeats Whiscash, Juan sends out his secret weapon: Milotic! Milotic takes down Swellow and then faces off with Pikachu. Milotic's Restore ability makes this a tough battle, but in the end Pikachu takes advantage of the water-filled battle stage to score a victory. Ash has earned his eighth badge and it's time to prepare for the Hoenn League!"
"Ash is now three months away from Ever Grande City and the Hoenn League, while May is gearing up for her next contest in. But after they stop for a rest, two of May's Pok\u00e9 Balls suddenly vanish! All evidence points to a Linoone as the culprit. Ash tracks it to a house and meets Kimmy and his family. Kimmy is a boy whose Linoone, Token, is obsessed with collecting round objects\u2014even if they're not his! Kimmy and his parents help search, but there's no sign of May's Pok\u00e9 Balls until Token appears with the Pok\u00e9 Balls still in his mouth.\n\nTeam Rocket, impressed by Token's Pickup ability, capture Token and fly off in their balloon. Kimmy tries to stop them but falls and gets hurt, which startles Token into dropping the Pok\u00e9 Balls. Pikachu frees Token but Team Rocket simply grabs Pikachu instead and flees.\n\nToken chases Team Rocket's round balloon\u2014it likes round objects because it used to play Fetch with Kimmy when it was still a Zigzagoon. James' Cacnea tries to stop Token with Needle Arm, but this accidentally pops the balloon and lets Token rescue Pikachu. Team Rocket come back for more, so Token and Pikachu hit them with a double Thunderbolt and blast them off at last! Kimmy now understands that even though Token changed when it evolved, the two of them are still friends."
"When Ash and May see Drew training his Masquerain, May can't resist the challenge of a practice match. Beautifly and Masquerain battle it out in a Silver Wind showdown that's interrupted by who else but Team Rocket and their Magikarp submarine! They use a giant vacuum to snatch the Pok\u00e9mon but accidentally snatch the Trainers as well, and in the confusion, Max bumps the sub's engine switch. The submarine rockets off until it hits an island, sending everyone flying!\n\nNow Jessie, James, and Meowth need to find Wobbuffet. Brock, Max, and Ash need to find Drew and May. And Drew and May are found by Roderick, a one-time coordinator who knows the ins and outs of Mirage Island. But when Drew and May try to get a closer look at Mirage Island's famed Liechi Berries, they fall into a river!\n\nWynaut to the rescue! A herd of Wynaut rescue the pair and shelter them in their cave, where they've got plenty of Liechi Berries to eat. Elsewhere, Wobbuffet reunites with Team Rocket, and they're inspired to steal the Liechi Berries from the Wynaut. May is kidnapped when she tries to stop them, but Drew and the Wynaut come running. Roderick and Ash's group realize foul play is afoot and show up just in time to help Drew battle Team Rocket.\n\nTeam Rocket is no match for teamwork\u2014once Drew and May have their Pok\u00e9mon perform a perfect double Silver Wind, it's all over! Team Rocket blasts off and Roderick helps everyone off the island. He also gives May a sweet souvenir that will help her in her upcoming contests: a basket of Liechi Berries to make great Pok\u00e9block!"
"May and her friends are headed to Pacifidlog Island for the last Pok\u00e9mon Contest before the Grand Festival. But their boat has engine trouble and the pilot, Carlos, lands on a nearby island. To reach Pacifidlog in time, our heroes must cross the island to the port and take a ferry. But the island is full of Donphan, and it's breeding season\u2014all the male Donphan perform a Roll Out dance of love to impress the females, which can be dangerous for any Trainers who happen to be in the way!\n\nAlong the way, May and her friends cheer on a Donphan who wants to impress a brown female Donphan. Snorunt's Ice Beam turns the ground into an ice skating rink, and Donphan trips. Ash chases Snorunt, who won't go back into its Pok\u00e9 Ball, but just as he gets it back, the Donphan send everyone running! May and Ash make it to the port as the last ferry is about to leave... and May bravely decides to turn around and look for Max.\n\nMay's Grand Festival debut will have to wait another year, but everyone is reunited, along with their Donphan friend and the brown Donphan. Donphan does a dance of love that wins her heart, but Team Rocket shows up and captures them both. May, fed up with Team Rocket's constant schemes, calls on her Pok\u00e9mon to free the Donphan and stop Team Rocket. Once the Donphan are freed, they Roll Out together and Team Rocket blasts off yet again.\n\nCarlos finds May and her friends sadly standing at the port. His boat is fixed, and he takes them to Pacifidlog. Now it's up to May to win her fifth ribbon!"
"Pacifidlog at last! May is practicing for her contest, and Ash wants Snorunt to practice Ice Beam. But Snorunt's wild aim hits Team Rocket instead and scares another Coordinator's Aipom. Skitty chases it, and May chases Skitty. She finds Skitty playing with another Coordinator, Joshua, and the two talk about the upcoming contest. Erica, a Coordinator who really likes Joshua, loses her cool when she sees them together and gives May a piece of her mind.\n\nAsh and the others show up, but so does Team Rocket! The villains grab Pikachu and Snorunt, so May and Joshua team up to stop them. Erica's so mad that May and Joshua are working together, she has Jynx use Hyper Beam to send Team Rocket flying. Then it's time to register for the contest, where Team Rocket also has a plan to enter the contest\u2014with Meowth!\n\nThe first competitor in the Pacifidlog Contest is the Jester and her Meowth. Both of them look awfully familiar, as does the Giovanni ice sculpture Meowth carves using Fury Swipes! Joshua, Erica, and May all do well and move onto the second round along with the Jester. To May's shock, she'll be facing Joshua in the second round! Erica wants Joshua to win so they can win the ribbon together, but there's no way May is going to give up!"
"The second round of the Pacifidlog Contest begins! Erica and her Jynx face a suspiciously familiar team\u2014the Jester and Meowth. Meowth is afraid of Jynx, so the Jester orders him to use Transform. Meowth disguises himself as a Sunflora, then a Kirlia, and finally a Wailord, but the scam is uncovered. The Jester reveals herself as Jessie and Team Rocket tries to snatch Jynx, but its Hyper Beam puts a stop to that!\n\nErica jealously watches Joshua and Houndoom battle May and Skitty. The winner depends on which attack is stronger: Houndoom's Flamethrower or Skitty's Blizzard! They're well-matched, but Houndoom finally stumbles. With time up, May is ahead of Joshua in the points.\n\nOn the final contest stage, Erica realizes May and Joshua both gave it their best. That matters more than petty jealousy, so Erica apologizes and shakes May's hand. Once their battle starts, Skitty has a hard time with Jynx's attacks so May decides to use Assist again and again, with mixed results... and she's running out of time! But Skitty's Assist finally comes up with Fire Spin, an attack that Jynx is weak against, giving May the advantage she needs to win!\n\nAfterward, Erica and Joshua promise to keep training separately so they can become great rivals as well as great partners. May and her friends say goodbye, then it's off to the Grand Festival and the Hoenn League!"
"The kids are now headed to Slateport City. But while eating berries, Ash bites into a Tamato Berry and burns his mouth!\n\nThey reach a Pok\u00e9mon Center and Ash goes off to practice Ice Beam with Snorunt, while May goes off to make Pok\u00e9Block. In the garden, Team Rocket is trimming hedges to earn money, but they're stepped on by an unrepentant Munchlax. They notice the Berry Blenders and get an idea.\n\nBrock and Max watch people make Pok\u00e9Block. May comes in with her killer top-secret recipe for Pok\u00e9Block: May's Purple Surprise! But it tastes terrible to Brock and Max. The Pok\u00e9mon also hate it. But Munchlax wanders in and loves it!\n\nTeam Rocket shows up dressed as professional Pok\u00e9Block tasters who claim to know all the secrets. Meowth and Wobbuffet then steal the Pok\u00e9Block while everyone's distracted. Oddly enough, Jessie also likes May's Pok\u00e9Block. But then the kids notice all of the Pok\u00e9Blocks are missing and they blame it on Munchlax. It goes out into the garden and eats all the berries, but May stands up for it to the other kids.\n\nShe tries to capture Munchlax but nothing works. James bites into a Tamato Berry and runs away in pain; the kids see him and realize he must be a fake. Backed into a corner, Team Rocket grabs Pikachu. Munchlax jumps into the Team Rocket balloon to eat all the Pok\u00e9Block. With Snorunt's help, the kids defeat the thieves.\n\nMay tries to catch Munchlax; she throws the ball but Munchlax eats it. But it works, and she now has a new friend!"
"Our friends have stopped to eat, but Munchlax won't stop eating! Ash is training when he sees a sandwich come rolling down a hill, and Munchlax gulps down the sandwich. That's how Ash ends up meeting Morrison, the sandwich's owner, who decides to have a Pok\u00e9mon battle with Ash: his Beldum against Ash's Pikachu!\n\nPikachu's Iron Tail and Beldum's Take Down are evenly matched\u2014it's a tie! After the battle, Morrison, who plans to enter the Hoenn League tournament, shows off his seven badges. When Ash tells him he needs eight badges to enter, he runs off to find a Gym. But since there's no Gym on the island, he ends up at the same Pok\u00e9mon Center that Ash and his friends are staying at. The two Trainers constantly compete over everything, even which spot they're going to train in!\n\nJust as they reach a truce, however, Team Rocket kidnaps Pikachu and Beldum. Though they have no other Pok\u00e9mon with them, Ash and Morrison chase the thieves down, then battle Team Rocket's Seviper and Cacnea by themselves! Pikachu and Beldum are freed and with their help, Team Rocket is quickly sent blasting off again.\n\nNow Ash is headed to Slateport with his friends, but as Morrison goes off to earn his eighth badge, the two rivals promise to meet each other again at Ever Grande!"
"May is traveling to Slateport City in style: onboard a giant cruise ship that has the Grand Festival's prize Ribbon Cup on display! Officer Jenny reveals that even though Team Magma and Team Aqua have disbanded, a former Team Magma member\u2014Brodie the Phantom Thief\u2014is onboard and intent on stealing valuables.\n\nWhen May goes to see the Ribbon Cup, Munchlax bumps the display case, breaking the Cup and revealing that it's a fake. And without the Cup, the Grand Festival will be called off! Brodie must have stolen it, so a \"Golden Pok\u00e9 Ball\" is put on display as a lure. Disguised as the Captain, Brodie distracts May and her friends and steals the Pok\u00e9 Ball, but Officer Jenny had a tracking device installed in it and they set off in hot pursuit.\n\nThey chase Brodie through the ship, finally cornering him on deck. Brodie has now disguised himself as Officer Jenny and the only way to distinguish between the two is with Brock's keen eye for lovely ladies. Once his ruse is rumbled, he escapes and Team Rocket tries for the Ribbon Cup instead. But Officer Jenny and Ash are up to the job, and Team Rocket's plans are thwarted."
"This is a clipshow Unaired outside of Japan of Satoshi's (Ash's) gym battles and Haruka's (May's) contest battles. "
"May has arrived in Slateport City for the Grand Festival. Her mother, Caroline, has come to cheer her on, and her friends sent notes to wish her luck. With 247 competitors in the preliminary matches and only 64 slots in the main competition round, May will need more than just luck\u2014especially when Drew and Harley are among the competitors, too!\n\nHarley is friendly towards May, but her friends are suspicious of the advice he gives her. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has dressed James up as Norman and offers free counseling sessions. When Trainers show up, their Pok\u00e9mon are stolen! Harley sees this and drags May off to see \"Norman.\" When she and her friends see the false Norman, Team Rocket's number is up.\n\nWith Team Rocket's plan foiled, it's back to the competition. May uses Silver Wind just as Harley suggested, and it works great. She advances to the next round along with Harley and Drew. But Drew is still skeptical of Harley's motives as they prepare for the main competition."
"The Grand Festival is underway in Slateport. Harley asks May if they can train together for the main competition, and May agrees. She's not the only one training; Ash is also training Snorunt, but its Ice Beam hits a Pok\u00e9mon coordinator named Anthony. Anthony was planning to compete in the Grand Festival with his Swalot... until three people stole his ribbons!\n\nThe first round of the main competition begins with single Pok\u00e9mon performances. Harley shows off his scary Banette as Jessie prepares to take the stage\u2014as Anthony! She took his ribbons and disguised herself as him, but Officer Jenny, Ash, and the real Anthony are all waiting for her. Before she can get in a fight, James and Meowth exercise the better part of valor and drag her away.\n\nNow it's May's turn. Following Harley's advice, she has Skitty use Assist over and over, until Skitty performs a Petal Dance and confuses itself! Harley is delighted; Drew, who overhears him, is not. May orders Skitty to Double Slap itself back to normal and finish off with an impressive Blizzard. She apologizes to Harley for going against his advice, but Drew reveals that Harley was only pretending to be her friend to sabotage her.\n\nDrew and his Masquerain receive perfect scores for their performance, as does Robert and his Milotic. May just makes it into the second round, where she'll face Harley in a double-battle!"
"May and Harley face off in the main competition of the Grand Festival! It's Harley's Banette and Cacturne against May's Beautifly and Bulbasaur. May's team gets in the first hits, but Harley makes a comeback and it takes some quick thinking for May to beat Harley and move onto the semifinals.\n\nElsewhere, Jessie wants to impersonate a coordinator and sneak into the competition. Team Rocket decides to kidnap Robert, but Ash interrupts them as they make their move. Snorunt is hit by Team Rocket's Pok\u00e9mon and evolves into a Glalie! Jessie thinks it's adorable, James thinks it's creepy, but either way, Glalie easily sends them packing.\n\nBack on the stage, May defeats Anthony's Pinsir and Combusken, but her next opponent will be an even greater challenge: Drew! And Drew has brought a Flygon he trained especially for the competition. Flygon and Roselia are up against Combusken and Skitty. It's a close fight but Roselia hits May's Pok\u00e9mon with Stun Spore, followed by a Steel Wing from Flygon, and takes the win.\n\nNow it's Drew and Robert in the finals. To May's surprise, Robert earns the victory and wins the Festival. But Drew isn't upset\u2014that night, even though there's a party, he goes right back to training. Impressed by his example, May sets her sights on next year's Grand Festival!"
"Ash is ready to board the ferry to Ever Grande City when May comes running up\u2014she's won four plane tickets to Ever Grande! Except once the kids are onboard, the flight crew turns out to be Team Rocket in disguise, and the plane is headed for Team Rocket headquarters! Now if only Team Rocket had thought to fill up the fuel tank first...\n\nOut of fuel, the plane makes an emergency landing on an island in the middle of the ocean. As Ash and his friends exit the plane, they meet Robin, a traveling salesman who's been stranded on the island for ages. Luckily, he also made a Wailmer friend to help him out! But Wailmer wasn't strong enough to carry Robin past the whirlpools that surround Wailmer Island, as Robin now calls it. Team Rocket tries to swim for it themselves, and find out firsthand how dangerous the whirlpools are!\n\nBrock realizes that with help from their Pok\u00e9mon, the group can convert the airplane to a ship. Once the ship is finished, Team Rocket grabs Pikachu and steals the ship, but once again they've forgotten about the need for fuel. The ship ends up wrecked in a whirlpool, and Wailmer helps Ash save Pikachu just in time.\n\nTogether, Wailmer and Pikachu stop Team Rocket, and Wailmer evolves into a huge Wailord! Now Wailord is strong enough to carry Robin, Ash, and his friends through the whirlpools and safely back to the ferry. But Robin, who realizes he never truly enjoyed his job in the city, decides to return to Wailmer Island with Wailord and live life to the fullest. As he departs, Ash and company turn their sights towards Ever Grande and the Hoenn League competition two weeks away!"
"Ash and his friends have finally arrived in Ever Grande city for the Hoenn League Championships, but they're mobbed by a group of Murkrow as they're looking for a place to eat. A snappily-dressed Meowth and its Trainer, Tyson, jump into save the day. After introductions and a friendly lunch together, it's time to see the torch carried to the stadium. Tyson himself turns out to be the torch bearer!\n\nWhile Tyson heads for the stadium, Ash makes his preparations for the Hoenn league and wonders where Morrison is. Team Rocket is also making their preparations\u2014to steal the torch, which burns with a legendary flame! When Tyson brings the torch to a storage room before the ceremonies, a disguised Team Rocket grabs the torch and runs! Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, and our heroes all give chase and finally corner Team Rocket.\n\nTyson's Meowth seizes the torch and dares Team Rocket's Meowth to try and take it back. Meowth, its pride wounded, takes up the challenge, but is quickly defeated by its new rival before Team Rocket is sent blasting off as usual. With the torch recovered, now the Hoenn League championships can get underway!"
"Where's Morrison? That's the question on Ash's mind as he trains his Pok\u00e9mon in preparation for the big tournament in Ever Grande City. When Morrison finally makes his appearance, he and Ash immediately start up their friendly rivalry again, which leads to them falling into a Team Rocket pit trap! Tyson and his Meowth in boots show up just in time to help out\u2014Tyson's Meowth defeats Team Rocket's Meowth once more, using Iron Tail to send the villains flying.\n\nOnce everyone is registered for the tournament, the one-on-one preliminary rounds get underway. Morrison and Beldum face a Trainer with an Electabuzz, and Morrison is relying solely on Beldum's Take Down attack. This doesn't work too well until Beldum evolves into Metang and wins the match. As for Tyson, his Meowth takes some hits from a Persian, then comes back to win its first round. But once Persian is knocked out, Meowth charges after it and Tyson must recall it to its Pok\u00e9 Ball.\n\nTyson later explains why his Meowth is so troubled. When he met Meowth, it was lying hurt in a forest after a Persian defeated it in a battle for leadership. Tyson took care of Meowth, which was how it got its boots\u2014originally they were just to help protect its injured legs. But to this day it still has a grudge against Persian.\n\nAnd now it's Ash's turn to battle! Pikachu handily wins its round, so all three Trainers can look forward to their next challenge in the Hoenn League."
"The preliminaries are over, and now the Hoenn League Championships begin in earnest! The qualifying round is all double battles, and Ash goes to watch Morrison's match against muscleman Gavin. Morrison's Growlithe and Gligar are up against Marowak and Machamp, and no punches are pulled in this all-out battle! It's not looking good for Morrison until Gligar uses Guillotine to knock Machamp out. But Marowak defeats Growlithe, and Gligar finally wins.\n\nAsh is jogging along after the match, minding his own business, when he falls into another Team Rocket pit trap. But just as they finish their motto, their new boss catches them in the act and shouts at them to get back to work. Team Rocket runs away and Ash wonders what's going on, but not for long\u2014he's up next in the qualifying round!\n\nAsh sends out Torkoal and Corphish. His opponent Dominic sends out Swalot and Tropius, which may grant him an aerial advantage. But Ash's trusty Torkoal gives it all it's got, and takes down Tropius in a double KO. As for Swalot, its resilient body resists Corphish's attacks. Finally Corphish charges in, throws Swalot, and gets up close and personal to deliver a Bubble Beam that knocks its opponent out! Tyson has also won his first match, and now our Trainers move on to round 2!"
"Ash, Tyson, and Morrison are all aiming for the top of the Hoenn League, but first they have to qualify for the Victory Tournament stage of the competition. In the third and final double battle qualification round, Ash sends out Glalie and Groyle against Clark, a conductor with two strong Fire-type Pok\u00e9mon\u2014Charizard and Quilava. Grovyle and Quilava are knocked out first, and it's an icy hot battle as Charizard and Glalie battle for victory! Thanks to Ash's quick thinking, Glalie bounces back for the win.\n\nMorrison and Tyson advance to the Victory Tournament, too. In fact, the only ones not getting anywhere are Team Rocket. It's hard to steal Pikachu when they're busy selling snacks at the stadium, but honest work has its rewards... a delicious dinner they didn't even have to steal! Meanwhile, the Trainers have a day off to see the sights and do some extra training.\n\nNow the Victory Tournament begins: 32 competitors, one winner! Ash's first opponent is Katie, a strategic Trainer who takes full advantage of type weaknesses and strengths. She starts out with Venomoth, but switches in Golduck to put Ash's Torkoal out of the match. Next up is Pikachu, but Katie counters with Dugtrio and sends Pikachu flying! Glalie knocks out Dugtrio, but is stopped by Misdreavus and its Destiny Bond attack. With Ash down three Pok\u00e9mon and Katie only down two, will he be able to hang on to this match?"
"The first round of the Victory Tournament finds Ash in a tight spot. He has three Pok\u00e9mon remaining; Katie, his opponent, has four. Katie's Golduck faces Corphish on a water field and uses its attack to confuse Corphish. Luckily, even confused, Corphish is one tough Pok\u00e9mon! Its haphazard attacks manage to defeat Golduck. Then it's a tense series of battles as Ash rallies and knocks out all of Katie's Pok\u00e9mon until only her Walrein remains!\n\nWalrein knocks out Swellow and Corphish with no problem, but Ash's spur of the moment tactics and Groyvle's fighting ability are still a force to be reckoned with. Walrein's Ice Beam has the side effect of freezing over the water, which means it can no longer dive to avoid attacks, and Grovyle takes full advantage of the situation to strike fast and hard. Victory to Ash!\n\nThe next round draw is completed, and to their mutual shock, Ash and Morrison will be battling each other. Morrison runs off, stunned by the thought of battling his friend. And where has Team Rocket been all this time? Still working hard to sell snacks at the stadium! Their boss will even take them out for dinner if things keep going well. Will the promise of food actually keep Team Rocket out of trouble?\n\nThe next day, Morrison and Ash begin their match. Morrison doesn't have the heart to battle, and his Girafarig is quickly beaten by Corphish. Will he recover in time to make it a good match, or will this experience affect his friendship with Ash?"
"Morrison and Ash are battling each other in the Hoenn League, and Morrison is so upset he can't bring himself to choose his next Pok\u00e9mon after his Girafarig is knocked out! He's almost disqualified before he decides to send Growlithe out against Ash's Corphish. But Morrison doesn't have Growlithe attack, and his Pok\u00e9mon is quickly knocked out. Ash angrily demands to know why Morrison isn't fighting, which makes Morrison realize his Pok\u00e9mon are counting on him to give it his best, too.\n\nHe rallies and brings out Swampert\u2014both it and Corphish unleash their strongest attacks, resulting in a double KO! It's time for a battlefield change and Morrison apologizes to Ash. Then, Pikachu and Morrison's Steelix take to the grass battlefield. Another head-to-head battle results in Pikachu out of the match, and Torkoal is defeated as well! It's up to Grovyle to beat Steelix, but Morrison's agile Gligar gets the better of their aerial battle. Gligar and Ash's Swellow have another double KO, so this match will be decided by Glalie and Metang. Some clever strategy wins the day for Ash, who becomes one of only 8 semifinalists!\n\nElsewhere, Team Rocket's work as snack sellers pays off when their boss takes them to the all-you-can-eat buffet as a reward. But is he making a big mistake in trusting them? And Ash and Tyson will face each other in the semifinals, in a match that begins with a real bang!"
"It's the battle between Ash and Tyson to decide who moves on to the final four of the Hoenn League, and Glalie and Sceptile are already out! Tyson's Shiftry is ill-matched against Ash's Torkoal and its fiery attacks, but Tyson sends in Hariyama to beat the heat and defeat Torkoal. Corphish is next, but Hariyama defeats it too!\n\nAt the halftime break, Morrison tries to give Ash a pep talk. When the match resumes, Swellow and Hariyama battle until Swellow is the victor. Swellow then goes on to beat Tyson's Donphan, but Tyson has a powerful Metagross waiting! Despite Swellow's determination, Metagross knocks it out\u2014but Swellow did some damage, and Ash sends Grovyle out to hammer on that weak spot. Grovyle still can't stop Metagross but Pikachu finishes the job, so Tyson sends out the ace up his sleeve: his Meowth!\n\nTeam Rocket's Meowth cheers its fellow Pok\u00e9mon on from the stands. Tyson's Meowth can counter Pikachu's Thunderbolt with one of its own, so the battle comes down to Iron Tail vs Iron Tail. Exhausted, both Pok\u00e9mon finally fall to the ground, and though they get back up, Pikachu cannot continue. Team Rocket's Meowth is delighted, but not for long\u2014Jessie and James have been caught stealing Pok\u00e9mon by their new boss, who sends all three flying! Tyson goes on to win the Hoenn League and Ash, happy that he battled his best, can now look forward to his next big adventure."
"The Hoenn League has ended and our friends must go their separate ways. Tyson and Morrison are off to new adventures; May and Max return to Petalburg while Ash and Brock head back to Kanto. Even Team Rocket goes back to headquarters and reports to a thoroughly unimpressed Giovanni. Butch and Cassidy show off their cool new jetpacks, so Team Rocket demands they get something cool too\u2014and end up with pogo sticks.\n\nAsh is now alone, Brock having headed home to Pewter City. In Viridian City, Ash encounters Scott, a flashy fellow who wants to talk about the Battle Frontier. But first Ash ends up challenging the new Viridian Gym Leader, a woman named Agatha. With typical confidence, Ash sends Pikachu to battle Agatha's Gengar and forgets that as a Ghost-type Pok\u00e9mon, Pikachu won't be able to hit it with normal attacks.\n\nAlthough Ash quickly adjusts his strategy and Pikachu does its best, it just can't beat Gengar. Still, Agatha is impressed that Ash at least showed some spirit. It's now that Ash learns Agatha is also one of the Elite Four, so it's great that Pikachu managed to last that long in the first place! Scott encourages Ash to try for the Battle Frontier, a series of seven challenges, but they're briefly interrupted by Team Rocket's latest short-lived Pikachu-snatching attempt.\n\nOnce Ash finally makes it back home, he finds Misty and her new Azurill waiting for him\u2014and Professor Birch and Max show up as well! A memorable get-together is in the works..."
"Ash has returned to Pallet Town to find a reunion of friends! May stops by Ash's house but Ash has left for Professor Oak's lab, where Max, Misty, and Tracey are getting to know a trio of Kanto starter Pok\u00e9mon. Max upsets the Squirtle, which goes running to May just as she arrives with Ash's mother. May wants to know what Max is doing there when he should be at home\u2014it seems he's a guest of Professor Birch, who enters with Professor Oak and Ash in tow.\n\nAs everyone takes this opportunity to discuss their plans for the future and meet Ash's other Pok\u00e9mon, Team Rocket shows up to ruin the fun with their new Sucker for Punishment, a giant vacuuming robot! Ash calls on his old pal Snorlax to knock Team Rocket down a notch, and with the help of May, Misty, Tracey, Team Rocket's plan to nab Pikachu is foiled once again.\n\nWith that excitement over, Ash prepares to depart for the Battle Factory. Glalie and Torkoal will stay behind, but Phanpy wants to tag along for the trip. As for May, her Beautifly and Skitty are living the good life at home, but her new friend Squirtle makes a perfect addition to her team. Misty will travel with her friends on her way home too, and they just can't leave without Brock, who catches up to them as they're leaving Pallet Town! Together again, our intrepid group of Trainers sets off in search of another adventure."
"Ash and his friends are on their way to the Battle Frontier, and Misty joins them for a while as she heads back to Cerulean City. But Daisy calls to ask if she can start giving away Gym Badges\u2014Misty just can't get a break! Brock has left his Ludicolo at home, May is delighted with her new Squirtle, and Max is eager to see Pok\u00e9mon that live on nearby Mt. Moon, like Cleffa. Sure enough, a Cleffa appears.\n\nSo does Team Rocket and their Pok\u00e9-Vac 5000, which manages to vacuum up all of the kids' Pok\u00e9mon except for Pikachu. Except Team Rocket accidentally ejects the Pok\u00e9mon right back out, the Pok\u00e9-Vac breaks, and in the confusion as Team Rocket blasts off, Cleffa, Misty, Max, Pikachu, and Azurill all fall in a river!\n\nMisty and Max get back onto dry land and start to look for their friends. Easier said than done, as they run from Beedrill and take cover from a rainstorm. Meanwhile, a Clefairy and Clefable team up with Ash and May to find Cleffa. Just as they find Misty, Team Rocket shows up to spoil the reunion.\n\nClefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa call for backup, and Team Rocket is on the receiving end of a super-powerful Metronome\u2014Solarbeam combo, with Munchlax on the assist. That's it for Team Rocket until next time! That night, Ash and his friends watch a Pok\u00e9mon moondance, and in the morning he and Misty go their separate ways once more."
"The Battle Factory is Ash's next destination\u2014if he can find it, that is. He and his friends have become lost, but they see snow and an Articuno flying overhead, followed by a plane in distress. The group winds up at a Pok\u00e9mon Center, where Scott gives them a ride to the Battle Factory. There they meet Noland, who's not just the Factory Head but also a bit of a mechanical mastermind, and the pilot of the plane they saw last night.\n\nAsh can pick which of Noland's Pok\u00e9mon he wants to battle. Noland has befriended an Articuno whom he helped once, and he takes Max and Pikachu up in his plane to fly with the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon. Team Rocket wants Articuno for themselves, and they show up in their own plane to steal it. It's no match for Articuno, who quickly sends them on their way.\n\nImpressed, Ash decides he wants to battle Articuno. What's more, he wants to battle it with Charizard! It looks like this is shaping up to be quite a match..."
