The Ropers

The Ropers is an American sitcom that ran from March 13, 1979 to May 22, 1980 on ABC. The series is a spin-off of Three's Company and based on the British sitcom George and Mildred. The series focused on middle-aged couple Stanley and Helen Roper who were landlords to Jack, Janet, and Chrissy on Three's Company. As was the case during their time on Three's Company, opening credits for The Ropers exist with either Audra Lindley or Norman Fell credited first.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 30m

Release: 1979

Rating: 5.3

Season 1 - The Ropers
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10 Apr 1979
"Helen's mother comes for a visit. But later it is revealed that she has no place to go. So Helen and her two sisters get together to decide what to do, cause none of them really want her living with them."
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Season 2 - The Ropers
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22 Sep 1979
"A man shows up and claims to be Stanley's son. Stanley admits to know his mother, but doesn't remember the night that she claimed to conceive her son. Roper goes to talk to a friend who was..."
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06 Oct 1979
"Helen adores the Brookes' boy, David, which leads her to feel she and Stanley could adopt a baby. Stanley is against it. Still, she calls an agency and sets up a home interview."
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03 Nov 1979
"A fire in the kitchen leads to the Ropers having to stay with the Brookes family until their place is ready again. However, Stanley's behavior gets on Jeffrey's last nerve."
17 Nov 1979
"Helen hires Stanley's friend, Joey, to haul out their furniture so she can redecorate. Her brother in law, Hubert, hears of Helen's plan and decides to buy some new furniture. Joey offers ..."
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01 Dec 1979
"Jeffrey Brookes has a secret. His Uncle Bill is a free spirited \"hobo\" who has no interest in material things. To his horror, Bill shows up at his doorstep...but not before Stanley meets him and hires Bill to help around his place."
15 Dec 1979
"When Stanley is being inattentive towards Helen, she decides to make him jealous by pretending to have an affair with the gardener. Both Anne and Jeffrey Brookes decide to help out and also hire some other guys to pose as Helen's lover."
26 Jan 1980
"A young woman without a place to live has been sleeping in the Ropers' storage room. Stanley thinks the girl is a dangerous \"dope fiend\" while Helen wants to let her stay."
02 Feb 1980
"Mr. Roper decides to fix Jenny up with Brookes' nephew and Brookes freaks out upon learning about it."
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16 Feb 1980
"Helen's and David's birthday party is a disaster when first Stanley and Jeffrey and then Helen and Anne start squabbling."
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08 Mar 1980
"Helen volunteers Stanley to babysit on his poker night."