
The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 45m

Release: 2016

Rating: 7.3

Season 1 - Victoria
"In 1838, at the age of 18, young princess Alexandrina's life is transformed when she ascends the throne of Great Britain and becomes Queen Victoria. Suddenly finding herself freed of the repressive shackles placed on her by her mother's advisor, Conroy, she builds a new alliance with the charismatic prime minister Lord Melbourne."
"Lord Melbourne's resignation as Prime Minister leaves Victoria devastated.\u00a0As Lord Melbourne's popularity in the house wanes, the Tories eagerly await their imminent triumph, while the Duke of Cumberland views it as a chance to prey on his niece's vulnerability."
"A Chartist uprising in Newport underlines the instability of the monarchy.\u00a0King Leopold suggests to Victoria that she consider Prince Albert as a possible consort, a development that results in the young queen being surrounded by suitors."
"Prince Albert arrives in England for the first time, and he and Victoria take an instant dislike to each other in an awkward first encounter. Below stairs, Albert's valet clashes with the royal servants, while Skerrett is visited by a girl in need of money."
"Melbourne warns Victoria that Parliament will not be happy about her marrying a German prince, a prediction that proves all too accurate when the Privy Council refuse to grant Albert a royal title. The prince fears for his future in England, while Victoria succumbs to paranoia, becoming convinced that he only intends to marry her for the financial independence he will gain."
"Albert feels he needs a greater role in public affairs, and becomes involved in the anti-slavery movement. Victoria matches wills with the Duke of Sussex to see that her husband is granted more respect, while Skerrett faces a dilemma when she realises that the only person who can save her cousin and child from certain death is the man she trusts the least."
"The queen becomes pregnant, and declares that Albert will become head of state in the event of her death. The developments outrage members of the Tory party, who fear a German prince holding sway over the nation and make arrangements to disrupt his visit to the industrial north. The consort finds an unlikely ally in Sir Robert Peel, who seeks royal approval for the rapidly developing railway. At first, Victoria does not approve, but soon changes her mind when she experiences Peel's creation for herself."
"A heavily pregnant Victoria is frustrated by both Albert and her mother's attempts to confine her to the Palace. Cumberland arrives in London, hoping that Victoria may die in childbirth, as he is still the heir Presumptive. Determined to show herself in public, Victoria goes for a drive and is accosted by an unhinged admirer, desperate to free her from her \u2018German tyrant'. Whilst Victoria is taken aback, she is resolute that it will not frighten her and despite Albert's misgiving, goes out again."
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Season 2 - Victoria
"New mother Victoria is impatient to return to the business of ruling a nation, while Albert attempts to protect her from bad news in Afghanistan."
"Victoria realises that she is pregnant again, and her equilibrium is threatened by Albert's burgeoning friendship with female mathematician Ada Lovelace."
"Discontent is growing in the country, and upon hearing the pleas of a silk weaver of Spitalfields, Victoria decides she must help. Against Peel and Albert's advice, she hatches a plan: a fantastic medieval ball at the Palace, where the attendees have to wear costumes made from Spitalfields silk."
"The royal court celebrates the birth of the Queen's second child, but Victoria alone is unhappy as she struggles to bond with her newborn son. A crisis compels Albert to return to Coburg, separating the couple for the first time since their wedding. Skerrett makes a disastrous mistake, while Drummond's relationship with Lord Alfred comes under threat."
"The young monarch decides it is time to try her hand at foreign relations, as she and an entourage of servants and fellow royals set sail for France."
"The queen is horrified by news of famine sweeping Ireland, and tries to persuade the government to take action. However, Peel is reluctant to get involved, fearing that sending aid will destabilise his own party. The crisis soon strikes at the heart of the royal household, while a determined Reverend turns up on Victoria's doorstep, demanding help for his parish."
"After a series of assassination attempts, the queen is forced to seek sanctuary far from the palace. She and Albert travel to the Scottish Highlands. Travelling incognito gives both the royal couple and their servants a freedom they do not often experience."
"Albert resents Lehzen's influence over the queen, and fears she is putting the health of their child at risk. The prince also unwittingly creates problems for Peel, who is facing the most important battle of his political career as he takes a stand against the corn laws, only to find that Albert has played into their enemies' hands. When tragedy strikes, personal and political sacrifices must be made. Last in the series."
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Season 3 - Victoria
"Revolution sweeps across Europe and pressure builds on Victoria with new arrivals at the Palace."
"Victoria must decide whether to fight the Chartists with force or allow them to present their petition."
"At Osborne House, Albert relishes the opportunity to spend time with the family away from London, but Victoria is desperate to get back to the Palace and the business of politics."
"When Albert leaves the Palace for Cambridge, Victoria faces the traumatic impact of a cholera epidemic on the streets of London."
"After an assassination attempt, the Royal household visit Ireland. Intrigue, conflict and romance all blossom during a stay at the Palmerston estate."
"A Georgian ball at the Palace could not come at a worse time as private pictures of the Royal family are made public."
"Albert and Palmerston put their reputations on the line, and Victoria must fight against her better judgment to decide where to place her allegiance."
"The world's eyes are on the Great Exhibition, and the Royal couple. Does triumph or failure beckon? Lives will be changed forever as intrigue unfolds amongst the exhibits."