"Ash has opted to battle Articuno with Charizard in his Battle Factory match. Now he's busy training with Charizard, who has gotten even stronger during its time in the Charicific Valley. Team Rocket, secretly watching from the roof of the Battle Factory, are hopeful they can snatch the impressive Pok\u00e9mon for themselves. But when the battle gets underway, the roof of the Battle Factory opens and they fall into the main chamber where everyone can see them.\n\nArticuno and Charizard waste no time in clearing out the intruders before Noland and Ash get down to business. This Articuno is tough and knows a Water-type attack, so Charizard is in for a rough time. The two Pok\u00e9mon wage a fast-paced flying battle that looks like it might end in Noland's favor as Articuno ices up Charizard's wing. Good thing for Ash that Charizard has a new trick in store: Overheat!\n\nArticuno also packs a powerful Steel Wing, but Charizard grabs it mid-attack and turns the move into a Seismic Toss. Articuno tries to get back up and battle, to no avail. Ash is awarded the Knowledge Symbol along with a Frontier Folio to hold his Battle Frontier Symbols, and Noland congratulates him on a battle well-fought. Next stop, the Battle Arena!"
"Ash's Battle Factory victory has him eager to reach the next Battle Frontier stop right away, but even he has to stop for food and water. Munchlax takes care of the Pok\u00e9mon food by eating it all, which sets off a squabble that disturbs the local Geodude. The Geodude chase Ash and May's Pok\u00e9mon, and some of them are separated in the commotion. Ash and May have to find their missing Pok\u00e9mon!\n\nAn Onix leads the Rock-type Pok\u00e9mon that live in the area, and they're none too happy about the intruders. Team Rocket sees this and convinces Onix that Ash and his friends are up to no good. Phanpy and Squirtle reunite with Pikachu, Corphish, and then Munchlax, but they're captured by Rock Pok\u00e9mon working with Team Rocket. Elsewhere, Brock is captured as well!\n\nAsh finds Onix and Team Rocket, but now all his friends and their Pok\u00e9mon have been snagged! Ash tries to tell Onix that he's not a villain, and Onix decides that they'll battle. If Ash wins, his friends go free. If Ash loses... well, he'd better win! Ash choses Grovyle, who has a type advantage against Onix, and wins the round.\n\nTeam Rocket tries plan B: steal all the Pok\u00e9mon outright. But Ash tells Grovyle to defend Onix against their attack, and it's clear now who the good guys are. May and the others are freed, and together everyone protects the wild Pok\u00e9mon from Team Rocket. Once the villains are sent flying, Onix makes amends by giving our heroes an escorted ride out of its valley."
"On their way to the Battle Arena, Ash and his friends are snagged by a net trap. But for once, it's not Team Rocket\u2014it's a fellow named Mitch and his Loudred, and they're tyring to catch Jigglypuff! Mitch used to be a company executive until his daughter Lisa requested a Jigglypuff for her birthday, and for six months he's been in the woods trying to get one. Every Jigglypuff comes to tease him, and every day Jigglypuff gets away scot free. Plus, Lisa's birthday is tomorrow!\n\nAsh decides to help Mitch out, but Jigglypuff puts everyone to sleep, even Team Rocket. What's more, it's tough, and it's not impressed when they try to lure it with food! So they trick it into battling Loudred and using Rollout, which rolls it right into the cabin\u2014now covered in sound-reflecting panels. Pikachu battles Jigglypuff until it uses Sing, and the echoes of its attack put it to sleep.\n\nNow Mitch can catch Jigglypuff, but he realizes it belongs in the forest after all. He and the kids return to town, where Lisa is happy to have her dad home even if he didn't bring a Jigglypuff. Just then, Jigglypuff comes flying in, angry at Mitch for leaving. It turns out that Jigglypuff liked playing with Mitch, and it decides to stick around. So now Lisa has two new Pok\u00e9mon friends!"
"May and Ash are waiting on line outside a popular bakery when an Arcanine runs past. May wants to catch it, but she sees that Drew is chasing it too! Thanks to Extremespeed, Arcanine easily escapes. May catches up to it while it's eating and sends out Combusken, but Arcanine outruns her Pok\u00e9mon. So Ash and his friends stop to ask a woodsman about Arcanine, and he points them to locations where it sometimes appears\u2014but he also told Drew the same information about an hour ago.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket has been fired from the bakery for eating the merchandise, and a combination of Wobbuffet and hunger leads them to a Pecha grove. Ash and his friends are waiting in the grove; when Arcanine shows up, they send it towards May and Squirtle. Arcanine uses Roar on Squirtle, and May sends out Munchlax to use Metronome. Metronome gives Munchlax Extremespeed, speed it uses to eat all the Pecha berries. By the time Team Rocket arrives, the trees have been picked clean! They do spot Arcanine, however, and decide to nab it for the boss.\n\nMay and Drew again run into each other on a high ledge and see Arcanine run off again. Irate, May challenges Drew to see who gets Arcanine, and Drew's Flygon quickly defeats May's Squirtle. Both Coordinators chase after Arcanine anyway, only to find it feeding Pecha berries to its young Growlithe.\n\nTeam Rocket kidnaps Arcanine and the Growlithe, but Drew and May team up to free them and defeat Team Rocket. May and Drew then decide not to break up Arcanine's family, and they let it go on its way. Drew goes on his way too, but not before he tells May to try the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in Saffron City. Excited, our heroes set their sights on their next destination!"
"A Psyduck is frantically running from a Machop, Machoke, and Machamp when it hurls headlong into Ash and friends, on their way to the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in Saffron City. Ash sends out Phanpy, who drives off the three Superpower Pok\u00e9mon. Brock feeds the Psyduck, who makes fast friends with Phanpy and Pikachu.\n\nMeanwhile, the Superpower Pok\u00e9mon trio returns to their Trainer, a rich girl named Emily who orders them not to return unless they have Psyduck in tow. They dutifully head out again.\n\nThe kids and Psyduck walk along until they reach a hill where a disguised Team Rocket coerces them into trying out \"grass-sledding.\" But as they're coasting down the grassy hill, Jessie activates a trap that sends the kids barreling around like pinballs and then Meowth catches Psyduck and Phanpy in a net. Team Rocket begins to escape with the two Pok\u00e9mon using their balloon, but Machop, Machoke, and Machamp show up just in time to pull them back down. Team Rocket is sent blasting off, and Emily arrives to take her Psyduck home.\n\nBack at Emily's mansion, everyone notices that despite the posh surroundings, Psyduck is not happy there. Ash and May have a practice battle on the grounds, and they find out that Emily never lets Psyduck battle. Brock speculates that it's lonely. Team Rocket shows up again, and this time Psyduck eagerly steps up to the plate to drive them off. Emily doesn't know how to battle, so Max gives her some advice. Psyduck holds its own against Cacnea, Seviper, and Meowth, just before Pikachu sends the thieves off with Thunderbolt.\n\nEmily realizes that she needs to bond with her Pok\u00e9mon more, and considers going on her own Pok\u00e9mon journey as the kids resume their own travels."
"Chasing after a hungry Munchlax, Ash and his friends end up at Rhonda's, a restaurant run by a girl named Rhonda with Mr. Mime as its head chef. Team Rocket stumbles across another restaurant, Rhoda's, run by a girl named Rhoda with Sneasel as its head chef. Meowth quickly takes a disliking to Sneasel, but Jessie and James want it for Team Rocket.\n\nBack at Rhonda's, Mr. Mime puts on a fantastic show for Ash and company, but the food is terrible. Over at Rhoda's, Sneasel's food looks terrible, but it tastes fantastic\u2014except for Meowth's, because Sneasel purposely made him a horrible meal. The two start to fight, breaking through the restaurant wall and right into Rhonda's. Rhonda and Rhoda are actually twin sisters who split up the family restaurant; Rhoda accuses Rhonda, and they challenge each other to see who deserves to run the place.\n\nTeam Rocket coaches Sneasel while Brock advises Mr. Mime, and after a night's practice it's time to allez cuisine! Mr. Mime's presentation is great, but now Sneasel also puts on a show. It looks like a close battle until Team Rocket steals the chefs and Pikachu too! Team Rocket hops in their balloon to make a getaway, but Rhonda tells Mr. Mime to use Trick and Psychic. This frees all three Pok\u00e9mon, who head home and send Team Rocket packing along the way.\n\nImpressed, Rhoda leaves the restaurant to Rhonda. But Rhonda makes Rhoda co-manager and Sneasel the head chef; with everyone working together, the restaurant is now better than ever! And after a wonderful meal, Ash and his friends can happily continue on their way."
"On their way to Saffron City, Ash and his friends encounter a Caterpie and its Trainer-in-training, Xander, who mistakes them for lab robbers. Fortunately, Dr. Gordon, the lab owner and Xander's teacher, shows up and things are sorted out. The kids visit Dr. Gordon's lab, where he makes all kinds of strange inventions. Of course, Team Rocket wants to steal them all!\n\nCaterpie helps catch them in the act, but in the process, Dr. Gordon's briefcase opens and blue candies roll out. Caterpie eats some and grows until it's big enough to send Team Rocket blasting off. The Mystery Candy Complete keeps Caterpie growing until it's bigger than a building! The giant Caterpie heads into town as people flee in a panic. Climbing the local radio tower, it then evolves into Metapod.\n\nElsewhere, Team Rocket discovers that Wobbuffet stole some Mystery Candy too, so they head back into town and kidnap Dr. Gordon. The Candy makes Dustox and Cacnea huge\u2014Dustox is so big that Team Rocket hops on its back and flies away with Dr. Gordon! Metapod evolves into a giant Butterfree just in time for Ash and Xander to give chase.\n\nAfter some aerial maneuvers, Dustox suddenly shrinks back to normal size. Butterfree catches it but Team Rocket plummets into a pond. No sooner do they emerge than Officer Jenny arrives with Ash's friends, and when Team Rocket puts up a fight, Pikachu and Butterfree send them on their way once more. Eventually Butterfree returns to normal size too, and Ash says farewell to Xander and his newly-evolved friend\u2014as well as Dr. Gordon, who's now more enthusiastic about his inventions than ever!"
"May and friends arrive in Saffron City, where May is so excited about the upcoming Pok\u00e9mon Contest that she heads straight for the Contest Hall. She sees people going in to check out the hall, so she goes inside too. On stage is a woman who looks suspiciously like Vivian from the Hoenn region, practicing with an Espeon. May's Squirtle gets so excited that it runs on stage. It turns out that the woman is actually Lillian, Vivian's younger sister.\n\nMay takes her Pok\u00e9mon to the Pok\u00e9mon Center for a check-up, and is surprised to meet Nurse Joy's new assistant\u2014Harley! Harley is overwhelmingly nice to May, and even tells her that she can switch Pok\u00e9mon during the contest, which turns out to be true. Harley also tells her that she can register with her Hoenn Contest Pass until 11 the next day\u2014which isn't true. But May believes him since he was telling the truth before.\n\nMeanwhile, a disguised Jessie registers for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest, and asks James if she can borrow Cacnea. But when Jessie tries to form a bond with Cacnea, it ends up getting stuck in her hair and James and Meowth rush her to the Pok\u00e9mon Center. At the PC, they get the idea to steal everyone else's Pok\u00e9mon so Jessie can win by default.\n\nMay and Ash begin to battle outside when James and Meowth fly over in their balloon and start snatching Pok\u00e9mon. May ends up teaming up with Harley to free the Pok\u00e9mon, and even more unexpected help comes from Squirtle, who uses a newly-learned Ice Beam to send the thieves blasting off.\n\nWhen May finally goes to register, she turns out to be too late. Luckily, Lillian happens to be walking by, and after hearing mention of May's heroics, the attendant lets her register for the contest."
"The contest in Saffron City is about to begin! Harley ends up apologizing to May, but it rings hollow given his history of hating May. He goes first, and really impresses the crowd with his Cacturne's combination of Cotton Spore and Needle Arm. A disguised Jessie comes up to the stage, impressing and horrifying the crowd when she embraces James' Cacnea, followed by a firework-laden Pin Missile. May brings Combusken up, performing a great combination of Fire Spin and Sky Uppercut. All three of them make it to the next round.\n\nJessie and Harley are opponents next, and Jessie's strategy is to send in Wobbuffet knowing that its defensive moves could knock out Harley's Ariados. Harley is quite aware of this, and orders his Pok\u00e9mon to do nothing. Frustrated and annoyed, Lillian issues them yellow cards, knocking down their points. Harley finally strikes, using String Shot to tie up Wobbuffet and move it like a helpless puppet. Eventually Wobbuffet is thrown in the air and knocked out of battle.\n\nMay makes through her next battle fine, and faces Harley in the finals. May has elected to use Squirtle, and the little Pok\u00e9mon has a rough start, especially when it uses an Ice Beam that is too strong for it! Harley tries String Shot again, stringing up Squirtle near the ceiling. Ariados then uses Spider Web to cover the entire stage. May orders Squirtle to use Ice Beam again, which frees it from the Spider Web and freezes the stage\u2014and Ariados! With the Bug-and-Poison-type out of the way, May wins the Saffron Ribbon. May is thrilled, and Ash is hyped for his next Frontier battle."
"Before they leave Saffron City, the kids have different things they want to check out. May and Brock want to try some awesome noodles. Ash and Max want to check out a Fighting-type Pok\u00e9mon dojo. Unable to fully agree, the two groups split up.\n\nMay and Brock arrive at the noodle place only to see the chef, Kyle, being dragged away by a girl named Terri. May, desperate for food, follows them with Brock. Meanwhile, Team Rocket have come up with their own noodle cart scheme, but abandon it when they see Ash and Max headed for the dojo.\n\nAt the dojo, Ash and Max are quickly drafted by Master Hamm into being students at the dojo, even though they just wanted a demonstration. Terri happens to drag Kyle in while Ash, Max, and Pikachu are cleaning the dojo's floors. After May and Brock arrive, it is finally explained that Kyle is the son of Master Hamm, and that Hamm wants Kyle to take over the dojo. Kyle would rather make noodles. Unwilling to compromise, they decide to have a Pok\u00e9mon battle to sort it out. Master Hamm's back gives out as they start, so Ash offers to take his place. Kyle doesn't like this, so May takes Kyle's place.\n\nAsh and May both practice, using Master Hamm and Kyle's Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. They soon begin a formal battle, but are interrupted by Team Rocket, determined to steal the Fighting-type Pok\u00e9mon. Terri steps in with her Hitmontop, freeing Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan just before Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off.\n\nEveryone is disappointed that the battle wasn't finished, and Kyle admits he's been trying to make noodles as good as his father's all along. Terri offers to take over the dojo, since it happens that managing a dojo like that was her dream. It turns out that Master Hamm's dream was to sell noodles from a cart. In the end, everyone gets what they want, including May, who gets to try some delicious noodles made by Master Hamm!"
"No description"
Season 9 - Pokémon
"On a dark and stormy night, Ash and his friends find a deserted town near an old mine. Inside the mine is a Haunter, who scares our heroes away! Team Rocket sees the commotion and investigates, only to receive a scare that sends Wobbuffet running in fear. Team Rocket then discovers that the Haunter was an illusion created by a team of Ghost Pok\u00e9mon\u2014but why?\n\nCamped out in an empty house nearby, Ash and his friends hear strange music in the night. The music is coming from Kirlia and its Psychic Pok\u00e9mon friends, all having a dance party! But Abra sleeps right through it, using its psychic powers to block out the noise. Ash and Max accidentally crash the party and scare away the Pok\u00e9mon, so they make amends by putting on their own party.\n\nTeam Rocket learns that the mine's Ghost Pok\u00e9mon don't like all this noise, so they offer to help restore peace and quiet to the town. Meanwhile, Wobbuffet catches sight of the graceful Kirlia and immediately falls in love. It joins the party and tries to woo Kirlia, but Team Rocket crashes the event with a giant robot that the Ghost Pok\u00e9mon helped disguise as a huge Haunter. The robot snatches all the Pok\u00e9mon, and Wobbuffet defies Jessie to free Kirlia and the other Psychic Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nKirlia helps defeat Team Rocket and the Psychic Pok\u00e9mon and Ghost Pok\u00e9mon face off! Pikachu tries to shock some sense into them, but it's Brock who figures out the solution. The Psychic Pok\u00e9mon can party inside Abra's soundproof psychic bubble, and the Ghost Pok\u00e9mon won't hear a thing! With the town back to normal, our friends can continue on their Battle Frontier journey."
"When May's Munchlax gets sick and there's no Pok\u00e9mon Center nearby, it's a kindly old couple (and their Mime Jr.) to the rescue! They meet May and her friends and offer to help them out. James' Chimecho has gotten sick, too. But he sees a grand manor nearby and takes Chimecho there for help\u2014it's the home of James' beloved Nanny and Pop-Pop, who looked after him when he was a boy. To protect their feelings, James lies about his line of work. And since Nanny and Pop-Pop are the ones who came to May's aid, he needs May and Ash to help cover for him when he finds out they're staying at the house as well!\n\nWith the help of Nanny and Pop-Pop, Munchlax is well on its way to recovery, but Chimecho is still sick. James is deeply concerned, not to mention very busy trying to keep Jessie and Meowth from eating all the food and stealing all the other Pok\u00e9mon around the house! The last straw is when Jessie and Meowth try to creep away with Mime Jr. and Munchlax. James catches them and unexpectedly teams up with Ash to put a stop to their shenanigans... and keep Nanny and Pop-Pop from discovering what's really going on.\n\nSoon Munchlax is ready to hit the road again, and May and her friends gratefully take their leave. But James is distressed because Chimecho is too weak to travel. He must leave Chimecho with Nanny and Pop-Pop until it fully recuperates, and both Trainer and Pok\u00e9mon are sad to see each other go. However, Mime Jr. wants to travel with James, so he says his fond farewells and leaves with Jessie, Meowth, and his new Pok\u00e9mon."
"Brock's Mudkip evolves into Marshtomp while training with Grovyle, but when it shows off its Mud Shot attack, it accidentally hit s a nearby Flaaffy! Luckily, Flaaffy's owner, Mariah, works at a pharmacy that makes Pok\u00e9mon medicine. Soon Flaaffy is well, but Marshtomp has developed a crush on it! Mariah and her friend McCauley are helping the pharmacy's doctor, using Electric Pok\u00e9mon to help make medicine. It's not easy, and McCauley is really starting to doubt his abilities.\n\nA disguised Team Rocket tries to clean out the pharmacy using Meowth in a Snorlax suit, but McCauley and Brock drive them off. Team Rocket doesn't give up: later that night, they return with a rocket-powered balloon and steal the entire building while Mariah and Flaaffy are still inside! McCauley and his Ampharos leap into the building as it's carried off. Back on the ground, Ash and his friends try to stop Team Rocket, but Pikachu and the doctor's Mareep are hurt when Marshtomp's attack is deflected by Team Rocket's latest device.\n\nUp in the flyaway pharmacy, McCauley and Mariah mix up a Pok\u00e9mon medicine, then toss it to the doctor. The hurt Pok\u00e9mon are restored to full health, and the Electric Pok\u00e9mon pool their power to defeat Team Rocket. McCauley now has confidence in himself, but poor Brock and Marshtomp realize that romance with Mariah and Flaaffy will never pass! Yes, everything's definitely back to normal as our friends head towards the next stop on the Battle Frontier!"
"Ash is about to reach the Battle Arena, but Team Rocket has gotten there ahead of him! They're pretending to be students of Greta, the Arena Tycoon, but the curriculum is a little too tough for them. Will this trick really let them get their hands on Ash's Pikachu? Meanwhile, Ash runs into Scott, who tells him that Greta prefers Fighting-type Pok\u00e9mon. This gives Ash an idea...\n\nScott and Ash show up at the Battle Arena, where Greta has Ash spin a wheel to determine how many Pok\u00e9mon they'll battle with. Ash spins a two, so Greta's Hariyama and Medicham will face off against Ash's Grovyle and Snorlax, who Ash brought back just for this battle. Grovyle is fast, but Hariyama uses its speed against it and Grovyle is soon knocked out. Ash sends out Snorlax and uses a defensive strategy to defeat Hariyama, whose powerful punches aren't as damaging to the big Pok\u00e9mon. Greta's Medicham could be a different story, though!\n\nTeam Rocket is accidentally revealed during the Pok\u00e9mon battle, but Pikachu zaps them before they can do anything. Then it's right back to the battle, where Medicham's attacks are proving to be pretty dangerous to Snorlax. After some close calls, Ash hits on a novel idea: have Snorlax use Hyper Beam to propel itself into the air and land on Medicham! This wins Ash the battle\u2014and a shiny new Frontier Symbol! Greta tells Ash that the next stop on the Battle Frontier is the Battle Dome, and he's soon on his way!"
"As Ash and his friends head for the next Battle Frontier stop, May spots a lovely farm. But when she takes a closer look, she's zapped by Voltorb! The Voltorb guard the farm, where a friendly couple and their daughter Nicolette raise Pok\u00e9mon Eggs. Nicolette has a Vileplume and wants to be a Coordinator, except she's afraid to leave home. She's not afraid to battle May and Munchlax, however\u2014but May wins, proving her ribbon-winning skills!\n\nTeam Rocket hatches a plan to raid the farm by sneaking Meowth and an egg-shaped robot inside. The robot then transforms and swipes the Pok\u00e9mon Eggs, including one that's about to hatch! Once Team Rocket's villainy is out in the open, our heroes must stop them without hurting the stolen Eggs. Nicolette has Vileplume knock Team Rocket for a loop, and after some scrambling around the Eggs are safely retrieved.\n\nTo everyone's relief, a Vulpix emerges safe and sound from the Pok\u00e9mon Egg that was ready to hatch. Nicolette decides she's ready now to set off on her own and become a Coordinator\u2014and someday compete against May! As for May, Nicolette's parents give her a Pok\u00e9mon Egg to thank her for all her help. She resumes her journey with a new sense of excitement and anticipation!"
"It's time for the Silver Town Pok\u00e9mon Contest, and May is ready to win! As the show starts, one last competitor arrives late: a businessman named Jeremy. He doesn't look like much, but after May makes her big entrance with Squirtle, she's surprised to see Jeremy dressed up like a rock star onstage with Butterfree! However, Jeremy's wife and son show up and demand that he stop his embarrassing Contest antics.\n\nWith encouragement from May, Jeremy stands up to his family and explains how important Contests are to him. No matter what, he's going to compete! Both May and Jeremy make it to the finals, but will Jeremy's family come back to watch? Outside the Contest, his wife remembers how she met him back when he was a real musician. As she reminisces, she starts to think what Jeremy's doing isn't so silly after all.\n\nBack at the Contest, Jeremy sends his trusty Venusaur to battle May's Combusken. As a Fire-type Pok\u00e9mon, Combusken should have the advantage, but Venusaur is too tough to be defeated that easily. Venusaur also has a powerful Frenzy Plant attack, and soon May is losing points fast. She risks it all on one last Sky Uppercut and Combusken knocks Venusaur out just before time is up. Victory goes to May! And Jeremy may not have won the ribbon, but his family finally respects him as a Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator. A happy ending all around\u2014except for Team Rocket, who goes hunting for berries and finds Beedrill instead!"
"Ash and his friends visit a famous fishing spot that looks oddly abandoned. Ash still manages to hook a Crawdaunt, which he challenges with Corphish. But Crawdaunt wins and begins wrecking property until a woman named Tiffany chases it off. Tiffany explains that the lake was busy until a year ago, when Saridakis Industries wanted to fill in the lake and turn it into a spa. Tiffany wouldn't sell out, but Crawdaunt scared off all the fishermen and Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nNaturally, Ash and friends help her out. They track down Crawdaunt, which belongs to Mr. Saridakis himself! Team Rocket is there too, disguised as consultants so they can steal Crawdaunt. Tiffany confronts Saridakis, who says he didn't ask Crawdaunt to ruin the lake. But he'll battle Ash and Corphish tomorrow: if Saridakis wins, he gets the lake! He fell into the lake once when he was a boy and though he somehow survived, he's hated the place ever since.\n\nTo help Ash train for the battle, Tiffany's Granny Galea challenges him with her Vaporeon. By cleverly using the terrain, her Vaporeon is able to beat Corphish. The next day, Ash also has Corphish use the lake to its advantage while battling Crawdaunt. Except Team Rocket interrupts the match and steals Crawdaunt!\n\nAsh and his friends stop them and rescue Crawdaunt, but in the commotion, Saridakis falls into the water. He's saved by none other than Granny and a Dragonair, who saved him back when he a boy, too. Saridakis realizes it'd be wrong to fill in the lake, and things return to the peaceful way they were as Ash continues towards his Battle Frontier destination."
"Ash has finally reached the Battle Dome, and what a reception! An eager crowd of journalists wants to meet the new challenger who's going to take on Tucker, the famous Dome Ace. Ash is whisked off to his first press conference and he's having fun until he admits he doesn't know who Tucker the Dome Ace is, to the horror of all the reporters.\n\nTeam Rocket knows who Tucker is\u2014when they're not selling snacks at the Battle Dome, they're busy pretending to be his hairdressers. Tucker knows how to please a crowd, and Ash makes his big Battle Dome entrance only to be outshone by Tucker and his tons of screaming fans! Tucker sends out Swampert and Arcanine, so Ash chooses his Corphish and Swellow. But type advantage won't be enough against Swampert and Arcanine's teamwork and combos!\n\nThe battle heats up immediately and there are plenty of surprises in store for Ash. For one thing, Tucker's speedy Arcanine knows Aerial Ace, and goes head to head with Swellow! Ash also needs to find a way around Swampert's strong defense. It turns out Tucker's all about strategy as well as showmanship, so Ash has a rough time until he figures out how to counter Tucker's tactics with a few of his own. Corphish and Swellow then deal a knock-out combination to win the round. Ash leaves the Battle Dome with a shiny new Tactics Symbol and memories of an amazing experience!"
"On the way to the Battle Pike, Ash and his friends spot some strange and stormy weather nearby. What's more, an irritable Elekid is busy zapping all the local Pok\u00e9mon! Pikachu and Phanpy try to stop Elekid, but in the confusion, May's Pok\u00e9mon Egg lands on Elekid's head and Elekid gets away. Team Rocket finds Elekid\u2014and the Egg\u2014but Elekid zaps them too and now Mime Jr. is lost as well!\n\nAsh and his friends find Mime Jr., who tags along as they search for May's Pok\u00e9mon Egg. Meanwhile, Elekid continues to use its Electric-type moves on everyone who crosses its path. Lightning from that nearby storm has overcharged it, so now it has to release the excess energy. When Ash realizes what's going on, he has Pikachu charge up the same way. Now Pikachu is ready to battle with Elekid, which should drain enough energy to restore it to normal!\n\nTeam Rocket shows up with their latest robot, but James calls time-out so he can swap the Pok\u00e9mon Egg for Mime Jr. Now it's back to stealing Pok\u00e9mon! The robot is shielded against electricity and too tough for Phanpy to defeat, but Elekid and Pikachu team up for a super-powerful Thunder move that releases their extra charges and overloads the robot. Then Phanpy evolves into Donphan and sends Team Rocket on their way. With everything finally back to normal, our friends can continue their journey to the Battle Pike!"
"Celebi comes to the rescue of Pok\u00e9mon under threat from a forest fire, but the effort leaves it exhausted and it creates a giant tangle of vines to protect itself. A day later, Ash and his friends reach the Cycling Road, which is temporarily closed. Pikachu suddenly runs into the forest, and Ash gives chase only to be stopped by Solana, a Pok\u00e9mon Ranger. She lets them through in order to find Pikachu, but giant vines have sprouted everywhere\u2014the real reason why the Cycling Road is closed.\n\nSolana recruits some Pok\u00e9mon to clear a path through the vines, freeing a trapped Team Rocket along the way. The group then catches up with Pikachu, who ran off to help Celebi. Our heroes all watch over Celebi until it recovers and once it's back in good health, the vines disappear.\n\nTeam Rocket returns and captures Celebi using their latest robot, so Solana and her Plusle spring to the rescue. Celebi is freed, and Team Rocket is sent packing by Pikachu and Marshtomp. But the wrecked robot nearly starts another fire, and Celebi quickly intervenes to save the forest once again. With its job done, it returns home, wherever\u2014or whenever\u2014that may be. And now that the vines are gone, our heroes can take the Cycling Road to Fuchsia City after all!"
"Ash takes a break to train with Donphan and Pikachu, and Donphan uncovers a young ninja named Evian. He's from the Pok\u00e9mon Ninja School, where Trainers and their Pok\u00e9mon study the ninja arts together, and he thought Ash and his friends might be behind a recent rash of strange events and robberies. After he apologizes, our heroes enroll in the school for day and try out ninja techniques with their teacher, Angela. Team Rocket secretly watches and waits\u2014Jessie has big ninja dreams of her own!\n\nAngela has everyone try to find her Kecleon, which is easier said than done for Ash. During the exercise, the students find a Bonsly and blame it for the thefts. Brock calms the crying Bonsly down and proves its innocence. The real thieves are Team Rocket, who swoop in to steal the students' Pok\u00e9mon but are clearly outmatched. Jessie, never one to give up, still challenges Angela to a ninja battle and the real ninja easily wins. Then it's time for everyone to send Team Rocket bouncing on their way again.\n\nWith Team Rocket gone, Bonsly wants a battle with Brock. Brock sends out Forretress and uses Spikes to weaken Bonsly so he can capture it. Now he has a new Pok\u00e9mon! A baby Pok\u00e9mon! Who needs lots of attention and care... is Brock really ready to be a \"father\"? Our heroes continue on their way to the Battle Pike with their newest, youngest team member!"
"While our heroes are stopped at a Pok\u00e9mon Center, Squirtle runs off\u2014never a good idea when Team Rocket is lurking nearby! May finds Squirtle at an empty train station with an old lady, Edna. Edna's granddaughter Katrina tells May (and an eavesdropping Meowth) the story: Grandpa Jonathan left to become a Pok\u00e9mon doctor, but Grandma Edna didn't want to leave town. She changed her mind when she realized they were going to have a baby, but she missed his train and he passed away in an accident before she could see him again.\n\nAfter May returns to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Squirtle disappears again. She goes to the train station and finds Meowth pondering Edna's story. Then she sees Squirtle, who's found Edna's old locket. A bright light envelops all three and they're transported back in time! May spots Jonathan and realizes this is the day he leaves for the city, but she can't enter the train station without a ticket.\n\nThinking fast, May and Meowth use a hot air balloon and Squirtle's Ice Beam to turn rain clouds into snow. Jonathan's train is delayed and Edna catches up in time to tell him about the baby. Then our trio returns to the present day just in time to see May's Pok\u00e9mon Egg hatch into an Eevee, watched over by Jonathan and Edna. Not only have their lives been changed, but the entire town is better than ever! May and Meowth look on, happy to have done a good deed."
"Ash heads for the Battle Pike ahead of his friends, and finds himself at a facility staffed by three suspiciously familiar faces and their Wobbuffet. Ever trusting, Ash challenges their \"Pike Queen Lucy\" to a battle. In the meantime, the real Battle Pike crew has come to meet the new challenger, and they're displeased when Ash doesn't show. Brock is instantly smitten by Lucy, the real Pike Queen, who comes to the rescue when Team Rocket reveals their fake Battle Pike and tries to run off with Pikachu. She bursts their bubble and defeats Jessie's Seviper with a powerful Seviper of her own.\n\nNow the real Battle Pike challenge can start! First, Lucy's Seviper battles Ash's Donphan. Even without using defensive moves, Seviper and its Flamethrower attack are tough to beat! Scott explains that Lucy's style is to forget about defense and just hit as hard as possible, but this strategy works against Lucy when Donphan uses a fiery Rollout to defeat Seviper.\n\nNext up is Milotic, who knocks Donphan out with a one-shot Hydro Pump. Pikachu enters the field, only to take the brunt of Milotic's powered-up offense. Ash has to think quickly and figure out how to use Milotic's strength against it, ordering Pikachu to take advantage of Milotic's moves to boost its own attack. This does the trick and knocks Milotic out, earning Ash the Luck Symbol. Ash and his friends are now headed for the Battle Palace and May's next Contest... but before they leave, Brock manages to make a sweet impression on Lucy after all!"
"Ash and his friends enter an orienteering competition on Potpourri Island! For this stamp rally challenge, Trainers and their Pok\u00e9mon compete to be the first to find all the different destinations and stamp their map at each one. The winner gets the Teamwork Medal and boxes of juicy fruit! May lets Max team up with Munchlax and then our heroes\u2014and Team Rocket\u2014split up to enter the race.\n\nJessie and Meowth decide not to bother with the map, a plan that doesn't work out too well. So they hit upon an even better plan: sabotage the other competitors so James and Mime Jr. can win the grand prize for Team Rocket! The other teams are making progress, but Max isn't doing so great and has to cover it up when he runs into May. To make things worse, Jessie and Meowth cut a bridge while Max and May are still on it. Luckily, Ash and Brock get there just in time for a rescue.\n\nJessie and Meowth return to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, where they net our heroes' other Pok\u00e9mon and all the fruit for the prize. Swellow gets away and warns Ash, who catches up to the criminals at the crime scene. Jessie and Meowth obligingly stop to recite the Team Rocket motto, which gives Ash's friends plenty of time to sneak around them and retrieve everything they stole. After that, it's no contest. Though Jessie and Meowth are defeated once again, their hopes rise when James and Mime Jr. win the competition\u2014except James happily gives away the prize fruit!"
"May is preparing for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in Wisteria Town when her old rival Harley shows up and vows to beat her. He's even got one more Ribbon than she does! Harley also runs into Team Rocket, who offer to help him beat May if he'll help them steal Pikachu. Harley just laughs and laughs at the idea, infuriating Jessie.\n\nMay starts the Contest with a dazzling display from Squirtle, and Harley brings out Ariados for an impressive but scary show. During the appeal, Wobbuffet suddenly falls onto the stage, then runs away. As May and Harley move on to the next round, Pikachu and Ash investigate this odd occurrence. Chasing after Wobbuffet, they find Team Rocket busy stealing Pok\u00e9mon\u2014Wobbuffet fell onto the stage because it fell out of their balloon. Team Rocket tries to convince Ash they're really big May fans, but Pikachu quickly sends them packing.\n\nHarley and May make it to the Contest finals, and Harley's brought his Octillery. Moves like Constrict and Octozooka hit hard, but Munchlax strikes back with Metronome. Harley has Octillery use Rest to restore its health, so now Munchlax must knock it out before it wakes up! But at the last minute, Octillery wakes up and defeats Munchlax with Octazooka. May's not too upset about her loss, though. She has her next Pok\u00e9mon Contest to look forward to\u2014and a message from an anonymous admirer. Could it be Drew..."
"The team is on Camomile Island, en route to May's next Pok\u00e9mon Contest on Chrysanthemum Island. Everyone lets their Pok\u00e9mon out to have some fun. When Ash's Donphan tries to play with some young Rhyhorn, its intentions are misunderstood and soon Ash and his friends are running from a Rhyhorn stampede! Nurse Joy and her Meganium come to the rescue, except Grovyle then picks a fight with a Tropius and Meganium has to calm things down once more.\n\nTeam Rocket wants Meowth to recruit Tropius, and Tropius agrees\u2014if Meganium comes along. Tropius is in love with Meganium, but so is Grovyle, and it's not happy about losing. So when Team Rocket attacks the Pok\u00e9mon Center and steals Meganium, Grovyle has already left for a rematch with Tropius. Love powers Grovyle to victory but when Team Rocket returns, Meganium only has eyes for Tropius. Poor Grovyle is devastated.\n\nAsh and his friends arrive on the scene, and even Team Rocket has to help explain Grovyle's romantic woes to Ash. Team Rocket then kidnaps Tropius too, and Grovyle evolves into Sceptile to stop them. However, Sceptile's moves are all a bust! Pikachu comes to the rescue, and Tropius and Meganium combine to defeat Team Rocket. The two Pok\u00e9mon are clearly a couple, but it looks like Sceptile may not recover from its broken heart!"
"May is about to enter her next Contest on Chrysanthemum Island. Drew is there too, but not only is he not competing, he didn't send her the mysterious note she received in Wisteria Town. During a practice battle between Munchlax and Combusken, May meets Brianna, the real sender of the note. Though she rooted for May in Wisteria Town, she's really a huge Drew fan. May introduces her to Drew, which only makes Brianna determined to beat May and earn Drew's respect.\n\nThe Contest begins! Jessie teams up with James' Mime Jr. to perform a hula dance, May and Munchlax take the stage with a risky use of Metronome, and Brianna and her Surskit puts on an amazing ice show. All three will move on, but before the second round starts, Brianna wants to know if May likes Drew! Well, May's not so sure about that. Jessie battles May in the second round, and James is horrified to watch Combusken defeat Mime Jr. with a mighty Sky Uppercut.\n\nNow it's Brianna and May in the final round, and Brianna's brought her Vibrava. Vibrava comes on strong, using Sand Tomb to trap Combusken. All looks lost but Combusken learns Mega Kick, just in time to free itself and then knock Vibrava out! Afterward, as Brianna congratulates May, Drew compliments Brianna and sends her into a swoon. May is sure to see Drew and his smooth moves again, but first, it's on to the Battle Palace!"
"Ash has arrived at Metallica Island, home of the Battle Palace. He's ready for battle, but Sceptile isn't\u2014its attack moves still aren't working and it runs away in frustration. When Ash follows, they're attacked by a swarm of Beedrill and fall into a river, losing Sceptile's Pok\u00e9 Ball along the way! Pikachu is washed away, but Ash manages to grab Sceptile. Scott finds Ash's friends and tells them this is the time of year when the island's Kakuna evolve, so the Beedrill are extra vigilant\u2014everyone had better grab some Repel and find Ash fast.\n\nElsewhere in the forest, a kind old man and his Venusaur rescue Pikachu and take care of it at their campsite. Scott finds the campsite and introduces Ash's friends to Spenser, head of the Battle Palace! Spenser encourages everyone to take a rest before they resume looking for Ash.\n\nAsh and Sceptile continue to search for Pikachu, but the Beedrill chase them to a dead end. Ash is hurt protecting Sceptile, and Pikachu and the others arrive just in time to calm the Beedrill down. Team Rocket then swoops in, snatching Pikachu and Sceptile. Ash tries to stop them from escaping in their balloon, but Jessie's Dustox knocks him off. Seeing this, Sceptile uses its moves to rescue Ash, though the effort leaves it worn out. A little healing from Spenser's Chansey restores Sceptile's strength, and now it can finally send Team Rocket blasting off! With Pikachu found and Sceptile back to normal, Ash challenges Spenser to a battle\u2014after a good night's rest for everyone, of course."
"Ash's Battle Palace challenge against Spenser is about to begin, and it's going to be one big battle when the island itself is the true battleground! Ash's friends take to the skies in a hot air balloon to watch, and since no regular referee can keep up, a hovering robot called Jamero will keep everyone informed of what's going on. The first battle will be Spenser's Shiftry against Ash's Sceptile, and naturally the pair take to the forest to have their battle. Sceptile, back and better than ever after its recent romantic woes, takes a dunking during the fight but comes back to knock out Shiftry.\n\nNext up is Spenser's Venusaur. Ash has brought Heracross in just for this match, although Heracross seems more interested in seeing if Venusaur's flower has anything tasty to eat. Speaking of tasty, after Venusaur's mighty Solarbeam defeats Heracross, Spenser takes time out of the battle for a snack break. After that refreshing pause, Swellow battles Venusaur on the beach, where the sun could prove to be an advantage for Venusaur. But the weather is unpredictable and a cloudy sky is no help for Venusaur's Solarbeam. That gives Swellow an edge that wins it the round, and now it's time for Spenser's Claydol.\n\nClaydol is packing a powerful Hyper Beam that knocks Swellow out in short order, so now it's up to Sceptile. Things could be tough when a sudden squall blows through, but the clouds part and this time the sun is shining for Ash! The sunlight helps Sceptile charge up and its Solarbeam finishes the match, winning Ash his fifth Frontier Symbol. Next stop: the Battle Tower!"
"On their way to the Battle Tower, our heroes win a free massage from a thinly disguised Team Rocket. The treat turns out to be a trap when Team Rocket tries to snatch their Pok\u00e9mon, but Munchlax's Metronome sends Team Rocket flying\u2014along with Bonsly, Mime Jr., Meowth, and Pikachu, who end up lost in the city! What's worse, they're now being chased by a bunch of goons in suits. With Meowth's help, the Pok\u00e9mon evade their pursuers and even get a free meal.\n\nMeanwhile, Ash and his friends encounter a different Bonsly and Mime Jr., who turn out to be the starring king and queen of a hit TV show. The same TV show whose set Meowth has just wandered onto, in fact! Meowth and Team Rocket are reunited with a new plan: Mime Jr. and Bonsly will replace their royal counterparts and make Team Rocket a fortune! However, the real King Bonsly and Queen Mime Jr. have been found\u2014the goons in suits Meowth saw were actually hired by the talent agency to find their runaway actors\u2014and Ash and his friends come to check out the set as well.\n\nWith Trainers and Pok\u00e9mon together again, everyone is eager to be on TV. Everyone's getting along fine until Jessie doesn't get enough camera time. Irate, she calls for Team Rocket to show its true colors! Bonsly and Mime Jr. do battle on camera, thrilling the director but not Jessie. She calls out Seviper to put an end to the antics, but Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off and that's a wrap!"
"There's big trouble in the big city when Ash and our friends pay a visit\u2014a mysterious talking Pok\u00e9mon known as Red Lighting has been battling all the Trainers in town, and it acts like a real bully when it wins! May's plans for a nice day out are ruined when Red Lightning humiliates her and her Squirtle, so now our heroes are out to uncover who or what is behind its activities. To catch up with it, our heroes commandeer Team Rocket's balloon and follow Red Lightning back to a huge house.\n\nThere they meet Red Lightning's owner, a little girl named Luna. Luna isn't about to apologize, so Pikachu battles Red Lightning and the truth is revealed: Red Lightning is a Scizor in disguise! Luna was behind the whole thing, even equipping her Scizor with hidden speakers so she could be its voice. With or without a costume, however, her Scizor is incredibly fast. To keep up with its speed, Ash decides to call on Sceptile. When Scizor ends up on the losing end, Sceptile even saves it from a nasty fall, but Luna is less than grateful.\n\nLuna's butler explains that her parents are often away due to work, and that's why she has an attitude that started all the Red Lightning trouble. To help her feel less lonely, May challenges Luna to a real Pok\u00e9mon battle. Squirtle comes out the victor in its rematch with Scizor, but Luna doesn't mind. She doesn't need to pick on Trainers now that she's experienced a fair Pok\u00e9mon battle, and she'll be cheering for May as our favorite Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator heads to the next Contest!"
"Our heroes are in Gardenia Town for May's next Pok\u00e9mon Contest, and there are a few new faces to meet. Say hello to Mollie and Yuma: one's a beginning Coordinator, the other an experienced pro here as a spectator! Of course, Brock falls for Yuma on sight. And when she praises his skills as a Pok\u00e9mon breeder and says that she takes on new Coordinators as students, he signs up for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in a flash. Now May has two competitors to look out for!\n\nEven though it's their first time at a Contest, Brock and Bonsly do a great job in the appeals round. So great, in fact, that Yuma invites Brock to come study with her after the Contest is over! Brock defeats Mollie and then faces off against May in the final round, with his Marshtomp battling her Eevee. Eevee has learned a new move, Dig, but Marshtomp's can track Eevee's movements underground. Looks like May will have to come up with another strategy if she wants to win!\n\nThis match goes down to the wire, but after a hard-fought battle, May comes out the winner. That's no problem for Brock because Yuma said she'll take him on as a pupil whether he wins or loses. Except after the Contest, she tells him he's so good, he doesn't need her help. She's going to take Mollie as her pupil instead! Crushed, Brock gives up on the Contest world, but at least May has new hope for the future\u2014and a new prize ribbon!"
"On their way to the Battle Tower, Ash and his friends come across a stray Smoochum. But before they can get close, they get a very chilly reception from three Jynx who are very protective of Smoochum. Ash is upset at first, but finally realizes it's best to leave them alone. While everyone is distracted, Smoochum wanders back into the forest and finds Team Rocket fighting over food. Even though Smoochum innocently eats their last rice ball, Jessie forgives it when she decides its cute looks are their ticket to a show business fortune!\n\nAsh thaws out in town, but then the Jynx arrive looking for Smoochum. They're freezing everything in their path until they find it! With Swellow's help, the Smoochum snatchers are spotted, and our heroes chase them with the Jynx in hot pursuit. Team Rocket fails to fool the Jynx with Meowth, Mime Jr., and a couple of yellow wigs, but Jessie still won't give up \"her\" Smoochum. She escapes up a utility tower with Ash in hot pursuit, while the Jynx try to put both of them on ice.\n\nTeam Rocket's getaway balloon is a little too late, and Jessie accidentally drops Smoochum. Ash leaps off the tower to save it, and the Jynx use Psychic to save him. Team Rocket won't give up, so Ash and the Jynx work together to send them on a one-way trip out of town. Now the Jynx understand Ash's good intentions and everything is back to normal, just in time for Smoochum to evolve! The Battle Tower will have to wait until tomorrow\u2014until then it's time for a good night's rest after a busy day."
"As Ash eagerly heads for the Battle Tower and his sixth challenge, he accidentally stirs up a horde of Beedrill who chase him down! Fortunately, he's saved by a stranger who calms down the Beedrill and an upset Gyarados nearby. Just then, Team Rocket makes another Pikachu snatch attempt, but they're stopped by Pikachu and the stranger's Alakazam. Ash's friends catch up to him and everyone is invited back to their new friend's house to dry off.\n\nTheir new friend is named Anabel, but Ash doesn't stick around long\u2014he has a Battle Tower to get to! Once he gets to the Battle Tower, he discovers that Anabel is in fact the Salon Maiden of the Battle Tower! Ash sends out Corphish against Anabel's Alakazam, but Anabel's uncanny ability to mentally communicate with Pok\u00e9mon means Ash doesn't even known what commands she's going to give. It doesn't take long for Alazakam to knock out Corphish, so Ash brings out his Tauros, which he had sent over just for this battle. But brute strength won't win the day\u2014Alakazam knocks it out too!\n\nNow it's up to Pikachu, but it's confused by Alakazam's Psybeam. To keep Pikachu from hurting itself, Ash throws himself in front of its Volt Tackle, which snaps Pikachu out of its confusion. Pikachu goes on to defeat Alakazam, but Anabel has another heavy hitter lined up: Metagross! Though Pikachu does its best, Metagross has powerful attacks and its Hyper Beam finally knocks Pikachu out. With his Battle Tower challenge ending in defeat, what is Ash going to do now?"
"Ash lost his first Battle Tower challenge, but he won't give up. He's out practicing with his team the next day, until Tauros stirs up a Beedrill nest that even Anabel can't calm them down. Both Anabel and Ash end up in the lake, but at least they see the funny side of it all. Below them, Team Rocket tries to burrow their way to Pikachu, but they find Munchlax instead. Undaunted, they bring out a giant Wobbuffet device to assist in their scheme, but all it takes is a Tackle from May's Eevee to puncture that plan.\n\nWith Team Rocket out of the way, Ash challenges Anabel again. Both Trainers use the same teams as before, but this time Ash plans to get the best out of his Pok\u00e9mon. Corphish is confused by Alakazam's Psybeam during their rematch, but Ash recalls it to its Pok\u00e9 Ball to cure the confusion, then sends it back out. Corphish wins the battle, but it's tired out and Anabel's Metagross knocks it out in one hit. Then Ash's Tauros has a head-on battle with Metagross that ends in a double knockout!\n\nNow it's time for one of Anabel's favorite Pok\u00e9mon, Espeon! Pikachu is fast, but so is Espeon. Things are going well for Anabel until Pikachu's attack accidentally shorts out the lights, startling Espeon. With Espeon rattled, Pikachu finishes the battle and wins Ash the Ability Symbol! Now it's time for the location of the seventh and final challenge, the Battle Pyramid, to be revealed\u2014it's near Pewter City, so there's a homecoming for Brock to look forward to as well!"
"Ash and May spot an amazing golden Sudowoodo at the edge of a lake, but it knocks Ash's Pok\u00e9 Ball away when he tries to catch it. Brock and the others don't believe it, until they reach the next town and find a saloon full of locals looking for the golden Sudowoodo. They also meet Keenan, the golden Sudowoodo's Trainer, who can't explain why it's golden or why it ran away from him. Our heroes happily decide to help Keenan find Sudowoodo, yet Keenan doesn't seem to want the help.\n\nTeam Rocket is already on the hunt, and they catch the Sudowoodo at the lake. Ash stops them just in time, but Sudowoodo won't even return to its Pok\u00e9 Ball and runs off again. Keenan finally explains why: he experimented on it to help it overcome its dislike of water, and that's how it became golden. He can turn it back to normal if he can get it back home\u2014easier said than done after Sudowoodo wanders into town and ends up chased by a gold-hunting mob!\n\nTeam Rocket shows up with the Bonsai Boy robot and tries to grab Sudowoodo for themselves. Keenan throws himself in front of the robot to protect Sudowoodo, who realizes Keenan never meant it any harm. Sudowoodo uses Brick Break to wreck the robot, and Pikachu takes care of Team Rocket. After Keenan turns Sudowoodo back to normal, the treasure hunters don't even notice it since it's no longer golden. With another good deed done, our heroes continue on their way!"
"May is feeling the pressure at the Mulberry City Pok\u00e9mon Contest, her last chance to get a fifth ribbon before the Grand Festival. To make things worse, Harley shows up! He has his ribbons already so he doesn't have to compete. But Jessie plans to enter in her Jessebella disguise, so when Harley spots Team Rocket, he offers to loan them his Cacturne and Banette to use against May in the Contest.\n\nThe Contest begins, and Jessie does great with Cacturne. May and Combusken then take the stage, but unseen by anyone, Harley's Ariados secretly trips up their grand entrance with its webs. Pikachu and Ash sense something's afoot and head to the stage rafters, where they find James, Meowth, and Ariados. Meanwhile, Combusken's Fire Spin display sets Ariados' webs on fire and soon, with Pikachu's help, Team Rocket's plans are up in smoke! May makes a quick recovery and her performance has Harley steaming.\n\nWith that round over, Jessie and May advance to the second round. Harley is furious at Team Rocket for messing up the plan, but he's not done messing with May yet. What underhanded tricks will he and Team Rocket come up with in the next round of the Contest...?"
"The competition is underway at the Mulberry Town Pok\u00e9mon Contest, where Harley has teamed up with Team Rocket to plot May's downfall. While May is getting ready for her first opponent, Team Rocket lures her friends into a sealed transport container and sends them up, up and away with a Meowth balloon! But they didn't count on Drew being there to save the day. He frees Ash and the others, only for all them to then fall into one of Team Rocket's old-fashioned pit traps. While James and Meowth gloat, our heroes realize Team Rocket is working with Harley, and they have to get back to the Contest to help May.\n\nUp on stage, May and her Squirtle are preparing to face Jessie, who's disguised as Jessebella and using Harley's Cacturne. Below the stage, Harley and Team Rocket are preparing some more tricks when our heroes catch up to them. Harley points out that there's no rule against using someone else's Pok\u00e9mon in a Contest, but his plans are foiled for now.\n\nMeanwhile, Jessie's initial delight wears off when even Banette can't easily win her the match. Banette gets annoyed by Jessie's complaints, and it looks like the odds are back in May's favor. But as time runs out, the two Coordinators are matched in points, and it goes into overtime! Jessebella is eager to win, but she's snapping at Banette and without a good understanding between Coordinator and Pok\u00e9mon, it's only a matter of time before May wins and the ribbon is hers. Harley gives up on Team Rocket in disgust. May meets Drew and the two are looking forward to a match-up at the Indigo Plateau. As for Ash, he's looking forward to the Battle Pyramid!"
"Team Rocket decides to go their separate ways after yet another foiled Pikachu kidnap attempt. Elsewhere, our heroes come across a one-day Pok\u00e9mon Battle Tournament secretly run by Butch and Cassidy, who are having their own problems getting along. Ash signs up, unaware that while he's battling, Cassidy is preparing to swipe the competitors' Pok\u00e9mon! Cassidy runs into Jessie and James, and decides to make James her new team. As for Jessie, she fast-talks her way into a partnership with Butch.\n\nMax has spotted the villains at work, however, and as Ash is celebrating a victory, he runs to tell everyone what's really happening. Our heroes go to rescue the Pok\u00e9 Balls and encounter Cassidy and James, James unsuccessfully trying to pretend that he's Butch. Corphish cools off Cassidy's Houndour and Team Rocket's scam is revealed to the tournament competitors, leading to a showdown with Team Rocket minions.\n\nJessie and Butch try to make a stealthy getaway, but Ash spots them and Pikachu puts a stop to their thievery. Meanwhile, Meowth is trying to steal a few Pok\u00e9 Balls for himself when it bumps into Jessie and James. They remember the good times they had together, and decide to reunite once more. So when Ash sends them blasting off, they blast off as friends\u2014at least for now! The other Trainers are reunited with their Pok\u00e9 Balls, and now it's time for our heroes to head for the Pewter Gym."
"Our heroes have finally made it back to Pewter City, where Brock once again comes home to find the Pewter Gym looking stranger than ever. When he gets in the door, he discovers that his mom and dad are headed off on a free prize vacation, leaving the Gym in the care of three suspicious Gym remodelers who promised to make the Pewter Gym fashionable. His parents even took his Ludicolo to carry suitcases! Of course, it's all another Team Rocket scheme in disguise.\n\nOn a happier note, Brock meets Steelix, his evolved Onix. His siblings beg him to help them put the Gym back to normal. Team Rocket returns and realizes their new plan is full of twerps, but Team Rocket's Delibird drops off Pok\u00e9 Balls for them containing a Charizard and Aggron! With this firepower, they go in and challenge Brock to a battle\u2014if they win, they decorate the Gym any way they want! Ash offers to help Brock out and it's time for a double battle.\n\nBrock uses his Steelix, Ash uses his Donphan. Charizard is a tough opponent for Steelix to go up against and Aggron's no slouch, either! But Brock and Ash have teamwork on their side, unlike Team Rocket. Meowth sneaks off to steal Pok\u00e9 Balls while everyone is distracted, but Max blows its cover. Now Team Rocket's secret is out, and Brock's brother Forrest is outraged. Forrest, Brock, and Ash team up to beat Team Rocket. When Brock's parents come home, they get quite an earful from Brock, but family is family, after all. As for Team Rocket, they discover that all the bonuses they were getting were really meant for Butch and Cassidy!"
"Ash is really excited to get to the Battle Pyramid, but he falls down a hole into a strange ruin. When Team Rocket goes to check it out, they end up falling in as well. As Ash and his friends explore, they set off a trap! They're saved by a man and his Regirock\u2014the man's name is Brandon, and he tells Ash off for messing with the ruins. The ruins, he explains, are where the King of Pokelantis sealed a Ho-Oh. But instead of being careful, Ash gets excited and runs off in search of Ho-Oh. He finds something much more sinister when he awakens the spirit of the King, who possesses him and demands everyone's Pok\u00e9mon as part of plan to rule the world!\n\nBrandon challenges Ash, Pyramid King to evil King, at the Battle Pyramid. Only one Pok\u00e9mon is allowed, and the King gets Brandon's Pok\u00e9mon if he wins. The King takes advantage of Ash's battling knowledge, but Brandon's Regirock is no pushover. But the King has one more trick\u2014he has no scruples! He has Sceptile collapse the ceiling on Regirock. Brandon calls it cowardly, and that snaps Ash back for a minute. Regirock comes back out, but the King has Sceptile hide behind the referee so Brandon won't attack.\n\nRegirock uses Lock On to make sure its Hyper Beam hits, knocking Sceptile out. Then the King demands that Pikachu battle even though he's lost. Ash's friends call for him to return, and Ash regains control long enough to tell Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him, expelling the King's spirit. This lets Brandon trap the King back in the stone sphere. Everyone's relieved, but Brandon reminds Ash that his foolish overconfidence led to this disaster\u2014and now he'll have to wait for an official battle."
"Ash is really excited to get to the Battle Pyramid, but he falls down a hole into a strange ruin. When Team Rocket goes to check it out, they end up falling in as well. As Ash and his friends explore, they set off a trap! They're saved by a man and his Regirock\u2014the man's name is Brandon, and he tells Ash off for messing with the ruins. The ruins, he explains, are where the King of Pokelantis sealed a Ho-Oh. But instead of being careful, Ash gets excited and runs off in search of Ho-Oh. He finds something much more sinister when he awakens the spirit of the King, who possesses him and demands everyone's Pok\u00e9mon as part of plan to rule the world!\n\nBrandon challenges Ash, Pyramid King to evil King, at the Battle Pyramid. Only one Pok\u00e9mon is allowed, and the King gets Brandon's Pok\u00e9mon if he wins. The King takes advantage of Ash's battling knowledge, but Brandon's Regirock is no pushover. But the King has one more trick\u2014he has no scruples! He has Sceptile collapse the ceiling on Regirock. Brandon calls it cowardly, and that snaps Ash back for a minute. Regirock comes back out, but the King has Sceptile hide behind the referee so Brandon won't attack.\n\nRegirock uses Lock On to make sure its Hyper Beam hits, knocking Sceptile out. Then the King demands that Pikachu battle even though he's lost. Ash's friends call for him to return, and Ash regains control long enough to tell Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him, expelling the King's spirit. This lets Brandon trap the King back in the stone sphere. Everyone's relieved, but Brandon reminds Ash that his foolish overconfidence led to this disaster\u2014and now he'll have to wait for an official battle."
"May has arrived at the Indigo Plateau Grand Festival, where there are many familiar faces in town. Team Rocket is turning over a new leaf as Contest commentators. And Aipom has followed Ash all the way there, but its latest hat-snatching spree is halted by Drew and another Coordinator, Solidad. Solidad is an experienced Coordinator and an old acquaintance of Drew, so it's no wonder that with all this competition, May is feeling a few butterflies.\n\nThat night, May sits down and has a talk with Solidad, who helps restore her confidence. Solidad even tells her some tales about her early encounters with Drew. May also has a mystery admirer who sends her a very strange flower. With one of May's biggest rivals yet to appear, it's easy to guess who it is\u2014but what is he up to?\n\nThe next day, the first round begins! May and Combusken put on a good show, but Solidad and her Lapras are impressive. Drew and Masquerain look good, too. Then Harley makes his big appearance, dressed up as May! His memorable performance with Banette earns him a spot in the next round, along with all his rivals. Afterward, all four Coordinators run into each other again. And while only one person can win the Grand Festival, each of them is confident that they'll be the winner!"
"May, Drew, Harley, and Solidad are all competing in the Grand Festival, and it's time for their Pok\u00e9mon to show off their best moves. Only 16 Coordinators will advance to the next round, so the pressure is on! Although Drew and Absol do a great job, he's not at all happy with Absol's performance. May is shocked to see him angry at his Pok\u00e9mon, and she's even more hurt when he takes some of his frustration out on her. Drew later calms down, but his tension showed how seriously he's taking his rivalry with May.\n\nThe round of 16 sees May sending out Munchlax and Eevee against Harley's Cacturne and a not-so-cuddly Wigglytuff. Munchlax and Eevee team up to knock Cacturne out of the match, but Wigglytuff is an even tougher foe. With its flexible body, it's hard to score a solid hit until May figures out how to get an aerial advantage. Wigglytuff is knocked out and May moves on to the top 4, where she'll be facing off against Drew.\n\nThis time May uses Combusken and Squirtle, while Drew uses Flygon and Absol. The battle immediately heats up, and with Solidad still in the competition, the path to Grand Festival victory only gets tougher from here!"
"May and Drew are in a battle to reach the final four of the Grand Festival, and both Coordinators have some powerful combinations up their sleeve. May even picked up a few tricks from watching Ash's Battle Dome match against Tucker! Her Combusken and Squirtle give it their all against Drew's Flygon and Absol, and nobody in the arena can even predict which way things are going to go.\n\nOnce Flygon and Squirtle are knocked out, that's when things really get exciting. Absol's Water Pulse is bad news for a Fire-type like Combusken, but Combusken hangs in there and even comes up with an unexpected move, Overheat! Absol uses Water Pulse again but Combusken's Overheat protects it in the nick of time, and the clock runs out on the battle. It's up to the judges to decide the winner: May!\n\nElsewhere, Ash faces a battle of his own as he tries to catch the mischievous Aipom for once and for all. With Pikachu's help, he catches the Pok\u00e9mon for his team and goes to watch May battle Solidad in the semifinals. Solidad knows exactly how to counter May's powerful battling style, and it's Solidad who goes on to win the Grand Festival. May is disappointed, but her friends cheer her up. Now it's off to the Battle Pyramid for Ash's rematch with Brandon!"
"When Ash's new Aipom plays another prank on him, it leads them both to a village that's preparing to select this year's King. Whoever manages to hang onto the ritual crown until sunset will be King of the village for a year! Ash and Brock meet Hank, who wants to be King, and Brock wants to be King too\u2014King of the village's lovely girls. But as Brock and the villagers race for the crown, Aipom runs away with it and tries it on for size. Once it puts on the crown, it can't get it off again!\n\nHank and his Nosepass help Ash find Aipom, but Ash can't get the crown off Aipom's head either. Team Rocket then breaks up the reunion in order to seize the crown, using a flock of robot Fearow that are too much for our heroes to handle. So Hank has the idea of using Aipom's Double Team to confuse Team Rocket, and Nosepass's Thunder Wave to disrupt Team Rocket's robot remote.\n\nThis lets our heroes send Team Rocket packing, but the crown is still stuck on Aipom's head until Hank has another bright idea: feed Aipom a sour Belue Berry. Aipom reacts so strongly that Hank is able to pull the crown off, just as the sun sets and the rest of the villagers arrive. Hank is now the King, and he's sure to be a good one! But if Ash wants to be the champion of the Battle Frontier, he still has to battle Brandon again. Our heroes' trip to Fennel Valley continues!"
"On the way to Fennel Valley and Ash's rematch with Brandon, our heroes meet Chatot, a Pok\u00e9mon that can imitate anything it hears. However, this Chatot keeps running away from its Trainer, Audrey! After Ash and his friends help Audrey get Chatot back, Audrey explains that she and Chatot are a stand-up comedy duo. The only problem is that Audrey can't travel to perform her act because Chatot keeps flying away.\n\nTeam Rocket shows up to steal Chatot, but Ash and his Pok\u00e9mon drive them off as usual. Chatot then flies away again, but the phrases it says are a clue that let our heroes figure out its destination: a children's hospital! At first Chatot went there to eat fruit in the hospital garden, but now it's a friend to all the patients. One girl in particular, Corinna, is really attached to Chatot. She's upset to hear that Audrey and Chatot are headed to Johto for a Comedy Grand Prix.\n\nAudrey and our heroes put on a comedy show for Corinna and the other kids. Team Rocket tries to steal the spotlight and swipe Chatot, but Ash's Sceptile puts a premature end to their performance. All the children are delighted to see a real Pok\u00e9mon battle, and even Corinna wishes Audrey and Chatot well as the duo goes to take their show on the road. Thinking about the children they helped that day, Ash and his friends continue their own journey."
"On the way to Fennel Valley, Ash's Aipom scampers away and runs into a Weavile with an attitude. Aipom's up for a battle, but Weavile deals it a harsh defeat! Luckily, Ash and his friends meet a passing wilderness guardian named Kerrigan, who lets Aipom rest at his home. Kerrigan explains that the Weavile belonged to a local group of Weavile and Sneasel, but now it's alone and challenges any Trainer's Pok\u00e9mon it sees. Ash resolves to help Kerrigan find the stray Weavile before anyone else is hurt.\n\nTeam Rocket wants to find Weavile, but once they do, it's not interested in joining their gang. Ash and his friends can't seem to get through to the Weavile, either. Then a Sneasel shows up on the scene, and the truth comes out! The stray Weavile was leader of the Weavile and Sneasel group, until another Weavile came and beat it in a battle for leadership. However, the new leader turned out to be a bully, and so Sneasel left the group as well.\n\nThat's when the Weavile leader shows up to bring Sneasel back. Ash challenges the stray Weavile to stand up for itself and help Sneasel, and both Weavile decide to battle. The stray Weavile comes out the winner and becomes leader once again. The losing Pok\u00e9mon won't be left out in the cold this time, because Sneasel asks both Weavile to cooperate with each other\u2014and they agree! Now the forest will once again be at peace, and our heroes can continue their journey to Ash's rematch with Brandon!"
"Ash has reached Fennel Valley at last, where he plans to challenge Brandon to an official battle\u2014but Brandon won't be back until tomorrow! Instead, our hero is welcomed by an enthusiastic Nurse Joy. This Nurse Joy loves Pok\u00e9mon battles and Contests, and she even offers to help Ash train. Her Chansey may look sweet, but once its nurse's hat comes off, so do the gloves! Chansey quickly outpowers Ash's Corphish, teaching Ash a lesson about battle strategy that doesn't make him too happy.\n\nLater, Ash goes out to visit Brandon, who is still busy searching for a very rare Pok\u00e9mon. Brandon tells Ash that he intends to use Registeel in their official battle, so Ash decides to call in some help from back home. When the battle starts the next day, Ash unveils his secret weapon: his old friend Torkoal!\n\nAsh intends to counter Brandon's Registeel with Torkoal's Fire-type advantage and its latest move, Heat Wave! However, it takes more than just a new move to stop Brandon's Registeel. Even though Ash uses his usual creative strategies, Brandon's Registeel wins the day with its devastating Zap Cannon attacks and the Lock-On move that makes sure it doesn't miss! Refusing to give up, Ash promises to battle Brandon again. But after two losses to the Pyramid King, can he figure out a winning strategy and complete this final Battle Frontier challenge?"
"Ash is still recovering from his defeat at the Battle Pyramid, while May is also melancholy about her own defeat at the Grand Festival. Professor Oak shows up at the Pok\u00e9mon Center in Fennel Valley, with a special care package meant to cheer Ash up. It contains a poster with the prints of his Pok\u00e9mon, a fishing lure from Misty, and food from his mother. There's even a postcard from Gary in Sinnoh, which gets Ash thinking about their rivalry and actually pulls him out of his funk.\n\nMay is still in a mood, but Drew visits her and says they should battle. The kids begin to set up, but when they are picking judges to oversee the battle, Team Rocket shows up disguised as the three official Contest judges. The kids are only slightly fooled, but the plot is blown wide open by the appearance of Harley and his Cacturne. He threatens Team Rocket and gets them to sit in the audience instead.\n\nThe battle begins, with Professor Oak and Scott as judges, and Nurse Joy as the MC. It's a Double Battle, with May's Combusken and Beautifly versus Drew's Roselia and Butterfree. The two are somewhat evenly matched, until May starts getting hit hard by Drew's awesome combos. He finishes her off with Psybeam combined with SolarBeam. Drew goes to see her after the battle, but she's actually okay with losing, and admits that she got overconfident when it comes to Pok\u00e9mon Contests. Drew tells her he's going to the Johto region for Pok\u00e9mon Contests, and Harley jumps in to say he's headed there too. Team Rocket also happens to be nearby, but when Jessie admits she's not going to follow the rest of them to Johto, Harley gets mad and sends the entire team blasting off. With thoughts of Johto on her mind, May encourages Ash, while Professor Oak writes a new poem."
"At the Fennel Valley Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash is practicing attacks with his Pok\u00e9mon while Brock is excited to be cooking with Nurse Joy. His excitement quickly disappears when he finds Nurse Joy unconscious on the floor. They put her in bed, and Professor Oak says she needs rest. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is incredibly lost from when Harley sent them blasting off, and to choose their path, Jessie throws a stick that hits several Pok\u00e9mon and damages a small bus passing on the road below.\n\nThe bus belongs to a Pok\u00e9sitter named Matt, who is looking after several Pok\u00e9mon. Ash, Brock, Professor Oak, and Scott go to pick him and the Pok\u00e9mon up. Scott tows the bus back while the kids take care of the Pok\u00e9mon, but a Bagon runs off and Ash and Matt are unable to catch it. The rest of the Pok\u00e9mon are brought to the Pok\u00e9mon Center where May and Max look after them, including a Larvitar that likes to use Sandstorm.\n\nAsh and Matt see the Bagon jump off a cliff and fall into a raging river where it is then attacked by Carvanha. Ash has Pikachu and Sceptile help, with the Bagon eventually falling into Matt's arms. Unfortunately, the adventure has made Bagon sick. They bring it back to the Pok\u00e9mon Center where Professor Oak and Brock attempt to make it well. While the other kids wait, Team Rocket comes in disguised as \"assistant Pok\u00e9sitters\" and steals all the other Pok\u00e9mon. They take off in their balloon, but Larvitar brings them down with a Sandstorm.\n\nBack at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Bagon has gotten worse, but Nurse Joy is better. She manages to heal Bagon, and Scott fixes the bus. As Matt prepares to leave with the Pok\u00e9mon, the kids say goodbye, while Ash receives some good news\u2014Brandon has returned, so Ash can have his rematch."
"At the Fennel Valley Pok\u00e9mon Center, Ash gets a special delivery from Oak's Lab\u2014his Bulbasaur. Officer Jenny soon arrives with his Squirtle, and his Charizard flies in too. Ash is going on a retreat with these three Pok\u00e9mon and Pikachu to train for his upcoming rematch with Brandon. Out in the forest, the four Pok\u00e9mon work together to build a bed to sleep on, but Charizard hogs it at first and starts a fight. Eventually they calm down and rebuild the bed, get some food, and even practice their moves. That night Charizard lights a campfire, and Ash remembers how he met Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.\n\nTeam Rocket happens to be watching, and they drive up in a noodle truck in which they manage to grab Pikachu. The truck releases a metal balloon that they then escape in. Ash takes to the air on Charizard, and has his Pok\u00e9mon perform various attacks on the balloon to no avail. Eventually Charizard and Squirtle alternate their attacks, causing the balloon to crack so Bulbasaur can break it open. The four Pok\u00e9mon then team up their attacks to send Team Rocket blasting off. Brandon emerges from the bushes nearby to tell Ash it's time to battle, and that they should make it a 4-on-4 battle with his four Pok\u00e9mon.\n\nBack at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Scott lets Ash know that he could be a Frontier Brain if he beats Brandon, but Ash is more worried about winning first. At the Battle Pyramid, the battle begins with Charizard versus Brandon's Dusclops. Dusclops traps Charizard in battle with the move Mean Look, and then uses Confuse Ray to confuse it. Eventually Charizard snaps out of its confusion. Ash makes a fatal error by having Charizard use Seismic Toss, which has no effect on Ghost-types like Dusclops. Dusclops performs Shadow Punch, knocking Charizard out."
"With Charizard out of the battle for his rematch against Pyramid King Brandon, Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops performs Mean Look again, while Bulbasaur wraps the Ghost-type with Leech Seed. The two Pok\u00e9mon are evenly matched, but Bulbasaur takes a beating from the Fire-type move Will-O-Wisp and is affected by Confuse Ray, which causes it to use Vine Whip on itself. Because Leech Seed is taking energy from Dusclops and giving it to Bulbasaur, the Grass-type manages to stay in the fight, using SolarBeam to knock Dusclops out.\n\nBrandon sends out Ninjask next, while Ash sends out Squirtle. The two move quickly, and are perfectly matched until Ninjask blinds Squirtle with Sand-Attack. Squirtle listens for its opponent, and eventually recovers by clearing out its eyes with Hydro Pump. Squirtle strikes with Skull Bash, knocking out Ninjask. Brandon then calls out Solrock. Squirtle stays in the battle, but eventually Solrock takes it down with SolarBeam, a Grass-type move.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is sneaking into the Battle Pyramid, but they are caught and blasted away by Regirock and Registeel. In battle, Ash sends Bulbasaur back out, who does a good job of dodging. Eventually Solrock and Bulbasaur face off with their SolarBeam attacks, resulting in a double KO. Ash and Brandon send out their final Pok\u00e9mon, Pikachu and Brandon's new Regice. Regice's attacks quickly ice up the field, making it hard for Pikachu to keep steady. Pikachu still makes an impact with Thunderbolt and Iron Tail, but Regice traps Pikachu and then uses Rest to heal up. Regice hits Pikachu with Ice Beam, freezing it in a block of ice, and the Electric-type is almost defeated, but Pikachu breaks out with Thunderbolt and strikes back with Iron Tail. Regice attempts to trap Pikachu and use Rest again, but Pikachu breaks down and charges with Volt Tackle, knocking out Regice.\n\nAsh is awarded the Brave Symbol, making him a Master of the Battle Frontier and entering him into the Hall of Fame. Scott offers Ash a Frontier Brain position, but he turns it down in favor of more traveling. Squirtle, Charizard, and Bulbasaur all return to their homes."
"The kids are at Terracotta Town, where May and Max will catch a boat back home to Hoenn. The town happens to be hosting a festival, complete with its very own Pok\u00e9mon Contest. Ash figures it's unofficial, so he wants to compete. Both Ash and May sign up, with Ash using Pikachu and Sceptile, and May using her Eevee and Combusken.\n\nNurse Joy is the MC, doing her best Lillian impersonation. May goes first, impressing the crowd by having Eevee use Dig and Shadow Ball to create a fireworks display. Ash is equally impressive when Pikachu uses Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, and Iron Tail to create electric rings that buzz around the arena. At the end of the first round, May is in first place with Ash a close second, both of them advancing to the finals against each other.\n\nBetween rounds, Team Rocket shows up in a parade float, tossing Pok\u00e9mon food out so they can lure the Trainers' Pok\u00e9mon into a net. Sceptile frees the Pok\u00e9mon from the net and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but Combusken seems to be ill and can't attack. Just then, it evolves into Blaziken, and uses Blaze Kick to send Team Rocket packing.\n\nThe contest resumes, and Ash and May shake hands and start the battle. When Blaziken dodges all of Sceptile's attacks, Ash starts to lose points. He finally connects with Pound, but Blaziken returns with Fire Spin. The two Pok\u00e9mon begin to lose points at roughly the same rate. Eventually both Pok\u00e9mon are weakened, and Sceptile's Ability Overgrow kicks in. Blaziken's Ability Blaze also appears, and the two commence their battle. Eventually Blaziken fires Overheat and Sceptile responds with SolarBeam, with the two attacks colliding. The results of this attack will determine the outcome of the match, but no one can see the scoreboard, now obscured by a thick cloud of smoke."
"The smoke finally clears at the Terracotta Town Pok\u00e9mon Contest, and the winner is revealed\u2014it is a tie between May and Ash! Both are declared the winner with only one prize medal between the two, so Sceptile cuts it neatly in half. That night, during dinner, May announces her intention to go to Johto and compete in Pok\u00e9mon Contests. She doesn't want Max to come, though, because she'd depend on her brother too much. Max is sad, but Ash cheers him up by promising to battle some day.\n\nMax and May board a ship headed to Hoenn and wave goodbye until the ship is out of view. Ash and Brock also separate, with Ash rushing home to eat. Team Rocket watches the two boys, but they are too demoralized to do anything. They psych themselves up just in time to catch an Electivire in a net. Ash runs over to help the Electric-type Pok\u00e9mon, but Gary shows up and orders it to escape with Iron Tail. Gary sends the thieves blasting off, and though Ash wants to battle, Gary would just rather go back to Professor Oak's lab. Ash then heads home.\n\nBack at the Ketchum household no one is there to greet Ash, so he goes to Oak's lab instead. It seems quiet there, until everyone jumps out to surprise him. Ash gives his Battle Frontier symbols to his mom Delia to keep, and challenges Gary to a battle. Outside, Electivire and Pikachu face off with similar move sets, until Electivire manages to knock out Pikachu with a Protect and Thunder Punch combo. Gary then leaves, returning to Sinnoh. Ash decides he wants to go to Sinnoh as well. That night, Delia makes Ash some new clothes, and the next morning he leaves with just Pikachu at his side. However, Ash's Aipom sneaks on board the boat to Sinnoh and meets up with him. Unknown to any of them, Team Rocket has stowed away as well."
"No description"
"No description"
Season 10 - Pokémon
"It's always exciting when new Pok\u00e9mon Trainers receives their first Pok\u00e9mon, but for a girl named Dawn, things will be far more exciting than she'd ever imagined! Here in the Sinnoh region, Trainers receive their Pok\u00e9mon from Professor Rowan, whose lab is near Sandgem Town\u2014but soon after Dawn leaves her home in Twinleaf Town and heads for the lab, she's hopelessly lost. Fortunately, she runs into Professor Rowan on the street and follows him to the lab. But while the Professor was out, his assistants accidentally let two of the starter Pok\u00e9mon, Chimchar and Pilplup, break out of the lab.\n\nDawn volunteers to find the missing Pok\u00e9mon and soon finds Piplup, who runs off and gets into trouble with some Ariados. Though Dawn comes to the rescue, Piplup isn't exactly grateful. Once the angered Ariados return, however, Piplup and Dawn must work together in order to escape. They end up on the shore of Lake Verity, where they spot a mysterious Pok\u00e9mon. Then, back at the lab, Dawn makes their partnership official and chooses Piplup to be her companion.\n\nMeanwhile, Ash has arrived in Sinnoh with Pikachu and his stowaway Aipom. He's ready for adventure, but not ready for trouble: Team Rocket appears and successfully steals Pikachu! But Team Rocket starts arguing and everyone ends up flying, including Pikachu. Now how will Ash and Pikachu be reunited...?"
"Dawn and Piplup's Pok\u00e9mon journey is off to a bumpy start! She needs to catch Pok\u00e9mon so she can become a great Pok\u00e9mon Coordinator like her mom, but both her and Piplup are having trouble getting the hang of things. After a Buneary and Burmy get away, Dawn spots a Pikachu and tries to catch it before realizing it belongs to another Trainer. When Team Rocket shows up to claim Pikachu as their own, Dawn realizes they're up to no good. A powerful attack from Piplup sends the Pok\u00e9mon thieves packing!\n\nDawn brings the exhausted Pikachu to a Pok\u00e9mon Center and calls Professor Rowan to give him an update. Elsewhere, Ash's search for Pikachu takes him to Professor Rowan's lab, where he learns that Dawn has rescued Pikachu\u2014except she's already left the Pok\u00e9mon Center to find Pikachu's Trainer. And when Dawn calls Professor Rowan again, Ash has already left the lab to find her!\n\nAs for Team Rocket, they're now resting and relaxing at a vacation house belonging to James' family. They've also picked up a new member, James's old Carnivine. Sadly, once James hears his fianc\u00e9e is headed his way, Team Rocket must hit the road again. Meanwhile, still looking for Dawn, Ash meets up with his good friend Brock and catches a Starly. But none of them notice the surly stranger who's spying on Ash\u2014a stranger whose identity will soon be revealed..."
"When last we left our heroes, Ash and Brock were searching for Dawn and Pikachu, unaware that a stranger was spying on Ash's latest Pok\u00e9mon capture. Now the stranger reveals himself as Paul, a Trainer with a tough Elekid and a surly attitude. Paul catches his own Starly and challenges Ash to a battle\u2014but without Pikachu, Ash doesn't have enough Pok\u00e9mon for a 3-on-3 battle! Paul leaves, leaving Ash embarrassed.\n\nElsewhere in the forest, Team Rocket swoops in and snatches Pikachu again despite the best efforts of Dawn and her Piplup. Ash shows up just in time to stop the villains, giving all our heroes a chance to finally meet each other. Then it's off to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, where they find Professor Rowan. They all visit Rowan's lab where there's a package waiting for Ash, but there's another surprise waiting for him as well: Paul!\n\nThis time, Ash is more than ready for a battle. Both Trainers send out Starly, but Paul's Starly comes out the winner. Then it's Ash's Aipom against Paul's Chimchar, and Ash claims the victory! But in the last round, Elekid and Pikachu's battle is almost too close to call. Neither Ash nor Paul is happy with a draw. Ash sure doesn't appreciate Paul's attitude, either. Paul turns down Ash's request for another battle, but it's a safe bet that their rivalry is far from over!"
"Dawn is still trying to catch her first wild Pok\u00e9mon, but Ash's coaching isn't helping at all and both Trainers are getting annoyed. The outlook suddenly gets much brighter when Nando, a traveling Pok\u00e9mon bard, has his Budew use Sunny Day to lighten the mood. To show Ash her skills, Dawn requests a Contest battle with Nando, but Budew's Grass-type moves are too tough for Piplup. Budew wins and our heroes head to a Pok\u00e9mon Center, where they learn that Nando can't decide whether to dedicate himself to Pok\u00e9mon Contests or Gym battles.\n\nTo help him decide, Ash and Dawn set off to find Nando again, only to end up deep in the forest. It's too late to get back to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, but three very familiar and suspicious-looking individuals offer them a free inn room for the night. Of course, it's all another Team Rocket scheme to snatch Pikachu! Nando and his Budew come to the rescue, and now it's Ash's turn to ask Nando for a friendly battle.\n\nAsh decides to use Pikachu to battle Budew. Nando's style may be elegant, but even though Budew evolves into Roselia during the match, it's still not enough to defeat Pikachu. Still, Nando had so much fun battling Dawn and Ash that he's decided to do both Gym battles and Pok\u00e9mon Contests! Our heroes say goodbye to Nando with promises to meet again, then continue their journey towards Dawn's first Contest and Ash's first Sinnoh Gym battle."
"Team Rocket's latest Pikachu-snatching plan slips up, and Pikachu ends up lost in the woods. It's found by a friendly Turtwig who defends Pikachu from Team Rocket, but mistakes Ash for a foe as well! During this commotion, Ash and Pikachu are hit by Sleep Power from a nearby Oddish. Turtwig takes this opportunity to grab Pikachu and run off into the forest. Turtwig's friend Clara, a kind old lady, happens upon the scene and explains to our heroes that Turtwig is the leader of the local Pok\u00e9mon. Looks like this time it's taking its responsibilities a little too seriously!\n\nAsh finds Turtwig and explains that he and Pikachu are really best friends, though Turtwig doesn't believe a word of it until Pikachu confirms Ash's story. Now that everyone is on friendly terms, it's time for a lovely outdoor meal at Clara's lakeside home. However, nobody realizes that Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine is lurking in the water. The villains snatch Turtwig and Pikachu, but Ash and Piplup pursue them and Pikachu and Turtwig are soon free.\n\nThat's not enough to stop Team Rocket, of course. They come back for another kidnap attempt, only to be defeated by Pikachu. Ash and his friends then prepare to leave, but Turtwig wants to come along\u2014after a battle with Ash, that is. Pikachu wins the match, which means Turtwig is now the newest member of the team!"
"When Ash runs into his new rival Paul, Ash wants a rematch\u2014and a chance to show off his new Turtwig! The battle takes an unexpected turn when Turtwig disobeys Ash's orders, and is then accidentally kidnapped by Team Rocket during their latest attempt to grab Pikachu. Naturally our heroes thwart Team Rocket's plans, but Ash and Paul are knocked off a cliff in the process. Ash tells Dawn and Brock to meet him on the other side of the surrounding forest. He's ready to team up Paul to get out of the woods together, but Paul isn't interested and walks away.\n\nAsh soon discovers that the forest is full of Stantler, and he keeps getting lost in the illusions created by their antlers. On the bright side, he and Turtwig have a chance to spend some time together reconciling their differences. Eventually they find their friends again, along with the inevitable swam of Beedrill. If that wasn't enough, our heroes are then chased out of the forest by a grouchy Ursaring. Of all people, it's Paul who comes to the rescue and catches Ursaring in the process.\n\nNow Paul and Ash are free to finish their interrupted battle. Ash and Turtwig show off their new and improved teamwork, but even that just isn't enough to beat Paul and his Chimchar. Paul walks away, smug in his victory, and now Ash is more determined than ever to beat him the next time they meet!"
"It's a rough day for hero and villain alike, as Dawn's Piplup struggles to perfect a move for the upcoming Pok\u00e9mon Contest and Team Rocket struggles to find something to eat. Team Rocket lucks out and finds a giant pile of berries in the middle of a field, but nearby footprints suggest the berries already belong to someone\u2014or some Pok\u00e9mon. Team Rocket steals the berries anyway, but a slip-up lands some of the berries in the possession of a Ludicolo trio. Then the berries' real owners, a Golduck and its Water Pok\u00e9mon friends, show up and mistake the Ludicolo for the real berry thieves!\n\nTeam Rocket steps in and defeats Golduck, all part of their plan to get the Ludicolo on their good side so they can snag them for the boss. Alas, this plan is quickly abandoned when the grateful Ludicolo turn out to be too energetic for Team Rocket to bear. As for the dejected Golduck and its friends, they have the good fortune to run into Piplup. Piplup take charges and goes right up to the Ludicolo, determined to show them the error of their ways. Team Rocket watches it all while feasting on their ill-gotten berries and, unsurprisingly, decides this is a great opportunity to steal a whole lot of Pok\u00e9mon at once.\n\nTeam Rocket pounces on the gathered Pok\u00e9mon with the help of their Magikarp submarine. Piplup tries to save them, but Team Rocket launches a swarm of robot Remoraid that are just too much for Piplup to handle. That is, until Piplup finally pulls off a Contest-worthy spinning Bubblebeam move that wrecks the robots and turns the tide in our heroes' favor! Once it's revealed that Team Rocket had the berries all along, Golduck apologizes for falsely accusing the Ludicolo and the Pok\u00e9mon join forces to beat Team Rocket. And with an amazing new move mastered, Dawn and Piplup can look forward to their upcoming Contest with newfound confidence!"
"There's a new Gym in Sinnoh, and Team Rocket is in charge! With Jessie as Princess Powerzone, the Gym Leader, and James as a crooked referee, there should be no way they can lose to their latest challenger\u2014yet somehow they do. After the battle, Meowth goes out to get snacks and comes back home with an ominous Croagunk on its tail. Croagunk isn't impressed by Team Rocket, but they're impressed by Croagunk's Poison Jab move, so they recruit the Pok\u00e9mon to help them out.\n\nElsewhere, our heroes encounter a Scizor and its Trainer, Minnie. Minnie is headed for the Powerzone Gym because she's heard that losing Pok\u00e9mon can stay at the Gym to receive extra training. Minnie thinks it would be good for her Scizor, and Ash and his friends can't resist the chance to tag along. Ash wants to battle first, but Jessie wisely pretends not to hear him and chooses to battle Minnie instead.\n\nJames' creative refereeing gives Croagunk the victory over Minnie's Scizor, so Minnie lends Scizor to the Gym for training. Ash and Aipom are up next, but when Aipom wins, Jessie declares that Ash must battle her again\u2014with Pikachu! That's the cue for Team Rocket to unmask themselves and their Pok\u00e9mon-grabbing plan... which turns out to be no match for our heroes. Another Team Rocket scheme, foiled!\n\nThis still leaves the problem of all the Trainers who left their Pok\u00e9mon with the Powerzone Gym. Minnie volunteers to watch over the Pok\u00e9mon until their Trainers return, but Croagunk doesn't have a Trainer. So when Brock asks Croagunk if it wants to join him, it accepts. It's an easy catch, but it won't be that easy for Brock now that Croagunk is there to use Poison Jab every time he tries to swoon over a pretty girl!"
"When Dawn wakes up to a bad hair day, there's only one solution: have Piplup use Bubblebeam to fix her hair! Yep, it's just another typical morning on the road for our heroes until Pikachu catches the eye of a wild Buneary. Dawn wants to catch it for the upcoming Pok\u00e9mon Contest, but it's too shy to stick around for long. And when Buneary comes back, both Ash and Dawn want to catch it, but Buneary's too slick for Piplup to handle. That means Ash and Pikachu get a chance!\n\nThe only problem is, Buneary definitely has a crush on Pikachu and even hits our heroes with an Ice Beam so it can be alone with Pikachu. This is certainly a new situation for Pikachu, who isn't entirely sure what to do! But when Team Rocket jumps in and steals Buneary, Pikachu bravely offers to go with Team Rocket if they let Buneary go. Team Rocket being Team Rocket, they accept Pikachu's offer and then keep both Pok\u00e9mon anyway. Pikachu manages to break free and rescue Buneary, and the two then work together to wreck Team Rocket's latest Pok\u00e9mon-stealing robot.\n\nAfter seeing all this, Ash and his friends agree that Buneary would be a great addition to the team. However, Dawn decides to observe proper Trainer etiquette and battle it first. This time Dawn and Piplup are prepared for Buneary's moves, including Dizzy Punch, and it's a successful catch! Now Dawn has a new Pok\u00e9mon up her sleeve for the Pok\u00e9mon Contest in Jubilife City!"
"Dawn's first Pok\u00e9mon Contest is just days away, and in order to prepare, she's searching Jubilife City for a Pok\u00e9tch\u2014a handy accessory that looks like a watch but has multiple useful functions. To her disappointment, the stores' Pok\u00e9tch supply has mysteriously been recalled, but she gets a free Pok\u00e9tch from Team Rocket. For some reason, Team Rocket are just giving Pok\u00e9tch away! But a Shinx and its owner, Landis, expose Dawn's Pok\u00e9tch as a fake. Landis should know\u2014he's the son of the Pok\u00e9tch corporation's president!\n\nLandis introduces his father to Dawn and her friends, who learn that the Pok\u00e9tch corporation withdrew its merchandise when it heard that someone was distributing fakes. But Landis' father does give our heroes a peek at the latest version of the real thing, a Pok\u00e9tch that measures the Friendship between a Trainer and a Pok\u00e9mon. As for the fake Pok\u00e9tch, the truth is soon revealed: Team Rocket is using the fakes to transmit Psyduck's voice! Now lots of Pok\u00e9mon are listlessly walking through the streets in a Psyduck-induced trance, headed right for Team Rocket's hideout, and Landis' Shinx is one of them!\n\nOf course, our heroes must now stop Team Rocket from scooping up all the Pok\u00e9mon and taking off in their Meowth balloon. Pikachu and Piplup try to stop them, but Team Rocket just adds those two to the collection as well. Dawn isn't having any more of this nonsense, so she helps Buneary unleash an amazing Ice Beam that puts the villains' plans on ice. With the Pok\u00e9mon freed, Shinx helps charge Pikachu up with electricity and Team Rocket are sent flying once again, without the benefit of a hot air balloon. Now Dawn can receive a real Pok\u00e9tch of her own, and she's just about ready to take on the Jubilife Pok\u00e9mon Contest!"
"Dawn's mother Johanna has sent her a special outfit to wear for her first Pok\u00e9mon Contest, which is just a day away! While Dawn tries on out her new Contest outfit, she meets another Coordinator, Zoey, who has a Glameow. Then Dawn is due for some friendly training with Ash and Pikachu, and Dawn's Piplup looks good until Ash's Aipom interrupts the battle to show off its moves. It seems that Aipom doesn't want to watch a Contest, it wants to be in one! So for Aipom's sake, Ash decides he'll enter the Contest too.\n\nAs Ash soon finds out, not only do Coordinators in Sinnoh like to dress up for their Contests, they use some special effects as well. In Sinnoh Pok\u00e9mon Contests, each Pok\u00e9mon's Pok\u00e9 Ball is put into a Ball Capsule and decorated with seals that create quite a showy entrance! Ash and Dawn aren't the only ones hoping to make a big entrance in the Jubelife Contest; Team Rocket is around, and Jessie has her sights set on a big victory while James and Meowth have settled on starting a seal-selling scam.\n\nAs the Contest begins, Dawn is backstage trying to fix her hair. Zoey shows up to help her out and as the two Coordinators talk, Dawn learns that Zoey already has her first Contest Ribbon. Zoey also has a Misdreavus which she shows off in the first round with some spectacular moves. Jessie borrows James' Carnivine to make her Sinnoh debut as Jessilina, and Ash and Dawn pull off their first round appeals without a hitch. All four Coordinators\u2014well, three Coordinators and one Trainer\u2014will move on to the next round!"
"The battles are about to begin in the Jubelife Pok\u00e9mon Contest, and in the running are Dawn, Ash, Jessie (disguised as Jessilina), and a Coordinator named Zoey. Ash will be battling Zoey, and Zoey is shocked to hear that Ash isn't really a Coordinator. As far as Zooey's concerned, if you're not serious then you don't belong in a Contest! When Ash's Aipom and Zoey's Glameow go head to head, it looks like Zoey may be right. Contests aren't like Gym battles, as Zoey proves when her Glameow wins the round with creative usesof its Iron Tail and Shadow Claw moves.\n\nThe second round pits Dawn and Buneary against Zoey and Glameow. Even though Dawn has had a chance to watch Glameow in action, Buneary's graceful jumps and powerful Ice Beam just can't manage to top Glameow's moves. When time runs out, Zoey is declared the winner. After the match, Dawn calls her mother but receives a stern but encouraging lecture on being more independent. After all, Dawn has friends she can turn to for support!\n\nThe final round of the Contest is a battle between Zoey and, of all people, Jessie! Zoey's Glameow defeats Carnivine with time left to spare and Zoey wins her second ribbon. Before she heads out of town, she exchanges some encouraging words with Dawn. They're bound to meet again at another Contest\u2014and now Dawn has a new rival who's also a new friend!"
"Ash is traveling through the forest on his way to Oreburgh City, where he hopes to earn his first Gym Badge in Sinnoh. But first he's helping Starly practice using Aerial Ace, a process that doesn't go entirely smoothly. Our heroes also catch the attention of Rosebay, a woman who monitors the Pok\u00e9mon that live in the forest. Lots of Pok\u00e9mon have been disappearing lately and she's not sure why, but it doesn't take long for Ash and his friends to decide they should help her out!\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket have set up a trap in the Valley Path, an area which Flying-type Pok\u00e9mon often pass through. All it takes some netting and soon Team Rocket is happily snagging lots of avian Pok\u00e9mon for their Boss. When Ash sends Starly out to look for clues, Starly is swept up by Team Rocket's criminal plans as well\u2014but Starly isn't about to sit back and wait to be rescued! Jessie and James leave Meowth to guard their ill-gotten Pok\u00e9mon, and Starly is ready to stage a jailbreak together with help from a captured Hoothoot.\n\nHoothoot hypnotizes Meowth into letting the Pok\u00e9mon go, but when Meowth snaps out of its trance, it calls for backup from Team Rocket's other Pok\u00e9mon. However, Ash and his friends came across a Pidgeot trapped in Team Rocket's net and realized what was going on, and they show up looking for Starly! Jessie and James return and try to stop our heroes, only to discover that Brock's Bonsly can use Mimic to send their Pok\u00e9mon's moves right back at them. Then Starly evolves into Staravia and pulls off a terrific Aerial Ace\u2014which is also the term that describes Team Rocket as they go blasting off again. The trapped Pok\u00e9mon are freed, Rosebay is happy, and now it's onward to Oreburgh City!"
"On the way to Oreburgh, Ash and his friends see Nurse Joy trying to help an injured Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf is too upset to accept her help, so Brock steps in to calm Nuzleaf down. With help from Bonsly, who Nuzleaf seems to think is a Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon, Brock wins Nuzleaf's trust and treats its injuries. This Nuzleaf must be lost, since an old tree on the other side of the mountain is the only place in the area where Seedot, Nuzleaf, and Shiftry are found. Ash and his friends volunteer to get Nuzleaf back where it belongs.\n\nTeam Rocket spies on the scene and decides Nuzleaf would be a great prize for the Boss. They show up with Meowth dressed as a Shiftry, hoping to trick Nuzleaf into coming with them. Their ploy is foiled, so they grab Bonsly and Nuzleaf. Brock tries to stop them and ends up getting carried away by Team Rocket too! That's no problem for Brock\u2014Team Rocket lowers their guard after he cooks them a delicious meal, and Brock escapes with Nuzleaf and Bonsly. During the break-out, Bonsly even evolves into Sudowoodo!\n\nNext Brock has to cross a river, but Sudowoodo dislikes water so Brock puts it in its Pok\u00e9 Ball. The problem is that without Sudowoodo, Nuzleaf gets upset! Brock has no choice but to bring out Sudowoodo and encourage it to be brave. Then Team Rocket catches up with Brock. Croagunk does its best but can't hold them off forever, so Sudowoodo pitches in to help fight. When Ash and Dawn arrive on the scene, Brock even tells them he and Sudowoodo can handle Team Rocket themselves! A real Shiftry shows up looking for Nuzleaf, and once Team Rocket is sent packing, our heroes can rest easy knowing that Nuzleaf will soon be back home."
"Ash and his friends have reached Oreburgh City, where Ash will try to earn his first Sinnoh Gym Badge. But Paul has beaten him to the Oreburgh Gym, and he'll battle Gym Leader Roark first\u2014if Roark ever shows up! Roark is also a mining foreman who's busy excavating for buried fossils and coal ore. In fact, Ash and company locate him just as he's uncovered another fossil find. The fossils he discovers can be revived at the local museum, which has Team Rocket sensing another great opportunity to score some Pok\u00e9mon for their Boss.\n\nRoark returns to the Gym to battle Paul in a 3-on-3 battle. The Oreburgh Gym is a Rock-type Gym, so Paul has an Azumarill to counter Roark's Geodude. Even though Azumarill should have the advantage, Geodude quickly knocks it out, and Paul is not pleased! Paul's Elekid defeats Geodude, only to have trouble with Roark's deceptively fast Onix. Paul switches Elekid out for Chimchar and beats Onix, but now Roark brings out a Cranidos.\n\nPaul lets Chimchar take some hits so it can power up using its Blaze ability, yet even that doesn't stop Cranidos. Finally it's all up to Elekid, and it emerges victorious after the tough battle. Paul has earned his badge\u2014along with a whole heap of hard feelings from Ash! Ash doesn't like the way Paul treats his Pok\u00e9mon, and he likes it even less when Paul wants to leave without seeing Ash battle! But will Ash's wounded pride backfire on him?"
"Paul has just won his badge at the Oreburgh Gym, but he's reluctantly persuaded to stick around and watch Ash's battle the next day. Ash is in the middle of strategizing for the match when he finds out that Paul gave away his Azumarill because it wasn't tough enough, which only makes Ash dislike Paul's style even more! Meanwhile, Team Rocket are touring the Oreburgh Mining Museum to get a closer look at its Fossil Restorer machine, the key to their latest criminal plot.\n\nWhen Ash's battle finally begins, Roark sends out Cranidos first and Ash uses Aipom to counter with speed and agility. However, Cranidos can be pretty nimble too, and it wins its round. Pikachu is up next, but Cranidos is still going strong and Pikachu just isn't having much of an effect. Paul gets up to leave in disgust, which gets Ash and Pikachu fired up. Roark responds by having Cranidos use its powerful Head Smash, and Ash has to bring in Turtwig to finally knock out Cranidos.\n\nRoark's Onix comes in and defeats Turtwig in one hit, so now it's all up to Pikachu. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to break up the field so Onix can't maneuver as quickly, a clever strategy until Onix brings the battle to a Screech-ing halt! Not only is Ash's match over, but he's been defeated in front of his rival Paul. Now he's going to have to figure out a way to get back on track!"
"Continuing to recover from his Oreburgh City Gym battle loss, Ash gets in plenty of training with Turtwig, Pikachu and Aipom. Dawn tries to convince Ash to send home for Pok\u00e9mon that are strong against Rock Types, but Ash is persistent on using the ones he currently has. Brock lends Ash Sudowoodo to train against, as its Rock Head Ability is immune to such moves as Double Edge.\n\nBack at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Dawn finds out that the next Pok\u00e9mon Contest is at Floaroma Town, where she intends on heading next. Team Rocket steal the Fossil Restorer, unaware that a Pok\u00e9mon is still inside. Out pops an Aerodactyl, which refuses to be caught by Jessie. Dawn finds Aerodactyl when it attacks the citizens of Oreburgh City; in the ruckus, Kabuto and Armaldo get free as well!\n\nRoark, Brock and Ash triple team the Ancient Pok\u00e9mon, but Team Rocket show up to steal them all. When Kabuto and Armaldo return to their Pok\u00e9 Balls, Dawn's Piplup and Buneary use their agility and grace to avoid Aerodactyl's Giga Impact, allowing Dr. Kenzo to get it back into its Pok\u00e9 Ball! Roark's newly evolved Rampardos finishes off Team Rocket's robot and blasts them off, putting everything back as it should be. Ash asks Roark if he can take on Rampardos in their rematch and he agrees, giving Ash time to craft a battle strategy!"
"Ash may have lost his battle at the Oreburgh Gym, but he wants a rematch and he's down at the Oreburgh mine to train hard for round two. His hard work inspires Dawn to go back to town and train her own Pok\u00e9mon for the upcoming Contest in Floaroma Town. But over at Oreburgh's museum, the fossil restorer machine has vanished, together with the fossil that was inside! It could only be the work of Team Rocket, who gets a big surprise when the stolen machine finishes reviving the fossil and a very irritated Aerodactyl emerges. After giving Team Rocket a good clobbering, it flies off toward Oreburgh City.\n\nAerodactyl causes a big commotion as it soars over the city, surprising Dawn and alerting the museum's scientists to the fate of their missing fossil. In the confusion, a Kabutops and Armaldo break out of their quarters and the scientists go to get Roark's help. Ash and Brock team with Roark to stop the rogue Pok\u00e9mon, but Team Rocket appears and snatches Kabutops, Armaldo, and Roark's Cranidos!\n\nSurprisingly, it's Aerodactyl who comes to the rescue\u2014it swoops in and blasts Team Rocket once more, freeing the Pok\u00e9mon and giving the scientists a chance to safely recall Kabutops and Armaldo to their Pok\u00e9 Balls. But now who's going to stop Aerodactyl? The guys all give it their best, but this time Dawn shows up to save the day! She has Piplup and Buneary team up to pin Aerodactyl so the scientists can put it in a Pok\u00e9 Ball. Then Roark's Cranidos evolves into Rampardos so it can take down Team Rocket, and the fossil restorer is returned to the scientists. All of which gives Ash an idea for his rematch with Roark..."
"When Dawn comes across a wild Pachirisu, it's so cute that she just has to catch it! Catching it turns out to be the easy part, because Dawn's new Pachirisu turns out to be so hyperactive that it wears everyone out before she can even start to train it! Is Pachirisu really too much for Dawn to handle? Before long, Dawn is convinced that she's not up to the job and she releases it back into the wild.\n\nAsh and Brock cheer Dawn up and convince her to try again with Pachirisu, but Team Rocket has already spotted it and Jessie wants it for herself! Because she released it, Dawn can't claim that it's still hers, so now it's up to Pachirisu to choose which Trainer it likes better. Despite Team Rocket's bribes of food, Pachirisu chooses Dawn, so Team Rocket chooses to steal it anyway!\n\nAfter Team Rocket hit our heroes with a blast of goo to keep them glued in place, Pachirisu switches sides and joins them as they take off in their Meowth balloon.\n\nJessie's thrilled\u2014until Pachirisu lets off an electric spark that sends Team Rocket flying. Then Pachirisu returns, having only pretended to go with Team Rocket so it could swipe the formula that neutralizes all the sticky goo. Now that it's clear Pachirisu wants to be part of Dawn's team, it joins our heroes for real!"
"On the way to Floaroma Town, our heroes see a Salamence-riding woman steal a Gardevoir from a Trainer named Melodi. Ash and Pikachu come to the rescue, but the mystery woman sends out a Drapion and swipes Pikachu! Team Rocket refuses to be outdone by another Pok\u00e9mon thief and make their big entrance, except the woman steals Meowth as well before making her getaway.\n\nWhat's going on? It's the latest heist by Pok\u00e9mon Hunter J, a merciless Pok\u00e9mon thief for hire! Together with Melodi, Officer Jenny, and even Team Rocket, our heroes set out to stop her. Melodi's Kirlia is able to locate J's next position, and Ash doesn't wait for back-up\u2014he runs off and finds J in the middle of stealing an Absol.\n\nIt's hard to stop her when she has a Salamence to back her up, forcing Ash and Team Rocket to take the indirect route instead: they stow away under her vehicle and hitch a ride onto her aircraft. But the Hunter soon realizes there are intruders onboard, so Ash and Team Rocket battle their way through the ship and reach the hangar where Meowth, Pikachu, and Gardevoir are located. Ruthless as always, J decides to solve this problem by jettisoning the entire hangar! Gardevoir's Teleport saves the day, but J has escaped, and our heroes can only hope that one day she'll be brought to justice."
"As Team Rocket trudges through Sinnoh, they run into the Magikarp Salesman who's tricked them so many times before. This time, he cons them into buying an Evolution machine that will evolve a Pok\u00e9mon at any time\u2014or so he says. Elsewhere, Ash and his friends hear about the B-Button League, a group of Coordinators who never evolve their Pok\u00e9mon. The rumors say they have a beautiful Feebas and a powerful Magikarp, so Ash and his friends go to check it out.\n\nThe B-Button League is headed by a girl named Haley, and she and her sister Oralie do indeed have a very fine Feebas and Magikarp. Team Rocket sneaks in to watch Dawn and Ash test their Pok\u00e9mon against Oralie's Magikarp; not only does Magikarp defeat Piplup, it's strong enough to give Pikachu a run for its money! Team Rocket is so impressed, they grab Magikarp and Feebas on the spot, then take Pikachu too when it tries to stop them.\n\nNow Team Rocket prepares to use their new machine to evolve all three Pok\u00e9mon, much to our heroes' dismay. But the Evolution machine doesn't work at all! However, Team Rocket has a plan B: their new machine can also transform into a tough-looking robot. Too bad for them that the robot quickly falls apart, being just another sales scam. Oralie and Haley have Feebas and Magikarp help Pikachu defeat Team Rocket, and then our heroes can happily continue on their way to Floaroma Town!"
"When Ash and his friends pass a village that's holding an informal Pok\u00e9mon Contest where the prize is a year's supply of fruit, Dawn is eager to enter. Ash is just eager to get his hat back once Aipom grabs it and runs off, as usual, but Aipom runs too far and ends up stranded on a perilous spire of rock. Team Rocket wants to enter the Pok\u00e9mon Contest too, and Jessie sees her chance when she finds and rescues Aipom. As thanks for the rescue, she persuades Ash to let her borrow Aipom for the Contest, and even Aipom seems eager to make the switch!\n\nOnce the Contest training begins, Ash is nervous about how easily Jessie and Aipom are working together. During the first round of the Contest, Aipom and Jessie make a fantastic team, and Ash starts to panic\u2014what if Aipom doesn't want to come back? Meanwhile, Dawn's Pachirisu has a case of stage fright, but it manages to come through with a good show. Jessie and Dawn will now face each other in the final round.\n\nDawn's Pachirisu is brave, but it's unexperienced compared to Jessie and Aipom. Aipom wins the Contest with ease, although Team Rocket is so used to thievery that they steal the prize pile of fruit anyway. To Ash's horror, Aipom chases after them and joins their gang. Luckily, Aipom only wants some of the fruit, and when Team Rocket tries to steal Pikachu too, Aipom uses Swift to send them flying before returning to its real Trainer, Ash!"
"Team Rocket's latest misguided Pok\u00e9mon-snatching scheme digs them into a deep hole, deep enough that they accidentally bury their shovels in the head of a very irritated Steelix! Steelix goes on a rampage and Team Rocket runs away, bumping into Ash and his friends in the middle of their mission to help a lost Bidoof find its home. Steelix hits Team Rocket with an attack that blasts Meowth into the midst of Ash and the gang, while Jessie and James are off on their own.\n\nAsh's group runs for a nearby waterfall, escaping into a rocky pass that Steelix can't fit into. On the other side is the lost Bidoof's home village, but all the Bidoof are trapped there because they're afraid of Steelix. Jessie and James join the stranded group but decide to hide while Meowth and our heroes try to calm Steelix and save the village.\n\nBuilding stronger walls to keep Steelix out is only a temporary solution\u2014they need to get the shovels out of Steelix's head! Meowth lures Steelix to another narrow pass where the others are waiting, and even though Team Rocket is sent flying by yet another Hyper Beam, everyone else works together to get two shovels out. The last shovel is still stuck, but once the Bidoof team up, they get it out and stop Steelix from charging into a waterfall. Reminded once again of the power of teamwork, Ash and his friends can leave their new Bidoof friends and head for their next destination."
"Ash's training battles with Dawn catch the eye of Theresa, a young woman with a strange request: can she borrow Pikachu for three days? Theresa and her aunt Abigail run a cake shop, but Abigail's Pikachu, Sugar, has disappeared and Abigail will surely need Sugar's help to win an upcoming baking contest. Ash agrees and the gang goes to Theresa's home, pretending that Pikachu is Sugar.\n\nAbigail takes Pikachu into the forest, where it uses Thunderbolt to zap berries and give them a delicious roasted flavor. Team Rocket notices this unusual electrical activity and tries to seize Pikachu, but Abigail and Pikachu defeat them with ease. Abigail then challenges Ash to a friendly training battle, her \"Sugar\" against Ash's Aipom, only to cut the battle mysteriously short after just a few rounds.\n\nThat night, Ash feels so guilty about deceiving Abigail that he confesses the entire plan. Abigail reassures him that she knows Pikachu isn't Sugar, and Sugar really left because it was unable to crack open Aspear Berries for her. The moment is spoiled when Team Rocket nabs Pikachu, but a Raichu springs out of the woods and comes to the rescue. That's Sugar, who learned Focus Punch to crack open the Aspear Berries and even evolved into Raichu. Abigail's sure to win her contest and now our heroes are confident that they'll win their competitions as well!"
"Dawn and Ash have reached Floaroma Town, the site of Dawn's next Pok\u00e9mon Contest as well as a Poffin cooking class! Poffins are a type of Pok\u00e9mon snack that Ash has never seen before, and it doesn't take much convincing for him and his friends to join the class. Making Poffin turns out to be harder than it looks, even when our heroes are being instructed by an expert like Forsythia. She's a Trainer with a flowery field full of Poffin ingredients and a shy Roserade that she met back when it was a lonely little Budew.\n\nWhen Team Rocket launches an automated raid on the berries Forsythia uses to make her Poffins, her Roserade puts on a scarf and steps up to defend its home. Whenever Roserade wears that scarf, its personality changes from shy to superhero\u2014but once Meowth snatches the scarf, Roserade loses its nerve and is kidnapped by Team Rocket!\n\nForsythia calls to Roserade, reminding it that it's still strong even without the scarf. This gives Roserade the confidence it needs to deal Team Rocket another defeat and restore the damage caused by their rampage. Now it's back to cooking class, where Dawn develops her own special Poffin recipe. It looks like everyone has found some inspiration today, and Dawn should be on track to make a great showing at the upcoming Pok\u00e9mon Contest!"
"With time running out before the start of the Floaroma Town Pok\u00e9mon Contest, Dawn and Pachirisu are getting in as much training as they can. But it's not just Ash and Brock who are watching from the sidelines, because Dawn's friend Kenny is here to compete in the Contest, too! Both Dawn and Kenny are from Twinleaf Town, and Kenny is full of embarrassing stories about Dawn's childhood. What's more, he chose a Piplup for his first Pok\u00e9mon, just like Dawn, but his Piplup is now a Prinplup with an attitude!\n\nTo add injury to insult, Kenny turns down a challenge from Dawn and asks to battle Ash and Pikachu instead. Pikachu should have the type advantage, but Kenny's Prinplup counters Pikachu's attacks by using its own moves in creative ways. It's so impressive that Team Rocket makes a grab for Prinplup\u2014in order to boost Jessie's chances of Contest victory, James and Meowth are on a mission to steal Pok\u00e9mon!\n\nPrinplup is unable to escape, so Dawn sends Piplup to stop Team Rocket. Piplup uses a newly-learned move, Whirlpool, to give Prinplup back some of its pep, and the two Water-type Pok\u00e9mon then beat Team Rocket with a double Bubblebeam. Today's teamwork was terrific, but both Dawn and Kenny have their eye on winning tomorrow's Contest. What will happen once these old friends become new rivals...?"
"The Floaroma Town Contest has just started, and Dawn's already in trouble! Pachirisu gets spooked before Dawn can even start their appeal, and only Dawn's quick thinking and a Poffin treat can calm it down so they can complete their performance. Even with that good recovery, it's no help for Dawn's nerves that the first round goes perfectly for Jessie, AKA Jessilina, and Dawn's old friend Kenny. Still, Dawn advances with them to the next round, much to her relief! She's eager to take on Kenny, but her first opponent turns out to be Jessie.\n\nJessie and Dustox battle Dawn and Piplup, and Jessie's not actually half-bad. She shows off a few good moves and manages to put Dawn on the defensive. But Dawn manages to come back and win the battle, which means she'll face Kenny and his Prinplup in the next round. Piplup's Peck isn't going to win the round this time, because Kenny's Prinplup easily counters that attack with Metal Claw. And with a Water-type battling a Water-type, it's going to take something special to win this one!\n\nDawn has Piplup use Whirlpool, and Prinplup boldly dives into the vortex to battle Piplup. It's a close battle, but in the end, victory goes to Dawn and Piplup, earning them the Floaroma Ribbon! Of course Kenny is disappointed, but he promises to battle Dawn again at another Contest. And with that, it's time to head for Eterna City and Ash's next Gym battle!"
"On the way to Eterna City, our heroes visit a Pok\u00e9mon Center where they meet young Paige and her big sister Marnie, the daughters of the local Nurse Joy! Ash and his pals get their first good look at Drifloon\u2014Marnie has three, which she uses to help her deliver lunch to her father while Paige takes the gang to meet Pok\u00e9mon in the surrounding forest. Paige also reveals she and Marnie have a secret friend, none other than the legendary Suicune!\n\nMarnie's father and his Ampharos are working at the Valley Windworks Power Plant. Team Rocket tries to steal Ampharos, only to be shocked by Ampharos's Thunder. But the resulting explosion damages the Windworks, and when the lights go out at the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Nurse Joy sets out for the Windworks to see what's wrong. Paige wants to take her Drifloon and follow; Pikachu tries to stop her, but a gust sweeps all three of them away!\n\nAsh and his friends race to the Windworks to try and intercept them, except a looming storm blows Paige and Pikachu way off course. Ash finds them with the help of Marnie's Drifloon, but they're stuck up among the rocks and there's no way the others can reach them on foot any time soon. Marnie is determined to save her sister no matter what, so she asks Suicune to appear and help her. Suicune responds and quickly takes her to Ash and Paige, then brings everyone back to safety. With Nurse Joy's family reunited and the Windworks Power Plant fixed, our heroes can call it a day!"
"Ash and his friends have come across a newsworthy diversion: two notorious Pok\u00e9mon Trainers who've won 16 battles in a row, attracting the attention of Rhonda the reporter and her Sinnoh Now news team. Ash wants to battle these Champ Twins, Bryan and Ryan, but they only have tag battles. So while the cameras are rolling, Ash and Dawn team up to battle Bryan's Croconaw and Ryan's Quilava with Turtwig and Piplup.\n\nAsh and Dawn are eager to show their stuff, but their teamwork could use much more work! The two of them don't coordinate moves so soon Piplup and Turtwig are getting in each other's way, and once Ash and Dawn are arguing too, the battle's as good as lost. Bryan and Ryan win the battle, which only starts another argument between Ash and Dawn\u2014and Turtwig and Piplup too! Once they come to their senses, they apologize and resolve to take on the Champ Twins again, this time as a real tag team.\n\nOne small problem with this plan: Team Rocket has lured the Champ Twins into a pit trap and stolen their Pok\u00e9mon! When Ash and Dawn discover the theft, they show off their new teamwork and defeat Team Rocket to get Croconaw and Quilava back. Now Ash and Dawn can battle the Champ Twins again, and this time their improved coordination wins the day!"
"Ash and his friends find a tree full of delicious honey, the scent of which has attracted several Pok\u00e9mon, including Ash's Aipom and a wild Burmy. The Burmy has also attracted the attention of a Trainer, Cheryl, who captures it with her Chansey. Cheryl is a treasure hunter in search of the Enchanted Honey that's said to lie within the Amber Castle. But to find it, she needs a male Burmy she can evolve into Mothim, which has an amazing sense of smell.\n\nAsh offers to help evolve Burmy by letting it battle Turtwig. It should be easy for Burmy to beat a Grass-type, but this Burmy isn't very robust! It loses the match and gets seized by Team Rocket as part of a nefarious plot to evolve it into Mothim and impress Giovanni. After Team Rocket makes their getaway with Burmy, however, they discover that Burmy's better at eating all their food than it is at battling.\n\nJust in time, Cheryl and our heroes arrive to rescue Burmy. Burmy manages to help rescue itself by teaming up with Chansey to defeat Meowth and Wobbuffet, and it finally evolves into Mothim! The stage is set for everyone to join forces and send Team Rocket blasting off. That's not all\u2014Mothim then picks up a scent and leads Ash and the gang towards a new chapter in the search for the Amber Castle!"
"Deep in Eterna Forest, Ash and his friends have joined Cheryl the treasure hunter on her quest to find Enchanted Honey. Along the way their paths cross with that of Gardenia, a Trainer who's a real Grass-type fanatic. She admires Ash's Turtwig so much that she challenges Ash to a battle\u2014the quest will have to wait! Gardenia sends out her Cherubi to battle Turtwig, but soon switches in her own Turtwig instead. As fast as Ash's Turtwig is, Gardenia's Turtwig is even faster and wins the first round!\n\nAsh's next pick is his speedy Staravia, but he's shocked when Gardenia's Turtwig turns out to be fast enough to dodge Staravia's attacks and win once again. Gardenia is the victor! She then offers to help our heroes find a Combee Wall, because wherever Combee gather and store nectar, there's bound to be honey.\n\nBut then Team Rocket makes another attempt to steal Cheryl's Mothim, hoping that its keen sense of smell will lead them to the Enchanted Honey instead. Yet even their villainy is no match for Gardenia's fearless love for James' Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon and the power of her Turtwig, and Team Rocket finds themselves blasting off again, still empty-handed. After all the help she's given, however, Gardenia has to part ways with our heroes, who soon spot a Combee. Excitedly realizing they must be close to a Combee Wall, Cheryl, Ash, Dawn, and Brock once again rush off in search of the unknown..."
"After several adventures, Ash, his friends, and Cheryl the treasure hunter are finally closing in on the elusive Amber Castle. They've spotted their first Combee Walls, clusters of Combee that surely indicate the Amber Castle and its trove of Enchanted Honey can't be far away. Cheryl's Mothim uses its keen sense of smell to lead everyone towards the scent of honey, and soon they're deep in a series of tunnels. But Team Rocket has found the tunnels too, and when they start digging for honey, the Combee become angry at all the intruders, including our heroes!\n\nCheryl's Mothim uses Supersonic to confuse the Combee, letting our heroes ignored Team Rocket and continue the search for the Enchanted Honey. They find themselves in front of the biggest Combee yet, and pass through to discover the Amber Castle behind it. This glimmering golden structure has a Vespiquen living at its center, and Cheryl apologizes to it for the intrusion.\n\nJust as Cheryl asks Vespiquen for the gift of honey, Team Rocket bursts into the Castle and nearly wrecks it in their attempt to raid the Enchanted Honey. While Ash and his friends rush to repair the damage, Vespiquen and Cheryl's Mothim deal with Team Rocket, sending them flying before they can do any more damage. After some repairs, the Amber Castle is safe, and Cheryl receives a gift of Enchanted Honey for helping Vespiquen and the Combee. It's time for this treasure hunter to be on her way, and Ash and his friends are also eager to head for their next destination: Eterna City, where Ash's next Gym battle awaits!"
"What could convince our heroes to take a time-out from their journey to Eterna City? A Pok\u00e9mon Dress-Up Contest where Pok\u00e9mon try to imitate other Pok\u00e9mon! Ash and Pikachu, Dawn and Piplup, Brock and Croagunk, even Team Rocket\u2014they're all entering the contest in hopes of winning the Pok\u00e9mon Egg prize! But will any of them be able to beat the reigning champion, a singing Chatot?\n\nIn this contest, the key is to stay in character. So when Piplup, pretending to be Weedle, gets a little too excited and uses Bubblebeam, Dawn and Piplup are knocked out of the first round. Ash and Brock make it into the second round along with Team Rocket, and James wants to win the contest fair and square. But to his dismay, dishonorable duty calls: Jessie can't resist stealing the prize Pok\u00e9mon Egg, forcing Team Rocket to make a quick getaway. Together with Officer Jenny, our heroes chase after Team Rocket so quickly that Brock's Croagunk doesn\u2019t even stop to take off its Politoed costume!\n\nThere's no doubt who\u2019ll win this showdown, especially once Mime Jr.'s Teeter Dance hits Team Rocket instead of its target. In all the confusion, Team Rocket drops the stolen Pok\u00e9mon Egg. Buneary quickly catches it, Team Rocket is sent packing, and everyone returns to the contest for the final results. After the judges tally their votes, the final winner is Brock's Croagunk, who stayed in character as Politoed even while chasing Team Rocket! Brock accepts his Pok\u00e9mon Egg, leaving him and his friends to ponder two important questions. When will the Egg hatch\u2014and just what Pok\u00e9mon will it turn out to be?"
"On the way to Eterna City, our heroes go fishing in hopes of catching a powerful Buizel that's been spotted in a nearby river. They're joined by Zoey, Dawn's friend and rival, who's in the area to do some fishing, but it's Dawn who ends up with Buizel on her fishing line. Buizel defeats Dawn's Piplup and promptly challenges Zoey. Zoey's Glameow is no slouch, but Buizel wins that battle and then still has the energy to take on Pikachu and win! Now all three Trainers are determined to catch it\u2014and so is Team Rocket, who's secretly observed the entire scene.\n\nBuizel is in the middle of a workout when Dawn and her friends manage to find it again. But Team Rocket catches it in a net and tries to take off in their balloon, and Ash's Turtwig cuts Buizel loose with Razor Leaf. Dawn also tries to rescue Buizel, although Buizel doesn't seem convinced that it needs any help at all! In fact, freed from the net, it helps defeat Team Rocket and still wants another battle with Piplup.\n\nIt's clear that Buizel is a strong, powerful Pok\u00e9mon, but this time Dawn and Piplup realize they have a creative edge. By using the combinations they've been developing for Contests, Piplup is able to defeat Buizel and Dawn can finally catch it in a Pok\u00e9 Ball. Zoey stays behind to do some fishing for a new Pok\u00e9mon of her own, but Dawn and her new Buizel are headed to Eterna City for Ash's next Gym battle!"
"Dawn and Ash are hoping a friendly battle with Turtwig will help Dawn's new Buizel warm up to its new companions. But Buizel wants to play rough, and it won't even listen to Dawn's commands! Our heroes head to a Pok\u00e9mon Center after the battle and that's where they meet Lucian, a Trainer who specializes in Psychic Pok\u00e9mon. He's also one of Sinnoh's Elite Four, a top group of Trainers\u2014and Buizel is itching to have a battle with him!\n\nLucian agrees to the match and sends out his Bronzong. Buizel ignores Dawn's commands again and continues to battle its own way, but Bronzong is just too tough. Buizel is soon knocked out of the match, but it's so used to winning that it has difficulty accepting this defeat. Later Lucian tells Dawn that this loss could be very important: if Buizel doesn't learn how to overcome this setback, who knows what might happen?\n\nWhat happens, however, is that Team Rocket takes this opportunity to trap Buizel in a cage so they can steal it. Lucian thinks this is actually a good thing! Indeed, Buizel is so angry at being captured that it forgets about its defeat and breaks out of the cage. Then, Lucian shows Dawn how to adapt to Buizel's style so they can work together to beat Team Rocket. After the villains are defeated, Dawn and Buizel go one more round with Lucian and Bronzong, and they're already demonstrating improved teamwork! Before he leaves, Lucian encourages Dawn to keep training and says he'll see our heroes again someday."
"Ash and his friends are in Eterna City for Ash's next Gym battle, but first they have to help solve a heist at the Eterna Historical Museum! Someone has stolen the Museum's Adamant Orb, an artifact which is said to increase Dialga's power, and the security footage suggests a Sunflora was one of the culprits. Team Rocket stole the Orb with Meowth disguised as Sunflora, but it's the Pok\u00e9mon bard Nando and his Sunflora that have been cornered by Officer Jenny! Luckily, our heroes and their recent acquaintance Gardenia, who turns out to be the Eterna Gym Leader, are ready to vouch for Nando's innocence.\n\nThis is a day for duplicates, because there's another Officer Jenny in town from Viridian City, too! Everyone splits up to search the Museum for the real culprit, with the Eterna City police especially eager to find the Orb first and uphold the honor of their department. But it's Piplup, Pikachu, and Nando's Sunflora who spot Team Rocket gloating over their theft, and soon backup is on the way.\n\nNow that Meowth is no longer in the Sunflora costume, Team Rocket tries to bluff their way out of this jam. No such luck! But it's risky to battle Team Rocket while they're holding the precious Orb, so Officer Jenny from Eterna City has her Stunky stun Team Rocket with its powerful stench. Once Gardenia retrieves the Orb, it's a simple matter to defeat Team Rocket. Our heroes are then left to ponder the legends surrounding Dialga and Palkia... as well as the true motivation behind this attempted theft!"
"The time has come for Ash's Eterna Gym Battle with Gym Leader Gardenia, who's a Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon expert. The battle will be 3-on-3, starting with Ash's Turtwig against Gardenia's Cherubi. The sun is out and that means Cherubi's Chlorophyll ability gives it a speed boost, so before long Ash recalls Turtwig and swaps in Staravia. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is digging into the Eterna Gym in hopes of stealing Pok\u00e9mon, but they end up hitting a network of underground tunnels instead. There they meet an Underground explorer who convinces them to help him dig for sphere and other buried treasures\u2014too bad he doesn't plan on sharing the loot!\n\nBack on the surface, it's Ash's turn to use the weather to his advantage. He has Staravia dive at Cherubi, using the glare of the sun as a distraction, and Staravia wins this round. Next up is Gardenia's Turtwig: Ash has a strategy to neutralize her Turtwig's speed, but Turtwig still manages to knock Staravia out with Leech Seed.\n\nNow it's Ash's Turtwig against Gardenia's Turtwig! These Pok\u00e9mon have faced each other before and neither one wants to lose. Ash's Turtwig wins this round, but it's been weakened by a Leech Seed from Gardenia's Turtwig. Gardenia's Roserade is then able to defeat Ash's Turtwig with ease, but that just means Ash's Aipom is ready to go next! More of Ash's quick strategizing wins the final round, and now he's earned his Forest Badge!"
"Ash and his friends are taking the Cyling Road toward Hearthome City, but when the weather turns bad and Brock's Pok\u00e9mon Egg is about to hatch, they quickly take refuge at the nearest Pok\u00e9mon Center. However, the Nurse Joy at the Center has a serious case of the blues. Thanks to the Cycling Road, everyone pedals right past her Pok\u00e9mon Center and she's convinced it's her fault that the place is so empty! With a little encouragement from our heroes, Nurse Joy gets back some confidence in time to help hatch Brock's Pok\u00e9mon Egg, which turns out to be a Happiny.\n\nEveryone has fun taking care of Happiny, until Team Rocket shows up, snatches it, and makes a getaway in their Meowth balloon. Jessie wants Happiny to evolve into Chansey and become a nurse! Brock and his friends have to chase down Team Rocket while also trying to keep Nurse Joy's spirits up, but Team Rocket has an even more difficult task ahead: cheering Happiny up! Happiny likes to carry a smooth stone in its pouch, and it's not impressed by any of the rocks that Team Rocket has to offer.\n\nNow Team Rocket has another problem to deal with, because Brock and the gang have finally caught up with them. Nurse Joy is feeling confident enough to help our heroes battle, too! But it comes as a surprise to everyone when pint-sized Happiny turns out to be so strong, it can clobber Team Rocket on its own. Pikachu helps finish the battle, and then our heroes are ready to get back on the road to Hearthome City... and Nurse Joy is ready to get back to work!"
"On the way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends spot a sightseeing steamboat and decide to take a ride. But the old man in charge of the boat informs them that it doesn't depart until noon, which leaves our three Trainers with plenty of time to go shop at a nearby Pok\u00e9 Mart. All their Pok\u00e9mon stay on the boat to have some fun in the meantime, since there are no other passengers yet. The fun starts to get a little messy, however, and on top of that, Pachirisu's clowning around accidentally sets the ship in motion!\n\nTeam Rocket is already onboard and in disguise, planning to carry out their latest criminal scheme. Using the power of song and dance, they lure Pikachu and the Pok\u00e9mon into a trap\u2014except all the Pok\u00e9mon escape when the ship suddenly changes course! Pachirisu is still up in the boat's cockpit, and it accidentally turned the steering wheel. Pikachu and friends have no problem blasting Team Rocket off and overboard, but now the boat's new course is taking it right toward a giant waterfall!\n\nAsh, Dawn, and Brock return to the boat dock and discover that their Pok\u00e9mon are in danger. With the help of the old man's Mantine, Ash and Dawn catch up to the runaway boat and jump onboard. Then, with Ash at the wheel and some Pok\u00e9mon teamwork, the ship is steered away from the waterfall and back to safety. Our heroes apologize to the old man for all the trouble, but he's proud of what they accomplished and wishes them good luck on their adventures."
"When word gets out that Champion League Master Cynthia is in town, our heroes can't resist a chance to meet her in person. But Paul is also in town, and he can't resist challenging Cynthia to a battle! The local Trainers are shocked that he has the nerve to challenge the Champion, and they're even more shocked when Cynthia agrees to a 6-on-6 battle. Against her mighty Garchomp, Paul's Pok\u00e9mon don't stand a chance: Garchomp knocks out his Chimchar, Weavile, Murkrow, and even his Torterra!\n\nThe battle ends there, and Cynthia has to remind Paul to take his Pok\u00e9mon to the Pok\u00e9mon Center right away. She even helps care for his Pok\u00e9mon when Nurse Joy is called away to another urgent case. Ash tries to convince Paul that his training methods are too harsh, but Paul doesn't care and Ash starts to lose his temper. Ever the diplomatic one, Cynthia steps in to gently remind Paul that there's more to traveling with Pok\u00e9mon than simply trying to be strong.\n\nWhile Cynthia gives our heroes a history lesson, Team Rocket sneaks into the Pok\u00e9mon Center and steals Paul's Chimchar as it's sleeping. Paul and our heroes discover the kidnapping and Paul sends out yet another of his Pok\u00e9mon\u2014an Ursaring! Ursaring hits Team Rocket with a Hyper Beam and Chimchar escapes, but Paul is annoyed that it let itself be captured in the first place. Before she leaves for Celestic Town, Cynthia politely suggests that Paul take time to bond with his Pok\u00e9mon. As for our heroes, she's given them something to think about... but it remains to be seen if her words managed to touch Paul!"
"Dawn's latest training session is interrupted by a Glameow and Misdreavus that seem to be asking for help, and it's a safe bet that those Pok\u00e9mon must belong to Zoey! Sure enough, the two Pok\u00e9mon lead Dawn and her friends to Zoey, who's fallen and sprained her foot. Our heroes treat the sprain the best they can and help Zoey back to her campsite, where everyone is introduced to Zoey's new Shellos. That's when Zoey tells Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest has a double performance format, which means Dawn has to show off two Pok\u00e9mon at once!\n\nFortunately, Zoey offers to help Dawn train. First, she shows Dawn some of the combinations she has planned for Glameow and Shellos. Then Dawn tries to develop some combinations of her own with Pachirisu and Piplup, but it's even harder than she imagined. Things aren't any smoother when she tries a double battle with Buizel and Buneary against Pikachu and Aipom, but all Dawn can do is practice until her team gets it right.\n\nJessie, now disguised as Jessilina the Coordinator, drops in for a surprise visit and challenges Dawn to a double battle. Zoey's not about to let Jessilina pick on a double battle novice, so she accepts the challenge instead! Injured or not, Zoey still has all her skills intact\u2014her Glameow and Shellos overcome Jessie's Dustox and Seviper with power and style. Zoey's example encourages Dawn to keep on trying, and the two Coordinators look forward to their next meeting at the Hearthome Contest!"
"On a sunny day in Sinnoh, Ash is literally hit by a bolt out of the blue\u2014an Electrike is practicing its Electric-type moves nearby, but it accidentally zapped Ash instead of its target! Jaco, the Electrike's Trainer, is a Pok\u00e9mon breeder who's raising Electrike at the Pok\u00e9mon Training Center. He doesn't think Electrike will ever be able to control its moves, but Brock knows better and offers to help both of them train. It's all about developing trust between Trainer and Pok\u00e9mon so they can work together as a team. From daily care and feeding to learning Electrike's individual rhythm, Brock knows just how it's done!\n\nEven Team Rocket feels a little touched by the developing bond between Jaco and Electrike. At least, James and Meowth are touched; Jessie is just touchy. She wants to steal Electrike now, but not only do James and Meowth try to stop her, they also volunteer to help Electrike and Jaco train! They have plenty of experience at being zapped by Pikachu, so they're happy to run around in insulated jackets so Electrike can practice hitting moving targets.\n\nJessie is still determined to steal Electrike, and she uses her own one-woman robot to grab it. But when Electrike evolves into Manectric, Jessie steals an easier prize instead: Pikachu! To stop her getaway, Manectric needs to hit the one exposed spot on her rampaging robot. Will Jaco and Manectric's hard work finally pay off? Of course! Manectric hits its target and sends Team Rocket blasting off. Now that it's finally learned to control its attacks, Manectric is ready to graduate from the Pok\u00e9mon Training Center, and our heroes can say goodbye knowing that both Jaco and Manectric have grown from the experience."
"An old gate leads Ash and the gang to a Pok\u00e9mon Center where all their dreams come true! Brock is surrounded by adoring Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys, Ash is invited to a tournament of the world's greatest Trainers, and Dawn is asked to compete in a Contest of the world's best Coordinators! Even Team Rocket, lost outside in the fog, manages to find a free all-you-can-eat restaurant! Everything's perfect until Croagunk uses Poison Jab on Brock, and Brock wakes up to discover it was all a dream.\n\nIt's no ordinary dream, either: everyone was hypnotized by Mismagius and fell asleep in a field. But before Brock can do anything, Mismagius appears and hypnotizes him once more. This time, he knows it's an illusion and reveals the truth to Ash and Dawn. Then Mismagius appears and blocks their way with a phantom Rayquaza to prevent them from escaping the dream!\n\nPiplup, Croagunk, and Pikachu attempt to battle the Rayquaza. It's tough at first, but even Pok\u00e9mon dreams can come true in this world, so our heroes' three Pok\u00e9mon grow to giant size and defeat it. Ash and his friends explain to the puzzled Mismagius that they don't want its illusions, however pleasant those illusions may be. And once they pass through the old gate again, they're able to wake up back in reality. As for Team Rocket, still dreaming in the fields\u2014well, they'll be sure to wake up by the next episode!"
"Ash's Turtwig brings everyone's attention to a young Hippopotas that's stranded on the ledge of a cliff. Ash hauls the Hippopotas to safety, and it insists on following him. Then Rhonda and the Sinnoh Now news team arrive on the scene, and they want to follow Ash around, too! Rhonda wants to see Ash reunite the Hippopotas with its migrating herd. Team Rocket, of course, wants to steal Hippopotas, but between Hippopotas's Yawn attack and Ash, Team Rocket barely even manages to slow our heroes down.\n\nOf course, Team Rocket won't quit that easily. They come back for another try, using a piece of fruit to lure Hippopotas into their balloon. But when Hippopotas uses Sand Tomb, their plans are sunk just as fast as their balloon, and Hippopotas happily returns to Ash. Next Ash has to cross a narrow bridge across a river, and when Team Rocket attacks, Hippopotas falls in the river! For a Ground-type like Hippopotas, that's bad news.\n\nHippopotas is rushed to the nearest Pok\u00e9mon Center, where Nurse Joy has it feeling fine in no time. The quest for the Hippopotas herd resumes, and the gang encounters a strangely familiar group of sand salesmen. They turn out to be Team Rocket, of course, but the thieving trio didn't count on Hippopotas and that Yawn attack, which puts Jessie to sleep. Meowth and James' Cacnea are no match for Pikachu and Ash's Turtwig, and once they're gone, our heroes keep searching until they find the Hippopotas herd. The lost Hippopotas is back where it belongs and Ash is headed back on the road to Hearthome City\u2014after a Yawn-induced nap, that is!"
"Near Mr. Coronet, Ash and his friends come across Pok\u00e9mon Hunter J's goons trying to snag a group of wild Shieldon. Ash is about to come to their rescue, but his old friend and rival Gary gets there first with his Electivire. Once the men are gone, Gary explains that he's here in Sinnoh as part of a project to turn the area into a nature preserve for the Shieldon. Now that J's men are looking to kidnap them, Gary decides to move all the Shieldon to a safer location, and our heroes decide to help.\n\nPok\u00e9mon Hunter J's minions aren't about to leave a valuable prize alone, and it's not long before they show up again to capture the Shieldon. Ash is ready to give J's men the battle of their lives, but Gary doesn't want to risk getting into a fight that could injure the Shieldon. Instead, Gary stirs up a Beedrill nest, and the angry Beedrill keep the minions distracted so our heroes can make a getaway.\n\nAs Gary and Ash lead the Shieldon on a perilous escape route across nearby cliffs, Pok\u00e9mon Hunter J figures out where they're headed and shows up on her Salamence to steal the Shieldon herself. Despite Gary and Ash's best efforts to hold her off so Dawn and Brock can get the Pokmon to safety, J still manages to snag one Shieldon and escape. Determined to put a stop to her crimes, Gary and Ash sneak back to her base and bust their way through in order to get Shieldon back. J is about to take them on when she gets word that her original client no longer wants to purchase the Shieldon; with no money on the line, she's no longer interested in the Shieldon and immediately leaves. The Shieldon are safe again, but who knows where J will strike next?"
"Dawn needs to turn in her coupon for a new Pok\u00e9tch application, but she has to do it at the Pok\u00e9mon Center on the far side of the forest, and time is running out! Team Rocket, wearing disguises, hands Dawn and her friends a fake map and tells them there's a shortcut through a nearby cave, but first they want to take a photo of all our heroes' Pok\u00e9mon. Before Team Rocket can complete their plot, a group of Graveler and Golem stampede through the cave, splitting up our heroes and all their Pok\u00e9mon!\n\nNow Dawn, Ash, and Brock are wandering through the cavern and the outdoor maze at the cavern's end. Meanwhile, Team Rocket discover why the Golem and Graveler were in a hurry: they were fleeing an irritated Onix! After some misadventures of her own, Dawn and Croagunk are reunited with Brock and several other Pok\u00e9mon, including Ash's Staravia. When Brock asks Staravia to search for Ash in the maze, Team Rocket swoops down and nabs it!\n\nFortunately, Ash is nearby and he hears Dawn and Brock calling for him. He also sees Team Rocket with his Staravia! Ash has found many of Dawn and Brock's Pok\u00e9mon, so he has them try to stop Team Rocket. Pachirisu accidentally shocks its own team and Team Rocket escapes-for now! Our heroes decide to work together to break through the wall separating them and soon the whole team is back together, except for Staravia.\n\nTeam Rocket come back once again, unable to resist the thought of all our heroes' Pok\u00e9mon together in one place, but Ash and Pikachu are ready for them. Pikachu frees Staravia, then sends Team Rocket flying into the stratosphere. And even after all this excitement, Dawn still makes it to the Pok\u00e9mon Center in time to get the Coin Toss application for her Pok\u00e9tch!"
"On the way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends are approached by Mira, a friendly girl who offers them a shortcut. All they have to do is use her Abra to teleport there! The gang eagerly accepts the offer, but to their surprise, Abra teleports them to the top of a dam. Mira apologizes, but since they're there, she asks everyone to help her recover a piece of heirloom jewelry that's lost in the lake behind the dam.Was this a trick to get our heroes to help?\n\nHowever, the gang agrees to help Mira anyway. Mira leads them on a dive into the lake, where they find a submerged town. An angry Gyarados forces them to make an unplanned retreat, and Brock convinces Mira to tell them what's really going on. Mira finally explains that she used to live in the town before it was submerged, and her Sandshrew was left behind in its Pok\u00e9 Ball when the townspeople moved.\n\nThis time, Brock has a plan: Piplup, Buizel, and Pikachu keep Gyarados busy while the others finish the dive and recover Sandshrew's Pok\u00e9 Ball. As soon as they find the Pok\u00e9 Ball, Team Rocket arrives on the scene in their Carvanha-shaped submarine and kidnap Mira and Abra. But Mira tricks Team Rocket into relaxing their guard and teleports away with Abra.\n\nAt last, Mira is reunited with her Sandshrew. Team Rocket comes back one more time and seizes Abra, but Ash's Turtwig cuts it free with Razor Leaf. Sandshrew joins the group in defeating Team Rocket and after that, Mira's Abra teleports everyone to Hearthome City\u2014for real this time!"
"A clip show unaired outside of Japan summarizing the important events of the first 47 Diamond and Pearl episodes, including Satoshi's (Ash's) victories over Hyouta (Roark) and Natane (Gardenia) and the introductions of new rivals Shinji (Paul) and Nozomi (Zoey)."
"As our Heroes make their way through Hearthome City and to the Hearthome City Gym, they run into their friend Nando at the Gym door who tells them that the Gym Leader will be away for quite awhile, much to Ash\u2019s dismay. But telling them about the upcoming Hearthome City Pokemon Tag Battle, Ash and Brock decided to enter that instead \u2013 as a team. Meanwhile, the Hearthome City Pokemon Contest is just getting underway, and Dawn finds herself competing along with Nando, Zoey, and Jessilina, who of course is actually Jessie in disguise. Feeling very confident, Dawn gives a superb performance, but is sadly shocked to learn that she hasn\u2019t even made it past the 1st round. As she struggles to cope with the situation, Jessilina is defeated by Nando, leaving Zoey and Nando battling in the finals, which Nando ultimately wins. Sharing feelings about their losses proves to cement Dawn and Zoey\u2019s friendship even further, and as they both marvel at Nando\u2019s ability to compete in both Pokemon Gym battles and Contests, the future begins to look much brighter for both of them, as the Pokemon Tag Battle is set to take place for Ash and Brock in a matter of days."
"Dawn is still feeling a little blue after her early exit from the Hearthome Pok\u00e9mon Contest, so her friends convince her to compete in a tag battle tournament along with Ash and Brock. Our heroes head to the opening ceremonies to learn who their randomly chosen tag partners are. Dawn's new partner is Conway, a calculating Trainer with a Slowking. Brock's lovely partner is Holly, who will compete using her Wingull. And Ash's partner is\u2014Paul? Even Paul's Elekid doesn't get along with Pikachu! Ash and Pauls chances of winning the Soothe Bell prize arent looking too great.\n\nDawn and Conway are up first, battling a team using Koffing and Scyther. Dawn isnt so sure about Conway, but the two of them turn out to be a good pair! Conway has Slowking use defensive moves to cover for Dawn's Piplup, letting Piplup concentrate on offensive moves, and they win their match. Then Brock and Holly have their Sudowoodo and Wingull work together to defeat a Yanma and Bagon whose Trainers are too busy arguing to battle effectively. That doesn't bode well for Ash and Paul, who still aren't getting along.\n\nAsh and Paul are up against opponents using Magmar and Rhydon\u2014not a great type match-up for Pikachu and Paul's Chimchar. When Rhydon uses Surf, Paul orders Chimchar to use Flame Wheel directly into the waves! Its incredibly risky, so Ash tells Pikachu to disrupt the Surf attack instead. That protects Chimchar and knocks out Rhydon, but Paul doesnt appreciate the interference. They manage to win this round, but at the rate they're arguing, they might not last through the next!"
"The good news for Ash and his friends is that they've entered a tag battle tournament in Hearthome City and everyone made it past the first round. The bad news? Paul is Ash's partner and the two of them just can't get along. Before the second round, Paul has his Pok\u00e9mon team up against Chimchar to deliver some harsh training. Even Team Rocket thinks Paul is being cruel to Chimchar! It's all too much for Ash, who insists on taking Chimchar to the Pok\u00e9mon Center.\n\nAt the Pok\u00e9mon Center, Brock asks Paul to explain himself. Paul describes how he first met Chimchar: it was cornered by a group of relentless Zangoose and looked to be in serious trouble. Pushed to its limit, Chimchar let loose with a mighty Flame Wheel that knocked out all its foes! Paul immediately asked Chimchar to join him, but since that day, Chimchar hasn't been able to recapture that same power. And now, Nurse Joy and Brock tell Paul he has to give Chimchar a rest.\n\nBut at the tournament the next day, Paul sends Chimchar in to battle alongside Ash's Turtwig. What's worse, their tag battle opponents are fielding a Metagross and a Zangoose! Once again, Ash and Paul simply can't cooperate. Paul doesn't even care when Chimchar's Flame Wheel hurts Turtwig! But when Chimchar freezes in fear at painful memories of its battle with the group of Zangoose, Turtwig still comes to the rescue.\n\nDisgusted, Paul turns his back on Chimchar, and Ash gives Chimchar and Turtwig commands so they can win the battle. After the match, Paul releases Chimchar\u2014for good. As Paul walks away, Ash asks the unhappy Chimchar if it wants to come with him instead..."
"After a strange victory in the second round of Hearthome City's tag battle tournament, Paul has abandoned his Chimchar and Ash wants Chimchar to join his team instead. Team Rocket wants Chimchar's power for themselves, and they swoop in to steal it. Their hot air balloon getaway flames out when Chimchar toasts their balloon and happily returns to Ash. For the quarterfinals of the tournament, Chimchar will rest and watch Ash and Paul use Staravia and Torterra to battle Brock and his tag battle partner Holly, who are using Croagunk and Farfetch'd.\n\nUnlike Ash and Paul, who are getting along just as badly as ever, Brock and Holly work well as a team. But against a powerhouse Pok\u00e9mon like Torterra, even Brock and Holly are unable to win. Paul sneers at Ash for celebrating and thinks his Torterra was the only reason they won, but it doesn't matter now. Ash and Paul move on to face Dawn and her partner Conway in the final round. And for this battle, Ash chooses Chimchar and Paul chooses Elekid to battle against Dawn's Buizel and Conway's Heracross.\n\nDawn and Conway are good partners, too: they know how to work together and synchronize attack and defense. However, Conway's strategies didn't anticipate that Paul's Elekid would evolve into Electabuzz in the middle of the match! Buizel and Heracross do their best, but Electabuzz's power and Chimchar's Fire-type attacks win the day. Of course, now that he's evolved his Elekid, Paul couldn't care less about victory or the Soothe Bell prize. But Ash believes Paul's Chimchar will be a great addition to his team, and he's looking forward to the next Gym battle in Veilstone City!"
Season 11 - Pokémon
Season 12 - Pokémon
Season 13 - Pokémon
Season 14 - Pokémon
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Season 15 - Pokémon
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Season 16 - Pokémon
"Learning that the Unova League will be held at Vertress City, Ash and his friends prepare for the tournament, but not before making a detour towards Iris' hometown, the Village of Dragons. But along the way, Iris drags the boys and their Pok\u00e9mon into competing against a group of women who believe that their Pok\u00e9mon are not only powerful but more beautiful than anyone else's. "
"On the way to the Unova League, Ash and Cilan get challenged to a Tag Battle against the brothers Soren and Rocko who have trained their Braviary (Soldier of the skies) and Drilbur (Warrior of the land) to perform amazing combination attacks. "
"On the way to Vertress City, Ash, Cilan, and Iris find their way to Iris's hometown: the Village of Dragons. While there, Iris shows Axew to her elder and helps her childhood friend Shannon when one of her Zweilous suddenly evolves into Hydreigon and goes out of control. "
"The gang arrives in Opelucid City for Iris' scheduled rematch against the Dragon Master and Gym Leader Drayden, who handed her and Excadrill their first-ever defeat years ago. Upon arrival, Iris remembers her difficult time in going to school there and trying to adjust to urban life. She and the others then travel to the Opelucid Gym for her rematch with Drayden, where she puts her Excadrill and Dragonite to the test, respectively, against Drayden's Haxorus and Druddigon in order for him to evaluate her training and skills."
"Near Vertress City, the gang meets the Pok\u00e9mon Rescue Squad's Virgil - trainer of Team Eevee - and his brother Davey, whom they decide to assist in helping a group of troubled Cryoganal. "
"The Unova League begins, and as the preliminary round matches get underway, Ash finds himself up against Trip. "
"Ash's battle against Trip continues, with Pikachu facing Serperior. As the preliminaries end and the first round begins, Bianca pits her Escavalier and Emboar against Cameron's Samurott and Riolu. "
"During a break in the competition, Iris's Axew follows a balloon and gets lost in Vertress City. Pikachu manages to track him down, but they are cornered by a group of Trubbish and their Garbodor leader. "
"The third round of battles at the Unova League begins and Ash finds himself up against Stephan, putting Krookodile, Palpitoad, and Leavanny up against Stephan's Liepard, Zebstrika, and Sawk. "
"In the fourth round of matches, Ash battles against Cameron - who begins the match by revealing his secret weapon, Hydreigon. "
"Ash's Snivy and Pikachu must face off against Cameron and his newly evolved Lucario. "
"With the Unova League tournament over, Ash and company return to Nuvema Town to meet up with Professor Juniper and to tell Professor Oak about his results. Along the way, they meet Nanette who is going to see Juniper for her first Pok\u00e9mon, and eventually chooses Tepig and asks to have her first battle with Ash. However, during the battle, a robot appears and it is piloted by a very familiar trio. Later, Professor Juniper gets a call from her father, who invites Ash and friends to visit him at the White Ruins, located north of Icirrus City. "
"On a boat heading to see ruins dedicated to Reshiram, Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet the mysterious boy calling himself N, who quickly befriends their Pok\u00e9mon. However, when Team Rocket attacks the group once more and James's Amoonguss paralyzes Pikachu with Stun Spore, N's timely intervention helps turn the tide of the fight. "
"The group's boat arrives in Aspertia City, and they arrange to meet Cheren, Professor Juniper's acquaintance and the city's new Gym Leader. A teacher at the local Pok\u00e9mon School, Cheren is lacking in confidence regarding his worth for the title, something Cilan - as a former Gym Leader himself - connects with him over. After misadventures in the Pok\u00e9mon House on the school grounds - including a series of mishaps between Cilan, Pansage, and a flock of Ducklett - Ash has an unofficial Gym match against Cheren, Oshawott facing off against Herdier. "
"When Team Plasma scientist Colress uses his machine to draw out Pok\u00e9mon strength, the controlled wild Pok\u00e9mon attack the residents of nearby Floccesy Town. Ash, Iris, and Cilan get caught in the middle of the mayhem when Pikachu and Axew also fall under his control, but when they are saved by Looker, they agree to aid him in his investigation of Team Plasma and Colress's scheme. "
"While stopped at Floccesy Ranch, Iris's Dragonite helps rancher Elly's Ampharos get into the fighting spirit. "
"Ash and friends once again run into N, who has freed a Braviary held captive by Team Plasma. They help him bring it to a Pok\u00e9mon Center, but when Braviary is tracked by a pair of Team Plasma Grunts - Nero and Bianco, who respectively use a Seviper and Zangoose in battle - N puts his life on the line. Successfully freeing Braviary, N joins the group on their journey to the White Ruins. "
"Upon returning to Virbank City, Ash and friends meet Halsey who runs a rescue team consisting of his two Frillish, his Dewott, and his Watchog. Making his personal feelings on the idea of Pok\u00e9mon putting themselves at risk for the sake of humans known, N's belief that Watchog (who seems ill-suited for the Team's risky endeavours) is being used as a tool causes an ideological clash between Halsey and N, but the two young men must put their enmities aside when a fire breaks out in Virbank City's Industrial Complex. "
"Ash and his friends come across the Kanto Fair, and seeing a Charmander perform on stage reminds him of his old friend Charizard. He tells Iris, Cilan and N about his and Charizard's history, with Misty and Brock making cameos during the tale. Professor Oak sends Charizard over, and after he meets Iris' Dragonite, the two trainers agree to have a friendly match. Ash's offer to let Charizard rejoin his team is met with approval from all parties involved. "
"Colress appears and tests his newly-advanced machine on Dragon-type Pok\u00e9mon - first taking over a young trainer's Haxorus, and later Iris's Dragonite. As Ash and Charizard try to stop them, N puts himself in the crossfire, knowing the Pok\u00e9mon should be friends and not fight. "
"After N is hurt by Colress's machine, two young women, Anthea and Concordia, come to save him. It is from these two girls that Ash and the others learn the truth about N's life, including his link to the evil Ghetsis. "
"Team Plasma's Colress convinces Team Rocket's Jessie and James to use his technology on Meowth to make him stronger, but it is all part of Colress's plans to test his Pok\u00e9mon controlling device. "
"At the ruins dedicated to the Pok\u00e9mon Reshiram, N steals the Light Stone from Cedric Juniper, and Ash's attempt to stop him ends with them separated from the others. Team Plasma move to attack the White Ruins while Team Rocket watch on in anticipation, and Iris, Cilan and Looker attempt to fight off the enemy forces. "
"Ash and N prepare to save Iris, Cilan, and Professor Juniper's father from the clutches of Team Plasma before Ghetsis can revive Reshiram, but their attempts to fight back are hampered by Colress's Pok\u00e9mon controlling machine, forcing them all to call back their Pok\u00e9mon. Pikachu gets hit by the machine's beam, which sways N into surrendering the Light Stone in exchange for its freedom just as Ghetsis arrives, ready to begin the ritual. "
"As the revived Reshiram quickly falls under Ghetsis' control, Ash and friends try to develop a strategy to stop Team Plasma. Looker convinces Team Rocket to help in the fight against the villains, while Ash and Pikachu aim to destroy the controlling machine, and N hopes to pacify the enraged Reshiram before it destroys the world in a righteous fury - akin to when it burned down Team Plasma's castle in the past. "
"With Team Plasma defeated once and for all, Ash decides it is time to go back to Kanto. Iris and Cilan decide to go with him to further their skills, and Professor Juniper charters all of them a cruise through the Decolore Islands on a boat with a mysterious crew. Once settled in their cabins, however, Ash finds that they are locked in and their Pok\u00e9mon are not with them. "
"The cruise makes a stop on Honey Island, known for its colonies of the Honeycomb Pok\u00e9mon Combee, Pupa Pok\u00e9mon Kakuna, Stinger Pok\u00e9mon Beedrill, and its honey-flavored cuisine. "
"As Ash and his friends prepare for the upcoming Marine Cup Tournament on board their new cruise ship, the group learns that Mrs. Ripple, a jewel collector, will display her collection after the tournament, but upon the tournament's conclusion she discovers that her rare Eye of Liepard has been stolen. She suspects Mr. Shaw - a businessman and jewel collector who has been asking to buy the Eye of Liepard from her - even though it was watched over by her Watchog all night. Cilan takes on his detective role once more to discover the thief of the Eye of Liepard. "
"On Scalchop Island, Ash's Oshawott goes up against the Dewott named Caesar to see who will win the battle at the Scalchop King Competition. "
"On the way to Mahora Island, the gang's boat passes through fog and they believe they see a familiar shape in it. After avoiding a giant Heatmor when Pikachu's attacks do not work against it, Axew gets poisoned by a Foongus's Mushroom Spore attack, forcing the gang to take him to an old Pok\u00e9mon Center which they soon discover is operating illegally. "
"Ash, Iris, and Cilan catch up with Professor Oak who has come to one of the Decolore Islands to investigate the Plasma Pok\u00e9mon Rotom and its Forme Change capabilities. However, the Rotom native to the island are more interested in Pikachu, Emolga, and Stunfisk. "
"When Team Rocket tries to ransack the group's cruise ship's food store, they are thwarted by a group of self-styled pirate Pok\u00e9mon group made up of a Croconaw, an Octillery, an Azumarill, and a Ducklett, leaving Ash to try to get the food back. "
"On Wayfarer Island, Ash and his friends see the native Metapod and Butterfree, and when they find a Caterpie who has not yet evolved, Ash takes it upon himself to help the very lazy Pok\u00e9mon join the rest of its friends, remembering the times he had raising his own Butterfree years ago. "
"On Capacia Island, after a Dunsparce Ash fails to capture and hurts Axew, Iris gets so mad at him that she says she will no longer be Ash's friend and leaves. "
"Ash, Iris, and Cilan take a break on Capacia Island only to discover they have arrived on the one week once every 1000 years when Jirachi awakens and grants a wish. Gemma, a young girl who lives on the island, wants to ask Jirachi to bring prosperity back to the island, but Team Rocket has other plans. "
"Ash must find a way to stop Beheeyem from taking over a town on Capacia Island after the townspeople, Iris, Cilan, and even Pikachu are placed under the strange Pok\u00e9mons' control. "
"While on Harvest Island, Ash and his friends meet the Pok\u00e9mon Reporter Alexa, who has come all the way from the Kalos Region with her Gogoat and Helioptile. She has come to investigate Harvest Island's fruit harvest festival, which the others realize has a Pok\u00e9mon Sumo tournament. Ash, Iris, and Cilan enter Pignite, Pansage, and Dragonite in the tournament to win the grand prize Focus Band. "
"Alexa tells Ash, Iris, and Cilan about Yashi Island, a desert island where a pirate ship crashed years ago, and the ship's treasure has never been found. The group decides to investigate, and Team Rocket follows to get the treasure for themselves. "
"On Cave Island, Ash and his friends meet up with Clair, Gym Leader of Johto's Blackthorn City, who has come to the island to capture a different-colored Druddigon, but her Dragonite left without her. When they find her Dragonite, Iris's Dragonite takes an instant dislike to it and the two fight, hampering Clair's plans to find the different-colored Druddigon on the other side of the island from the port. "
"The appearance of Woodate Comet approaches, so Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa go stake out the ruins where the legendary hero it is named after first spotted it. However, they must deal with several Ghost Pok\u00e9mon and Team Rocket who are once again trying to capture Pikachu. "
"On another island, Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa meet a boy named Tony who touches Alexa's Gogoat's horns, causing it to temporarily bond with him. They all help Tony meet his father on the other side of the island. "
"After being scolded by Iris, an ambush by Team Rocket starts to make Emolga wish she did not have to be with such strict trainers and fights on Team Rocket's side. "
"Chili and Cress meet up with Cilan on Paladin Island as they have both been beaten by a challenger at the Striaton Gym named Morana who exclusively uses Ice-type Pok\u00e9mon such as Mamoswine and Glalie. It is up to Cilan and Pansage to face off against Morana and her Abomasnow for the honor of the Striaton City Gym. "
"The group finally reaches the waters off of Kanto, just as Team Rocket once again tries to do their best to take Ash's Pikachu. "
"With Iris and Cilan heading off on their own adventures in Johto, Ash is restless and still wishes to become a Pok\u00e9mon Master. To that end, Alexa suggests that he travel with her back to her home in the Kalos region just as Team Rocket hatches another plan to steal Pikachu. "
Season 17 - Pokémon
"No description"
"Ash arrives in the Kalos Region with Alexa, who reveals her sister is a Gym Leader, but she seems to be away. "
"Ash heads to Professor Sycamore's laboratory, where he discovers the professor is investigating a strange looking Garchomp. Team Rocket overhears the conversation and tries to steal Garchomp for themselves."
"After Ash registers for the Kalos League, he encounters a Pok\u00e9mon called Dedenne and a Fletchling, whom his newly captured Froakie does his best to battle. "
"Clemont tries to capture the Dedenne that keeps stealing their food. "
"Ash and his new group of friends finally meet up with Alexa in Santalune City where she introduces Ash to her sister, the Gym Leader Viola. Ash has his first Gym Battle in the Kalos Region, but he is defeated when Viola's Bug-type Pok\u00e9mon put up too good a fight. Afterwards, an old friend reunites with Ash. "
"Ash challenges Viola to a rematch, now ready for Surskit's freezing strategy. "
"Ash is introduced to the world of Rhyhorn racing, and Serena, whose mother is a famous Rhyhorn racer, coaches Ash in the upcoming race. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has their sights on capturing Pikachu and the Racing Rhyhorn. "
"In the next town, the guidebook reveals that it is home to Charisma Trimmers, people whose expertise is styling the Pok\u00e9mon Furfrou. Jessica, a Charisma Trimmer in training, is having problems with her confidence, which is only exacerbated by the expert Charisma Trimmer Moussalli, but she is not all who she appears to be. "
"Upon returning to Lumiose City, the group meets up with Clemont's and Bonnie's father Meyer who reveals to Ash and Serena that Clemont is Lumiose City's Gym Leader. Meyer also reveals that the Clembot, a robot Clemont had built to look after the gym in his absence, has gone haywire. Ash and Clemont infiltrate the gym to beat the Clembot in a Pok\u00e9mon battle to take back the Lumiose Gym. "
"Before heading to Cyllage City, the group decides to stop by the Sycamore Pok\u00e9mon Lab. Team Rocket decides to kidnap Professor Sycamore, as well as Serena and Bonnie, to pry the professor's mind for the secrets behind Mega Evolution, while Ash and Clemont have to deal with a gluttonous little Chespin with a penchant for macarons. "
"While on their journey, the group stops for lunch when they are interrupted by two Pancham. However when Team Rocket attacks, the Pok\u00e9mon get separated from their trainers. As Ash and his friends try to reach Pikachu, so does Team Rocket, but they cross paths with a Pangoro along the way. "
"While heading towards the next city, the group sees a man escaping from Officer Jenny and along the way find a Scatterbug that fell out of the man's truck. It turns out that the man is a Pok\u00e9mon poacher who has been capturing Vivillon of different patterns and the group decide to help Jenny catch him. "
"Ash and the group comes across a girl named Penelope who asks to battle Ash and if she wins he has to go out with her. "
"When Ash and his friends are caught in a rain storm, they find a nearby abandoned mansion to take refuge, but unbeknownst to them Team Rocket has as well. And both groups are frightened by strange occurrences through the house, all centered on a mysterious shadow. "
"Chespin gets fat after eating so many of Serena's macarons, so Clemont decides to put it on a diet by making an exercise machine and having it exercise through Pok\u00e9mon Battles, but Chespin is not making progress. "
"Bonnie and another girl's bags get mixed up, leaving the other girl with Clemont's Dedenne and Bonnie with the girl's Pichu. "
"Ash and his friends meet up with Ninja Trainer Sanpei who owns a Frogadier. Ash challenges Sanpei to a series of ninja-training exercises, as Froakie learns a new move. "
"In Camphrier Town, Ash and his friends come across a Snorlax blocking their path. The local King Shabboneau has a Pok\u00e9 Flute that will wake it, but it was stolen by the selfish Princess Allie of Parfum Palace. Ash tries to retrieve it, but the princess demands a Pok\u00e9mon Battle. "
"After Team Rocket attempts to consult the mysterious \"Madame X\" for help in capturing Pikachu, they are brainwashed by her Malamar, with only Meowth escaping and going to Ash and his friends for help. When Pikachu is captured and brainwashed as well, Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and Meowth go to save him and Team Rocket. However, everyone but Ash and Meowth gets brainwashed, leaving them with no idea on how to stop Madame X. "
"Ash and his friends make it to the Battle Chateau where they participate in some matches while waiting for the battle between Viola and Cyllage City's Gym Leader Grant. "
"After watching a popular celebrity making a \"Pok\u00e9Vision\" video with her Pok\u00e9mon, Serena tries to make one with her Fennekin. "
"Ash and his friends make it to Ambrette Town and marvel at its aquarium. They meet the aquarium's director Rodman and his partner Clauncher, and they try to help him complete the aquarium's collection by capturing a gold-colored Magikarp. "
"Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie meet up with Alexa again, who is covering the new fossil exhibit at the Ambrette Town Museum, meeting the revived fossil Pok\u00e9mon Amaura and Aurorus in the museum's cold storage. However, Team Rocket arrives to steal Amaura, leaving Ash and his friends on a rescue mission. "
"Ash and his friends make it to Cyllage City, where Ash plans on challenging the Gym Leader Grant. Having already seen his strategy with Onix at the Battle Chateau, Ash plans on having Froakie face the Rock Pok\u00e9mon in battle, and later Pikachu against Tyrunt."
"While on the road, Serena makes some Pok\u00e9 Puffs for Pikachu and Fennekin, but her cooking skills are attacked by Miette, who has the Meringue Pok\u00e9mon Slurpuff. The two decide to head to the next town and hold a Pok\u00e9 Puffs Contest to see who is the better pastry chef."
"While brushing out her hair, Bonnie tries a new flower accessory, only to discover that a Flab\u00e9b\u00e9 is latching onto it because she has lost her Fairy Flower. The gang tries to help Flab\u00e9b\u00e9 get a new Fairy Flower, but it appears the season is over."
"Upon arriving in the next town, Ash learns that the Kalos Region Champion Diantha will be holding an exhibition match, but he misses out on the sign up deadline. He heads to Professor Sycamore's lab, being tasked to help in his research on Mega Evolution, when he meets Diantha there by chance. She allows him a friendly match, Pikachu against her Gardevoir, and she shows she knows what Mega Evolution is."
"Ash, Serena, and Bonnie must find out who has been impersonating them in the town they have just arrived in."
"Ash and friends meet up with Korrina and her Lucario, and soon discover that she is the Shalour City Gym Leader, and she seems to possess a Mega Stone."
"Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie help Korrina and her Lucario find the Mega Stone Lucarionite in Geosenge Town's caves, only to come face to face with a Blaziken protecting the caves."
"Korrina finally finds the Lucarionite, but after using it, she loses control of Mega Lucario, who is much too strong for Pikachu to defeat. Her grandfather Gurkinn must step in and take care of matters, with his own Mega Lucario."
"Korrina's grandfather Gurkinn tasks her with more training to rein in Mega Lucario, and Ash and company accompany her as they travel to Pomace Mountain only to fall into a trap laid by Team Rocket."
"The group heads into the mountains around Pomace Mountain and meet with Mabel, a flower arranger who has mastered the art of Mega Evolution herself with her Mawile, prompting Korrina to have a friendly match."
"Continuing on their journey to Shalour City, Ash and his friends come across the Wrestling Pok\u00e9mon Hawlucha who is protecting a group of Pok\u00e9mon in the forest from stronger Pok\u00e9mon like Machamp, Conkeldurr and a Ursaring."
"At Kalos Canyon, Ash learns of the Sky Battle trend and tries it out with Fletchling and Hawlucha against Sky Trainer Moria and her Talonflame."
"While travelling in the Reflection Cave, Ash's reflection takes Pikachu away from him, prompting him to follow into a world within the reflection, leaving Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie to find a way to bring him back. After Ash arrives in the Mirror Dimension, he discovers that his mirror self needs help finding his Pikachu."
"While practicing for his upcoming Gym battle against Korrina with Hawlucha, Froakie, and Clemont, Ash is kidnapped by the Elder Tree Pok\u00e9mon Trevenant, leaving Froakie and Hawlucha to trust each other in saving Ash, as Trevenant keeps the others at bay with its power over the forest."
"Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie make it to Professor Sycamore's Pok\u00e9mon Summer Camp, where they meet Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno, who have received Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle from Professor Sycamore for their first Pok\u00e9mon, and want to test their skills against Ash and his friends."
"Serena and Shauna decide to have a little Pok\u00e9Vision contest, but while Serena was looking for locations with her friends, she and Ash become trapped at the bottom of a cliff."
"The summer campers participate in a Pok\u00e9mon Orienteering stamp rally where they must use their Pok\u00e9mon to navigate through a course to get stamps at various stations. However, Bonnie and Pikachu get lost in the foggy woods and come across a mysterious Pok\u00e9mon."
"After all of the activities at the Pok\u00e9mon Summer Camp, Ash's team and Tierno's team have the same amount of points. To settle the tie, all six will participate in a tag team match. But first, they have to save Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor's Pok\u00e9mon from Team Rocket."
"Before they have their Gym Battle, Ash and Korrina must stop Team Rocket after they have stolen a scroll on Mega Evolution from the Tower of Mastery."
"Ash challenges Korrina for the Shalour Gym's Rumble Badge, with his Hawlucha, Fletchinder, and Pikachu facing off against her Mienfoo, Machoke, and Mega Lucario."
"Bonnie and Clemont get into a fight after Bonnie wondered off to look for Chespin and when they encounter two brothers and their Meowstic having a rivalry, it gives Clemont a chance to teach Bonnie a lesson."
"On their way to Coumarine City, the group goes to a Pok\u00e9mon Center where Nurse Joy is assisted by a Wigglytuff with bad luck. However, they all soon find themselves having to deal with a Salamence that has gone out of control, and Wigglytuff is the only one who can save Joy."
"After a Pancham disrupts a Pok\u00e9mon Showcase and steals Ash's hat and Clemonts's glasses, Serena battles it with her Fennekin in an attempt to capture it and teach it some manners."
"Clemont returns to his old school where he relives his younger years and reminisces about a Shinx he had befriended, but was forced to leave it behind after his graduation celebration. When he reunites with it, it has evolved into Luxio ever since and Clemont tries to heal the rift that was caused a few years ago."
"While walking by herself, Bonnie comes across a group of children who are protecting an injured Lapras from intruders while it rests up before returning to the sea. Bonnie soon joins them in protecting Lapras from Team Rocket."
Season 18 - Pokémon
"After Pancham and Chespin get into a fight, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie meet Nini, a Pok\u00e9mon Performer preparing for the Pok\u00e9mon Showcase. Serena becomes inspired to add performances to her battle style as well and has to use it quickly when Team Rocket kidnaps Chespin, Fennekin, Pancham, and Nini's Pok\u00e9mon: Smoochum and Farfetch'd. "
"The episode begins with Ash and his friends taking an excursion to the Muraille Coast before heading out to the Cyllage City for Ash's Gym battle with Grant. After lunch, Ash decides that they should work on their strategy for countering Grant's Rock Tomb, and Pikachu, Froakie, and Fletchling are all ready to train. However, Serena decides that they should do some fishing since they're at the beach and doing too much training will stress Ash out."
"Ash with the intention of helping a Snubbull disrupts a play rehearsal. This sends its star Gallade out of commission. Ash's Hawlucha and the Pokemon Theatre Director Carl's shiny Hawlucha must work together to get the play back on track while trying to deal with Team Rocket."
"Ash and his friends meet up with Sanpei and his Greninja who comes to them for help in dealing with another Ninja Trainer. They help Sanpei out, but something happens to Ash's Froakie."
"When Serena's mother Grace visits the group on their journey and learns of her daughter's new goal of becoming a Pok\u00e9mon Performer, Grace wonders if her daughter is truly dedicated to her goals and challenges her to a Skiddo race to prove her determination."
"Clemont and James must work together to save their friends from the evil Malamar that they last encountered when it controlled Officer Jenny and made her assume the role of \"Madame X.\""
"Ash and his friends encounter an extremely timid but friendly Goomy, which finds itself in a slippery situation when Team Rocket sets their eyes on Pikachu. "
"Team Rocket kidnaps Goomy, but Dedenne manages to track them down to save its new friend. "
"Ash and his friends team up with the Coumarine City's Gym Leader to stop Team Rocket from stealing a Vanillite, which incurred the anger of its fellow Pok\u00e9mon, Vanillish and Vanilluxe. "
"Ash challenges Ramos for the Plant Badge and gets backed into a corner by his powerful Grass-type Pok\u00e9mon. "
"Coumarine City holds an annual festival to celebrate the bond between trainer and Pok\u00e9mon. However, when Ash has trouble deciding on a present for his Pok\u00e9mon, Serena helps inspire him on their shopping trip."
"The day of the Coumarine City Showcase arrives, and the group reunites with Shauna. Serena makes a step towards her dream but quickly learns that first times can be tough."
"The gang encounters a Grumpig in the badlands, which uses its superior strength to dominate the Spoink in the area's oasis. When they end up getting captured by Team Rocket, Goomy steps up to the plate to defend its friends."
"Clemont and the others arrive at the Kalos Power Plant and discover Team Rocket is manipulating the Electric Pok\u00e9mon in the area."
"Jessie and Wobbuffet are separated from James and Meowth after being sent flying by Pikachu's Thunderbolt. A doctor named White then saves Jessie from drowning in a river, and she seems to fall in love with him."
"Pancham and Fennekin start fighting while training with Serena for their next Pok\u00e9mon Showcase, and she inadvertently yells at them. However, a person calling herself Ariana offers to teach Serena a thing or two about performance battling."
"Ash reunites with Tierno and decides to prepare for his Lumiose Gym match by challenging his friend to a double battle. When Team Rocket attacks with their new mecha, Sliggoo summons a new power."
"Ash and the others arrive in Lumiose City and reunite with Clemont and discover that a mad scientist, Belmondo, had invented a Dark Clembot robot, which he had been using to commit crimes all over the city. Teaming up with Officer Jenny, the gang try to get to the bottom of the occurrence and clear Clembot's name."
"Ash and Clemont finally begin their promised Gym battle at the Prism Tower and show off their strategies for countering the other's unique battle style."
"Ash and the others visit Professor Sycamore to observe his experiment with a Key Stone and a Mega Stone. However, when Team Rocket crashes the experiment and gets away with the Mega Stone and Garchomp."
"Ash and his friends meet a man named Keanan while on their way to Laverre City and they learn about Goodra's history. At the same time, they encounter a Florges and its army of Bug-type Pok\u00e9mon who had once terrorized Goodra's home in the wetlands."
"Team Rocket deceives Florges into an alliance and then double crosses it when they attempt to drain all of the Spring water of the wetlands."
"After an ambush by Team Rocket and a group of Pangoro, the gang gets separated from each other and Bonnie finds herself lost in the forest with Meowth."
"Ash and his friends find themselves lost in the forest and happen upon a creepy house of folklore. They are invited in by its host Lon and despite his warm welcome, something else lurking in the house intends to give them the scare of their lives."
"Ash and his friends finally arrive in Laverre City and immediately head over to the Gym only to find that it's closed due to its seasonal Fashion Show. They instead meet Sawyer, who had a Gym battle with Clemont recently and gets to challenge the Gym Leader Valerie during the show."
"Ash challenges Valerie to a battle for the Fairy Badge and finds that appearances aren't everything when he faces her Fairy-type Pok\u00e9mon."
"Before parting ways, Ash and Sawyer decide to have a three on three battle where the former helps give the novice trainer gain useful experience."
"The gang helps a newly hatched Noibat learn how to fly, but Team Rocket tries to take it for themselves, leaving Hawlucha to keep Noibat safe."
"While training Noibat to fly, Ash and the gang learn about a competition called the Pok\u00e9mon Sky Relay. Ash decides to compete in it with his three Flying-types in hopes for Noibat to fly properly. Team Rocket has other plans up their sleeve when they enter as well."
"Ash and his friends arrive at a village, where they meet a group of Pikachu and their owners, Frank and Jean. Impressed with Ash's Pikachu, Frank wants to cast him in a movie with the Cosplay Pikachu."
"When Ash and his friends arrive at a factory where workers make Pok\u00e9 Balls, Team Rocket appears in another plot to steal all the Pok\u00e9 Balls made in the Pok\u00e9 Ball Factory as well as the gang's Pok\u00e9mon, including Pikachu."
"The time has come for Serena's second Pok\u00e9mon Showcase. Only this time, she faces a tougher competition when a familiar face also appears entering the Showcase to back Serena into a corner."
"Ash and the others spend the night at a run-down hotel and find it under the control of a gang of thugs who wager Pok\u00e9mon as prizes for battles. However, when they meet a timid Rotom, they learn that the hotel was not always so dark."
"Ash, his friends, and Team Rocket arrive at a costume festival to have fun. During the festivities, Jessie witnesses a Pumpkaboo falling in love with her Pumpkaboo and decides to do something to help it."
"While continuing on their next adventure, Ash and his friends ride on Mamoswine through the hills as it has heavy snow and come across an Abomasnow, who asked for their help to help his sick Snover."
"When a Pok\u00e9mon Center suddenly loses power, Clemont sends Chespin and Bunnelby on an errand to pick up a part so he can fix the generator."
"When Braixen accidentally breaks her branch while practicing for the next Pok\u00e9mon Showcase, Serena seeks help after seeing that the branch meant so much to her Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash and the gang reunite with Trevor. He explains his interest in snapping a picture of the legendary Moltres rumored to have been spotted nearby on Mt. Molteau."
"When Team Rocket tries and fails to capture a Tyrunt, Ash and the gang help to protect it."
"After defeating Team Rocket, Clemont and Bonnie tell Ash and Serena a story of how they first met Bunnelby."
"Serena finds an Eevee who loves dancing and performing, but it turns out to be shy and afraid of people. Serena sets out to bond with it."
"While Serena helps her newly captured Eevee, Tierno and Shauna, along with their newly evolved Blastoise and Ivysaur, appear and help her to attempt to address Eevee's shyness."
"The time has come for Serena's third Pok\u00e9mon Showcase. Serena gets ready to begin her next performance hoping to obtain her second key in the Showcase."
"With the Showcase a success for Serena, Ash and his friends continue their visit to Anistar City for Ash's next gym battle with Olympia. After meeting her and learning about Frogadier's past, the Anistar sundial seems to be in trouble."
"The time for Ash's Gym Battle has finally arrived. He gets prepared to win his next Gym Badge."
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Season 19 - Pokémon
"While travelling through the woods, Ash and friends discover a small green Pok\u00e9mon in Bonnie's bag that the Pok\u00e9dex cannot identify. Bonnie decides to name the Pok\u00e9mon \"Squishy\", but they are soon interrupted by a mysterious team with strange eyewear, who seem interested in taking Squishy for themselves."
"As the gang continue their travel with their new Pok\u00e9mon friend, \"Squishy\", a Quilladin appears and falls head over heels for Eevee."
"Ash and his friends run across Nurse Joy, who is stuck in a crevice. After helping Nurse Joy get back to the Pok\u00e9mon Center they find out that Nurse Joy and her Audino don't always get along, and that Nurse Joy hopes that the Mega Stone that she found will help create a deeper bond between the two."
"The gang come across a Litleo arguing with a Pyroar. When they learn it is time for Litleo to become independent, they decide to watch it from afar. Team Rocket has other plans however."
"As the heroes and Team Rocket go to sleep, a Darkrai appears and casts dream spells on them, placing Pikachu and Meowth in Squishy's dreams. The two begin to see the past and future of Squishy as well as the gang's Pok\u00e9mon."
"The gang meet up with their ninja friend Sanpei, who invites them to his village for a festival, but they soon get interrupted when an army attacks and kidnaps the head of the town."
"As the gang fight off against the evil ninjas, help soon starts to rise when Ash's Greninja retrieves a power."
"Serena gets ready for her next Pok\u00e9mon Showcase performance and hopes to get her third and final Princess Key along with her Eevee."
"Ash and the gang arrive at Terminus Cave, but Team Flare appears and attacks the gang in an attempt to retrieve the Zygarde Core."
"After Squishy runs off during the battle in Terminus Cave against Team Flare, Bonnie is worried about it. Ash and the gang cheer her up by searching for it."
"Noibat meets a Breloom and accidentally messes with its flowers, which causes Breloom to be mad at Noibat. Noibat also meets a Floette, which it becomes friends with quickly. However, Breloom is angrier at Noibat, and they both get into a fight."
"Serena, Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont go to a dance party, where they meet up with Kalos Queen Aria and Miette for a magical ball."
"Ash battles Sawyer again. Another trainer named Alain, accompanied by his Mega Charizard, sees the unique power of Ash's Greninja and challenges him to a battle."
"Team Flare chase another Zygarde Core, who has a more powerful part. However, Team Rocket is also pursuing the other Zygarde Core. To capture the other Zygarde Core, Team Flare gets assistance from Alain the Mega Evolution Trainer."
"While traveling in the wilderness of a valley, the gang are confronted by a boy named Henny and a Chesnaught."
"Serena gets ready for her next Pok\u00e9mon Showcase. She hopes to win her third and final Princess Key required for the Master Class. However, a new Performer appears and poses to be the greatest test of Serena's performance skills. Meanwhile, Palermo watches Serena in the Pok\u00e9mon Showcase."
"The gang travels to the mountains, where an encounter with the Legendary Pok\u00e9mon Zapdos led to Noibat evolving into Noivern in order to prove himself by saving Hawlucha from Zapdos."
"The gang come across a jewelry store manager and a thief who share the same Pok\u00e9mon known as Binacle."
"Serena and her Pok\u00e9mon are ready to perform in the Master Class for first place. She faces a tougher challenge when her rivals, Miette, Shauna, Jessie, and Nini are also competing in the Master Class for first place."
"After making it through the Master Class past her rivals, Serena finds out that she has to challenge Aria in order to become the future Kalos Queen."
"A new friend who gets along well with Clemont makes Bonnie feeling left out and jealous."
"Ash comes down with a fever. Serena decides to stand in for him when Jimmy the guitarist challenges Ash to a Pikachu vs Pikachu battle."
"Alain encounters the gang at the Pok\u00e9mon Center. Ash and Alain once again have a battle."
"The gang helps an alternately-colored Phantump find its way back home after Team Rocket had separated it from the other Phantump."
"Champion Diantha visits Ash and his friends in order to discuss the prophecy foretold by Olympia. Diantha's Mega Gardevoir pushes Ash and Greninja to their limit."
"Ash battles against Sawyer once again, who has earned all eight Gym Badges."
"Ash battles against the Gym Leader Wulfric of Snowbelle City. Ash uses Hawlucha, Talonflame, and Greninja. Wulfric uses Abomasnow and Avalugg. However, the battle ends in a disastrous loss for Ash, who heads off by himself to answer the doubts in his heart."
"Ash feels very bad after losing to Wulfric. While his friends search for him, an encounter with a certain Pok\u00e9mon sparks a memory from Ash's past that reignites his passion."
"Ash issues a rematch battle against Wulfric to obtain his eighth Kalos Gym Badge. He has a big challenge in front of him as he has to battle against Mega Abomasnow. With the help of Ash-Greninja, Ash defeats Wulfric and receives his eighth and final Kalos Gym Badge."
"Ash and Alain continue their battle against Lysandre. They were successful in defeating Lysandre. Meanwhile, Chespie was absorbed by the Megalith Crystal in Lysandre Labs, which transforms into a giant Megalith Zygarde. The Megalith Zygarde was headed towards Anistar City to absorb the power from the Anistar sundial. This will result in a planetary apocalypse. Ash, Clemont, Alain, Malva, Steven Stone, the Kalos Gym Leaders, and the Kalos League Champion join forces to defeat the Megalith Zygarde."
"As the Kalos Gym Leaders are trying to stop the crystal, Ash and Alan are successful in saving Harimaron. The Crystal Zygarde is still able to function without Harimaron. They realize that Fleur-De-Lis is taking control of the crystal. With no other option, Puni-chan and Z-2 join forms with every Zygarde Cell in the world to transform into the 100% Zygarde Complete Form. The Zygarde Complete Form is able to destroy the Crystal Zygarde and kill Fleur-De-Lis in a devastating Core Enforcer move. The Zygarde Complete Form repairs the damage caused by the battle. Puni-chan shares a tearful goodbye with Eureka before returning to the planet with Z-2."
"Citron successfully repaired Citroid. Due to Citroid's memory core being destroyed, it has no memory of its past and consequently no experience. Meanwhile, a returning Pok\u00e9mon trainer asks for a rematch with Citroid."
"After Lumiose City is getting rebuilt, Serena organizes a special Showcase performance in order to cheer up the residents that are feeling down because of what happened. And even though Serena is torn on what to do next, the eyes of the people she is making smile through her performance sends her thoughts in a specific direction. And after an unexpected turn of events leads to her having a battle with Ash, she makes a choice."
"Ash and the others came back at the wetlands and after saying goodbye to Goodra, they run into the plants that were raging wildly during the Team Flare incident, but manage to drive them back with help from Ash-Greninja. But then Team Flare scientist Xerosic returns and abducts Clemont. After officially winning, they reunite with Squishy and Zygarde, who needs Greninja's powers, leaving Ash to choose for Greninja's destiny."
"With their journey in Kalos finally over, Ash and his friends decide to part ways in order to walk their own respective paths. At the airport, the group promises to meet each other again someday, but when it is almost time to board the plane, Dedenne runs away as he doesn't want to part ways with everyone. Meanwhile, what is Team Rocket up to?"
Season 20 - Pokémon
"Ash and Pikachu arrive in the Alola region with his mom to discover new Pokemon and new Alolan forms. Ash enrolls in Pok\u00e9mon school to learn about them. The night before Ash's mother returns to Kanto, Tapu Koko appears and gives Ash a Z-Ring."
"Having arrived at his new Pok\u00e9mon school, Professor Kukui, who is the teacher, and its students host a surprise welcome party for Ash. Soon after, the guardian Pok\u00e9mon, Tapu Koko, pays another visit to Ash to battle Pikachu. Tapu Koko teaches Ash how to use the Z-Ring. Ash and Pikachu manage to unleash the Z-Move, Gigavolt Havoc, but the Z crystal is soon shattered after Pikachu's immense release of power. In order to regain the power of Z-moves, Ash decides to go through the island trials."
"Professor Kukui gives Ash an intelligent Rotom Pok\u00e9dex that is capable of human speech. Ash goes to find and catch his first Pok\u00e9mon in Alola, but he instead encounters Team Rocket, who are aided by a wild Mimikkyu that despises Pikachu."
"After Ash fails to capture two wild Pok\u00e9mon, he encounters a Rowlet that lives in a Pikipek nest. After Ash feeds the starving Rowlet, it returns the favor by helping him fend off Team Rocket away from its nest. Afterwards, Ash catches Rowlet as his first Pok\u00e9mon in Alola."
"Ash helps Lana train her Popplio to blow a water balloon large enough to enable undersea travel for people. During a school fishing trip, the class's Ride Pok\u00e9mon are stolen by Team Rocket. However, Popplio manages to blow a massive balloon to save all the Ride Pok\u00e9mon from falling on the rocks."
"Ash and Sophocles are separated from their Pok\u00e9mon during a visit to the local shopping mall."
"Ash decides and fails to catch a stray Litten that continues to give him trouble."
"Ash's class is assigned to look after a newly discovered Pok\u00e9mon egg. When the class deliberates who will bring the egg home for the night, Lillie agrees to take care of the egg in order to overcome her fear of handling Pok\u00e9mon."
"Ash meets Hala, the Kahuna of Melemele Island, who created his Z-Ring. As part of Ash's first island trial challenge, Hala tasks him with finding a solution to an infestation of Rattata and Raticate without fighting them. By his friends' suggestion, Ash decides to recruit the local Yungoos and Gumshoos. However, Ash must defeat their leader in battle in order to earn their cooperation."
"The time has come for Ash to confront Hala to win his first island Grand Trial challenge in Alola using the Z-Crystal he obtained from the Totem Gumshoos."
"Ash and Pikachu visit Kiawe's family on the Akala Island, where they run a dairy farm. Team Skull interferes when Ash and Kiawe are on their way for a special delivery."
"Professor Kukui takes Ash and the other students for a special lesson at the beach, where they come across a bunch of Mareanie. One Mareanie causes trouble for Ash and his Pok\u00e9mon when it decides to help Team Rocket (and especially James), who are under pressure from their boss to catch new Pok\u00e9mon in the Alola region."
"Mallow tells Ash about the Great Alola Pancake Race and suggests that he join in. Ash agrees and finds his main rival to be the Pancake shop owner, who has an Alolan Raichu. During the race, Team Rocket, who want the grand prize of a year's supply of free pancakes, enter both Mimikyu and a mechanical Bewear powered by Meowth and Wobbuffet; Mimikyu is disqualified for using a Pok\u00e9mon attack against Pikachu and the mechanical Bewear later self-destructs, and Team Rocket is carried off once again by the real Bewear. The Principal's Komala wins the race at the last second. Later at the Pok\u00e9mon School, Lillie's egg begins to hatch!"
"Lillie's egg hatches into an Alolan Vulpix, which she had named \"Snowy\" in the previous episode, and their principal's egg into a normal Vulpix. The fire-type Vulpix starts playing with Pikachu, Togedemaru, Popplio and the others, while Snowy (an ice-type) ignores the others. Finally, it decides to accept Lillie as its trainer and gets caught in Lillie's Pok\u00e9ball by itself. Lillie decides to spend some time alone with her newfound partner and takes a walk with Snowy. Team Rocket starts following them and soon corners Lillie and Snowy. Though Lillie tries to put up a fight when Snowy uses Powder Snow, Team Rocket dominates her in battle. She and Snowy are saved by Ash and Mallow. Lillie finally learns to touch a Pok\u00e9mon for the first time, even though this is exclusively for Snowy at this moment."
"Ash and Professor Kukui notice that the Rockruff that lives with Professor Kukui is disappearing at night and returning the next morning badly injured. Following it, they find out that Rockruff is participating in a secret Pok\u00e9mon training ground. Ash decides to help Rockruff train. Rockruff learns to use Rock Throw. After Rockruff defeats a Magmar that previously defeated it, Professor Kukui decides to leave Rockruff in Ash's care and Ash catches Rockruff."
"While training on a beach, Lana's Popplio and Ash's Rowlet are caught inside one of Popplio's balloons, which is blown away by a strong wind. Rowlet bursts the balloon open, and they both crash into Team Rocket's secret base. Meowth and Mareanie chase after them, but they are rescued by Litten. While Ash, Lana, and Mallow search for the missing pair, Litten takes them to where it has been staying with the old Stoutland. Stoutland asks Litten to help them find their trainers; however, Team Rocket is also hunting them. Who will find Litten and the lost Pok\u00e9mon pair first?"
"Ash's Electrium Z-crystal is missing. Rotom, who is a big fan of an Alolan detective TV show, is prompted to try and find it with Pikachu as his assistant. In the meantime, Ash and the other students are all desperate to keep Kiawe, the only other Z-ring wearer, from finding out about the missing Z-crystal out of fear of his anger. However, the solution to the case may be even more surprising than anyone thinks. Rotom gets a new video camera function."
"Mallow invites her classmates to her restaurant to taste her version of Alola's legendary stew; unfortunately, her use of Pikachu's electric shock to cook it doesn't go over so well. It turns out that she is missing an important ingredient: the rare Saffron honey, so Ash and Pikachu decide to help Mallow gather some honey. Their plan is to use an Oricorio to find it, but finding one is not so easy. Meanwhile, Ash's Rowlet seems to have developed feelings for Mallow's Bounsweet, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Team Rocket turns up once again, but this time instead of stealing Pikachu they plan to steal the Saffron honey. However, their interference causes Bounsweet to evolve into a Steenee with a devastating slap attack."
"Ash needs to begin training for a possible rematch against Tapu Koko. Sophocles helps out with scientific methods that yields surprising results. Naturally, this arouses Tapu Koko's interest. Tapu Koko challenges Ash and Pikachu with the whole Pok\u00e9mon school looking on. Are Ash and Pikachu strong enough with the Electrium Z-Crystal power to withstand the Island Guardian's powerful attacks?"
"On the advice of a local shopkeeper, Ash and Pikachi (partly to escape being dragged along on the girls' shopping spree) kayak to nearby Treasure Island, where there are lots of wild Pok\u00e9mon. After watching a group of Crabrawler, following an Cutiefly to a meadow full of friendly bug Pok\u00e9mon and having fun with a group of Alolan Exeggutor, they are overrun by a school of Wimpod who try to steal their snacks. Preparing to return home, they find a Wimpod trapped inside a blocked cave. With the help of one of the Exeggutor from earlier, they manage to reach and free Wimpod, who thanks Ash before returning to its school. Ash and Pikachu see another Island Guardian, Tapu Lele, who heals Ash's bruised hands."
"Ash and Pikachu run into Litten again, but this time something's very wrong with its friend the old Stoutland. Ash carries Stoutland to the Pok\u00e9mon Center, where Ash, Pikachu, and Rotom-Dex learn that Stoutland is dying. Litten and Stoutland escape from the Pok\u00e9mon Center and return to the riverside, where Stoutland passes away in the night. After realizing what has happened, Litten is heart-broken and refuses to be comforted by anyone. After Litten finally comes to terms with the loss of its friend, Ash asks Litten to join him. Litten decides to test him by battling against Pikachu. When the battle ends in a draw, Litten chooses to become one of Ash's Pok\u00e9mon. Team Rocket's Meowth, who for reasons of his own has been secretly watching everything, seems pleased by the outcome."
"While training Litten, who is having trouble mastering Fire Fang, Ash accidentally incurs the wrath of an unfriendly Sandygast when Rockruff's Rock Throw knocks the shovel off its head. Ash's attempt to temporarily replace it with Rotom-Dex only makes things worse. In a rage, Sandygast evolves into Palossand and swallows up Ash and also Litten when it tries to rescue him. With both Litten and Rotom-Dex affected by Palossand's energy drain, it is now up to the rest of Ash's classmates to save them. While Kiawe and the others keep Palossand busy, can Pikachu and Popplio find the lost shovel in time?"
"Ash and his classmates are excited to see DJ Leo, who is a popular local musician that plays music with his Alolan Dugtrio. After an Alolan Diglett that dances joins the group, the Dugtrio start quarreling among themselves as to which of them should take center stage. Amidst the threat of a split-up, Team Rocket steps in to steal Dugtrio."
"When the Pok\u00e9mon School announces a special Visitors Day, Ash's mother and Mr. Mime come for a visit. Delia charms everyone, including all of Ash's Alolan Pok\u00e9mon. Meanwhile, Ash faces one of his toughest challenges ever... giving a report in front of his classmates, the school visitors and now his own mother! When the Team Skull grunts crash the festivities on Tauros and start causing mayhem, Delia insists on standing up to them. Can Ash and his Pok\u00e9mon save the day?"
"When Team Rocket see Ash and Kiawe demonstrating Z-moves, they plot to find Z-crystals for themselves. While searching, Team Rocket run into Team Skull. Both gangs spot a Darkinium Z-crystal embedded in a large rock. Will they be able to work together to get through the infestation of Rattata and Raticate from earlier that are between them and the Z-crystal? If they can, how long will this alliance last? If they can't, who will get the Z-crystal first and will they be able to use it?"
"Sophocles and his family may be moving away, so Sophocles will have to leave the Pok\u00e9mon school and all his friends. Even though he tries to keep the news from his classmates, they can see that both he and Togedemaru are very upset. Ash and his friends work together to cheer up Sophocles with a farewell party. However, when Sophocles finds out he's made a mistake, he finds it very hard to tell his friends."
"A trainer named Gladion, dressed in black, battling with a powerful fiery-eyed Lycanroc and wearing a Z-ring, has appeared on Melemele Island. After seeing them in action, Ash naturally wants to battle Gladion; however, he's totally shocked when Lillie appears and calls Gladion her brother. Gladion seems cold towards Lillie and at first refuses Ash's challenge, but then learns that Ash got his Z-ring from Tapu Koko and had actually battled the Island Guardian. That night, Gladion's Umbreon delivers a note to Ash agreeing to battle. It's Ash's Rockruff versus Gladion's Lycanroc! However, Team Rocket, who saw Gladion defeat the Team Skull grunts earlier, can't resist getting involved. Ash and Gladion must work together to rescue Pikachu and Lycanroc."
"Grab your bats and mitts: Pok\u00e9mon Base season is upon us! Ash and friends can\u2019t get enough of the popular sport, especially after watching the final Pro League game, and they\u2019re delighted when Professor Kukui invites a star athlete to visit the Pok\u00e9mon School for a special lesson. The competition gets fierce when Team Rocket arrives for a game! Get ready for some intense sports action\u2014and the rare sight of Kiawe wearing a shirt!"
"Students and Pok\u00e9mon take a camping trip together. After they wake up feeling mysteriously drained, they realize there's something in the forest."
"Ash and his friends switch Pok\u00e9mon for two days for a class assignment. Ash takes Snowy to his house while Pikachu goes home with Lillie."
"The Akala Island Kahuna, Olivia, comes to the Pok\u00e9mon School. Ash and the rest of the class head to Akala for a practical class under her supervision."
"For the first class on Akala, Ash and his friends are paired with Stoutlands for a treasure hunt. Lillie and Lana struggle with their partners."
"With no class today, Ash and Lana go fishing, but they may end up catching more than they bargained for since the lagoon they're fishing in may contain a water-type Totem Pok\u00e9mon. If there is, then Lana is determined to battle it. Meanwhile, Kiawe takes the rest of the gang to visit his family's dairy farm, and Team Rocket doesn't seem to be having much luck with their own fishing."
"Ash and his friends go to the Wela Volcano Festival, where an Alolan Marowak appears and takes the \"Wela Crown\", which supposedly has the power to make Pok\u00e9mon stronger. Ash and Kiawe chase after it, which leads to a fierce battle between Marowak and Kiawe's Turtonator in which, even when using a Z-move, Turtonator is defeated. Kiawe is devastated and disheartened by the loss, but Ash and Turtonator encourage him. The next day, Kiawe and Turtonator face Marowak in a rematch, but this time Turtonator wins. Marowak not only returns the crown but also decides to join Kiawe as one of his Pok\u00e9mon. Marowak develops a rivalry with Turtonator in the process."
"Olivia and Professor Kukui send the class out to find ingredients for Akalan Curry in groups of two. The team of Ash and Mallow find their task more challenging than expected, especially in getting past angry Fomantis, an Alolan Parasect and an Alolan Diglett. Their search for the final ingredient brings them face-to-face with a Totem Lurantis. Ash and his Pok\u00e9mon must now battle Lurantis and its partner Castform, but there may be more to this than meets the eye."
"The day of Ash\u2019s grand trial against Kahuna Olivia is finally here, and it\u2019s a Double Battle! Olivia\u2019s Probopass and Lycanroc face off against Ash\u2019s Rowlet and a strangely aggressive Rockruff. After Olivia sets a trap on the battlefield, Ash instructs Rowlet to grab Rockruff by the scruff of the neck so they can fly above it. They defeat Probopass, but Rockruff lashes out at Rowlet and knocks it out!\n\nRockruff feels terrible about this but soon regains its focus and takes Lycanroc down. Ash wins the grand trial and the Rock-type Z-Crystal, and Olivia has an explanation for Rockruff\u2019s unusually aggressive behavior\u2014she thinks it\u2019s going to evolve soon!"
"After attacking Rowlet during Ash\u2019s grand trial, Rockruff is too upset to sleep. It sneaks out of the house and encounters Tapu Lele, who wants to battle! The Island Guardian thinks they\u2019re just having fun, but Rockruff is badly hurt.\n\nOlivia\u2019s Midday Form Lycanroc and Gladion\u2019s Midnight Form Lycanroc discover the injured Rockruff and take it to Tapu Lele for healing. After Ash comes looking for his friend, Tapu Lele uses Draining Kiss to take energy from both Lycanroc and give it to Rockruff. Rockruff is feeling better\u2014and then it evolves into a Lycanroc no one has ever seen before, a Dusk Form Lycanroc with bright green eyes!"
"When Team Rocket pounces, Ash is excited to show off his new Z-Move, but Lycanroc can\u2019t quite make it work. After Kiawe steps up to send the villains blasting off again, Jessie and Mimikyu land in a shopping mall\u2014and Mimikyu\u2019s disguise is torn!\n\nJessie thinks this is the perfect opportunity to get Mimikyu a new outfit, but it just isn\u2019t interested in changing its look. She finally agrees to mend the ripped cloth, and when they battle again, Mimikyu actually listens to Jessie\u2019s commands! Unfortunately for them, Lycanroc has been training hard, and it performs a perfect Z-Move that sends them blasting back to Bewear!"
"Mallow is excited when her family restaurant is featured on TV\u2014but it comes with a rush of customers, and her dad is too busy talking to the reporter to help. Eventually, she gets overwhelmed and storms off into the forest, where she falls and hurts her leg!\n\nMallow wakes up in the care of a kindly Oranguru, who offers her a Pinap Juice, a sympathetic ear\u2014and a battle partner when Team Rocket steals her Steenee! When Mallow\u2019s dad comes to find her, he happily greets Oranguru, who\u2019s an old friend, and then apologizes to Mallow for taking all her hard work for granted."
"After having little success using the Z-Move Hydro Vortex, Lana and Popplio meet Ida and her Brionne, who use the Z-Move as part of their show and agree to take Lana on as an apprentice! Lana and Popplio train hard\u2014and when Ida\u2019s sweetheart Kanoa returns with reports of sunken treasure, they join the expedition.\n\nThe treasure is guarded by a Dhelmise, who\u2019s already annoyed after a run-in with Team Rocket and traps Kanoa\u2019s boat in a powerful Whirlpool. Brionne goes up against it and loses, but after all that training, Popplio is ready. It uses Hydro Vortex to counter Dhelmise\u2019s Whirlpool and send it far away!"
"Sophocles has wanted to enter a Charjabug race for a long time, and now with Ash and Kiawe on his team, he finally can! The huge event features tough competitors, including the arrogant Red Comet team and a disguised Team Rocket.\n\nRed Comet is favored to win, and it starts out strong! But when it\u2019s time to confront a giant sheet of ice, everyone has problems\u2014except for a quick-thinking Sophocles, who uses his Charjabug\u2019s String Shot move to maintain traction. As Red Comet looks on in horror, the Sophocles Lab team reaches the finish line and becomes the happy winner!"
"Ash\u2019s Pok\u00e9mon School class is taking a field trip to the Kanto region! Principal Oak is excited to visit his famous cousin in Pallet Town, and Professor Kukui says some special guests will be joining them. When those guests turn out to be Brock and Misty, Ash is delighted!\n\nEveryone marvels at the many Pok\u00e9mon living at Professor Oak\u2019s lab, and Brock offers a demonstration of the difference between Kanto Pok\u00e9mon and their Alolan counterparts. Of course, Team Rocket is up to their old tricks, but the \u201coriginal Twerp trio\u201d quickly sends them blasting off again. Tomorrow, Misty has big plans for everyone: a battle at her own Cerulean Gym!"
"Our heroes visit the Cerulean Gym, where the Alola students get their first taste of a Gym battle! Mallow and Lana challenge Misty, who praises their battle instincts after her victory. Next, Sophocles and Lillie face Brock and his Geodude\u2014and Sophocles forgets that the Kanto Geodude is a Ground type, so his Electric-type moves won\u2019t work!\n\nKiawe\u2019s Turtonator goes up against Brock\u2019s Steelix, and both Trainers show their full power as Steelix Mega Evolves and Turtonator uses a Z-Move. Finally, it\u2019s Ash and Pikachu vs. Misty and Gyarados, just like old times! Misty also uses Mega Evolution, but Pikachu\u2019s Z-Move manages to take down the mighty Mega Gyarados!"
Season 21 - Pokémon
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"The Pok\u00e9mon School class is sculpting with clay today! But while our heroes muse about various Pok\u00e9mon and places, they disappear one by one\u2014first appearing at the scenes of their musings, then reappearing back at school! They soon realize Nebby had used Teleport to take them to the places and Pok\u00e9mon they were thinking about.\n\nMeanwhile, Team Rocket is determined to catch Nebby. They succeed, but thanks to Teleport, Bewear carries the trio off...and Nebby makes its way back to Ash\u2014all by itself! After Ash and Pikachu visit the places the rest of the class saw earlier, one thing becomes obvious: Nebby is growing up!"
Season 22 - Pokémon
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"Following her standing up to Tapu Fini, Hapu has finally become the Island Kahuna of Poni Island, and Ash challenges her to her Grand Trial. Her trial requires Ash to battle her with just one Pok\u00e9mon. With Hapu using her Mudsale, Ash and Pikachi face a tough battle. Will they be able to win the Grand Trial and finish Ash's research project?"
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"Professor Oak has finished his research on the mysterious new Pok\u00e9mon Ash reported and names the new Pok\u00e9mon Meltan, a Steel-type. One of the Meltan has grown attached to Ash's Rowlet and stows away in Ash's backpack with Rowlet to join them all at the Pok\u00e9mon School, but after an incident with a Murkrow, it loses its Hex-Nut. Rowlet tries to replace it but nothing he tries seems to work, so he and Meltan head out to find its Hex-Nut. However, they run into Team Rocket, who have found Meltan's Hex-Nut and are still after all the Meltan. Will Rowlet be able to protect Meltan?"
"Sophocles is on a TV quiz show, so Ash and the gang come to the station to cheer him on. While there, they see the filming of a series starring a Magikarp; however, the Magikarp seems to have something wrong with it. On another TV show, the regular actresses don't show up in time, which leads to Lana, Mallow and Lillie being cast as replacements."
"A new Ultra Beast, Pheromosa, has appeared and started attacking trainers and stealing their Z-Crystals. The Ultra Guardians are tasked with stopping Pheromosa. Pheromosa steals Team Rocket's Z-Crystals, but while trying to stop it Meowth falls in love with Pheromosa. Will anybody be able to stop it before it's too late?"
"After much planning, Professor Kukui has finally announced the formation of a Pok\u00e9mon League in Alola. However, while the rest of Alola (including Team Rocket) celebrates and gets ready, Team Skull's leader Guzma is enraged and decides that he will destroy the new Pok\u00e9mon League, and heads over to the Pok\u00e9mon School to confront Kukui. Before things can get ugly, Ash challenges Guzma to a battle. It's Pikachu vs. Guzma's Golisopod; who will win, and why does Guzma hate Kukui so much?"
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